Last November, when the red cardinal laid siege to my home, I was amused to learn that he was caught up in the same illusion as so many people: seeing his own reflection in the window, he felt threatened by the "other" bird and attacked a mirror image of himself, bashing his beak and body ... Views: 5640
Whatever your opinion of Michael Jackson may be, we can all agree on one undisputed fact: In the history of this planet, few artists have produced more hit singles, gathered more fans or sold more records than he has. That is a fact no one can argue with. I mean, if you can count, you can't ... Views: 2700
Electional astrology is the astrology of timing and the Moon plays the most significant role because she is responsible for setting events in motion. As the closest orbiting body to the earth, her influence is so important that two branches of astrology, Horary and Electional, use the Moon as ... Views: 2783
"When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of wisdom are not enough. When you have realized understanding, even one word is too much."
Ancient Teacher
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."
Ancient proverb
2)How to read ... Views: 1678
Here it is, it’s very simple...The most important thing YOU can do to manifest World Peace is… BELIEVE PEACE.
What? What does that mean, BELIEVE PEACE? “You mean to tell me that all I have to do is Believe Peace and Peace will be my reality? You mean I don’t have to do anything like write my ... Views: 4092
I was at the public Library the other day to look up some media contacts for a publicity campaign and also to check out a biography of Woodrow Wilson.
When I left the library, I found myself walking directly behind a man who had a dark complexion and was wearing a turban. Two young kids on ... Views: 1935
Quite a number of years ago, I stumbled across a phrase in a magazine that really piqued my interest. The phrase simply said "never complain, never explain.” From the moment I read it, those four words really hit home with me. To my way of thinking, they summed up the philosophy of all winners. ... Views: 32811
"Creativity comes from a desire to express the true self."
Art has often been isolated and considered precious, something only official artists do. In her book "Revolution From Within" Gloria Steinem notes that "most art in the world does not have a capital 'A,' but is a way of turning everyday ... Views: 1627
September 11, 2001 was the world’s wake up call. After the chaos and confusion, we awoke to the realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life.
For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of ... Views: 14033
I will explain why positive affirmations work for some people sometimes, and why it doesn't for some other people, some other times. I will also introduce a powerful new alternative twist to positive affirmations that works - almost as instantaneously or quicker than what mere repetition of ... Views: 22098
Most of our body's functions are unconscious activities. Our body breathes constantly, and we hardly pay this function any attention. The blood moves automatically through the veins, and we are hardly aware of its movement. So it is with many other bodily functions.
Thinking seems also to be ... Views: 2727
It’s a new year; traditionally, a time for reflecting on the past and preparing and planning for the upcoming year. Although, I have learned from reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, that nothing is more important than the present moment.
Tolle says that “True salvation is fulfillment, ... Views: 1755
Anyone that has read my column knows well that I am a
collector of success stories. I believe they are extremely
important to us. Not to look in awe at others, but instead
to gain strength from them and in turn apply their lessons
to the challenges we face as we set out towards our ... Views: 1624
The "Magic Bullet" seems to be what so many marketers are
looking for. They want a secret technique or method to
guarantee their success.
I'll let you in on a secret. They're looking in the wrong
True success and prosperity start on the inside. It comes
from within yourself, not ... Views: 1664
When we heard personal and executive coach Jeannette Samanen, Ph.D. (of Valley Forge, PA) speak at a luncheon, we were attracted by her statement that "accessing your intuition leads to peak performance."
"Could you tell us more about this connection, Jeannette?" we asked in a subsequent ... Views: 1644
Seeking the Cure
If I were given the power to cure just one ill that haunts mankind, I would pass up cancer, breeze by AIDS, and overlook heart disease because curing the malady I have in mind might just cure most of the others as a side effect.
The cure I would seek would be the cure for ... Views: 1464
Wildflowers grow from mere dust to reach their full potential.
Wildflowers grow well, even in adverse soil conditions.
Wildflowers don't require late nights at the office to grow.
Wildflowers grow thick and stick together.
Wildflowers grow strong and tall.
Wildflowers display their brilliant ... Views: 1681
Is strenuous exercise necessary for health?
No. Good physical condition is required for competing athletes and does not insure good health. A trained athlete can have cancer and die from a heart attack. Arnold Schwarzenegger needs to have a heart valve replaced. Strenuous exercise produces ... Views: 2055
Karma: Is it good or is it bad? You decide!
