Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
Fear is one of the most difficult emotions to manage. But if we don’t learn how to manage our own fear and help those around us to manage theirs, we are going to turn crisis into disaster. As a former psychotherapist I have spent many years witnessing people’s reactions to their own fear (and ... Views: 1854
Live by Example
We’ve all heard the saying, “lead by example,” but not everyone embraces the theme anymore. Seems we’re crying out for change. Have you noticed how easy it is for some to tell but not do? And how the listening to those “tellers” seems to be going out the door?
Maybe we lost ... Views: 5568
If you have ever felt stuck, you know how frustrating it can be. You want to move forward, but can't seem to get traction. Or you vacillate back and forth between alternative courses of action, unable to make your decision.
In my 30 years of experience helping people get unstuck, I have ... Views: 4223
Make your life a truly, divinely inspired one! Through daily conscious intentionality, your life has the ability to achieve unlimited potentiality. Using conscious intention to bring ourselves into wholeness allows for us to move into the realm of conscious co-creation. By taking time to honor ... Views: 1850
The Comfort Zone is a place that we settle into that is familiar, has low stress, and has little or no challenge. It is where we maintain the status quo, or the norm. The Comfort Zone is not necessarily a comfortable place. Many people become familiar with misery, jealousy, pain, suffering, ... Views: 6988
We all want growth and transformation. That journey is a personal one yet does it happen for us just on a personal level.
Through many years of questioning this and utilising many teachings and various theories I have come to realise it is a combination of both our personal choice and ... Views: 862
Standing under the shaded cathedral of tall oak trees, I looked out upon a body of water alive with shimmering golden light. My soul was enchanted. In my mind's eye I could envision Native Americans living in this sacred place. I felt as though the earth, trees and water were pulling me into ... Views: 1407
It is all-visible to each 'presence' within our entire population; however the effect of each choice in the filter of their own consciousness is often one of the ‘hidden’ processes that take place, regardless of the external activity. These are processes that one internalizes and rarely offers ... Views: 2311
On January 31st, I had the honor and privilege of presenting the first of four half-day workshops, titled, “The Transformation Series.” It was held in Olympia, Washington, at Abundant Fitness Center ( The work centered on the first two chapters of my book, “WHO ... Views: 1187
During a recent segment on an ESPN sports show, Andre Iguodala of the Philadelphia 76ers was being interviewed by one of the show's reporters. As the hour wound down, the in-studio host asked Mr. Iguodala, "Why did you do the interview outside? It's so cold, and you're not even wearing a hat." ... Views: 1016
Transformation is a process. It is evolutionary, not revolutionary. Much in the way a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, over time and in stages, leaving an old form behind to become a new one. Transformation is accomplished by changing many beliefs, thoughts and behaviors over time. It is ... Views: 1242
Are aliens real
When you consider what you are in the universe then consider your place as if your were all a family that no longer lives in one place, as it had when the family was born and grew up as a family unit.
Now the family has moved on. Its members live in different places; in this ... Views: 1423
Have you ever wondered to yourself, “Who am I?”
On the road to discovering my true self, I discovered that I already possessed everything I needed to heal and restore my battered and torn spirit. Before I received this revelation, however, I often just wanted to throw in the towel. I simply ... Views: 1105
Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world. Behind the obvious physical being is a series of more subtle vehicles of emotional, mental and spiritual consciousness, which includes a series of subtle bodies and a system of ... Views: 5113
I am new to this ‘radiating kindness’ thing but I am fast learning how powerful it is. It is an attitude that can change your life, your level of happiness and help you attract amazing things to yourself as well. When you are radiating kindness you begin to feel like not a lot else really ... Views: 2265
I recently saw a T-shirt that said, "Bloom Where You Are Planted!"
