Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
Do you have a desperate need to improve your self confidence? Stay tuned as I share these three self improvement tips on how you can do so.
Every grown man and woman ought to be confident in his or her actions. However, I do know that not everyone may be confident. There could be a number of ... Views: 1585
Most of us are taught that if we try hard enough we can accomplish any goal. But sometimes, when we’ve spent years training ourselves into a habit, determination isn’t going to be enough to change that pattern. Of course being determined is an essential ingredient in changing your habits but in ... Views: 1505
A very wealthy man raised a beautiful son who was given all the finest luxuries life could offer, yet the son had the belief that he could live more fulfilled under his own accord. The son being caught with wild emotions of pride and grandeur was certain that separation from his family and old ... Views: 2192
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." ~Isaac Newton
"Calculus" is a label we might use to signify impenetrable mathematics, egghead stuff that only nerdy professor types can understand, let alone use.
No ... Views: 2362
Have you found yourself stuck? You have a desire you want and you just can’t seem to make it happen. You believe you have tried everything and nothing works for you. However, you still believe that you can work through this and get a happy result.
When you look around, you can see people who ... Views: 1658
You’ve heard people say again and again, “I learned more from my mistakes than my successes.” My reply is “I doubt it.”
They’ll spend hours, days, and endless energy trying to correct (or worse defend) a mistake by analyzing and dissecting in post mortem, generally producing a patched up ... Views: 1719
Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehner need a vision. I'm sure they both have ideas about where they want to lead, but there is no joint vision. Any organization, whether it is a small shop with three staff members, or a country of 300 million, must be vision-driven if it is to succeed. If we don't ask ... Views: 1428
Misconception can be the method in which you would fool someone into believing that something based on a lie is the truth, and it can be used in the other way around. Art is one of the most well-known methods to spread ideas, but not through telling the truth. Art and literature use lies to ... Views: 1161
When you meet someone new, what are you drawn to? What turns you off or diminishing your desire to connect with that person?
People naturally gravitate to energetic, enthusiastic individuals. And, studies (and common sense) show that happier people are more successful in all areas of life, ... Views: 1300
There are many ways to see things, yet we often stay committed to one version of reality...even if it keeps us stuck.
A while back, I had a coaching session with a woman who was convinced she couldn't do what she really wanted to do with her life.
She longed to change careers, but was ... Views: 1348
Despite a few false alarms, including a recent snow incident, spring has finally sprung. And therein is the illusion. I am not implying that it could snow again (although stranger things have happened). Rather, I am noting that spring starts springing way before most of us notice.
In early ... Views: 1302
To polarize is to divide into sharply opposing groups or sides. We sometimes see polarization as a problem, for example in politics. People have opposing views in the areas of gun control, abortion, gay marriage, and health care. The polarity that we see is not a problem once you understand that ... Views: 1415
We’ve all been in that place, but the uncertainty can mean the beginning of an important transformation.
The days start innocently enough. We wake up, a bit sleepier then usual, and we don’t really want to get out of bed. Wouldn’t it be nice if today were a Saturday or Sunday? And yet, at ... Views: 1586
To be perfectly honest, the title is a lie. In all truth, we cannot make people change. It’s impossible. The very thought is devilish; didn’t Satan want to force us to do what he wanted, and take away our ability to choose?
We cannot make people change, but as long as we are doing it for the ... Views: 1613
Do you ever feel that your work is taking up more and more of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energy? On top of that you may be chauffeuring the kids or grandkids to their ballet classes, birthday parties, or soccer games. You might also be looking after an elderly parent. ... Views: 1248
We all lead busy lives. No doubt. The problem with living busy lives is that we forget, sometimes, about the living part.
Part of living is in the everyday interaction. It’s seeing the person whose eyes you avoid as you walk down the street, or the waitress who served you, the person who ... Views: 1384
You are a warrior.
