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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Stress Management". If you have expertise in Stress Management and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I know it so well. That feeling of overwhelm.
Feeling like I'll never get it all done. Feeling like I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in.
Feeling pressured by all I want to accomplish and all that my life entails. Feeling like it never ends, no matter how efficient I ... Views: 1280
Do you feel like your life is hard – harder than it should be?
What if you could allow your life to get easier?
What would that look like? And feel like?
Let's start right now.
I invite you to take a few slow, deep breaths.
Just relax into it.
Wherever you are. Right now – just ... Views: 1246
We’ve all been there. You’re sailing through your day feeling great and then out of nowhere, you are hit with an email, phone call, or conversation that knocks you off balance. Or maybe, you go through the workday with a constant weight on your shoulders. You could be stressed out at a job ... Views: 1436
An intriguing discussion popped up on social media. It all started with a question: “Is crying in the workplace okay? Does it show you are genuinely human or weak or overly sensitive or ______________(fill in the blank)?” Underneath a question like that is the proverbial value assessment: ‘Is ... Views: 1394
An intriguing discussion popped up on social media. It all started with a question: “Is crying in the workplace okay? Does it show you are genuinely human or weak or overly sensitive or ______________(fill in the blank)?” Underneath a question like that is the proverbial value assessment: ‘Is ... Views: 1290
After my talks, people often come up to me and say, “I used to be an introvert – but I got over it,” or, “I’m not sure; sometimes I think I’m one thing and sometimes the other. Can you be both?”
Actually, you can be both, changing from one situation to another, or changing over time from one ... Views: 1139
Our Declaration of Independence gives us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My cell phone ensures every day is Independence Day. I have been liberated from having to carry my laptop, Ereader, camera, and a GPS. I don’t have to visit the bank to make a deposit. I am able to ... Views: 1410
Did you know that according to recent studies and surveys by the Centers for Disease Control, the United States Census Bureau, and the National Institutes of Health, stress and stress burnout have been called America’s number one health challenge? Did you know that a 2013 study by the American ... Views: 1341
We all have to deal with stress. Some of us can handle stress better than others. But the more tools, knowledge, and skills that you have, the better off you'll be able at handling it. This guide will help you to improve your quality of life and your overall well-being, with some coping ... Views: 1258
Much has been said already about how we could keep the balance between our personal life and work life. However, not all of the advice you get can actually match with your personality and lifestyle. While it is true that focusing too much on work and having very little time for your personal ... Views: 1363
Over 40% of employees in the workplace have experienced bullying, a persistent pattern of behavior that intimidates, degrades or otherwise undermines the wellbeing of the target. Bullying is four times more prevalent than sexual abuse, and, according to a study at the University of Manitoba, the ... Views: 1227
As working professionals, we work hard and give to others all day. When we are advised togeteight hours of sleep, but don't, it can make us feel guilty. We wish we knew how toshutoff our devices in the evening, how to keep ourselves from trading an hour ofproductivityfor sleep, or how to turn ... Views: 2654
Stress is a typical piece of life, yet not everybody is equipped for overseeing it legitimately. Stress is a reason for malady and sickness. Much of the time long haul stress prompts endless wellbeing conditions. This implies stress management is a do or kick the bucket circumstance. Some stress ... Views: 1045
Take a full breath and gradually tally to ten. Does that guidance sound natural? Maybe you heard it from your Mom. Whether Mom acknowledged it or not she shared a decent tip on the best way to lessen stress. It's critical to know how to lessen stretch in your life. Truth be told, its prescribed ... Views: 1169
As more and more attention is being paid to introversion, thanks to Susan Cain and her book, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” the world is slowly becoming aware of introvert value and, what’s better, willing to make some adjustments to accommodate introverts ... Views: 1159
You hate your boss, you hate your work, your co-workers drive you crazy, and you’re convinced you’re underpaid even if you weren’t horribly overworked. You’re stressed all the time! Small wonder. . .