It is a great notion and basically says, you can grow, learn and thrive regardless of your life situation. Where you are in life, with all the good, difficult, confusing, and exciting choices, is never an excuse to wither or ... Views: 1132
Yesterday I had the special opportunity to speak at a mom's club meeting in my area. I found myself in the company of intelligent, loving, curious and nurturing women. The theme of my message was "living a life aligned with your values." This seems like such an easy concept, but when we look, ... Views: 1148
Did you know you have over a trillion cells in your body working for you right now? All kinds of cells from brain cells to skin cells to those that make up your organs and blood. They are all part of your energetic army. Yes they are actually made of energy. We now know that the smallest unit of ... Views: 950
Our ego loves stuff.
On the contrary, our spiritual-self has no attachment to anything because our divine-self knows it is not ours. Someday it will belong to another. Sure we use it while we are here, take care of it and perhaps admire it, but it will someday be another person's stuff, it is ... Views: 1032
Self-sabotage can be sneaky. It's deceptive and challenging to recognize. It is made up of fear and anger and can have many layers. What have you witnessed about your own sabotaging actions and emotions? How do they control you, paralyze you and poison you? How can you begin to heal and ... Views: 4018
If there is one thing you need in order to help yourself on this journey to self discovering it's awareness. Awareness is the state of being conscious of something or a sense of knowing (either by perception or by means of information) and is your key to transforming your current way of ... Views: 2500
Reflect on this and see if whether or not you think it’s true:
The thing that has the biggest effect on you and your life experience is you. I say this because no matter what situation is presented to you, you have the power to look at said situation in any manner you please. This is ... Views: 1177
You are a center of influence. You are a nucleus. Everything you think, feel, say, and do has a ripple effect. Your effect ripples outward and affects the world. You affect the people in your life--in your family, in your workplace, in your community--you have an effect.
Unfortunately, most ... Views: 1095
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Transformation. Through the process of transformation, you can change yourself into the person you want to be. Werner Erhard is the Official Guide to Transformation.
The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal ... Views: 1815
By Werner Erhard, 1984
The subject of this article is transformation – a deep, profound and committed choice about the way we live our lives. Transformation is the possibility for a breakthrough in our living, a clearing for aliveness to show up in our everyday ... Views: 4108
The man was wondering, who am I ? And two voices in unison, answered :
- You are a man who is always called to justice, peace, good and eternity.
But another voice said : - You are the dream of a dream. You are the son of desire. You love to have pleasure just because you want to please ... Views: 1764
Presentation By Werner Erhard At The Eranos Conference 2006
Ascona, Switzerland
18 June 2006
While I was asked to speak about individual and social transformation, I will start by talking about knowing.
Think of the circle I have drawn here as containing all knowledge. The circle is divided ... Views: 1851
As I lie restless in a cold room, I can smell a strong sweet and sour nauseous scent. There are noisy electrical machines attached to my body, a long tube jammed down my throat, and fluids are being transfused into the veins of both of my arms. I wonder,
"Where am I and what are they trying to ... Views: 2188
The other night I saw a TV program discussing how the number of applications for holiday retail jobs is surging. But with most companies either drastically reducing seasonal help or eliminating it altogether, it’s a lot tougher to find that extra cash we all need so badly. One woman who was ... Views: 1591
Creating a dream-come-true life might sound like a fairy tale; however, it is possible if you go about it in the right way. It takes patience, determination, courage, and an extreme desire to succeed. If you really want to make life-altering changes, there are ten things you must do. Follow ... Views: 882
I would like to share with you some horse secrets. We see the world differently. You humans talk of being superior – you have beliefs that are not true. We see the truth of how things really are; all animals do.
I will tell you ten things you believe that are false:
