We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Stress Management". If you have expertise in Stress Management and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In its purest form, gardening is about connecting with the earth and resetting our clocks to the simple, natural rhythms of life. Try as we may, we can't really speed up a tomato plant and make it grow by our time table. We must adapt and in doing so, gardening offers us a gentle reminder ... Views: 5995
What’s the alternative to making decisions?
Allowing someone else, or circumstances, to make them for you.
And that is giving up control of your life. That’s giving up all power to your life to other people or circumstance. And that will make you miserable
It reminds me of ... Views: 11170
Copyright 2004
Don’t let the stress of election day cancel yourvote. The elections on Nov. 2, 2004, give you achance to help decide who will be the nextpresident of the USA as well as many state andlocal officials.
Many people fail to vote because they are notprepared ahead of time, and the ... Views: 1447
Are you feeling stressed out? Too many things to do, too little time? One more thing added to the To-Do list and you feel like you’ll explode?
Whoa there, no exploding allowed! You can handle it—just listen in.
Listen? To what?
To your self-talk. Not yourself talk, but your ... Views: 1221
Modern life can be a maze of challenges and stresses to our natural energetic state. Ideally it is optimal to have our energetic state balanced, in particular the chakras and acupuncture meridians. For reference I will call this ideal state "perfect balance".
Practicing yoga is a great way to ... Views: 1703
It’s hard enough raising children, guiding and gently nudging them into careers and social relationships, but little did we know that our aging parents would pose the greater challenge. When our parents need help, but refuse it; when they have endless demands, but we never do enough; when they ... Views: 1800
It is well known that exercise helps to alleviate stress. In fact, the American Council on Exercise reminds Americans that one of the most effective methods of stress relief is exercise. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Association endorses exercise as a way to reduce stress, and recommends ... Views: 9065
We are currently experiencing new paradigms in the field of healing as more and more is being written about how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have an effect on our physical bodies through wellness-illness and maintenance and well-being. More and more is being written on the fact that the ... Views: 2427
Modern life can be a maze of challenging energies and stresses to our natural energetic state. Ideally it is optimal to have our energy field & chakras balanced and at all subtle body levels (etheric,mental,astral and causal). For reference I will call this ideal state "body ... Views: 2704
Most Problems are Caused by Stress
Again and again you hear it: Problems are caused by stress. Doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and alternate healing specialists all say the same thing: stress causes problems. Illness, obesity, sleeplessness, job burnout, marital breakups, family ... Views: 4385
I've got a theory that most beings feel out of control in most areas of their lives. We also feel out of control in most of our daily circumstances.
Do you feel like you must react to what your boss tells you, how much money you have at this moment, how ... Views: 1054
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or ... Views: 1137
(c) Copyright 2004 by James Middleton
I bet you can't tell me... that you have never shouted at your kids in frustration.
If this is you, then you need to learn to relax.
My friend’s wife is a classic example of this problem. She tries to cook the dinner, do the washing, and empty out ... Views: 2690
Chaos and fear are closely linked. When we shift into a panic state, we fuel the flames of chaos. I love the analogy of "fear storms," because that is what they are, and eventually they blow over just like a storm, if we don't encourage them to stay. When our abstract, ... Views: 6652
Burnout, chronic fatigue and other stress-related illnesses are increasingly common. It is estimated that one in five people will experience depression during their lifetime, with women approximately twice as likely to experience depression as men.
This article, based on my own experience of ... Views: 2148
We all dream about daily concerns, fears, desires and occurrences in the form of a jigsaw puzzle, or a surrealistic movie. Sometimes we recall our dreams vividly and in great detail and other times, they drift away from memory like ephemeral clouds. There are many dream encyclopedias listing ... Views: 1490
Here is a series of simple, quick, and affordable indulgences to
help you slow down and enjoy this season of beauty and transition.
* Welcome spring. Whether or not the temperatures are beginning to
warm in your part of the world, take a walk, paying particular
attention to the little signs ... Views: 1406
Stress (short for dis-stress) arises when we can’t eliminate the negative emotions, feelings and thoughts that build up inside of us as a result of our reactions to daily events and relationships with others.
Learning to listen to and trust your intuition can help relieve the stress in your ... Views: 1376
Soul Snacks are spontaneous time-outs: creative ways you can nurture your spirit in 15 minutes or less.
Here's a week's worth, specially designed to help you infuse this cold season with joy and warmth.
