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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Success Principles". If you have expertise in Success Principles and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In these unpredictable times, it’s easy for us to yearn to know what is going to happen, to be more tied into to knowing what the outcome for most circumstances are. However, it maybe that one of the best strategies for getting what we want is to psychologically release our insistence that ... Views: 2190
You've probably made resolutions, yes? Just like you made them
last year? Did you keep all the resolutions you made last year?
Did you achieve all the goals you set out to achieve? If not, do
you plan to do things differently this year? I hope so. Question
is, do you know *what* to do ... Views: 1056
At the age of six, Corinne Archer* started putting in long hours training in her sport. Long before she entered her teens, she had fixed her mind on a single goal: to win an Olympic gold medal. From then on, she crushed everything out of her life that didn't contribute to her goal. Every ... Views: 5717
Letting Go Leads to Success
In these unpredictable times, it’s easy for us to yearn to know what is going to happen, to be more tied into to knowing what the outcome for most circumstances are. However, it maybe that one of the best strategies for getting what we want is to psychologically ... Views: 1023
First what you don’t want to do... panic! Panic and anxiety will zap the life right out of you. Whether you are facing downsizing, health, relationship or financial issues taking immediate appropriate action will make all the difference in the world. Making those decisions with a clear mind and ... Views: 1208
A successful life is about finding your true purpose and pursuing it with all your passion. It is about find the true riches of life that lead to happiness and fulfillment. It is having goals that drive your life.
Many people who achieve fortune in the world are not born rich. But they ...A ... Views: 1018
"Raising your vibration" used to be a nebulous concept. Those of you who have read my book know it can be as easy as reading the altimeter on your airplane. And you know that once you can use that altimeter to navigate your plane up into the higher altitudes, you become a more powerful ... Views: 1253
Creating wealth and being truly successful in business and life doesn’t happen by chance or wishful thinking. Nor is it necessary to ‘speak into the universe’ or perform any other strange rituals, though doing so won’t prevent it from happening either.
The ‘secret’ if there is one, is simply ... Views: 634
One of my first memories of fearing bridges was shortly after I started driving. Crossing bridges in a car was not too bad as long as I was riding, but when I started driving, my fear of bridges started to get a lot worse. Eventually, I could manage the smaller bridges but would avoid the ... Views: 3254
Setting goals and achieving them is one of the most satisfying feelings that you will ever experience. If the feeling is so wonderful, then why doesn't everyone in the World achieve great things in their lives?
Unfortunately, there are people who simply don't and won't set goals and will ... Views: 1602
Dreamers are thinkers. Achievers are thinkers and doers. If you want to accomplish great things in your life, then you must decide what you want, and then take action.
Here are 7 tips to help you achieve what you want in life, and to convert your dreams into reality.
1) To begin the ... Views: 1241
Success may not be ALL in your mindset but it certainly starts there – and can end there too if you don’t take positive action to prevent it. Your mindset, your beliefs about wealth are at the very heart of your success.
On the surface, we all want to run successful businesses. We want be ... Views: 629
Testing is a powerful principle that should be the driving force behind every piece of marketing that is undertaken. Testing eliminates the unnecessary risks that rob you of your financial success.
Traditionally, part of the entrepreneurial profile has been to risk all in search of a dream, but ... Views: 533
As a fledgling mom, laundry is something I do a lot. Into my sixth load the other day, I adjusted that dial yet again and realized that this was a teaching moment. Yes, my washing machine knows a great deal about success—-and I would do well to pay attention.
Sounds a little crazy, I know. ... Views: 1311
There are many programs, seminars, books and methodologies to achieve success in any given endeavor. Many of them work and are very helpful in one’s pursuit of their goals. However, they all take time and energy to implement.
If you engage in how the human mind works, ... Views: 939
If you don’t like your job; if the economic downturn has left you unemployed; if you could do anything in the world, now is the time to do it. My grandmother used to say ‘if the world gives you lemons, make lemon meringue pies.”
