Since we cannot easily observe vital beings or mental beings operating on their respective planes to influence actions in our existence, and since we maintain a skeptical attitude about things which cannot be observed or measured, we find it difficult to accept the existence of conscious vital ... Views: 164
In Paradise Lost, John Milton describes at great length the intentions and motivations of the fallen angels as described by the Christian tradition, and their attempt and need to influence and control the human world and thereby to defeat God’s intention and plan for humanity. This story is in ... Views: 145
We all suffer from not having enough time in the day to do the tasks we need and the things we enjoy. One of the most important things we are forced to put aside for a later time is spending time with our family. Our lives are so consumed by chasing after temporary things, that we forget to ... Views: 149
Everywhere we look, whether in material Nature, or in the vital or mental domains, we see a play of forces, attraction and repulsion, centrifugal and centripetal, positive and negative, dark and light, etc. It appears to be a core principle of the creation to utilize these opposing forces to ... Views: 149
In his play Hamlet, William Shakespeare comments on the limitations of the objective mind and its ability to understand existence: ““There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. Our mind’s view of the existence of the universe and its significance ... Views: 149
To strengthen parent child relationship one has to strive to keep a balanced approach. The role of a parent evolves from nurturer, guide and lastly to a friend. Until the age of seven or eight years if a child make mistakes then you have to guide them and even discipline them if necessary. Till ... Views: 162
Our understanding of existence is very much rooted in our own anthropocentric view of things. We generally recognise the awareness we hold within ourselves, and, viewing other beings and forms in our visible environs, we either attribute to them no consciousness, or, at best, lower forms or ... Views: 153
There are many functions of our existence that take place without the conscious awareness or intervention of the mind. All of the complex functions of the body and its organs, for instance, are very much independent of control by our conscious mind and will, although some of these functions may, ... Views: 143
Are you tired of grappling with blemishes that seem to snatch away your confidence, leaving you feeling less than your best? Does the idea of stepping out into the world with a radiant complexion, one that reflects your inner glow, feel like an unattainable dream? Fear not, for in this ... Views: 207
Everyone in this world is in search of love, by acquiring love they will feel cared for, positive, encouraged, strong within, comforted and most importantly secure.
If love can have such a strong effect on a person, it is no wonder then that it is said that ‘Mother’s love is the highest form ... Views: 158
Many people hold that the truth of existence is an “either/or” proposition. If the universal forces create all of existence, then the individual is essentially an illusory conception; and on the other hand, if the individual is a real and separate entity, then the universal is somehow denied or ... Views: 151
When we look at existence from the individual standpoint, we see a number of solid forms interacting with one another. We do not see how they came into existence (other than the physical, material, practical methodology we can observe, which fails to give us the causative factors or ... Views: 154
Yes, the country of India has been a country of spirituality
For centuries, the sacred land has borne countless saints, Satpurush, seekers of the truth and Gnani Purush, and also the Vasudevas, Balrams, Chakravarti Kings and Tirthankars, who are perfect embodiments of Omniscience. These ... Views: 155
A young child was asked what causes the wind. The child replied: “When the trees move their branches and leaves, that is what makes the wind!” This extremely logical observation mirrors the way we tend to look at the world. We think that we make the decisions, that we are ‘in charge’ of what we ... Views: 146
Have you ever felt like there's a secret to manifesting abundance that's just out of reach? Something that seems too good to be true, yet tantalizingly close? What if I told you that the key to unlocking your dreams lies in a simple yet powerful code — the 369 Manifestation Secret?
In today's ... Views: 203
Enormous forces are at work in the universe. Vast numbers of stars and their planetary groupings move at high speed. Radiation of various sorts streams throughout the universe. There is a cosmic background radiation that scientists can now measure as they develop ever-finer instrumentation to ... Views: 141
David Hume (May 7th, 1711 – August 25th 1776) was a Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, economist, historian, essayist, and librarian. He is best known for his system of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism.
