We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Time Management". If you have expertise in Time Management and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Are you having problems with your productivity? In this article, I will be sharing with you some online self help tips on how you can improve your productivity and hence accomplish more things in lesser time. Do read this article with an open mind and I believe you will learn something new, so ... Views: 1656
When you're unemployed one of the hardest things to deal with is all the free time you have during the day. It's easy to waste hours on useless activities like playing computers games or reading everything except the want ads. It's even easier to just sink into depression as the minutes tick by ... Views: 1422
With all of the technology devices at our fingertips these days, it is easier than ever to stay connected 24-7. But, how do we balance the need and desire to stay connected with the danger of technology taking over? By continuing to be the master of technology, not the servant!
I travel a lot ... Views: 1530
When I was selling life insurance, many times prospects would say they were not going to buy life insurance “until the time was right.” Now, they knew and I knew that was just an excuse for not buying, but I have since heard that many times when talking to people about self-development. “I’ll ... Views: 1401
Learning how to relieve stress can remove several obstacles to your performance, whatever you’re working with.
Stress can be a big monster to anyone and would like to avoid it as much as possible. However, this is a part of life and living your purposes. Without it your personal development ... Views: 1471
Again and again, when I talk to students and colleagues about time management, I get the response "I don't even know where to begin." People want to practice good time management, people want to be productive and effective; they just do not know how. Most people do not even know how to begin ... Views: 1425
Do you find yourself struggling to be productive at work? I hope these three self improvement tips on how you can become more productive. At the end of this article, I hope you will have a better understanding of this topic, so without further ado, let me dive right in!
The first step you ... Views: 1870
The two most valuable assets, you possess are your time and your health, can never be locked away in a vault for safekeeping. In fact in most cases their true value rarely gets appreciated, until they are depleted. Remember that both your health and your time are the raw materials, which create ... Views: 1383
Time management has become one of those over-used terms, in my opinion, and has lost its luster. Many people think that time management an ever-elusive skill or concept that they will never master, and have just sort of given up (kind of like life-work balance, but I will save that for another ... Views: 1552
Online self help tips – Do you feel like you have a never ending pile of work on your desk, but you just keep pushing yourself to complete the job so that you can finally enjoy some free time and “me” time?
Well, here is the harsh reality. In most cases, your workload will never cease and you ... Views: 1726
Creating time, at first, sounds ridiculous - until you understand how we co-create our "reality." Of course, when speaking of linear time there are only 24 hours to a day, and everyone receives equal amounts. Yet, if you keep talking about how fast 'time flies' and do not realize that you are ... Views: 1335
Time management.
Sounds like a snore doesn’t it?
It’s one of those topics that I never really thought about because I felt I was great at time management. It wasn’t until I decided to start my business that I realized being productive and using my time wisely can be tricky.
This post is ... Views: 1142
Do you find that you are not as productive as you would have wanted to be? Maybe these self help tips will help you. Learn how you can manage your time and be more productive in your daily activities.
To start off my self help tips, I would highly recommend you to create your own schedule. It ... Views: 1348
I have spent the past few years, observing how people behave, both when they are at work, where they should be investing their time as productively as possible, earning a living and also whilst they are at home, where they are meant to be relaxing and recharging their batteries. It astounds me ... Views: 1340
If there's one thing you probably already know "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."! You probably have a hard time identifying any long periods in your past when life continued without problems or disruptions.
But have you ever thought about this? Those ... Views: 1106
They are the bane of all schedules, the destroyer of all plans. They are the dread of managers and coordinators everywhere. They bring the organizer to their knees.
They are unexpected events.
Unexpected events take up valuable time and energy and money. They use up resources which were ... Views: 1738
The technique of delegating tasks to others when needed is one of the solutions for time management problems that some people do not think of doing.
This is one way of increasing your personal productivity while developing your time management skills.
How to delegate tasks can be practiced ... Views: 1361
It’s officially summertime and vacation season.
