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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Success Principles". If you have expertise in Success Principles and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
"Think big" towers above most other advice you will hear on how to succeed. In just two words, it lays out a plan for achieving your highest goals.
The greatest challenge is to find ways to think big today, not someday. Here's how to make sure that happens.
Think Big Secret ##1: Seize ... Views: 891
One fateful day back in 1979, Apple's co-founder, Steve Jobs, had a spark of intuition so bright it is still flashing across the screen of the computer you are looking at right now.
Jobs was visiting Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, where he saw an experimental computer called the Alto. It ... Views: 782
Generally there are two types of people who claim they “don’t do it for the money”: those who already have plenty of money and those engaged in fundamentally non-lucrative creative or service-oriented fields like the arts or social work. In both cases, passion or some other deeply held personal ... Views: 749
Money is great. Yet if you study the lives of very wealthy people, you will discover that very few of them started out saying, “My goal is to get rich.” Almost without exception, they were driven by a personal passion that was so strong, money followed as an afterthought.
Consider Tom Chappell, ... Views: 813
Conventional wisdom holds that an Ivy League degree virtually assures success. But like a lot of commonly held assumptions, it's turning out to be wrong.
Consider "Route to the Top," Chief Executive Magazine's annual analysis of 700 top American CEOs. Of the findings in the latest 2004 survey, ... Views: 800
tempo: the rate of motion or activity.
--Webster's Dictionary
I’ve mentioned before that when you’re the CEO of a company, it’s like being a general. You have to be in charge. You have to take responsibility. You have to instill confidence. It's also a bit like being a conductor, which is one ... Views: 828
The best way to have an edge is to live on one.
-- Donald J. Trump
I’ve already written about complacency and how it can ruin your chances for success. It’s the same as being in a rut and deciding to stay there. That’s why I advise people to live on the edge. It’s the opposite of complacency; ... Views: 6044
Meeting the challenges problems present head on is a personality trait formed through habit. Some people develop the habit early in life, often through repetition to the point where the reaction is not even a conscious choice. Successful approaches to problem solving, though learned behaviors, ... Views: 920
What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us.
-- Emerson
That thought by Ralph Waldo Emerson has always been an inspiration to me. It gives me energy to keep going full force because I know I still have a lot to accomplish. No matter what I may ... Views: 612
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson
It's strange to think that fear of succeeding could be such a big issue and do much damage. I've found it ... Views: 872
Why do some people continually achieve great things, while others merely dream of bettering themselves?
Are people born with some sort of "achievement gene", or can you learn to be an achiever?
I believe that anyone can accomplish what they desire in life. By being aware of the ... Views: 1931
"Prices of existing homes fell for the first time in 11 years and the backlog of available homes for sale was at its highest since current measures began, underlining the significant slowdown in the housing market."
- "US Housing Slowdown Continues," by Daniel Pimlott and Michael Mackenzie, ... Views: 519
I received an email from a fellow who wanted some techniques on maintaining focus, especially the conscious focus that Haanel describes in Week Fourteen in The Master Key System.
26. But the thought must be clear cut, steady, fixed, definite, unchangeable; you cannot take one step forward and ... Views: 4231
Data from the U. S. Census and other sources tell us that people with college degrees usually earn more money than people who don't have them.
But no matter how hard you scour the Internet, you won't find any statistics aboutthe growing number of self-educated entrepreneurs who are joining the ... Views: 639
What does success mean to you? Becoming a millionaire? Owning a yacht? Doing what you love? Having the ability to spend time with your kids? Having the perfect body?
The answer to this question will be different for each person and your answer could determine your happiness. The problem is, ... Views: 1017
Most of the time, being innovative is simply putting together existing elements to create what appears to be new. I was touted as being innovative when I came up with the mixed use condominium and hotel tower, which I did with the Trump International Hotel & Tower in New York. Since then, the ... Views: 735
The most powerful concept behind LinkedIn is that it finds the right people AND the connections you have with them. It makes the networks of the people we know visible. LinkedIn shows us our second and third degree networks and the paths towards them. This has tremendous value.