We hear this word so often and have one thing stuck in our mind – it’s either a bad thing or a good thing. The other issue is: do we believe in Karma? Regardless of whether we believe in that word or not, it is still there. Karma plays a big part in ... Views: 1714
All prayers and meditations lead to God. However, the usual prayers and meditations offer a slow and methodical way for an individual to reach Enlightenment. It usually takes many lifetimes to attain the radiance of Enlightenment and Ascend to the higher dimensional levels of Creation. There are ... Views: 6191
A new year is upon us and we can’t let this new beginning pass us by. This new year is full of endless possibilities and potential. Your whole life could change this year but it’s up to you to seize the day. It’s up to you to call upon the Living God. It’s up to you to seek the Lord until ... Views: 1751
“Life is not a journey to the grave, with the intention of arriving safely, in one pretty and well-preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting ‘Geronimo!!!’” (Author unknown)
I love this quote and the imagery that it conjures. When I read it, ... Views: 4030
Did you know the critical part of your self is never going away? In fact, to want to kill the critic off is just playing into the Critic's game because it is wanting to kill off a part of yourself. It reinforces the idea that something is wrong with you that needs to be fixed-- "Once I get this ... Views: 1697
" spite of everything I still believe that people
are really good at heart."
~ Anne Frank, 1944
Have you ever wondered why some people feel down and defeated when faced with difficult situations, while others feel challenged and hopeful? Or why some people get all worked up and angry ... Views: 1947
"Every great achievement is the victory of a flaming heart."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Often times, our dissatisfaction, frustration and unhappiness are actually messages from our inner signaling system. This signal system is rooted in a wise intelligence. But we usually miss its messages because ... Views: 2042
The Top 10 Secrets of Creatively Successful People
1. Creativity takes time and silent space. It is best to schedule time daily or at least weekly to allow yourself time to develop your creativity.
2. There are cycles of creativity. We are not always in a harvesting phase there will be times ... Views: 2034
Soul Provider
I had the intention of writing about Soul Mates but it occurred to me to write more about a Soul on its own beforehand. I believe we need to address what we mean by a Soul before we get into anything else.
A Soul is a Divine entity that keeps moving from body to body for ... Views: 1935
What is Chinese Medicine?
What are the Characteristics of TCM?
TCM, unlike western medicine, is holistic. The body is inseparable from the rest of nature. It automatically regulates its internal function to adopt to the regular changes that recur in the environment. Every part of the body, ... Views: 2567
I would like to start with the understanding that all things are within me and I am becoming aware on a daily basis that this is so.
I am becoming aware of spirit round me, and the intelligence that this spiritual energy displays. For example, my eyes keep being drawn towards digital clocks ... Views: 3900
So you've read "Think and Grow Rich", and you've got an intellectual understanding that you "become what you think about". You have a list of affirmations about wealth, and you recite them every day.
But you still have no money. Wealth doesn't seem to be anywhere around.
What's the deal here? ... Views: 2220
Have you ever noticed that authors of "how-to" best-sellers created their own rituals? They design their own form of visualization, affirmation, or just walking outdoors. Creating a ritual adds energy and purpose to your goals far more powerfully than following someone else's.
What are ... Views: 2511
How old are you?
Some of us might hear from time to time that we are “Old Souls”. I remember when I was told this for the first time. It sounded great, even without understanding the deep essence and meaning of it. That expression did not feel strange to me for one reason, I always felt old, ... Views: 3928
The Centre of Our Existence!
Most of us have heard talk or have read something about the seven centers of energies that we refer to as Chakras. I do believe these are very important centres of our being in terms of our energy field, our aura, and most of all our own balance that can manifest ... Views: 1952
There's one thing about intuition that I've noticed over the years. When a person is using their intuition, they look UP. Literally, their eyes are raised to about 2/3 up the wall in front of them, sometimes to the ceiling. Or over halfway up the horizon in front of them if they are outdoors. ... Views: 1813
We all know that the economy is bad and things are tough! Many people are out of work and many more are afraid they will loose the job they have. Given this poor economic environment, it is crucial that you keep a positive attitude. The last thing you want to do now is get a negative attitude or ... Views: 21804
Dear our beloved crying planet…
I read an article last week in “The Gazette”, a local English paper here in Montreal Canada. It was titled “Time is running out” and was written by Peter G. Brown. He is a professor in the school of the Environment at McGill University. Professor Brown emphasized ... Views: 2154
Once there was a great lioness who went hunting with her new born cub. It happened that while attacking and chasing a flock of sheep, the she-lion made a wrong move, fell of a cliff and died.
The cub was left in the midst of the sheep and grew up with them. As the years passed, the cub became a ... Views: 2177
Welcome, come in and sit down. Make yourself uncomfortable.
Have you ever greeted a guest at your door that way? I haven’t either, but maybe we should consider doing so. We usually want our guests to be comfortable. But offering discomfort might be a better gift. Why?
Personal growth comes when ... Views: 2208
Finding your life purpose can be a healing journey. Purpose elevates confusion and brings in clarity. Your life passion gives you a reason for living. There are techniques to discovering your life purose. The two basic technniques to finding your life mission is both spiritual and physical.
... Views: 2173