Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
Do you ever wonder where it all began? Perhaps you know exactly. Personally, I don’t have a clue but it appears now and again. The cool thing is its changing.
I’m talking about a phenomenon called Arguing for Your Limitations.
It’s an interesting thing to pull apart don’t you think? When ... Views: 1134
The quality of your actions and the results are relative to the level of awareness that we possess. A strong character is the foundation and roots that hold up the massive structure of a complete human being.
"Character is Destiny"
Heraclitus, Pre-Socratic philosopher
These ... Views: 1327
Let's set the record straight. Achieving success is not super easy, but it can be fast if you do a few things right.
If you think you’re going to read about S.M.A.R.T. goals or anything remotely close to the ordinary, you’re in for a rude awakening. That’s not what this article is about. I ... Views: 2158
Attending the live conference in Puerto Rico last week and having the opportunity to learn from some of the most amazing speakers was truly life transformational for us. This is the fantastic community I currently find myself involved in. To be surrounded by empowering and uplifting people for ... Views: 1221
As I began making some changes in my life, I became increasingly drawn to butterflies. It was as if somewhere deep in my soul I knew that they had much to teach me. I had always appreciated the beauty of butterflies, and seen them as symbols of the new life that God makes possible, but ... Views: 2849
There is no limit to living your potential when you imbibe self-discipline into your life. As Jim Rohn said, “SUCCESS is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while FAILURE is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.” It is the accumulative weight of our ... Views: 1021
Courage: from Anglo-French, coer heart. A quality of mind or spirit (heart) that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, without fear.
I had done a five day intensive retreat with twenty-five, Youth at Risk on the coast of England. The course had been an amazing experience for ... Views: 1941
Statistics like 10% unemployment and reports of 50% pay cuts barely capture the pain and anxiety that so many of us are experiencing in today's struggling economy. How can we get through this rough period and also figure out how to succeed in such troubling times? How can we set the economic ... Views: 1624
Once again that uncomfortable feeling pays a visit, but this time you cannot close the door and just ignore it. The discomfort that you are feeling is with yourself. Your life does not fit you, and it has not for a long time. You know that you cannot alter your life the way you would a garment, ... Views: 2398
Each day we wake up with the chance of making today the best day of our life. We have the choice to have a good day. We must use our free will and choose to have that best day of our life. How can we do this each morning as the alarm wakes us from our dreams?
About three weeks ago, I woke up ... Views: 1465
Coaching for Acting vs for Life is most often the same. Here are a few thoughts that work for both:
• Think in terms of what is “core” and what is “essential.” It works in Life as well as for Acting.
• When ego’s out of the way, you don’t have to show or prove anything. Again, great for ... Views: 1117
Why are decisions so difficult? Because each one has ramifications – and we are looking for our choices to be perfect…to answer every need and criteria. What a shock – they usually don’t.
I suggest you look at the following:
- Why has the item or event to decide upon come about?
- ... Views: 1083
Once upon a time, Jehovah God Almighty created a paradise garden on the newly formed Earth, which became the home of Adam and Eve, the first two people who ever lived. God told them to be fruitful and multiply and be the masters over the Earth and all the living creatures of the skies, lands, ... Views: 4998
It sounds simple: just love and accept yourself and your life works! This is the foundation of the work of Louise Hay. Building a strong inner foundation begins with a change in thought – I am worth loving. The key is moving that thought from a mental level to an emotional level that really ... Views: 1975
When I was a boy, I would overhear older black men talking about this evil, mythical figure called "The Man." I thought there was Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and The Man.
The Man was accused of selfishly hoarding power and resources that prevented black men from getting jobs, owning ... Views: 2566
Just what is Emotional Energy Mastery? Simply put, energy
management is feeling management. It's the system of building new beliefs that
are so powerful and empowering that, no matter what happens to you,
you have the power to be, do and have whatever it is you want!
