I've learned --
that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.
I've learned --
that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.
I've learned --
that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy ... Views: 1005
Bravi Azurri! The Italians deserved to win. They outplayed and outmaneuvered the opponents, including using what they call “furbo.” It means being wily, cunning, or tricky. It’s an integral life skill as well as football skill. It works and it’s part of emotional intelligence.
As you ... Views: 1734
Do you have a standard hour-length presentation, but your host can only spare a half hour? Are you in the middle of a presentation when you realize that, due to a late start or abundant questions, you are running out of time?
No matter what your topic, always be flexible and ready to cut short ... Views: 980
Stuck IN your life? Work ON it instead!
'I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives.' -- Jim Rohn
Are you stuck in your life? Here’s how you can tell:
When we only work IN our lives:
- We know what we have to do right now.
- We do ... Views: 2472
An emergency room (ER) nurse kept hearing complaints from patients who had been waiting for hours to see a doctor. After reading The 2,000 Percent Solution (Reissue Edition, Authors Choice Press, 2003), she put in measurements to see how long it took various kinds of patients to get the ... Views: 2074
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein
I’ll tell you something that you already know: writing is work. It is work that requires structure and rules: subjects, verbs, semi-colons, question marks, diagrammed sentences, outline plots, character dossiers, synopses and query ... Views: 1212
There are some stereotypes that women cannot negotiate as well as men: that women are not as aggressive, that they take things too personally, or that they are not taken seriously. As a woman negotiator myself, I believe that the same rules apply to men as woman. However I have listed five rules ... Views: 1680
The first thing potential clients ask me is “Can I really make money writing an ebook?” And the answer is absolutely, IF you do the research, find out what people want and give it to them. The problem is that most people get so excited about an idea that is of interest to them that they just ... Views: 1349
The Eleven Biggest Lies
By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
In the world of Time Management there are things said to us that we accept as truth and we act accordingly. The problem is sometimes they are not truths. They are lies and as we believe them, they waste our time.
Those who speak these lies to ... Views: 848
As I sat down to write this article, I found myself struggling. I was partaking in one of those monkey mind games activities that tend to leave me feeling overwhelmed, self-defeated, and tortured. I found that what I wanted - to write an article that supports you, the reader in living a great ... Views: 740
In a 25-year study, University of Michigan researchers found that kids who grew up in homes where common areas were rated “clean” or “very clean” stayed in school longer and then earned more money than those raised in dirty homes. It’s not cleanliness per se, but ... Views: 3204
No One Gets to Be Wrong
By Julie Fuimano, Executive Coach
Have you ever been told you were wrong for feeling a certain way or for expressing an opinion that was contrary to the beliefs of others? How did it feel? It’s happened to each of us at some point, and no, it never feels good to be made ... Views: 936
Staying Positive in a Negative Environment
By Julie Fuimano, Executive Coach
Probably one of the hardest things we must do as leaders is to stay positive when everyone else around us is negative. It’s not easy to maintain a positive attitude and not be drained or consumed by the negativity that ... Views: 11347
When you survive if you fight quickly and perish if you do not, this is called death ground... Put them in a spot where they have no place to go, and they will die before fleeing. If they are to die there what can they do? Warriors exert their full strength When warriors are in great danger, ... Views: 1021
Whether you want to achieve short term goals or manifest life long dreams it all begins with the end in mind; knowing inside and out what results you want. The more clearly you are able to visualize what you want and get a sense physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally how it will ... Views: 991
You lost your job! But don’t look now, because what’s coming down the track is even worse! Let me spell it out for you. Not only You-lost-your-job, but more important…YOU HAVE LOST YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE. The real sad thing about this is..YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT!
