"Optimum health is not just the absence of disease but the presence of wellness in mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social areas. Some would also include financial health."
Optimum health is essential at all levels, from the individual to the society we live in to the ... Views: 1732
There are a couple of different meanings for “metaphysics” in Dictionary.com:
• The “branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value”.
• The “theoretical or first principles of a particular ... Views: 3135
The planet Mercury is a complex and enigmatic planet that has much more to do with our lives than just “communication”, like faxes, emails, answering machines, telephones and media.
Mercury in ancient astrology was the Winged Messenger of the Gods. In the Iliad and the Odyssey when someone had ... Views: 3975
Chapter 2
"Beyond the Thinking Mind"
(Excerpt From STILLNESS SPEAKS)by Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW
Most people spend their entire life imprisoned within the confines of their own thoughts. They never go beyond a narrow, mind-made, personalized sense of self that is conditioned ... Views: 2324
Are there any pre-defined terms of Life, when adhered to , can make our lives better or makes the world around us a better place to live. To come to think of it, Yes - there are certain basic fundamental truths of life and the best thing we can do is to accept some of the time tested ones ... Views: 3392
Does it sometimes seem like no matter how hard you work, little gets done? It does to me.
Last week it seemed like every time I looked around we were either having to redo something or some new semi-crisis would present itself. All work towards building the barn got put on hold to fix a broken ... Views: 1521
You’re about to begin an important project --- and suddenly all the chores you’ve been ignoring demand immediate attention. This happens whenever I head towards my computer for some serious writing. Dishes, laundry, plants that need repotting – anything and everything keeps me from my ... Views: 1769
The great guru in my life in recent years has been by yard. No ordinary yard, I live in the foothills east of San Diego, abutting on the true wasteland between here and Mexico, where scrub brush, poison oak and rattlesnakes would scare away the most intrepid gardener. This is why I refer to ... Views: 1584
Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t have the money” or “I don’t have the time.” Have YOU ever said that to other people? Here’s a bold statement: Time and money are never issues - they are only excuses. Why? Because both time and money are concepts we, as humanity, have invented. They ... Views: 2615
I read recently that, “Everyday you are spending your days.” Your life is like a rare treasure that has tremendous value. I believe if you knew how much your life was worth, you would use it in the best possible way to serve humanity. Beloved, no matter who you are and what your background or ... Views: 1113
If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following.
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
8 would be Africans
52 ... Views: 990
Some of us treat each moment as if it's a scarce commodity, trying to get as much crammed in as we can. Others among us casually toss away the moment, like so much excess fluff. As a former Type Adriven corporate executive, I began to search for meaning in my life ten years ago, when I was ... Views: 6000
Killing Procrastination Instantly
Have you ever had a great idea but did not act upon it? And then later you saw that product or service out in the marketplace, perhaps earning the founder/inventor millions of dollars? Fortunes are lost due to procrastination but that’s not the only reason ... Views: 1545
Our beliefs frame our thoughts and our thoughts create our reality…do you know what you’re thinking?
Personal and professional development is a passion, as well as my business, and I often hear people lamenting about this or that problem, expressing a desire to see change in some aspect of ... Views: 2396
The more you follow the path of exploration into the mystery of life, the more life becomes revealed to you. Life begins to express its secret, its nature. What is required of us, for deeper understanding, is a commitment to follow earnestly the laws of life into self discovery. Few things have ... Views: 1044
For many years I have worked with people who are keen to work effectively as possible. The most successful people I have encountered in this time are moved by an expansive vision. They are fascinated by life and driven to experience it fully. They respond well to change although they do not ... Views: 1117
Want to get better connected to your inner self? To access your deeper thoughts and unblock your emotion? Try journaling!