You’re tired, achy, rarely get a peaceful night’s sleep, and now you’ve come down with a ... Views: 1376
I don't worry much. When an issue arises that cause me distress, my mind instantly begins searching for possible solutions. I wasn't always like this - it took years of awareness and effort but it has certainly paid off. Take this past week, for example. I use a service to heavily promote both ... Views: 1425
I'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who never experiences stress. Most of us become frustrated when things don't go the way we planned or when others don't comply with how we want them to be or behave. A sense of losing control triggers feelings of uncertainty within us. Mild anxiety, or ... Views: 1446
Stress awareness month always confused me. Aren’t we always hyperaware of how stressed we are? What we may not realize is how stress affects us.
The Price of Stress
When we are stressed our limbic brain takes over, shutting down all body systems which do not help us fight or flee danger. ... Views: 1102
Stress awareness month always confused me. Aren’t we always hyperaware of how stressed we are? What we may not realize is how stress affects us.
The Price of Stress
When we are stressed our limbic brain takes over, shutting down all body systems which do not help us fight or flee danger. ... Views: 1162
Today is "tax day". For millions of American tax payers it is probably their least favorite time of the year, propelling them into a state of duress and anxiety. For a business owner such as myself the task of gathering all of my receipts and itemizing my expenses is time consuming and ... Views: 1380
It is human nature to be apprehensive of change; to be hesitant of taking a leap into the unknown. Unfortunately this very human tendency can limit your growth; both personal and professional. When there is a need to branch out and move to a new place for professional reasons, there could be ... Views: 1263
With growing modernization and our fast paced lives we tend to experience a condition called stress. Stress may be defined as pressure felt by individuals throughout their lives; it may be physical or mental in nature. Some even define it as psychological imbalance between the expected result ... Views: 1214
I've spent over twenty years working with families as a spiritual life coach. Many of my clients divulge painful or embarrassing situations that their families are struggling with, believing there must be something wrong with them since other families they know appear so well adjusted. I assure ... Views: 1592
Do you have a hard time communicating with your boss or supervisor? Having a difficult boss is a reality for many professionals and can be extremely stressful for those in a job they hate. Dealing with others who have a lack of concern, offer poor instruction, are hostile or manipulative can ... Views: 1195
When the going gets tough, the tough go do something fun.
Listen, it is highly likely that you'll have days that are less fluid than others. Days that present challenges. Days where you want to throw your computer out the window and auction off your first-born.
When you own your business, ... Views: 1292
Have you ever heard the expression: “strong opinions, weakly held”?
It was used in the mid-80's by Paul Saffo; Director at The Institute for the Future, to explain the process for creating acceptable forecasts. As there’s always so much uncertainty about future events, it’s impossible to have ... Views: 1192
How has your career affected the rest of your life? Are you happy when you go home and ready to connect with your family? The answers to those questions usually lie in your personal, work-life balance. The ability to manage your job duties with other aspects of your life such as health, ... Views: 1650
Elizabeth knew that something was wrong at work.
She was being interrupted during discussions, ignored in conversations, and excluded from meetings. She didn’t have a clue what it was about, but the stress of not knowing was undermining her confidence.
Elizabeth felt confused, ... Views: 1375
The story goes like this: Eighteen hours before my plane is going to leave for Jamaica, I discover that I cannot find my passport anywhere. I spend the next 10 hours turning my house upside down and still no passport. I was calm at the beginning. Of course it will show up I thought. It really ... Views: 1135
Parts Integration
The NLP technique for internal conflict resolution
In this article you will learn NLP’s popular Parts Integration technique – a useful skill to overcome ‘bad habits’, indecision, procrastination and all sorts of internal conflicts.
Emotional experiences throughout life and ... Views: 1076
There is no such thing as stress. Got that? Good. Then why are you wasting so much of your time with “stress management” programs, lectures, coaches, books, articles and websites? Could it be because you really don’t believe that there’s no such thing as stress?
Oh, I know it’s a cottage ... Views: 1790
Maybe – just maybe – your gut-level feeling that you shouldn’t be doing something is right. But if you’re an introvert, you’ve probably had a lifetime of being told to ignore your feelings, and urged to act just the opposite.
