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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Success Principles". If you have expertise in Success Principles and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Bill Cottringer
Here are the ten best common sense principles to understand and apply in order to improve the quality of your training efforts and the actual results you get:
1. Separate “training” from “teaching” in your mind and ... Views: 1125
It is easy to make excuses when you fail – you can blame it on the economy, or your genes, or your upbringing. But the bottom line is that you are in charge of you.
You know from personal experience - it’s extremely rare that things go exactly as planned. What differentiates ... Views: 751
Success is an easy word to throw around. If you ask anyone if they would like to be successful, you are more than likely to get a “yes, of course!” type of response. I mean who doesn’t want to be?
Some people say they are working to be more successful. But how many people actually think about ... Views: 523
Everyone has the ability to concentrate – sometimes; while playing your guitar or piano or during a spellbinder of a movie - total concentration.
However, at other times your thoughts are scattered and your mind races from one thing to another. This is especially frustrating for a writer. ... Views: 1144
All of us, to some degree, have experienced the outcomes of some endeavor. It may have been horrible or just bad, or maybe mediocre or all right, or really good or great or absolutely fantastic. Too some degree, in my short 50 something years, I have experienced all of these outcomes.
If you ... Views: 1152
Where do you come from? I don't mean the physical location, but the people you come from - your environment. You see, the lessons you learned growing up are likely the beliefs you now carry with you. These beliefs shape who you are, how you do things, how you interact with others, and yes, ... Views: 721
What should you be aware of when you look for God’s blessings in your life? Often, when a Christian tries to go into business for himself, he hits wall after wall. When a Christian gets interested in affiliate marketing, he can expect difficulties. There are many factors in play and I want ... Views: 695
How do you define ’success’? Would you say that it is finding the perfect job or career? Would you think that it is finding the perfect mate or circle of friends? Maybe you would say that success is the acquisition of great wealth or property or all of the toys that you have been ... Views: 993
We’ve been inundated with the word change for months with the rhetoric of the election campaigns. Most of us probably agree that our country needs to change many things in the way it operates as well as eliminate the massive corruption that has seeped into our government and its leaders. People ... Views: 1058
Revolutionizing the Way We Learn - Mental Photography by David Jurewicz
Revision & Foreword by Shannon Panzo
I recently was going through some old archives and came across a few articles that have stood the test of time. This just happens to be one of those articles. Even the term from a over ... Views: 1134
I plopped face first in a pile of emotion. Near tears, but refused to succumb. What would the kids think? I felt overwhelmed, unworthy, and unable. Pick an area of life–any area. I was totally unfit to accomplish anything I was supposed to do in all areas of my life. I had so many good and ... Views: 429
Even now, as we near the end of January, my in box is still screaming to define my ultimate goals, create my desired lifestyle and make 2009 the year that counts!
Of course, I know exactly how I should achieve all of this, I watched The Secret almost 2 years ago, I have subscribed to half a ... Views: 1123
Especially in the western world millions of people of average intelligence and education started with nothing and were able to create successful lives. In terms of success, background and education are not deciding factors. Your ability to continuously focus your mind on positive thoughts, ... Views: 6495
It was a very hot opening day at the 10th CineVegas Anniversary Film Festival. Photographers and crews lined the red carpet in position for the CineVegas executives including Dennis Hopper and the cast from Peter Cattaneo’s The Rocker starring Rainn Wilson, Emma Stone, and Jane Lynch.
Our ... Views: 1567
Fellowship simply means you need to be spending time with people who are forging forward towards the same objectives as you in life - “SUCCESS”. When you converse with many successful people, they will all say, “I never would have made it if it were not for a few specific people, who truly ... Views: 744
Four Important “Yes, Buts…” About Success to Keep in Mind
Bill Cottringer
“Success is often what is left when you empty your toolbox of the failed solutions that are past their opportunity, but hard to give up.” ~The author.