Business owners often have a tough time traveling on two fronts. First, there is often a sense that they are responsible for so many things that there is no way that they can truly shut down. Then there’s the other side of the coin… the sense ... Views: 1625
By Pierre AH-FAT
Have you noticed how often urgent assignments, documents to sign or tasks to complete come to you at the last minute as most urgent matters? The way these are presented to us appear to be so imperative that it would seem the world would stop if they are not implemented ... Views: 1902
Know the true value of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness...never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Lord Chesterfield
I often wondered where this quote came from. I don't know who Lord Chesterfield was, but I will find out later, but he was very ... Views: 1651
While I can’t be entirely sure about why that is, but all around us, women are being held to superhuman standards. The common assumption in our culture is that women who are successful in their careers are also great at everything else they do. Or they should be. Their homes look like Martha ... Views: 2457
The Eisenhower method is a time management principle you can use to improve the way you prioritize your tasks.
This time management technique evaluates each of your given tasks accordingly. All of your tasks are analyzed and grouped together by using quadrants of four sections:
1. Urgent ... Views: 2635
Good time management is closely linked to goal planning, but they are not the same. Time management is a tool used to implement the steps needed to reach a goal, but it is not part of the goal achievement. By examining the differences, we can gain clarity on both time management and goal ... Views: 1301
Why Managing Time Sometimes Fails?
By Pierre Ah-Fat
‘If you control your time, you control your life’ Alan Laiken (1973)
‘Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.’
(Mother Teresa)
‘You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you ... Views: 2065
Can you believe it? This year is already half over. Wasn’t I just in Chicago, at my daughter’s graduation? Now summer is almost here. We all feel it. Time moves so quickly, we become absorbed in the routine of our busy lives, and some things fall through the cracks. Do you remember what your ... Views: 1337
The April 2013 issue of Inc. features Tim Ferriss, the author who brought us “The 4-Hour Workweek” and other productivity books, blogs, and seminars. Ferriss’ 80/20 rule says that “eighty percent of one’s productivity comes from 20% of one’s efforts and likewise 80% of your wasted time comes ... Views: 1532
Distractions come in two forms. The first form are one-shot distractions, things that do not always occur. Visits from friends, although hopefully frequent, are still one-shot distractions. The second form of distractions are things that always occur. Email is a classic example of continuous ... Views: 1476
The POSEC method of personal time management is one of the popular methods of time management strategies you can apply in your life.
POSEC stands for Prioritizing by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing.
Prioritizing means to put first things first. That is most ... Views: 5892
I’m a big fan of ‘to do’ lists as they are such a quick way to regain a sense of control, and a simple way to keep that way. Our brains simply don’t have enough RAM to remember all our commitments at work and home, and taking information out of our head and onto a list frees up the energy needed ... Views: 1644
We all want to have more time, more time to do what we want to and be with those we love. This means, having time to do the things you love in life, to do the things you want to and not only the things you need to, which is the key to feeling fulfilled. It is certainly not easy though, and for ... Views: 1382
We all want to have more time, more time to do what we want to and be with those we love. This means, having time to do the things you love in life, to do the things you want to and not only the things you need to, which is the key to feeling fulfilled. It is certainly not easy though, and for ... Views: 1377
When it comes to managing time, planning our day, or any number of success activities, many times we are blocked by the sheer number of things that are involved. How can I reach a goal that requires so many things, many of which I do not have yet? How can I schedule my day when I have so many ... Views: 1355
TheFreeDictionary.com defines a goal as "the purpose, or objective, toward which an endeavour is directed." From the beginning of time, goal-setting existed. God had a clear purpose, or objective, when He created the heavens and the earth. He had a clear purpose, or objective, when He spoke His ... Views: 2416
Are you bogged down by stress? You know, stress can lead to a number of different illnesses and sicknesses. In fact, scientific research has shown that it is the root cause of many of today’s illnesses and sicknesses. If you want to stay healthy, you should stay stress-free. Of course, it is ... Views: 1198
It is not easy to plan when you are in “reaction” mode. When you are organized you tend to feel more confident and in control, and much less stressed or overwhelmed. You are able to see the bigger picture in order to think strategically and assess your priorities and timelines more objectively. ... Views: 1368
The toughest challenge for many right now is too much to do and no time to do it.