Why? Many ... Views: 4573
“Success is what you do and get from finding the abundance that has your name on it.”
~ The author.
At home and work, we are all part of realities we often don’t particularly like and sometimes desperately want to make better. These realities can be uncomfortable conflicts in ... Views: 822
When it comes to improving your presentation skills, only one voice matters – yours! Have you ever considered what your speaking voice is saying about you? Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself? No, I mean listened, truly listened to how others recognize your voice.
Most people ... Views: 3337
“I’m going to start my own business one day”
“One day I plan on taking a trip to Hawaii”
“I’ll get around to cleaning the garage one day”
“I want to go back and finish my degree, but I’m too old”
The power of setting goals and accomplishing them has a positive impact on our lives. When we ... Views: 1132
The world today is getting more interconnected. Success cannot happen if you are in isolation. For your business to be successful, you need to build good relationships. It is inevitable that you need the support of your clients, suppliers, friends, family, and colleagues. You need to interact ... Views: 8247
There's a popular quote in the motivational world that goes like this: "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Upfront, this is one of the greatest myths about success. By the end of this article, I want you to replace it with this cliche: "Quit flogging a dead horse."
If someone asks you, ... Views: 6388
How much of your life do you hold yourself accountable for? Consider your level of responsibility for the results in your life, on a percentage basis. Is the answer 25%? 50%? 75%? Now ask yourself this, why not a 100%? If your not in charge, responsible, held accountable for each and every ... Views: 1485
Through my practice of law in the fields of asset protection, tax reduction, and estate planning, one of the most common characteristics that I've observed among my wealthier clients is that they rarely pour all of their entrepreneurial energy into just one type of business. While I've worked ... Views: 1398
If you've heard me speak, you may have noticed I emphasize several things repeatedly - never give up is one, being passionate is another, keeping focused is up there, and keeping your momentum runs a close fourth. I've learned those things from experience.
Here's the complete top 10 list I give ... Views: 620
I learned a lot from my father, Fred Trump. I learned about competence and efficiency. One of the best pieces of advice he ever gave me was his favorite formula for success. I call it Fred Trump’s Four-Step Formula for Getting Things Done. The four steps are: "Get in, get it done, get it done ... Views: 1484
The choices you make today are the life you’ll life tomorrow.
Believe it or not, there is a science behind successful thinking. If we ask any successful person we’ll usually find the same answer—“the way I achieved success is by going after it.” So what does “going after it” really ... Views: 2460
There Is Nothing Wrong With Seeing Things The Way They Are
Bill Cottringer
“Common sense is the simple knack of seeing things the way they are and doing things the way they should be done.” ~ Mark Twain.
Here are two important clarifications that I think Mark Twain would have agreed ... Views: 1063
Success is talked about throughout society and people seem to be working towards being successful with almost every job that is done. It is interesting that people even decide at an early age at times, which profession will be looked at as a successful one. A prestigious job so to speak is one ... Views: 1691
Upon hearing the frightening news that I would be downsized from a job where I was an impact player, to say the least, I felt betrayed. I was told that both my immediate supervisor and I would be replaced by a single person, probably for less pay. In the past, I had offered up ideas and created ... Views: 806
Success knocks at your door everyday! Are you prepared to identify it, capture it and use it to your advantage?
One of the keys to seizing success is the ability to recognize success when you have achieved it. Congratulate yourself for each achievement. Small successes are important and give ... Views: 906
Breathe Esther, breathe! As my turn to speak drew near, my sense of self became smaller.
Several years ago, I was invited to a seminar at Oberlin College in Ohio, where I had spent my sophomore and junior years.