If you are like most people you ... Views: 1814
One of the biggest barriers on our journey to success in any endeavour must surely be procrastination, the destructive habit of putting off until tomorrow what should have been done yesterday. It has been called the ‘thief of time’ and ‘the art of keeping up with yesterday’ - just two witty ... Views: 1217
"Coaching" used to be a popular approach for derailing executives or professionals whose performance needed a lot of work. Got a problem? Get a coach. However, increasingly, coaching is being sought by some of the most successful executives in their field – those who want to get even better at ... Views: 1348
Life coaching is a relatively new title to an old trade and many people do not know what a life coach can do for them, so I am going to list the benefits of having a life coach in this article. Let me start this off by saying that one of the secrets of highly successful people is that most of ... Views: 8649
If you knew with complete certainty that you were going to take your last breath tomorrow what would you do? Would you call all of your loved ones? Would you make amends? Would you spend some time thinking about everything you wish you had done in your life? We all have dreams and visions of ... Views: 1691
In this fast paced world we constantly have more and more demands placed on our time. And it seems the closer we get to our goals, the more and more things we have to get done each day.
With only so many hours in the day it is impossible to get everything done. Naturally, we want to get the ... Views: 4064
Enthusiasm is an exceptional excitement, interest, or devotion. In public speaking, excitement about your subject will make a speech come alive. It will enable you to capture the attention of your audience. That not only makes you more persuasive or motivational, it makes you a more ... Views: 1763
Anyone who’s had the pleasure, honour and challenge of teaching adolescents can face any audience! So first up: here’s to the noblest profession on Earth, our teachers.
In most instances when you’re hired to make a presentation to a group, the group will behave in a civilised manner. Being ... Views: 3273
If you live in fear of forgetting prospects' names, sometimes within mere seconds of being introduced to them, you're not alone. Surveys show that 83% of the population worries about their inability to recall people's names. Ironically, while most of us hate having our names forgotten or ... Views: 2776
Have you mastered the speaking skill Sense Stress? Growing in public speaking ability requires learning numerous skill sets. Sense stress is one of the more important ones to learn.
Spending just a few minutes of practice will provide the mental preparation to start mastering it when giving a ... Views: 4389
Why do 99% of Small Business Owners fail online? Because they write to sell, not to communicate. Does your web site get the sales you want? Then this article is not for you. If not, then you might want to learn more about the business communication skill #1: "PREselling".
Due to the lack of ... Views: 770
Most of us weren't encouraged early in life to explore what we want for ourselves or what our version of success looks like. But it's not too late to check in on what you're up to and whether it will lead you to the happiness you seek.
Have you ever chased something (or someone) only to ... Views: 1187
Braxton Bilbrey is a seven-year-old boy. He lives in Glendale, Arizona. He read about a nine-year-old boy who swam from Alcatraz Island to the city of San Francisco.
I imagine he started thinking if he can do it so can I!
So, he established a goal to swim the 1.4 miles of chilly waters from ... Views: 881
I’m appreciating used things. I got a great gas barbecue on Freecycle; a practically new John Deere lawnmower for $50; a beautiful Le Creuset cast iron shelf from a friend’s basement, a lovely leather purse from the thrift shop. They feel like blessings. I get all the joy of something new plus ... Views: 885
How To Make The Most of Your Success Machine
I use my energy-recycling success machine often - it works like magic!
It weighs absolutely nothing, can be taken anywhere, cannot be seen by anyone else, is very simple to use and best of all - is amazingly powerful - causing you to create success ... Views: 1334
Communicating to Save Time
You may be tired of hearing rhetoric about how everyone needs to improve communication skills. However, are you aware that how you communicate can have a direct impact on your time? Clear communication is often the first step in ensuring that activities are finished ... Views: 799
Have you been frustrated at achieving your goals? Have too many defeats and disappointments caused you to give up?
Then you should know that a very simple secret can make the difference between success and failure. This proven method has worked for thousands of years. It's so simple it ... Views: 882
(This is part one of a five-part series focusing on finding opportunities and creating ideas in this hectic, high tech modern age. The first four parts of this series focus on spotting opportunities and the last part concentrates on effective ways to come up with solid ideas.)