Often reorganisations have shifted responsibilities, and maybe there are fewer people to handle the same amount of work. This may be affecting you, your team or perhaps a friend or family member.
Now I don’t ... Views: 1129
How many hours do you spend in meetings, in a typical week? If you include the ‘proper’ scheduled meetings (including 1:1’s), and take a guess at the impromptu ‘Have you got a minute?’ conversations that always take longer than that, it probably adds up to a sizeable chunk of your working week. ... Views: 1128
Do you have trouble trying to finish your work within a given time frame? Or do you find yourself having to scramble through your work because time is running out for you? Well today, I will be going through some time management strategies on how you can make the most of your time. It is ... Views: 1020
So many entrepreneurs start businesses with dreams of taking back control of their time, working fewer hours and enjoying work again. You know the sort of thing, it’s almost a mythology – working in your pyjamas, from the beach or for just a few hours a week. If that has worked out that way for ... Views: 1204
I am sure that you are like most people out there and you are feeling like you are working really hard every day, yet you just seem to remain trapped in a place where you are feeling overextended, overcommitted and even overwhelmed. I hope some of the tips contained in this article will finally ... Views: 1146
Do you feel as if you’re constantly interrupted during the working day?
Sometimes it seems that way, as if you only start the ‘real’ work when most colleagues have left. Interruptions can increase pressure, making a carefully planned project appear impossibly overambitious. Your time is ... Views: 1380
It’s tempting to think of deadlines as negative, especially when imposed on you by others. Deadlines can make you feel powerless, frustrated, even stressed if you feel it’s out of your control to meet them.
But deadlines can be extremely powerful too when used to positively manage yourself ... Views: 1183
Time management can be defined as a process of planning over the amount of time spent on a particular activity or a work. Many techniques are used to manage time while doing some works like assigning a job, project or goal that should be complied within the due date. Time management comprises of ... Views: 779
Time is the great equalizer. Everyone gets the same number of hours to work and play each day. No matter who you are, where you live and what you do you get a 24-hour cycle just like everyone else. One person may be wealthier than another, but that doesn't earn her a minute more in a 24 hour ... Views: 2271
The Pareto principle was a theory by Vilfredo Pareto, which is now a popular concept of personal time management. He was an economist who theorized that 80 percent of all the problems that people encounter results from 20 percent of all causes.
This may look like a theory that is too ... Views: 1673
Question: What Are Some Common Home Time Management Problems for Nontraditional Students?
Having spent many years as a nontraditional student I know that the following home time management problems are pretty common for the majority of students. So, if you're considering going back to college ... Views: 1578
Do you find yourself with so much to do but just not enough time to get them done? Everyone gets 24 hours a day, so it is up to you to decide how you want to manage it. To be honest, most of the time, the problem is not about having insufficient time. In fact, it is a case of poor time ... Views: 1174
Your comments help me create more posts. Please comment below.
How can you create the time you need in your life to accomplish your goals?
This is a great question, with a somewhat disappointing answer. I'm going to disappoint you first, and then enlighten you!
The disappointing news ... Views: 1723
Anger is one of the most challenging time traps there is. But once you recognize the traps, you can begin to free yourself and boost your effectiveness!
Let's explore 3 anger traps that may be familiar to you. Then I'll share a powerful exercise that can free you in just 3 ... Views: 1303
A Calendar is a crucial tool needed for scheduling your appointments and events. Time management skills are of utmost importance. There are schedules lined up to do during specific times or specific dates and a number of things that might need to be done sometime later, or even as soon as ... Views: 1070