Day One
Regardless of how you're doing with your New Year's Resolutions, let us take this ... Views: 1290
In the Northeast we have had some significant snow storms in early December forcing us to shovel and stay home. Our initial reaction was, “How beautiful and pure.” Then the next day when driving and walking became difficult, we began complaining, “Who needs snow!” By ... Views: 3310
Work brings together people of different characters and behavior, and this often causes friction, resentment and stress. Sometimes the boss is too demanding, colleagues may be unpleasant, there might be too much work or the working conditions may not be comfortable. The job may be boring, there ... Views: 1484
There I was, running around trying to juggle umpteen items
and doing only a fair job of it at best. There was my
therapy business, and I have been putting big pieces into
place to add coaching to my business along with having to
prepare a presentation for an annual convention. Then ... Views: 5416
We have all been conditioned to accept that physical pain means something is wrong with our body. This is because the phenomena of pain disorders appear so much like a physical injury that it is difficult for any of us to accept that the pain could be caused by something other than a body that ... Views: 3436
In a recent survey of 1,361 managers, it was found that more than 30% of managers work more than 40 hours a week, almost 40% work more than 50 hours a week and 66% report feeling under pressure constantly. *
Each week in the paper we find articles written about work/life balance, yet many ... Views: 1038
Stress is a natural part of life. We need some stress to maintain our energy for living. But we must find a balance and manage our stress or it will manage us and our lives. Stress is a very personal experience for each one of us because it is based on our personal perceptions. It is our body's ... Views: 1288
One of the biggest differences between introverts and extroverts is how they react to stress.
Some people don’t understand how introverts react to stress. Because of this, they think that all introverts are “neurotic” or mentally ill. Let me explain why this is a misperception.
When ... Views: 8228
Even if you know how to get organized, sometimes it seems like there's so much to do you don't even know where to start! Here are some hints to get you going and keep you on track.
1. Break your job into small chunks. If you’re going through lots of paper, take a pile and put it in a nice ... Views: 2967
1. Disconnect. Pick one day to disconnect from all technology for one hour. Turn off all the phones, pagers, televisions and computers, including email. Once you disconnect,sit and allow yourself to be still. The mind needs time to relax and recharge and it cannot do that with external ... Views: 1686
Summer is here, our days are packed full and we often become stressed. We sometimes have so much going on we think there's no time to laugh and have fun. Wrong! There is good news! Smiling and laughter are really good for your health! And the more you do them the better!
From biblical ... Views: 6345
Emotional and physical well being depend on the metaphysical balance between giving and receiving. Both the Jewish mystical work, the Kabbalah, and the Dali Lama’s Book of Transformations assert the same principle: Each one of us needs to establish a balance between giving and receiving. Easier ... Views: 1707
Most people work a 40 hour week so we can estimate that we typically spend about 2,000 hours at work each year. And many people work even more than this. Yet we often don’t take the time to ensure that our job setting is a pleasant place to be. Our jobs are often very stressful and stress is ... Views: 2628
It is within your power to reduce the stressful reactions that you have. A key to changing your reactions is being able to track the way in which you generate stress.
Recently, a coaching colleague told me a story about his client "Jim" who gets into many arguments and confrontations with ... Views: 1361
Think over the past few years: the dot.com bust, the Enron scandals, economic downturn, the horror of the Twin Towers, anthrax, Iraq and now more economic hardships. As if this wasn't enough chaos for a lifetime, SARS threatens to spread across the globe. Just reading the above list feels ... Views: 1101
When the bills start piling up and creditors start calling, you might want to crawl under a rock until your circumstances improve. Unfortunately, ignoring the problem by leaving mail laying around unopened and letting the answering machine screen incoming calls will only make your situation ... Views: 8549
Someone has said that the greatest cause of ulcers is mountain-climbing over mole-hills! Is that the way you get your exercise? Many folks allow themselves to be thrown off course by minor or imaginary threats. Often they interpret these as life-or-death, or do-or-die situations. They put so ... Views: 1290
Stress is an interpretation of an event or circumstance which is understood to be a threat. It can be any force or pressure put on a system (living or nonliving) which may result in a need for the system to adapt or change. Stress on human beings is like a rubber band.
You also stretch to ... Views: 2111
“How can I get them to buy-in to this idea?” Anna, a bank manager, asked me. She had an idea for restructuring the department. She knew it would work, but only if everyone would agree to it.
She talked about different department members: Bob, who disagreed with anything anyone proposed. ... Views: 1822
As a man thinketh, so is he. Once you realize that your world arises from your thoughts and emotions, that your outer situations reflect your inner state, you start to see a much larger pattern working in your life. You start to understand how your financial, relationship and health situations ... Views: 1282
To combat modern day stressors, you need to realize that things are going to go the way they are going to go, so you may as well just relax. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to practice extreme self-care which means putting your own needs first. We have had it backwards for ... Views: 2035
By Pauline Wallin, Ph.D
Clinical Psychologist
Author, "Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-defeating Behavior"
In the weeks and perhaps months to come, the world will be on edge as events unfold in the Middle East and ... Views: 1567
Most products or activities that are considered dangerous are labeled with a warning. Cigarette packages have a warning from the Surgeon General’s office. Stepladders have a warning that the top steps should be avoided. Likewise job contracts should be stamped with a statement that your job ... Views: 1830
Too much driving, too much shopping, too much rushing
around, running the kids around--family and work
demands have you stressed out.
There are many ways to help you control stress. Here
are some unique methods I've collected.
1. Yell! But---be sure you are alone. The best place
is ... Views: 1617