1. Beings are separate.
We ... Views: 782
Most paradigm shifts happen in increments, rather than one huge burst. The increments represent the micro-movements and changes within the cellular level. Like small twitches, little shifts occur that add up to huge change. While in the process of these micro-movements, the deep underlying ... Views: 1551
One of the archetypical human struggles seems to be a tension between the desire to serve something greater than ourselves - be it a cause, a group, an individual - and the recognition of the fundamental importance of meeting our own needs, through having a disposable income. In the attempt to ... Views: 1157
The news has not been good, pleasant or happy for some time now. The talking heads of media of all shapes and sizes and outlets tell us how bad we have it, that it is going to get worse. I see a vision of cartoon characters running around like Chicken Little, shouting, “the Dow is falling, ... Views: 1245
A fundamental shift in humanity’s consciousness— our way of both perceiving and acting in the world has been developing over the past few decades and will continue to develop through much of the twenty-first century. The shift accompanies a profound rite of passage that the earth ... Views: 3543
Please Relax and have an Open Mind, Imagine that you have No Name, No Memories, No Identity as this will help you Dissolve the information at a Neutral level of ... Views: 948
“…when you reach an advanced age and look back over your lifetime, it can seem to have had a consistent order and plan, as though composed by some novelist. Events that when they occurred had seemed accidental and of little moment turn out to have been indispensable factors in the ... Views: 698
Nowadays, Lotus Company is getting famous for its brand new sports car which is known as the Lotus Elise. The Lotus Elise is known to be the creation of the person named as Max David who is from London. The founder of the Lotus Company is Colin Chapman. The dream of this person was to ... Views: 904
I know God will not give me anything I cannot handle I just wish he didn’t trust me so much
~ Mother Teresa ~
Life has become a fast food meal to be scoffed down and digested on the run. We dont have the luxury of sitting down and enjoying the banquet of beauty Mother Earth lays ... Views: 1798
House to Home Redesign, Inc.
We’re all watching our spending habits in this economy. Here are 5 quick tips for maximizing the power of your decorating dollar:
1) Paint one wall. Be bold! Pick a color you love and try it out on one wall. What have you got to lose? ... Views: 1136
If you've dreamed of purchasing a great gift for many different occasions or the gift of a lifetime, it is likely that the gift you selected isn't as personalized as you wished it would be. The best thing about these Personalized Photo Blankets is that it is loved by people of all ages and is ... Views: 2296
Being a human on this planet can be fraught with challenges. We go through illness, accidents, divorces, violence...sometimes, life is not very easy. Challenges come to help us choose a new reality – one of forgiveness, unity and peace. On the way, most of us will go through some emotional ... Views: 1265
In spite of the distractions provided by the upcoming election; the threats to our environment, our economy, and our families still trouble me deeply. I am unsettled by the rise in groceries, fuel, heating costs, and unemployment. I worry about the welfare of my more vulnerable brothers and ... Views: 1068
Transformation is the wonderful process of moving into who we really are. It involves shedding old habits that no longer serve us, revamping outdated beliefs that limit us, and discarding rigid roles that confine us. This process opens us up to our inner truth and our divine wisdom. From this ... Views: 1590
Let me start by saying that I am a firm believer in the laws of universal attraction – a.k.a “The Secret”. At the same time however, I must add that there is so much about this law that I do not understand. I’ve seen the law in action in both my own life as well as in the lives of many others ... Views: 2885
Images. . . . What are images? None of our religions asks us to look into images, which would be a shift of consciousness. Instead, our religions reinforce our images. So, what are images, and why do we create them? More importantly, why do we then use images to direct our lives, instead of ... Views: 740
Beyond desktop and mainframe computing, advent of web technologies and resulting shared applications are creating new ways to meet some or almost all aspects of information technology (IT) needs. Concept of application service provision has come a long way since it first came on the scene in the ... Views: 664
Eastern esoteric traditions believe that Shakti is a coiled up snake that rests in the triangle in the small of the back. This snake is the symbol of transformation, healing and change. Just as the caduceus is the Western symbol of the medical profession with two serpents twined around a staff ... Views: 1180
It all starts with you! The real transformation of humanity is taking place in the field, cellular membranes, brain, nervous system and bodymind by clearing the old patterns and bringing these areas up to a higher frequency. Earth’s vibration has risen in the short time that we have been ... Views: 1222
Do you get confused when changes happen in your body? Within each level of consciousness exists different worldviews, different ways of living and perceiving reality. Shifting from one frequency to another requires a shift in thinking patterns and a subsequent shift in the quality of your life ... Views: 1102