Like many people, ... Views: 2093
Like Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code, Laura from my career empowerment group has honed her innate ability to find patterns in things that are out of order. She can look at a desk, a closet, the trunk of a car, or an entire household, and know instinctively how to organize it so it makes ... Views: 1576
A journal can be used in many powerful ways. Previously we learned how you can open your soul and record in your journal what lurks beneath the surface there. A journal, of course, can be used to help us analyse what lies even deeper still. It can help us to get way down into our subconscious to ... Views: 3736
Hi there everyone!!
We are so overloaded with information today that we sometimes tend to generalize everything we learn. From the foundational book, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peel, some people have generalized personal development to be “thinking positive all the ... Views: 3874
There are all kinds of transiton in life - some we think of as positive and some we think of as negative. The positive kind - like getting married, having a baby, moving into our dream house - can be a mixture of delight and dread, stress-inducing and thrilling at the same time. And usually, ... Views: 1171
Reinventing yourself, in the best sense, is a process of becoming more of who you really are. There may be times when you experience life-changes that force you to reinvent yourself, but you don't have to wait for a transition. You can reinvent yourself anytime you choose.
It doesn't have to ... Views: 1422
If you feel that your life has gone off-track, the practice of self-trust will help get it back on-track again. If you fear that your life has never been on-track, developing self-trust will help you connect with your true self, and create a life that reflects who you really are.
You Are ... Views: 2260
“There is no squabbling so violent as that between people who accepted an idea yesterday and those who will accept the same idea tomorrow.” ~Christopher Morley.
This article title is not a rhetorical question at all. In fact it might be one of the most important questions to ask and answer ... Views: 5092
The first step to “Star Power!” is to value yourself. This is the job for your Authentic Self, not your Ego. Judgments and opinions are the Ego’s yardstick – valuing and appreciating who we are and all we go through constitute your Authentic Self.
It takes a long search before you can ... Views: 1021
An Inside Look at This Acting Technique Created By Sande Shurin
I began to develop a new acting technique in 1979/1980; rather it began to create itself through me – and it continues to do so. “Transformational Acting: A Step Beyond” is a book about the formative years of myself, this ... Views: 2257
What on earth has redundancy got to do with pyjamas? And more importantly, how can the notion serve your business operation ? Well, let me explain. With the advent of the industrial revolution came radical change which continues today. Business’s are restructuring, and with that, the job you ... Views: 1841
Did you ever notice how life seems to be dancing all around you, full of synchronistic events which bring realizations into your consciousness? Well, it is true that you are the focus! Life is in service to your awakening.
Synchronistic, coincidental events are not random. They are carefully ... Views: 1353
“Enlarge the opportunity and the person will expand to fill it.”
Eli Ginzberg, 1911-2002, an economist who taught at Columbia University for more than six decades, advised eight American presidents and led pioneering research efforts in employment and health care.
Recently, I attended ... Views: 1360
If there is one single skill required for self-evolution and for the creation of a better reality for the whole planet, it is the skill of self-love. This is the capacity to unconditionally, and actively, care for and accept who you are no matter what the challenges.
Imagine how community ... Views: 1484
As I am going through a lot of change currently in my own life now, as is the world over all I think this quote sums up for me how to we might all best approach change.
It’s often so comfortable to stay where we are as its familiar, secure and easy. However, as with many things in life we ... Views: 5216
2009 continues to be a tough year for everyone! Thus, in response to the challenges of 2009, I have working a theme of "Thriving during Tough Times" and I recommend that you do to.
While I sense that many other people are "Tumbling during these Tough Times," now is not the time to quit ... Views: 999
Just completed teaching the July Audition Intensive in New York City. I kept it simple this year. I gave a few of my pertinent notes about what industry professionals are looking for (CD, Directors, Producers, Agent, Managers) then Part 2 - I did private coaching – and working for the style ... Views: 1011
Before your life can change, you must decide you want your life to change. The hardest part of changing anything is making the decision to change. If your life was perfect, you wouldn’t be reading this article. It is possible to start a brand-new life, right now, today. Know you have the power ... Views: 1605
What is confidence? You can't see it, touch it or buy it; however, you can feel in with in and see it in other people. It's an energy and a belief system about yourself that is similar to a muscle, growing and getting stronger or shrinking and weakening.