Two very good cases have been made about our main purpose for ... Views: 877
With the state of the economy and the bailout plan, everyone is concerned about the stability of jobs and 401Ks. As an entrepreneur, I understand and appreciate the concern over being able to maintain revenue. Regardless of whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or recent grad, the ... Views: 593
In the last few days, several people have asked me how I remain confident, motivated and cheerful despite all the negative news in the media.
Today, more than at any time in my life, people are looking for ways to remain confident and find sources of inspiration.
Following this simple 8 step ... Views: 4027
Is the statement, “There is a Santa Claus” true?
This should be easy enough: Define truth and see if the statement fits the definition.
It is widely held that a statement is true if and only if there is a one-to-one correspondence between the statement and reality. “The cat is on the mat” is a ... Views: 1711
If you want to do a new thing in the physical, you have to do a new thing in the mind first. The reason most people fail in their new years resolutions as well as other goals that they set for themselves is that they don't take their mindset into account. The result, predictably is ... Views: 1335
You’ve been there and I’ve been there, the wake-up call that stops you in your tracks. Some call it the cosmic two-by-four - that moment of realization that finally grabs your undivided attention. Oftentimes it feels painful at the onset, but just as often you see the benefit of that “crisis” as ... Views: 1079
“It is an inexorable Law of Nature that bad must follow good, that decline must follow a rise. To feel that we can rest on our achievements is a dangerous fallacy. Inner strength can overcome anything that occurs outside.” I Ching
I am a pretty amazing woman – I may not be an Olympic woman of ... Views: 927
Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others aren't? Or have you ever said "I'm not like them - I can't be successful? This article explores what makes people successful and the secrets of success. Includes a link to 5 FREE Secrets of Success.
Well I'll let you in on a ... Views: 4832
What do you believe about failure?
The ego wounded part of ourselves, the left-brain part of ourselves that has been programmed with many false beliefs, often believes that:
"If I fail, I am a failure."
"If I fail, I am stupid."
"If I fail, no one will like me or value me."
"If I fail, then ... Views: 2800
Escaping the Credit Epidemic
Rebuilding Reserves for a Healthier Future
We don’t need to look too far to see signs of mounting credit problems in our society today. Not only is it the focus of every newscast and headline, it has impacted our families, our friends, our communities, and for ... Views: 1309
Have you ever seen a car you want drive by and park close to where you’re at, and when the person gets out of the car, you feel a little resentment towards that person? Has that ever happened to you?
Or, if and when you were single, you saw this beautiful woman in a restaurant sitting ... Views: 6721
The beginning of the year always feels so full of promise and excitement, a time when unlimited possibilities open up and all the dreams you’ve ever had seem achievable. You can feel the energy of this new beginning pulsing through your body and you set all kinds of intentions for how you’ll ... Views: 1486
A long time ago a man who became the father of the US Auto Industry made a very profound statement which still rings true today. This man's name is Henry Ford, and this is what he said: "Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right."
I can also put it another way, ... Views: 1307
When a person decides to step out of their comfort zone, push back the boundaries and move into the unknown, they are embarking on a journey. When you set out on any journey, you must first make sure you have fuel - or you won't go anywhere. Passion is the fuel that will always power you on ... Views: 850
A wise friend of mine shared a mantra she uses to maintain conscious of her creative process. It goes like this, “ORDER IT UP!” What order it up means, is that every second of every day your thoughts, words and actions dictate what you are “ordering” from the universe. ... Views: 1179
There are certain skills that are necessary when you want to succeed in life and there are some that you need to religiously avoid. It’s not really all that black and white but opinions on the matter, no matter how divided they may be, agree that there are certain personal skills necessary ... Views: 557
In the feel-good ledger of life, there are many emotional barometers in which you can measure success and while each may differ from person to person, there seems to be a common thread that binds them all to each other. The people who succeed are individuals, but they belong to a collective of ... Views: 930
He said he would win eight gold medals and he did. It was that simple. He wasn’t arrogant, he wasn’t overly confident. He was just matter of fact. It was something he set out to do and as the world watched every stroke and every plunge, he did it to rousing applause and the screams ... Views: 1035
Brian Tracy is man who for most of his life, made self help books and also recorded these publications as audio books which he distributed online. He was an expert on leadership qualities, how to be a good manager, how to succeed in sales and a pioneer in business strategy. He is known all over ... Views: 926
Here are 5 key principles to achieve anything in life. While they may not be as detailed as I’d like them to be, I will let the human spirit fill in the blanks. Have a read and it may resonate with you or it may not - but these are the very stuff that successes are made of.