Below we list some words of wisdom from David Hume.
"There is no ... Views: 193
As the evolutionary pressure begins to develop individuals who undergo the spiritual transformation we have been discussing, there is still the issue of how these individuals can impact the wider life of humanity. Isolated individuals surrounded by an untransformed mass of humanity and the ... Views: 170
The Mother advises us that we are generally not aware of the action of all the subtle forces and how they interact to cause circumstances that occur in the external world. She further notes that with awareness, many accidents could be avoided. This reminds us of an incident reported some time ... Views: 134
Western scientists tell us that the universe is always tending toward a state of lower energy and less organisation, a concept that call ‘entropy’. While this concept was developed and applied in the field of physics, particularly in the law of thermodynamics, it has been extended and claimed to ... Views: 170
At some point in our lives, we all have experienced some form of inferiority complex at school, work or home with friends or family.
This emotion of feeling generally inadequate or on occasions supposed inferiority in some aspect can bring you down and depress you. All too often, this ... Views: 159
Our normal human view of things is limited by the restraining effect of our senses, as well as our ability to consciously receive and interpret what we perceive through the senses. We do not generally experience the living, breathing life of plants or trees, for instance. We do not ordinarily ... Views: 165
It turns out that dogs can be trained to identify an imminent diabetic reaction in an individual, or to determine the presence of cancer. If we reflect on the implications of this for a moment, it becomes clear that there are indications that can be picked up by the dog’s senses, even if most ... Views: 208
Those born on the cusp of two zodiac signs possess a certain mystique. They are seen as a unique blend, embodying the traits of both neighboring signs. The Aquarius-Pisces cusp, often called the "Cusp of Sensitivity", is no exception. Individuals born during this transitional period ... Views: 201
Tirthankaras, the Spiritual Scientists, are the highest, absolute, perfect Enlightened Beings. They have conquered all their inner enemies of anger, pride, deceit and greed and remain free from all the effects of attachments and abhorrence. The term Tirthankaras means ‘full moon’, having gained ... Views: 142
The vital envelope sends us signals if we are able to perceive them. Sometimes we begin to feel run down, tired, exhausted, or stressed out. We may begin to feel a little feverish or feel the beginning of what we might call a cold or sore throat occurring. This is prior to the full expression of ... Views: 214
Several years ago there was a world-wide pandemic that affected many tens of millions of people, which was called the covid-19 pandemic. It provided us a clear opportunity to see the impact of fear on the reactions of people. Panic ensued. Stores closed, public access was shut down in many ... Views: 146
Can you imagine a life in which you remain in a constant state of inner bliss irrespective of what good or bad things befall upon you? This state of eternal happiness can only be experienced when you realise the true source of permanent happiness, your true Self, the Pure Soul. Being in the Pure ... Views: 156
There are historical examples of individuals who were caught in the middle of a major epidemic, such as the plague, who worked daily among the infected populace, yet failed to become ill. Invariably we can see that they maintained a strong vital envelope, or aura, around themselves and never ... Views: 141
The body consciousness responds to suggestions whether they come through the mind, the vital or directly act upon the physical level, whether consciously noted or not. This has the potential to cause illness in the body if it happens to be a negative suggestion, or to cure illness if it is a ... Views: 210
The world today is riddled with deceit and dishonesty. Be it at school, business, work or in our relationships with our family or friends, we have all encountered dishonesty and deceit and struggled in trying to be honest ourselves.
What are the benefits of honesty?
- Purity: The more ... Views: 150
When people take up the practice of meditation, they generally do not know much about it. They follow a set of guidelines on ‘how to meditate’ and just let things happen. The result is very much dependent, then, on their state of conscious awareness, and their focus of attention. Meditation is ... Views: 169
An incident was observed and reported by several people which illustrates how mental formations can create entities on the vital plane which become visible to those who have eyes to see. The incident occurred in 1981 in California. An individual had come to the West and took the role of a guru ... Views: 166
A story was related by an individual in business which. at the time, seemed somewhat unusual, but now, in context, makes a lot of sense. He indicated that he had a customer who would think about him when she needed to place an order for goods for her store. They seemed to have a very tight ... Views: 155
William Cottringer, Ph.D.