Want to stay home and read? “What’s the matter with you, anyway?” ... Views: 1034
Are you ready to achieve success in your life or career but constantly feel drained or overwhelmed? That’s natural because we are consistently bombarded with tasks, emails, phone calls, text messages, and social media. You might have the greatest intentions, but still find obstacles getting in ... Views: 1301
Everyone tells you that you must have a clear vision of where you want to go and who you want to be. Not everyone tells you exactly how – and how not – to get to that vision.
For example, suppose you want a life in which you are well paid and appreciated for your work. You want warm ... Views: 1099
Margie was the best hostess. She greeted everyone at the door. She passed appetizers and offered drinks. Margie ensured that everyone had a good time and that absolutely everything was perfect. The problem was - this was not Margie’s party. She was a guest at the party like everyone else and yet ... Views: 1262
I don't know about you, but shopping is not on my list of enjoyable past times. I think I'm one of only a few women on this planet who actually does not like to shop. When I do shop, I go in, get what I need, and get out.
Apparently, when it comes to shopping during the holidays, it's ... Views: 1493
Time and energy bandits are habits and thought processes that can suck you dry, leaving you exhausted and harried.
One of these bandits, which particularly rears its head at the holiday season, is perfectionism.
Now perfectionism is a wonderful trait – in its place. Some of the places ... Views: 923
Why is it that some people are thriving during these uncertain economic times, while others are struggling? Chances are those that are doing well have diversified their revenue streams; especially on the Internet. It’s amazing how many ways there are to legitimately make money on the Internet. ... Views: 1267
Gratitude is not a one-serving meal relegated to Thanksgiving and plates full of yummy traditions and comfort. Gratitude is an all-round accompaniment, perfect for gatherings, holidays, and quiet solitude. Gratitude travels well. It works in all kinds of weather and is never out of season, too ... Views: 1399
Like the Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz I sought an expert to provide me with what I already held.
Over a decade in corporate America led this Type A into physical distress. I was fatigued and irritable. My muscles were tight and painful. My digestion and reproductive ... Views: 1255
If you're unhappy at work, rest assured that things will change. As with all things, you can be a part of the change in positive or negative ways.
We all can’t be astronauts, professional athletes, dolphin trainers or test pilots -- some of us have to work for a living. I’m not implying that ... Views: 1299
They’re here again! The wonderful days to gather with our friends and loved ones. The days of sharing stories over a cacophony of food items and exchanging gifts that somehow represent a physical manifestation of our love and adoration for others. While there are many reasons to feel uplifted ... Views: 2179
In 1988 when I wrote “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: PS It’s All Small Stuff,” little did I know that a number of years later my book would go into three printings, have an audio version, be celebrated and awarded wonderful titles like “Good Morning America’s” "Hot Pick" and “Publishers Weekly ... Views: 1699
Holidays are the best time of the year filled with parties, celebrations, gifts, food, family, and friends.
Or are they?
happy_holidays_wallpaper_by_darktrick17-d5mvmf2For some, holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Our schedule is filled with events and gatherings ... Views: 1159
Have you found yourself irritable, overwhelmed, or unable to sleep? If so, its time to ask yourself, ‘Are you stressed out?’ Professionals in the Millennial Generation, ages 20-34, are dealing with the highest levels of stress, which can lead to burnout and other negative side effects. ... Views: 1687
“I’m now able to give a talk in public, but I’m still nervous. I guess I won’t ever get over it.” The speaker was a woman in one of my seminars, and the topic was introversion and public speaking. Her assumption was that because she was an introvert, nervousness was always there, ready to ... Views: 911
We’ve all heard about road rage. But, have you heard about the latest area for people to dump their anger? Desk rage. Well, maybe it’s not really the latest. I wrote a book about violence in the workplace in 1994, “Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence in the Workplace”. Same disease, now a new ... Views: 1463
Seasonal Affective Disorder combined with small business owners’ slow time of the year is a deadly cocktail. Most regions in the United States just turned their clock back one hour. However, many of you are still leaving for work in the dark and getting home when it is dark. You work all day ... Views: 1287