I have been journaling for two years now, and it’s like having a special friend. Someone who’s always there to listen. There is something very comforting about writing in ... Views: 2070
When I was three years old, I had an experience I’ll never forget. My mother had just prepared lunch for my brother and me, and a neighbor lady came running over, breathless, telling my mother some news. Mom went right to the television and turned it on. This was unusual—she rarely watched ... Views: 1545
Remember me! It’s me! Joseph here in touch with you again! Okay, so you don’t remember! That’s fine then, so let me refresh your mind a bit. When we were in spirit, we had the same discussion you know and I told you, “Hopefully you will remember me when I approach you on this plane.” However, I ... Views: 1577
It is suggested that that there are two main approaches to life.
One approach, is to accept all the Truths of life as true, as being completely, actually real, no question. Absolute, bedrock “how things are”.
Realities such as:
The existence of God.
That we have a Soul
The nature of Love.
The ... Views: 1743
In the title, I indicate that you will be communicating with "Past Relatives." I wanted to use the phrase "Dead Relatives." In using that terminology however, I might bring up images of live individuals.
Remember the old Archie Bunker series on television? Archie called his son-in-law, ... Views: 1913
It is being suggested here that we have only one real choice in life:
To let go of fear and resistance and be taken by the flow of life, or, to fight, screaming all the way, as the flow of life takes us anyway.
Life is. It moves.
The only way we can avoid that is to die - either to our ... Views: 1226
The present paper attempts to discuss the nature and role of Vedic sacrifice in Vedic literature and the ways this topic is expressed by relevant commentators on the subject. Issues of Vedic practices will be discussed along with their purpose, in so taking into account the historical approach ... Views: 4687
Special Requirements For Reprint:
Article may be freely reprinted in your ezine, in your
e-book and/or on your web site with the authors resource
box included and without any ... Views: 1404
The difference between self-improvement and self- transformation is one of scale. Self-improvement is
constructive change on the first story of a tall building, the first story representing the connecting level to the temporary world of projects and people. Self-transformation begins on the ... Views: 1570
I don’t know about you, but when many people hear the word spirituality, they conjure images of monks, candles, religion, and perhaps even incense. Few picture a day in their work life, completely enjoying what they do, feeling totally fulfilled and as if they are making a difference in the ... Views: 1347
Excerpt from Psycanics, Level 1
...............COSMOLOGY: HOW IT ALL BEGAN ................
. . . . . . . . . The Story of IT . . . . . . . . . .
In the Beginning, there was no Beginning because at the time, there was no Time. However, our minds cannot grasp a ... Views: 1433
Do you know you are playing a part in a real movie?
It’s true. Your reality -- how you perceive the world -- is a series of events and circumstances that make up a living, breathing movie experience. Your internal filters determine the quality of this movie: your five senses, your ... Views: 1971
First Aid For The Soul
A Model of the dysfunctional, unconscious human psyche.
A way through, from confusion to consciousness.
By CliveTaylor
Many people are lost and unhappy, with no clear sense of how to regain access to their true selves. Life seems too big, confusing and ... Views: 1195
Self-knowledge has always been the key to preparing for competition. Knowledge of your attributes, abilities, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and traits is essential to riding the front end of the wave of change into the new century. To fully assess your own talents, realize that studies ... Views: 2360
“Anger kills,” says Redford Williams, director of Duke University Medical Center's Behavioral Medicine Research Center. He references studies of cancer and cardiac patients. He has also authored the book, "Anger Kills".
And “Prayer saves lives,” says Harold Koenig, director of the medical ... Views: 1294
The Anti-Christ and his ilk have now irritated Jesus the Christ. Jesus the Christ taught God Loving spiritual techniques to people. The Roman Empire in 325 AD forcibly acquired "Christianity" and eliminated the God Loving Techniques of Jesus the Christ. Roman emperors to perpetuate their empire, ... Views: 3321
A father had two sons and he loved each of them equally. The sons loved their father too. In front of their father, the two sons took to arguing amongst themselves. The bickering continued. Their voices became louder and louder. Finally one announced to the other that he was going to finish ... Views: 1463
This message was channeled from Spirit - 24th March 2003
Saddam Hussein is alive and well and bunkered down under a hospital - one of the safest places to be during the bombing as it would not be a target of the coalition. The safest mode of transport for him is in an ambulance. The staff of ... Views: 1151
How do you feel when someone unloads all of their problems and complaints on you? Not very uplifting and energizing, is it? The truth is, nobody likes to be around a complainer -- except, perhaps, other complainers.