What would you try if you had more ... Views: 855
How to transform our fears, live a joyful life, and create our life dreams. Anything built out of fear is like building on sand, which of course is no foundation at all. Shirley shows us how to identify and release our fears, and in the process change our inner and outer worlds, one thought at ... Views: 1288
I’m finally doing it! I am writing that long dreamed of book that I have been yearning to write.
My kick in the butt came from a very talented friend, writer and teacher, Jen Sincero, who teaches a class called “How to Write a Non-Fiction Book Proposal in 8 Weeks.” Jen lives in Venice, CA and ... Views: 936
They say its takes a moment to say hello and a lifetime to say goodbye.
Tonight I sat in my son's room and rocked him to sleep for the last time in the only house he has ever known. The house that I brought him home on that terrifying, joyous Saturday afternoon when he weighed nine pounds. ... Views: 1565
Before the turn of the century breaking into the world of consulting and freelance
work was a buyer's market, but that has changed. What changed this market were
the corporate structures themselves.
Corporations and even smaller companies decided that they could no longer maintain a large ... Views: 1786
Here we are three years since “The Secret” book and video introduced some of the once esoteric principles for the mainstream, primarily the Law of Attraction – “Like attracts Like,” and “Change your thoughts and you change your life.” Is there truth to the Law of Attraction? Yes!
So what has ... Views: 871
Let's start with a challenge:
See if you relate to any of the following statements. I want you to be honest with yourself. Each answer is a simple yes or no in your head.
-You are content with your life but realize that you have the potential to achieve more.
-You work hard, but you are ... Views: 6187
With the marketplace becoming increasingly competitive for professionals, service providers, and contractors, more people are focusing on their marketing efforts than ever before. While marketing seems to be the logical answer to the complex problem of creating greater awareness of your products ... Views: 1738
The Bhagavad Gita says “the course of karma is unfathomable.” And so it is.
In Sanskrit the word karma means action. Sanskrit provides a precise vocabulary for this abstract field that can help us navigate through it with more assurance. Every action creates an experience, and the memory of ... Views: 1791
Can You Create a New Habit in 21 Days?
"Fake it 'til you make it." We've all heard the cliche for approaching something that seems out of reach. There may be some method to the madness of that approach.
But have you ever given much thought to what it takes to bridge the gap between where ... Views: 2961
How many of you have experienced something very painful? Have you been too ashamed or guilty to discuss your unpleasant issue with others? If so, why do you think that has been the case? Would you agree that everything we learn in life comes from the teaching of others and our own experiences? ... Views: 1451
I have really had freedom on my mind a lot lately, so I want to ask you:
How free do you feel in your life right now?
Do you feel a sense of freedom as you look around at your life or do you feel restricted?
Do you feel free to be yourself? Do you feel free to live life “your ... Views: 1063
Have you found that your life has not turned out as idyllic as you once imagined? Is it not working? Are you unhappy, feeling sad, depressed, unloved, unfulfilled, angry or all alone? Moreover, do you think you are the only one who feels life is not working?
The media gives overwhelming ... Views: 2016
James Gray’s “Two Lovers” with Joaquin Phoenix, Gwenth Paltrow, and Vinessa Shaw was an amusing, but predictable movie. The plot involved a confused young man carrying on with two completely different lovers—one very passionate, slightly out-of-reach relationship with all sorts of possibilities, ... Views: 1568
Reflect on some of the big life changes you have transitioned during your life. Some may have been rights of passage such as moving up from elementary school to middle and then high school or your first sleep over. This could include leaving home for college or military service, getting married ... Views: 1672
Life is full of transitions. Some we choose and some sneak up on us. And even when we choose, a sneaky one can still slip in sideways.
To plan is necessary, but too much structure can be just as stressful as none at all. Best to always leave room for flexibility. This reminds me of the young ... Views: 996
In the coaching relationships I have with our clients, the major problem I see is that individuals end up in the same place - over and over and over again. They mean to save money and build wealth, only to end up (again) with “too much month at the end of the money.” They’ve lost the same 15 ... Views: 1472