The silver lining in financial woes and possible job loss is that ... Views: 676
Living a successful prosperous life filled with happiness and inner peace is available to everyone. All YOU need to do is know the secrets to creating the life you want to experience. Here is a summary of the ten secrets from the up coming series of tele-seminars – Top 10 Powerful Secrets for ... Views: 892
There are times when life is on a roll, when everything happens effortlessly and seems to fall in place. We feel great and couldn’t have been more happier. It’s as if the planets and stars were aligned just for us. We even think we finally cracked the success formula. Isn’t life just wonderful? ... Views: 1083
During last year's Beijing Olympic Games in China I don't think any Gold Medals were won by people who turned up hoping for the best. The people who won the Gold Medals were different; they had a dominating dream of their life, to be the best! They had a Dream of Winning; a Desire to be the ... Views: 7655
Most people measure their success by somebody else’s standards, which is understandable when you realize that you are trained from the time you are born in what and who to believe. Where else are you going to learn the rules and beliefs?
Your parents, teachers, church, community, ... Views: 1117
“People who cease to grow can’t inspire others. Leadership begins with challenging oneself.” –Daisaku Ikeda (Buddhist leader, philosopher, educator, prolific writer and poet)
The beginning of any quarter stirs up new hopes and new dreams, which sometimes seem to fade before the quarter has ... Views: 1001
Ever laugh at yourself? Sure you have. Everyone has.
Well, I just finished laughing at myself again.
Why was I laughing? Because of this article.
Let me explain...
Every month I pretty much go through the same routine. When it comes time to write an article for my newsletter I ... Views: 2772
It is important to set yourself up for success. Repeated so-called failures can show up the same learning lessons, of which you may have difficulty recognizing. Despite detailed goal setting, planning and all, it is possible that you have been unconsciously sabotaging yourself. It may well be ... Views: 1545
Did you wake up today and ask "what am I doing with my life"?
Or perhaps you find yourself wondering if there's more to life than the daily grind of work, home, activities, day in and day out .. the same old thing. Samo-Samo.
Are you happy, like your job but feel there's got to be something ... Views: 673
The “XY” principle is something that came to me recently and explains desire and achieving in a basic sense.
Firstly “X” is what you desire and “Y” is what’s required in order to have “X”, so if you want “X” then you need to do “Y”.
Let’s say you want a house (X), you think about the area you ... Views: 776
What is it we do not understand, and what needs to be understood, that is the intelligible question we must ask ourselves when our brain runs wild in search of certainty.
The human brain, unique in the entire universe in its complexity, composed of over 200 billion nerve cells. Each cell has a ... Views: 1261
My wife Deborah and I just returned from a month long trip to London and Germany. For the first 18 days we worked: a Story Theater Retreat in London, 2 Retreats in Munich, a keynote at the German Speakers Association annual conference and finally, a speech at a human resources convention in ... Views: 1468
You are huge. You are enormous. You are magnificent!
I’m not talking about your girth; I’m talking about your talent. I’m talking about your passion and depth of feeling. I’m talking about your potential to be an amazing speaker, communicator or leader.
Have you given yourself permission to ... Views: 1073
"Have I dreamed of late; of the person I want to be. Have I renewed of late; my vision of the world I want to live in; my dreams shall not crash down. My visions go not glimmering. So long as I have breath, I know I have the strength to transform what I can be to what I am.” – Unknown
Life is ... Views: 1055
Even long after you've forgiven yourself for past mistakes they may still pop into your mind now and again as you find yourself thinking “boy was I stupid”.
A fantastic way to utilise these mistakes is to remember all you learnt from them. If you’re not sure what you learnt, rack your brain ... Views: 863
My good friend Jay Niblick, founder of Innermetrix International, recently completed a study called The Genius Project. His study became the basis for his latest book, What’s Your Genius?
The Genius Project grew out of a desire to better understand two things:
1. What was the cause of the ... Views: 1221
In 1991, I created my first Treasure Map/Vision board, after discovering the process in Shakti Gawain's book, Creative Visualization.
The action of choosing, cutting, arranging and gluing pictures of my desired future was indeed an extremely powerful one. Since then, I have received so many ... Views: 14456
As I was listening to an audio speech by Chris Weidner I became aware of a problem. Sometimes we feel that we've beat a subject to death. As leaders we feel we've stated the need, the change, the information to everyone and everywhere. Because we've stated the intention over and over again we ... Views: 895
You know that little faint voice you hear in the back of your head, or the hunch that you get in your stomach? The one that tells you whom to trust, what decision to make, which direction to take, or even what to believe about someone, or conclude about some situation you’re faced with?
