Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
Everywhere you turn, you hear the words "going green". As a small business owner you probably wonder what you can do to help the environment. Can I really make a difference? Well you can, and here are a few steps that you can start implementing to create a positive impact on the environment. ... Views: 1518
There’s a lot of talk about major changes brewing on the planet and in the lives of those who inhabit it. Some describe how the shifts in the magnetic poles affect people. Others refer to the prophecies for 2012 and the period leading up to Transformation. Many simply appreciate the seasonal ... Views: 1898
There aren’t actually many people who are really living their dream, right? I mean truly living your dream is just for the lucky few who know what their dreams are, right? And besides, what are dreams anyway, they don’t come true, right?
Living the Dream is available to every ... Views: 2429
The 5th Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Your goals are too important to just “wing-it.” Because you, your goals, and your life mean so much, you’ve put a great amount of effort to get to this point. Transforming your goals into greatness ... Views: 2077
The 2nd Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Writing down goals is never enough to accomplish them. Just look at all of the New Year’s resolutions set across the world every year. Usually, they’re the same ones that weren’t accomplished the ... Views: 1852
What is the secret to attracting money? I think this is the most repeated question I hear from clients. Before you can start cashing in there are few things to understand about money.
Even though money has a name, but it does not stand on its own. Money means different things to different ... Views: 1925
When was the last time you fell in love with what you do for a living? Could you ever say you've felt the ultimate work satisfaction? Maybe you're thinking, "Love work? Are you nuts? I've never fallen in love with my job!"
Falling in love with your work can be as simple as recognizing who ... Views: 1549
My recent teleclass on procrastination dealt with the whys and hows, including the 3 steps to getting out of procrastination and the one essential ingredient to really get yourself moving forward. But on the call I didn’t have time to explore in detail some of the most wonderful procrastination ... Views: 1959
My recent teleclass on procrastination dealt with the whys and hows, including the 3 steps to getting out of procrastination and the one essential ingredient to really get yourself moving forward. But on the call I didn’t have time to explore in detail some of the most wonderful procrastination ... Views: 1942
We’re in our eighth great year living in the French Alps. When we upped and left Ireland in 2002, many friends and clients remarked that we were taking a courageous decision – after all, our children were thirteen, eleven and eight years old at the time and were establishing their own little ... Views: 2338
Everyone is at a crossroads each moment of each day – it’s just that we never stop to reflect on the fact that each minute decision we make can have life-changing consequences. A client recently recounted a story from his youth. He told me about he used to hang out with his best friend – and his ... Views: 5287
Your Joy is a Lot Closer than You Think: Find Your Joy Now
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln
Sometimes it seems that there isn’t much within our control – but we can control what is playing in our heads. You have the power to experience ... Views: 1624
Who am I? Is the question that comes to mind as I sit here. What purpose does this transformation serve? What is the benefit? Well, I can tell you that who I am now is not who I was 3 years ago or even last year. Along with the world changing, so am I. Looking deep within me has prompted a lot ... Views: 1246
Take a look around you. What do you see? Do you see a life filled with happiness, joy, abundance? Now take a look within. What do you see? Does it match the outside? I bet it does. Life is full of ups and downs, happy times and sad but what goes on in our head and heart is what is going on ... Views: 989
We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential. - Ellen Goodman
I love this quote. This ... Views: 1417
Once upon a time I was BLIND. I became blind due to brain injury by acute exposure to highly toxic fumes and vapors that filled my art studio. Someone’s idea of art entailed a neighboring installation of industrial chemicals . My brain and body were so toxed the MD’s said I’d never get better, ... Views: 2007
In the course of your day, how often do you feel emotionally insecure? Are you aware that this feeling holds you back from experiencing the happiness and success you desire in life? In fact, such insecurities can make us feel intimidated or motivate us to become intimidating to, or bully-like ... Views: 2065
There are several ways of getting rid of fear. Some people advocate facing it head on. That kind of person will lead you to the edge of the diving board and then give you a push. No doubt they do the same if you are in front of them with a parachute strapped to your back and hesitating before ... Views: 1358
Growth is the lifeblood of entrepreneurship and business success. It is also the lifeblood of our economy. It is why we at OneCoach are dedicated to teaching and empowering growth. But growth requires work, change and transformation. Perhaps most importantly, growth requires personal ... Views: 1261
The 4th Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
There is a big difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. Most people know exactly what they need to do to hit their goals: exercise, eat healthy, save money, stop wasting time, ... Views: 1428
The 3rd Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
We all have basic expectations in our lives, such as showing up on time for work, dropping the kids off at school, and paying bills. Setting high expectations for yourself acknowledges that your ... Views: 1497
The 1st Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Don’t trade what you need most for what you want now!
What is a goal? A goal is a defined dream with a powerful plan. Dreams that are truly important to you will find their way out of your head ... Views: 1418
Some of the shoe mistakes women frequently make are due to the comfort factor - it’s tricky to find shoes that look fabulous and are comfortable.
But more often than not it’s simply a matter of choosing unsuitable styles - which not only make you look shorter and heavier but can change the ... Views: 2171
Do you love to shop but tend to get home with shopping bags brimming with things that you purchased on impulse?
When you try them on at home and look in the mirror do you wonder what on earth you were thinking?
Or maybe you fall into the “hate to shop” category. You just wish ... Views: 1137
Soon we’ll be getting all those television programmes that review the year just gone. There’ll be events we thought we’d never forget about, that we now can barely remember. There’ll be other apparently trivial events that stick in our memory. And underneath it all, perhaps a nagging ... Views: 1293
You may have set our New Year’s resolutions and are determined that this year it will be different. But take yourself forward to December 2010 - will you be looking back on this year the way you looked back on the last one? Will your dreams and goals be recognised? Will you be looking back on ... Views: 1391
It was supposed to be the year you lost the weight/trained to be a rocket scientist/ditched the husband/married the hot chick from accounts/went global. Or at least made some money. You know, the big stuff.