Each person, by nature, is a warrior. Some people may not realize this but we are all fighting the battle of life every moment of every day. Most people are desperately fighting to win the battle against hunger and to provide for themselves and family, the basic needs of ... Views: 1166
Are you aware of the benefits of hypnosis? It can help you achieve a better lifestyle. I will talk more about that in this article. However, let me start off by telling you what hypnosis is about.
Hypnosis is a means of altering a person’s mental and emotional state. It may give you a ... Views: 2373
Feminine energies are becoming stronger than ever, both in a regenerative sense (Mother Earth re-balancing and re-shaping things) and in the awareness and sense of community and connection that global changes bring about.
In order to embrace the Feminine within and without, it is time to ... Views: 1851
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.
- Helen Keller, 1880-1968, American Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer
The greatest men and women of all ages have practiced solitude regularly. They learned how to use silence to ... Views: 1689
Life will always throw us challenges that sometimes are mild but can also devastating. Being able to rise above these challenges can often be so difficult the only way to deal with them is by patience, trying to be calm and taking each day at a time. Yes I know, try telling the person who is ... Views: 3830
I’ve noticed there is a societal expectation that we should pick something we want to do from a very early age and pursue it by education and vocation. We love “experts” and success stories of people who “stuck with it” and “followed their life-long dreams.” When we show up in ways that are ... Views: 1935
The model of “personal growth” has been consistent throughout the “empowerment” age: find out what’s wrong, and fix it. Its proponents work to understand and heal the past to create a different future. The idea is that over time your true and authentic being will emerge and take hold. ... Views: 2216
As we enter yet another year, the reality of so many people around the world seems to be getting harsher and more painful. And it truly bothers me! Each time I hear about the many challenges that we face as a society, whether it’s about the recession, high unemployment rate, unfulfilled ... Views: 1729
Technology transfer and licensing are integral to business creation and growth in the US. The push is on in the US to create more jobs, and largely through creating new companies, and expanding small-to-madcap businesses, especially those whose classic markets, such as services, are in upheaval ... Views: 1196
Whether your goal is to lose weight, change careers or finally end the relationship you know is going nowhere, we all come to points in our lives when change is necessary. In fact, many great philosophers and spiritual leaders have said that change is the only constant presence in our lives. ... Views: 2572
There have been moments of great change and transformation throughout my life, to the extent that I feel as if I have lived many lives within one.
As we grow up, we develop ideas about relationships, roles, life, and the world and how it works. I want you to imagine that you have a personal ... Views: 1361
We find ourselves at a unique point in history: at the precipice of human transformation. In this world of rapid change and mass confusion, many of us feel a deep longing for something more—for connection, love, joy, peace and meaning. We are all awakening, each in our own way and in our own ... Views: 1700
When a caterpillar approaches its time of transformation, it begins to eat ravenously, consuming everything in sight. The caterpillar outgrows its own skin many times, until it is too bloated to move. It turns its world on its head as it attaches itself upside-down to a branch and forms a ... Views: 2136
Having a neuroscience background and having owned and operated a surgical and medical practice for many years prepared me for the new next level expression of my life purpose – to restore vision. It’s obvious how an eye surgeon restores vision. Then there’s expanding the vision for one’s life – ... Views: 1383
Lest intellectualism that today is immersed in setting up big cities everywhere was instead diverted in making plans of setting up advanced villages we would have witnessed small self dependent advanced rural areas everywhere. Neither thus would urban areas get over populated, become dirty and ... Views: 1478
The year 2012 in almost ending, as the holiday season knocks on our door. It’s time to be around the family and enjoy some quality time together. But it’s also a great time to review the main events of the passing year and think about what’s coming up for 2013.