In ... Views: 704
Everyone needs some form of motivation to get them to do anything. This really means “sufficient reason” for doing it. It can take very little to motivate someone to do something pleasurable. It can take quite extreme circumstances to get that same person to do something objectionable.
The key ... Views: 1215
1. Ask Yourself: What Do I Want? To know what you want is the first step for you to get it. If you don’t know what you want, how are you supposed to get it? Many people know what they don’t want, but that does not help them to get what they do want.
Walking through life with a clear ... Views: 2169
Some people make living their best life and creating success look so easy, don’t they? And yet, many successful people will tell you it’s not actually easy for them, they just rely on their strengths to pull them forward and over the rough spots.
Below are 15 characteristics of the happiest, ... Views: 5500
We’ve all done it. You become upset by something someone does and you blame them for doing it “to” you. I mean, it’s their fault. They should know better, right? People should know what sets you off. Don’t you agree?
The fact is that people don’t know how to treat you unless you tell them. They ... Views: 972
I was selling employment testing material that was based on the teachings of a well-known sales trainer. The question that brought the most conversation was about closing. How do you ask for an order? When someone says I’ll think it over, do you become the nice customer service type that says ... Views: 804
This book is an interior travel guide into the hearts and minds of individuals who have succeeded on their own terms.
The individuals we are about to introduce to you have succeeded by knowing who they are, understanding the qualities that drive them, playing to their strengths, overcoming ... Views: 1032
To learn how to improve your childrens' self-esteem can involve a lot of different aspects, this is part 1 in a series of articles focused on helping you imrove your child's self-esteem.
You child comes home with their report card and reluctantly passes it over to you. You already have a bad ... Views: 1119
If you have ever planned a vacation, wedding, surprise party, or special event, you know how much work is involved. Planning, checking, adjusting and planning again is all part of the process of creating the result that you want.
Many people understand the importance of planning events in ... Views: 16003
In September 2005, Nielsen Media Research, Inc. reported that Americans watched an average of 4 hours 32 minutes of television per day. Amazingly, very few alarm bells went off in America, warning of the potential consequences of this huge amount of time.
Thank about what that little fact ... Views: 903
Website copywriting secrets – how being boring will help you be found online.
To be found on line by prospective clients we need to rank high in search engines.
How many times have you given at page three on Google when searching for something on line?
The search engine robots must view your ... Views: 689
There are you are, going along OK in your life, no big dramas, no crises, but frankly, not a lot of joy, either. Oh, you can’t complain, as a matter of fact that’s what you hear yourself say most of the time. When friends say “How’s it going?” you say “Can’t complain.” So why are you bored and ... Views: 993
Do you remember your first job?
When I was in grade school, I earned money shoveling snow, mowing people's lawns, washing cars and picking up dog poop for neighbors. (I did it free for the elderly). I still carry with me the lessons I learned back then. I learned to be willing and eager to work ... Views: 2054
6 Quick Tips on Improving Reading Recall
Do you find yourself having to re-read a paragraph you just read? Do you have trouble remembering what you read just yesterday? Here are some easy exercises you can do to put a stop to this time wasting endeavor of information overload.
1. Turn to the ... Views: 5853
A very surprising thing happens just about every time I sit down to work on my marketing plan, call a prospective client, mail a few thank-you notes to current clients, or take any other marketing-related action -- even if it’s just to conjure up some new marketing strategies. Whenever I have a ... Views: 738
Every day we deal with a variety of matters of urgent importance in our organizations. Seldom is leadership development on that urgent list. While perhaps not urgent, few things are of greater importance to the future of our organizations that the conscious and consistent development of our ... Views: 987
What does hiding get you?
We all do it or have done it in our life times. We hide or have hidden behind fears, old wounds, our past, false expectations (our own and others), perceptions…and why? Because hiding behind some thing that may be uncomfortable actual feels safe and familiar.
As a ... Views: 1155
When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my grandfather in the fields by his home. This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbors to work it for them so he could grow the vegetables that he loved. He would then share them with ... Views: 634