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you. ~C.S. Lewis.
Beliefs are what drive our behaviors, but not all by themselves. They get much help from two ... Views: 204
We often say “I should be more positive in life”, and yet on the other hand, we are seen complaining and sulking over events. It is easy to say one should adopt a positive mindset, but difficult to follow-through. This is because we are impulsive in reacting to the external happenings ... Views: 161
When we examine the question of thought-forms, we recognise that people usually want to imply that a thought is able to turn into some kind of physical reality, purely through the power of thought. This, however, is one element of the question, but not the only element. Thought-forms have a ... Views: 160
When we examine the question of thought-forms, we recognise that people usually want to imply that a thought is able to turn into some kind of physical reality, purely through the power of thought. This, however, is one element of the question, but not the only element. Thought-forms have a ... Views: 181
Our consciousness tends to be so fluid and so mixed that it is difficult, if not practically impossible, to distinguish what represents our own internal process and what is coming to us from outside, from our interaction with others, from environmental influences. None of these things remains ... Views: 148
In the realm of yoga, cultivating core strength is not just about achieving those coveted six-pack abs; it's about creating a stable foundation for your practice and daily life. A strong core supports proper posture, balance, and overall body alignment, preventing injuries and enhancing the ... Views: 212
Normality means to maintain balance, without any excessive indulgence or scarcity. Normality is required in all facets of life: starting from our daily routine and right into our relationships.
Maintaining normality, in any aspect, promotes not only physical and mental, but emotional and ... Views: 159
We struggle with finding meaning in our lives. There is so much strife, so much confusion, so many issues that threaten our very existence as a species. We view enormous changes to the environment, the ever-dwindling supply of fresh water, the imminent collapse of the ocean fisheries, ... Views: 233
The transmission from one individual to another, or from an atmosphere created by a number of individuals together upon others entering that environment, is both a matter for vibration and a matter for actual physical carriers of those vibrations. The body exudes these particles as it vibrates ... Views: 168
How do I Talk to a Live Person in QuickBooks Enterprise?
QuickBooks Enterprise is excellent when it comes to organizing your financial information. Tracking your business income and expenses becomes simple, and you will not need to do it yourself. If you are a user and you need to Talk to a ... Views: 206
One of the reasons that spiritual seekers have traditionally been advised to seek solitude and not engage in society is that there is a constant, subliminal interchange that takes place between all human beings. We generally do not notice it, but on an energetic, a vibrational level, we are ... Views: 126
Claude Monet (November 14, 1840 – December 5, 1926) was a French painter and originator of impressionist painting. The term “Impressionism” stems from the title of his painting Impression, soleil levant. His early works of seascapes, landscapes, and portraits didn’t attract much attention, but ... Views: 197
What does it mean to be in the now?
To live in the present means to live in the now!
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the Enlightened being, explains:
“If you’ve lost 600 rupees four days ago and you remember it right now, then it becomes the past [you are in the past]. However, if you recall ... Views: 148
The supramental consciousness, as the next evolutionary stage, will eventually resolve the difficulties of the transitional period and establish itself on earth. The question then arises, what is the relationship between the gnostic beings and the existing organisation of beings rooted in body, ... Views: 154
We face, in every sphere of human endeavor, a conflict of competing ideas or directions. If we look closely we can see an element of truth in each side, but can also recognise that as long as we are bound by the mind’s limitations and its desire to reduce everything to “either-or”, we cannot ... Views: 162
Under the influence of the gnostic consciousness, the entire framework of the mental organisation of life, which we accept as assumed and given, would necessarily be modified. The very basis of viewing and understanding things would have to shift from one of division and separation to one of ... Views: 159