We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Stress Management". If you have expertise in Stress Management and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
By Judi Moreo
The world that we are living in today is anything but peaceful and predictable. It seems that every day there is some new tragedy or cause for fear that demands every ounce of our attention.
These incidents come from every direction and in all shapes and sizes. Whether a ... Views: 400
How Can We Define Deep Tissue Massage?
Deep tissue massage is a highly beneficial massaging procedure and technique. It works specifically on the deep, underlying, and core muscle layers. Moreover, it targets various sections and issues associated with the musculoskeletal system. It can ... Views: 430
5 Irrational Reactions to Challenging Situations
By Judi Moreo
Most days, one or all of us are faced with challenging situations. Any situation will trigger any number of different emotional responses from our endocrine systems, which we then react to externally.
Webster defines Irrational ... Views: 369
Nonstop infant care can flip around your life. Utilize these reasonable techniques to deal with the new pressure in your life.
An infant can bring a tornado of movement and fervor to your life — and a lot of pressure and weariness, as well. Whether you're a first-time parent or a veteran, ... Views: 363
Yoga is often associated with improved strength, flexibility, and balance. While all of these physical benefits are true, practising yoga on a regular basis also benefits your mental health. A yoga session is designed to provide you with the opportunity to stop, focus on your breath, and ... Views: 462
Hailed as the ‘king of Ayurvedic herbs’, Ashwagandha works well in reducing anxiety and stress. Ashwagandha tablets may also significantly enhance strength, promote glucose metabolism and boost testosterone levels.
Roots of ashwagandha have a horsey smell (in Sanskrit, ashva ... Views: 573
Balance is crucial for our physical and mental wellbeing.
Our physical balance tends to deteriorate as we age, making daily activities like putting our socks on a lot trickier than it used to be!
It’s worth making an effort to maintain a good sense of balance, as it helps improve our ... Views: 619
There are some weeks when you feel invincible, like when your house is clean and organized, your work presentation was well-received, you have gone to the gym several times, and everyone around you is in a good mood. But some weeks, however, you got assigned an emergency project at work, nothing ... Views: 491
Health is a level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living being (Asenso, 2011). In humans, it is the general condition of a person in mind, body and spirit, usually referred to as being free from illness, ... Views: 685
People with disability should also be able to engage with their community like every other individual in their daily life. Our NDIS Community Participation Service Perth, Western Australia, helps people with disability to lead a life with active engagement in community activities and programmes. ... Views: 519
In today's Briskly growing world, problems like Progressive supranuclear palsy emerge as a social dilemma. We can see some people in the society tend to mistreat senile people with a harsh attitude, at some houses they even send their diseased family member to the "old age ... Views: 568
Co-sleeping is the practice where the child sleeps in bed with his parents. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most hotly debated and controversial topics related to pediatric sleep. Let’s see why.
Some people argue that co-sleeping is the right and natural way to raise a child because ... Views: 524
Commonsense Solutions to Our Three Main Conflicts
Bill Cottringer
“Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.” ~Eugene Ionesco.
To help identify the source that drives our three main conflicts, I am taking the liberty of expanding the meaning of the ... Views: 467
Regardless of whether you’re working from home or returning to a commercial office, many of the same principles still apply. One of them is that tidiness really does matter. Here are five reasons why you should work on having a clutter-free office area.
Tidiness gives a good ... Views: 515
Is Your Inner Dialogue Chaotic?
Have you ever tuned out of a conversation because you're more involved in the discussion going on in your head? Did you find yourself getting irritated at the person droning on because it's distracting you from that argument raging within you?
You're not ... Views: 597
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by difficulty distinguishing what one perceives, knows, and remembers. Some schizophrenic symptoms include delusions, thought disorders, lack of concentration for more than five minutes with frequent breaks (memory loss), inability to complete ... Views: 485
If you want to feel better, have more energy, and want to add years to the life you need to exercise regularly.
The health benefits of regular exercise cannot be ignored. Those who exercise regularly do always benefit themselves.