During the reception, the host made an unexpected request of the guests, asking ... Views: 730
Now certainly there are many more than just three mistakes that business owners make preventing their own success. These are simply three of the most obvious and most popular. They are also three of the most lethal. Take a look and see if you are afflicted with any of these and if so dive into ... Views: 871
I had a very interesting discussion with a colleague recently. I was doing my usual probing about their life, their future and their possibilities. You are likely familiar with the question I asked. “What is your 5 year goal?” I got a quick and pat answer regarding the next step up the ... Views: 857
I’m posing this questions, as I sit here at 1:00am, to bring some thoughts into form.
What does keep you up at night? For most, stress is the big factor. Stress about work, finances, relationships, family, what do I do with my life now. Any of this hitting home? We fight to stay in bed and ... Views: 998
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Success Acceleration - by Eric Taylor –’s Chief Inspiration Officer
Dear High Achiever:
Is there an area of your life where you would like to make a monumental shift, massive improvement and transformation?
I bet there is.
When I ask this question at a seminar, a workshop or to anyone, I inevitably get one of five answers.
•1. Money - finances
•2. Health - ... Views: 1020
Especially in the western world millions of people of average intelligence and education started with nothing and were able to create successful lives. In terms of success, background and education are not deciding factors. Your ability to continuously focus your mind on positive thoughts, ... Views: 1565
To the world success means money, power, or fame. The dictionary even defines it as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. That is the way that I defined it for most of my life. To me, success always had a lot to do with the house I lived in, the car I drove and the clothes I wore.
Then ... Views: 1160
This article is an excerpt from "The Science of Getting Rich" and taken from the website
from Chapter 1
The Right to be Rich
Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is ... Views: 858
"The more tranquil a [person] becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom." --James Allen, 1864-1912, Author of As A Man Thinketh
Of all the challenges in life, calmness of mind is probably one of ... Views: 6034
I imagine every one of you reading this right now has an idea what receiving the gold medal means to an Olympic winner. It’s the top of the line, the ultimate dream to obtain, the highest achievement. Oftentimes it took many years of great effort, nose-to-the-grindstone training to win that gold ... Views: 1237
Italian philosopher Nicocolo Machiavelli said, “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” You have probably heard the saying, You become the average of your closest friends. Because of the impact your friends have on your success, it ... Views: 1228
You probably have heard the term”the size of your network determines the size of your net worth”. Now if you are an online business owner, you’ve heard it “the money is in the list”. With that said, both online and offline business owners realize that building a network is essential to ... Views: 1380
Bill Cottringer
“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing all the hard work you already did.” ~Newt Gingrich.
This morning I was driven to write this article after initially responding via e-mail to an ... Views: 1033
Would you like to be successful, but feel that you are missing an obvious piece of the puzzle? If you are still fighting for success, but cannot reach your desired level, you should ask yourself this: Have you left out any essential piece, such as doing something you really love?
The keys to ... Views: 621
Do you recall the classic statement, "the only constant is change"? It is an ever-present phenomenon, and by comprehension at the level of man's intelligence, a tricky one, because change is in constant clash with timeless principles, which by evidence of established patterns, do not ... Views: 946
You don't have to be a professional sportsperson or the CEO of a company to set personal goals. Instead, what you do have to be is an individual who wishes success in your career, within your family, or perhaps with your personal finances.
Personal goal setting is just a structured personal ... Views: 642
Yes, money can be a key measure of success!
Barely a news bulletin goes by without more financial bad news or job losses. With so many negative issues of money in the news these days, it is not surprising that you are seriously worried about your financial future and the affect it may have on ... Views: 8776
Progress is never a straight line. Often it’s a matter of one step forward, two steps back. Just ask Oprah, icon of self-improvement, who publicly confessed how sabotaging beliefs contributed to weight issues that continue to plague her. Backsliding after we’ve started some new habits or set new ... Views: 3932
The other evening I had some folks over to talk about love. Yes, love. And guess what? They loved it. It fed them to share stories about how love operates in their lives, to connect with the love in their own hearts, and to be in the company of other who wanted to do the same thing.
In a way, I ... Views: 1005