But somehow it’s fizzled out or been swamped by the old routine or engulfed in the ... Views: 1299
Have you resolved to make a change this year but you are not quite sure if the resolution you’ve made is one you really want to commit to? Are you excited about making the change but resistance is much easier than stepping outside of your comfort zone? If either of these scenarios sounds ... Views: 1412
True freedom is having the courage to look yourself in the eyes and ask the important questions, to touch your own heart and the ability to touch your own heart and be the recipient of self love. It takes courage to realize that you are only on the edge of your comfort zone and are now ready to ... Views: 1352
Have you experienced pain in your life? As a result, have you fallen into destructive behaviors of anger, depression, guilt or shame? Is there an easy way to end pain and any associated emotional responses? What is one such practical solution?
The physical body operates on impulses received ... Views: 1772
Recently we looked at why most New Year's Resolutions are doomed to failure. Today let's look at a resolution that was stunningly successful and see if we can figure out why.
Let's face it, by the time we hit our forties, many, if not most, of us have had so many failed New Years' Resolutions ... Views: 1088
Have you ever had a great thought or idea that could not make it any further than a thought and you were never able to get it into your body? I am not talking about a goal – by now most of us are aware, at least in print how to set goals and keep them. But I have found that few still are they ... Views: 1565
By now we all know the Secret: decide what you want, and believe that it will come your way. The more you believe, the quicker it comes your way. Right? Then why does it not work? Why are we not all very rich and healthy and happy by now?
There are a few other factors that we need to be ... Views: 1194
As a voice specialist, I have known for many years that a good voice improvement course can be an excellent means of accent reduction. Yesterday, I received an email from a Taiwanese man studying in Boston. His 1st language is Mandarin Chinese; and, he has been enrolled in an accent reduction ... Views: 3130
Put down the pen, cut the typing, and stop clipping images out of magazines! Don't create another goal, intention, or resolution until you read further. Attempting to set goals or resolving to do something new without this secret is like trying to draw without a clean slate. The secret is... ... Views: 1927
Let It Begin from Within in 2010.
It's a cute jingle but what does it really mean anyway? How can this be helpful to you in your real life?
The intention of this article is to provide you with something that is both inspirational to feel and practical to do to begin from within in ... Views: 1023
Awakening to Wholeness: My Personal Story
The Limits of Positive Thinking and the Four Principles of Awakening to, and Living in Wholeness.
I recently received an email inquiry from my SOULutions website that stated; “Can you help me think more positively about myself and feel more ... Views: 1308
In these times of financial crisis and confusion, it is more important than ever to stay clear, relaxed, and connected to the Flow of Divine Energy from Source that helps you ride the waves of any transition with Grace and Ease! This flow of Source Energy is always available … it is pure life ... Views: 3214
Can our self-actualization be limited? Absolutely. Are these limits insurmountable? Absolutely not. Self-actualization is the actualizing of our full humanness. It is the unleashing of those things that hinder our growth into what ought to be. Self-actualization is the movement from ‘aught’ to’ ... Views: 2745
The first principle to Awakening to Wholeness is JUST FEEL IT! Feel it all, as fully and as deeply as you are able.
WHAT? Does this sound off to you, counter-intuitive, maybe even a little scary? In the past, it most certainly would have seemed so to me. My strategy was more like "If it's ... Views: 1219
You know what’s great about life? We get a brand new beginning each and every day to do what we didn’t do the day before. Think about that for a moment. Life grants us a chance every day to create "a new beginning." What could be more powerful than to know that within our grasp, is the chance to ... Views: 1949
Changing Your Ways, Keeping that Resolution You Made to Change
It is one thing to decide to change something about yourself, and quite another to do it. There is a concept that holds me back: that I relate to the current "I" that has to change. You, too? As if a parent needed to be defied ... Views: 2488
The average person goes through their adult life in a daze. Research indicates that they are incapable of devoting any appreciable level of attention to anything. It suggests that they only experience what they expect to experience and that the routine tasks of everyday life are done completely ... Views: 1532
Visualization is something it took me a long time to understand, read: agree with. You can then read "agree with" to mean: to be able to effectively practice. Effective practice is to do something over and over again with the least resistance possible. Usually our resistance to practice comes ... Views: 980
Success without Stress
‘I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues’
Duke Ellington
How do more energy, more time and a better quality of life sound to you? Attractive! Yes, I thought they might. We live in a fast paced, I need it yesterday world where being busy and ... Views: 2748
In her new book, Own Your Life, 7 Essential Steps to Independence, author, speaker and lawyer Suzanne B. Quinn guides the reader through the seven essential steps to personal and financial security and independence. This article is an excerpt from her book, comprising one of the seven ... Views: 1070
My recent research on Freud’s theory of mind control shocked me, the techniques that are now used by advertising agencies, politicians and public relations for over 100 years to inject fear and pleasure as a psychological drug to create slave employees, increase massive traffic of consumerism in ... Views: 3069
What is the very most important thing that I can say about your voice and about singing? Perhaps it is that, your voice is your birthright. Voice is the primary way that we relay information to others. As we speak, however, only a small percentage of what we actually “say” is in our words. There ... Views: 1638
Each of us is born with a unique set of natural skills. The challenge we all face is recognizing and developing those skills to their fullest potentials – thus, creating our Talent Advantage. An unused talent is just potential, nothing more. A talent that is recognized and applied is a true ... Views: 1111