Never, never, ... Views: 832
A miracle is when something awesome and unexpected happens. It happens because you make it happen. Your mind is in sync with the Universe. You are in a place of complete joy and bliss. And when you are there, you bring things forward that demonstrate your joy and bliss.
Creating miracles means ... Views: 1983
We are all faced with new challenges every day of our lives. How we choose to approach what life throws at us is the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person. You will notice, if you look hard enough, that there are many key differences between someone who is ... Views: 1020
When an individual finds satisfaction within himself or within society to such a degree that the individual considers oneself as a happy individual, then it may be said that the individual has attained success. Therefore, success is happiness with relation to oneself and to the larger ... Views: 777
Bill Cottringer
“A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.” ~Henry David Thoreau.
For a long time now I have gradually realized ... Views: 836
"Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor." – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894) Physician, writer, poet
Transitions are a way to grow to a ... Views: 1058
On October 22nd I found myself standing in the middle of a spectacular ballroom in Long Beach, California. It was an astonishing scene. Trailblazers Billie Jean King and Gloria Steinem stepped forward. So did entertainment names like Rachael Ray and Jennifer Lopez. As did CNN media great ... Views: 918
Two Burning Questions That Keep Popping Up Like the Gopher-Bopping Game at Carnivals
By Bill Cottringer
“Bold questions deserve bold answers.” ~ The author.
There are two burning questions that keep popping up in my life, just like the gopher-bopping game at carnivals. Bop them down ... Views: 1027
Are you attracting what you want in your life now?
With the things that are happening around the world do you feel that you are getting what you want with the law of attracting or are you left out?
Are you attracting the right things
Do you feel that you are attracting the right things in ... Views: 630
When we talk about starvation, or eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, we’re normally referring to behavior relating to food. For example, when someone is said to have the condition called anorexia, we are typically describing a behavior pattern marked by an aversion to or pushing ... Views: 743
What are 10 two letter words that make up one of the most powerful lessons one can learn in this lifetime? It goes along with the saying, “If you want something done right, do it yourself!” The 10 two letter words are: If it is to be, it is up to me! What a simple but profound ... Views: 5488
You hear it every day, not matter what the current economic situation, “they” say “If only ___” you fill in the blank. I hope you are not one of those people, I don’t think so otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article.
Think about this…why is ... Views: 1322
Any successful businessperson has taken a risk even when those around them may have tried to dissuade them. Donald Trump is a risk taker. Despite business setbacks, he did not allow fear and negativity to prevent him from becoming one of the most successful businessmen in America.
Oprah Winfrey ... Views: 5244
Have you ever noticed that successful people have a "team" that they surround themselves with? For example, the president has his cabinet, as well as numerous other advisors and consultants. The head coach of any sports team has countless assistants and trainers. Every CEO has a board of ... Views: 988
Introduction to Persistence
My workout at gym class yesterday was nothing special; I went there at 4 just like I'm used to, and came back at 6 as I do every time. I pumped weights and did everything like I do every time. The only different thing about yesterday's gym class was that my leg was ... Views: 1739
"Learn to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want." ~Anonymous
Most people want to achieve success but it is important to be mindful that the definition of success may be different for each individual. In order to achieve what you want there are three important ... Views: 4664