1. Exercise controls weight
Exercise can help you gain excess ... Views: 534
Many studies and researches are conducted on mental illnesses and their causes. It’s easier to understand our mental health and emotions when we learn more about the functioning of our brain. In some cases, the symptoms of a mental health issue are pretty clear. In others, the signs are quite ... Views: 633
Affordable housing is crucial and basic to a healthy community.
Some people have come to view affordable housing units as a threat to their neighborhoods, fearing that, with an affordable housing complex nearby, their property value will go down and people with serious problems will move ... Views: 506
Affordable housing is crucial and basic to a healthy community.
Some people have come to view affordable housing units as a threat to their neighborhoods, fearing that, with an affordable housing complex nearby, their property value will go down and people with serious problems will move ... Views: 506
In a life that is dictated by routines, vacations and travelling is a thing that helps keep us sane. The idea of taking annual leaves regularly makes a lot of sense. The last thing any of us want, on his or her travel, is a non-compatible travel partner. If you are on your own, traveling with a ... Views: 456
Do you take (or you are loaded with) work which you can not handle under the given work conditions?
What you can do to handle such problem is ‘Learn to Say “NO” and know when you can afford to say so’
Saying ‘NO’ is not all that simple as it sounds.
It is natural that we succumb to ... Views: 487
Do you take (or you are loaded with) work which you can not handle under the given work conditions?
What you can do to handle such problem is ‘Learn to Say “NO” and know when you can afford to say so’
Saying ‘NO’ is not all that simple as it sounds.
It is natural that we succumb to ... Views: 497
Do you take (or you are loaded with) work which you can not handle under the given work conditions?
What you can do to handle such problem is ‘Learn to Say “NO” and know when you can afford to say so’
Saying ‘NO’ is not all that simple as it sounds.
It is natural that we succumb to ... Views: 538
Here’s a really simple way to save on beach vacation travel. We are going to show you 3 ways to save you some bucks when booking your next beach vacation. The beach is an incredible experience. No matter whether you’ve traveled to far western Australia or taken a quick weekend trip to the Jersey ... Views: 514
Right from Amethyst to Turquoise, here’s a mini-guide to crystals for beginners. Understand their colors and how they are used in crystal therapy.
Let's look at the common crystals you'd want to know about as you enter into the realm of crystal healing. We've alphabetically arranged ... Views: 532
If there’s one thing (among many) that this pandemic has taught us, it’s the need to cultivate a healthy state of mind. Mental health is a branch of wellbeing that deserves more attention; what we feel determines how we feel. We’re encouraged to take off from work if we have a fever or ... Views: 569
Are you tired of the stress, anxiety, and restlessness in your mind? Relax. You are not alone. Some uncountable individuals suffer from these mental health issues. And, this gradually affects their personal and professional lives. It drastically reduces work productivity. Along an individual is ... Views: 381
So often we say yes to things that we don’t want to do, and then regret it later. We feel guilty for not helping out, or maybe even a little resentful that someone asked us in the first place. Saying no is one of the most important skills you can learn when you want to live your life by your own ... Views: 456
Health is a very important part of our life. What is healthy living? A healthy living is a life which includes a balance between physical health and mental health, which can be simply achieved by investing time in regular exercise. Our health can be improved with a balanced diet and proper ... Views: 791
Anxiety. Stress. Fatigue. Burnout. Panic Attacks
These mental challenges are commonly seen among software engineers today. In the 2020 Stack Overflow Survey, 15% of participants said they are dealing with mood swings, anxiety, or other emotional disorders.
A software engineer is ... Views: 412
When you are experiencing stressful situations or faced with constant pressure on a daily basis, the likelihood of muscle tension, headaches and emotional stress will be present, inhibiting you from total relaxation and sleep.
Engaging in a regular stretch routine releases tension in tight ... Views: 588
Pentobarbital slows down the central nervous system and brain activity. This causes drowsiness and reduces the ability of the person to think. People who are under the effect of pentobarbital experience hallucinations, disorientation, memory loss, and even respiratory arrest. Pentobarbital can ... Views: 600
On the off chance that you love working with kids, have an inspirational perspective and love of the outside, artworks and games; being a summer day camp instructor might be the ideal occupation for you. Adaptability is a major in addition to in this sort of work, as no one can really tell what ... Views: 465
If you’re looking for the best weed strains to make you laugh, then look no further.