It's ... Views: 2328
You’re thinking your life is wonderful, no current crisis is on the horizon, no big decisions to make, everything seems to be rocking along. Then, out of the blue, something happens in five minutes, your world is turned upside down, you have to make some instant decisions. Your emotions are ... Views: 1143
Most people don’t have a problem “thinking” success. They have a problem “believing” that they can accomplish what they are “thinking.” Your vision may be that you want to earn a million dollars, and the reality is that you don’t “believe” you can. Through conditioning, we are either convinced ... Views: 991
I was in Kenya lately, visiting a Masai village when I heard a true story about one of the Masai tribesman in the village.
Here's how the story goes...
The Masai was walking from one village to another late at night, at about midnight. On the way, he met with a hungry lion.
The lion had one ... Views: 1380
You’ve no doubt witnessed a fly beating its head against a window trying desperately to get to freedom. It’s a life-or-death struggle, a futile attempt to fly through the glass, but all the time it is using up the last energies of its short life. If you listen to the sound of its wings hitting ... Views: 1354
The Grand Canyon.
The Northern Lights.
The Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
The miracle of birth.
Any miracle, really.
These are things that are “awesome.” That is to say, they inspire awe.
“Awe,” according to my little American Heritage Dictionary that I’ve had since ... Views: 3544
This may come as a shock to you, but most people really don’t want to change. Just give them a beer, point them toward the sofa and give them the television remote. They will continue to complacently live out their lives. Most people are much too busy earning a living to become financially ... Views: 2390
If you are like most people, you started out the year with dreams, good intentions, and new hopes. However, it's all too easy to let busy schedules, work priorities, stress, and inclement weather cloud over the optimism of those great objectives.
While anticipating the arrival of your goals is ... Views: 2626
My name is Stephen Seretan, and I was a friend and student of Lester Levenson, a physicist who discovered The Secret in 1952 with imminent death from heart disease ... Views: 1246
Who better to talk about adversity than Christopher Reeve? He said, “When the first Superman movie came out I was frequently asked “What is a hero?” My answer was that a hero is someone who commits a courageous action without considering the consequences…Now my definition is completely ... Views: 1894
You can search for success all your life and read book after book, on how to improve success in your life and after reading all these books still not have that secret ingredient to the success you envision. A lack of success leaves evidence, clues and keys as to why it has not shown up yet and ... Views: 936
As an author, speaker, and leadership development consultant I tell individuals and companies all the time: “You Can Still Win!” I have also authored a book by the same name and give talks to groups of all sizes on the subject. It’s a given: If you ask most people whether they would like to win ... Views: 1189
There are many people who try to achieve what they desire in life. Unfortunately, many people don't accomplish what they set out to do.
Here are some of the top mistakes that people make, and ways in which these can be avoided.
1) Setting timescales that are impossible to reach. Often, ... Views: 1242
No matter what you achieve in life, you will have gained at least 2 positive outcomes. The first is that you will have accomplished the desired result, and secondly, you will feel such a wonderful sense of achievement!
So what are the benefits of the feel good factor?
1) This is such a ... Views: 1950
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***A Key to Success - by Donald J. Trump, Trump University, The Official Guides to Real Estate
There is an ingredient for success that is often overlooked, maybe because it sounds out of place in business lingo. But I know for a fact that it is absolutely necessary to achieve any kind of long lasting success, and I know this from experience. That ingredient is passion.
Enthusiasm on a ... Views: 1122
Jamie Meiselman is an entrepreneur who pursued the idea of bringing the perfect surf indoors through an enterprise known as Surfparks. A veteran of the action sports industry (snowboarding, skateboarding, etc.), Mr. Meiselman nurtured his idea while studying for his MBA at Columbia University. ... Views: 1012
Reach for the stars, go for it, man!
- Sammy Davis, Jr.
America is a big country and bigness is essential to the American Way. It's everywhere you look: big money, big portions, big ideas. In a place with so much of everything, there's a lot of smallness, too, like millions of people of modest ... Views: 899