Of course, all of us complain at one time or another. The important question ... Views: 10784
"For the ultimate or non-dual paths, the primary reorientation is take up a spiritual practice. And learn to cultivate that awareness which is not a change of state. Which is ever-present noticing, through all changes of state, waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. There is that timeless, ... Views: 1320
Fear can be broken down into three categories: real (healthy), imagined (thought-based) and worry. Although fear can get in your way by interfering with your hopes, dreams and desires; fear is not always a bad thing. Admitting you’re afraid of something can be quite enlightening. It gives you a ... Views: 1755
We live in troubled times where our peace and safety are often in danger. Most feel helpless and unable to affect the unfolding events in our present world. And yet many are uniting their minds, energy and actions in order to create a peaceful and safe world with dignity for all.
Some groups ... Views: 1672
Once again I must place a disclaimer at the beginning of this writing. My opinions and/or my truths are mine. I am in no way attempting to force my truths upon anyone. If you happen to accept my truths then please do so. If not, then please reject them. I share with you my truths because I ... Views: 1441
Watching Lobsang Samten trickle grains of sand out of a silver funnel into his beautiful mandala is a meditation in itself. He has used solid paints to tint ordinary sand just the right color, and each rich hue sits in little bowls clustered beside this ancient and magnificent Wheel of Life. ... Views: 1754
Last November, when the red cardinal laid siege to my home, I was amused to learn that he was caught up in the same illusion as so many people: seeing his own reflection in the window, he felt threatened by the "other" bird and attacked a mirror image of himself, bashing his beak and body ... Views: 5581
Whatever your opinion of Michael Jackson may be, we can all agree on one undisputed fact: In the history of this planet, few artists have produced more hit singles, gathered more fans or sold more records than he has. That is a fact no one can argue with. I mean, if you can count, you can't ... Views: 2649
Electional astrology is the astrology of timing and the Moon plays the most significant role because she is responsible for setting events in motion. As the closest orbiting body to the earth, her influence is so important that two branches of astrology, Horary and Electional, use the Moon as ... Views: 2739
"When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of wisdom are not enough. When you have realized understanding, even one word is too much."
Ancient Teacher
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."
Ancient proverb
2)How to read ... Views: 1621
Here it is, it’s very simple...The most important thing YOU can do to manifest World Peace is… BELIEVE PEACE.
What? What does that mean, BELIEVE PEACE? “You mean to tell me that all I have to do is Believe Peace and Peace will be my reality? You mean I don’t have to do anything like write my ... Views: 4010
I was at the public Library the other day to look up some media contacts for a publicity campaign and also to check out a biography of Woodrow Wilson.
When I left the library, I found myself walking directly behind a man who had a dark complexion and was wearing a turban. Two young kids on ... Views: 1855
Quite a number of years ago, I stumbled across a phrase in a magazine that really piqued my interest. The phrase simply said "never complain, never explain.” From the moment I read it, those four words really hit home with me. To my way of thinking, they summed up the philosophy of all winners. ... Views: 32730
"Creativity comes from a desire to express the true self."
Art has often been isolated and considered precious, something only official artists do. In her book "Revolution From Within" Gloria Steinem notes that "most art in the world does not have a capital 'A,' but is a way of turning everyday ... Views: 1565
September 11, 2001 was the world’s wake up call. After the chaos and confusion, we awoke to the realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life.
For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of ... Views: 13947
I will explain why positive affirmations work for some people sometimes, and why it doesn't for some other people, some other times. I will also introduce a powerful new alternative twist to positive affirmations that works - almost as instantaneously or quicker than what mere repetition of ... Views: 22017