Whether you enjoy sativas, indicas, or cannabis hybrid strains, here are our top picks. All of these strains are chosen based on what people report make them super giggly and happy and make them ... Views: 451
If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong.
—CHARLES KETTERING, inventor of the electric starter for automobiles/
Founder of the S-Kettering Foundation
We are in a time of turbulent change in every area of our lives. The impact on our mental and physical health is ... Views: 535
“The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.”
-Keanu Reeves, actor
My suitcase disappeared on one of my trips recently. It just failed to show up. I stood there in the baggage claim area stupidly watching everybody else’s luggage before I finally admitted it was lost and ... Views: 505
Fruitcakes in the kitchen
Fruitcakes on the street
Struttin' naked through the crosswalk
In the middle of the week
Half-baked cookies in the oven
Half-baked people on the bus
There's a little bit of fruitcake left in every one of us
-Jimmy Buffett
In my lifetime, I never dreamed we ... Views: 643
“Sometimes the worst place you can be
Is in your own head.”
I feel like a mime lately. All the COVID-19 “air hugs” and using my hands more to be understood makes me feel a bit awkward. I also find myself raising my voice to penetrate the barrier of a mask. And, like many, I ... Views: 617
Meditation... The Present Day Key To Mental Peace
Thousands of years ago, the saints of India gifted a way to life to the people of the world. Though it was not much in practice before but with the increasing chaos in our everyday life, we have to acknowledge the gift of our ancestors. This ... Views: 417
This article was originally published at rochizalani.com
I was about to dismiss writing on self-care because it is a competitive keyword. Because that’s what it has become now: a keyword on Google.
Have you ever come across brands forcing you to take care of yourself without selling ... Views: 453
Stress is a term which even the psychologists and others have struggled for finding an effective definition of stress. Individual experience stress on a daily basis and it cannot be avoided.
In everyone’s life all would have heard the word “stress” not only heard but also experienced in their ... Views: 409
No doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought enormous disruptions in the business world. The situation has barely laid down the unviability of business models and exacerbated the economic perturbations afoot. Beyond that, it has brought immense havoc on the personal and business front, with ... Views: 497
A gym is a place for physical & mental therapy.
In fact, anywhere you feel comfortable training is.
Fitness is significantly underrated when it comes to talking about the benefits it has on your mental health.
The gym isn’t just a place to train, it is somewhere to grow both physically ... Views: 863
Humans thrive off of social interaction. The typical human brain can make inferences and judgments based on cues from its environment. Gestures, body language, and facial expressions give the unspoken information needed to process the world around you.
Remote work, while rewarding in some ... Views: 515
The most common sleep problems are difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep. If you are struggling with one or more of these, the fantastic thing is that CBD candy is a natural solution to high heel prescription drugs which may only be the most effective for the human body.
We've ... Views: 479
Indian-American actress and singer Sheila Houlahan recently held a supporting role in the Warner Bros. feature film "The Little Things" opposite Academy Award winners Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto.
In the film, Houlahan plays “Paige Callahan”, a girl from the wrong side of the ... Views: 1209
The Havening Techniques are a progressive better approach for recuperating the brain.
Havening has a place with a bigger gathering of techniques called Psycho-tactile treatments. Accordingly these treatments work by utilizing applied touch.
In a randomized preliminary of 5000 patients. ... Views: 947
Meditation one of the worlds most ancient practices has been around since 5,000 BCE according to Time magazine sourcing a study by psychology today. It is estimated that there are around 200-500 million people who practice meditation worldwide for different purposes. Some people use ... Views: 664
Depression does not discriminate. It can impact anyone, even the superstar employee. As an employer, you may notice that a reliable employee has been arriving late to work or to meetings, or that your top producer seems distracted and unfocused. Excessive absenteeism, loss of interest in the ... Views: 589