Out with the Old and in with ... Views: 1420
I am addressing you, personally, in this article, as if we were face to face, and you were my only reader. There is a powerful method for achieving goals that no one is talking about because it is so new, and because it is so very different from what has gone before. I will share that with you ... Views: 1114
The concept of yin and yang is used a lot in contemporary language, but the beauty and breadth of this concept is not always fully understood. Yin and yang can serve to guide and give us a framework for virtually anything life serves up. It's especially useful when approaching the inescapability ... Views: 1432
As the year draws to a close I am reminded of the wonderful journey to South America I shared with a good friend of mine five winters ago. It was enriching to get a taste of different customs and celebrations over the holiday season on our journey. An experience that stands out in my memory is ... Views: 1219
B: Blessed beyond compare are we when we have beautiful friends. Beside me, I feel so blessed, loved and cared for. Friends certainly bless our lives and are a blessing.
L: Loving thoughts are all I feel for my friends. Loving ways are the hallmarks of great ... Views: 1795
Who defines you?
What do you say when asked, “what do you do?”
Do you ever feel like just a mom, just a daughter, a girlfriend, a husband? The wacky aunt, maybe?
I ask you this because we have almost reached winter. Winter is typically the time of introspection for the year, but of ... Views: 1364
Everyone’s life has been influenced by a teacher. Chances are a good friend or relative of yours is in the profession. There are currently about 6.2 million teachers in the United States. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 46% of new teachers leave the profession before ... Views: 1482
The Tsunami of Appreciation Blessing - kick start great blessings in your life with a wave of appreciation that blesses, waters and nurtures you and your surroundings.
B: Begin with your surroundings and find one thing you can appreciate and put your appreciative focus upon it: a ... Views: 1693
A radical inner transformation and rise to a new level of consciousness might be the only real hope we have in the current global crisis brought on by the dominance of the Western mechanistic paradigm. ~ Stanislav Grof
A brisk walk on the beach and luminous meditation, perched on a giant ... Views: 1183
The topic of Motivation is easy to talk about, but fairly difficult to invoke on a regular basis. I remember as a kid my parents trying to motivate me to do my homework - something I hated doing. They were able to do it, however, because their "motivation" technique involved the use of spanking ... Views: 2014
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I often tell my students that there’s a rather big distinction between "wishing" and "willing."
To make the distinction, I tell this story:
I've always wished I could play ... Views: 3687
About a month ago, I borrowed a puzzle from a friend. Putting it together turned it into a “puz-soul”. The lessons were many and they are still happening in spite of the fact that it is already back in the box. Since the analogies continue to help me daily, I’ve decided to share them with you. ... Views: 1223
Being a transformation coach is much more than just a job. It is a rewarding career that will not only help you succeed in your own endeavors, but will also allow you to help countless people reach their goals as well. It doesn’t have to be complicated, difficult, or confusing either. By ... Views: 2095
How much time do you spend each week on the internet, watching the television, vegging out…? (please feel free to add to the list).
Even though these activities feel good, relaxing or reassuring in the moment, how much do they add to your life? How much do they make your life exciting, ... Views: 1376
If you’re a brand new alumna of the education system, then this September will be your first without that back-to-school buzz. It’s time to tuck in your shirt and polish up your shoes, because we’re all embarking on the road to employment glory. If, like me, you've spent three years repairing ... Views: 1688
An Honest Look into a Mindfulness Journey from Ancient Europe's Perspective
"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use." Carlos Castaneda
Why do ... Views: 3540
Have you ever experienced not wanting to listen to the whispers of your Soul?
Last week I had an argument with my Soul about flying across country for my business. In the end, my body had to take me out of the discussion. I got sick. I wasn’t going to San Diego. Period. And that’s the end of ... Views: 1626
Four thousand chemical compounds in one little white stick, or — to be more precise — in the smoke coming out of it.
More than 50 of them are proven to be carcinogenic. Just listen to the more familiar names — and what they represent — to get the feeling of what they are: benzene—petrol ... Views: 1435
“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”
Abraham H. Maslow
I was a smoker who was savoring every stick, taking pleasure in every puff, and feeling ... Views: 1496