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If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, or struggled with keeping focused along your quest to harness your inner power and achieve your ... Views: 29
One of the prevalent ideas about managing the vital nature has been the idea that punishment in some form or other is beneficial. Spanking of children, for example has been a common method of ‘educating’ them. It is a form of conditioning that administers a negative consequence to a specific ... Views: 28
Gaining the cooperation of the vital nature is an important step in the transformation of our existence, including the upliftment of the physical nature. Once we have begun the process of observation of the vital nature, its habits and its predilections, we can begin to implement various ... Views: 29
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan
It was around six, one evening in June 1958, a gentleman was sitting on a bench on platform number three of Surat railway station in Gujarat. The platform was bustling with people and trains on other lines. He was waiting for another train to take him to Vadodara. His ... Views: 29
When we recognize the difficulties of managing the energy of the vital nature, and its long habits of how it finds fulfillment and satisfaction, we can appreciate that there are no ‘simple’ solutions available. The vital, when it is cooperative with the mind and the psychic being, is an ... Views: 29
Most people have had the experience. An individual has a dispute with a friend, a relative, a spouse. No resolution takes place. An attempt to convince or control the other person is met with resistance. There may be aggression or threats of violence. Or a period of silent avoidance may result. ... Views: 30
The vital nature is closely tied to the operation of desire. Whether it is a desire for recognition, for money, for sex, for achievement of some sort, for acceptance or comfort, the vital nature activates its energy to reach out and grab some result it believes will satisfy that desire. At the ... Views: 30
Power is disconcerting. Humanity is attracted to it, while at the same time, it fears raw power. It is often said “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” What is then to be done with our vital nature that expresses power and provides the motive force for our lives?
Those ... Views: 31
When we recognise that the world is an actual manifestation of the Divine, we can begin to appreciate the Divine in all things that we experience, all things that we see, all that we hear, all that we feel or touch or smell. The Divine manifests through his power, Shakti, which takes various ... Views: 31
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda details a number of events he witnessed or experienced personally whereby a spiritual master was able to materialize his form and communicate with the disciple from a great distance; and where various yogis were able to perform acts of ... Views: 32
“We’re living in two worlds simultaneously: one the fall of Rome and the other a new Renaissance. We need to be ... Views: 34
We can look at the idea of a transformation of the body from several viewpoints. One viewpoint accepts the basic current structure and function of the body and simply enhances, protects, extends the life and capacity, or removes limitations and failures to which the body is currently prone. Many ... Views: 35
We many times fail to recognise the extent of the impact that the mind, and the vital nature, have on the body, its health and its capacities for growth, resilience and development. The mind-body connection is starting to come into focus, however. When the mind sends repeated ‘suggestions’ to ... Views: 36
We tend to take for granted the innate consciousness and capacities of the body. Much of what takes place in the body is done by systems that are far more complex, and far more subtle, than anything the mind can actively control. In fact, we find that frequently, when the mind intervenes, or the ... Views: 32
We tend to overlook or disregard the capacity of the body and its ‘body consciousness’ to aid in the spiritual quest. Each element of the being, the mind, the vital nature, and the body, has its own consciousness and capacity for response. Each element also can either be an aid or an obstacle to ... Views: 34
Some years ago, some parents in the USA had an interesting conversation with their local elementary school administrator. They were concerned about the type of education their children would receive so they set up a meeting to interview the administrator, with the idea that they were prepared to ... Views: 35
We could say that it is almost a universal experience. A child expresses some sentiment, some idea about what he or she would like to do, something that soars beyond the mundane daily existence, something that makes things better, increases the beauty and harmony of life, cherishes life, and ... Views: 33
The ancient sages developed a basic ‘life plan’ for people to be able to pursue in their lives a balanced agenda consisting of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Dharma essentially was following the individual life purpose and being true to one’s own life and destiny. Artha was the pursuit of ... Views: 36
It’s that time of the year again when festivity and joy are all around. It’s time for gifts, Christmas carols and lots of celebration. It’s time for happiness, so Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ. This is the most significant festival in the Western world, ... Views: 35
There are two ways one can progress and grow:
1. By attaining the right knowledge and applying it directly, or
2. By undergoing suffering, and as a result, gaining wisdom.
While the first method is ideally the best, people generally learn only after suffering repeatedly.
Therefore, ... Views: 37
We are habituated, particularly in the modern world, to the mind constantly interacting with its environment, with sensations, with media and with ideas. We are also addicted to the activity, the energy, of the mind’s engagement and when the mind is not engaged somehow, we either sleep, or seek ... Views: 40
We tend to equate strength with outward expressions whether it be through physical power, emotional pressure, bullying, or the use of mental will force to achieve one’s intended results. We talk about “strong man” dictators who, in particular, use threats, bullying and police power to pressure ... Views: 34
Most people do not reflect on the state of their inner being. They tend to live on the surface and respond or react to whatever happens to come their way. They become happy or unhappy based on how circumstances impact them. They are essentially under the control of external events or happenings ... Views: 38
If we look at the mechanism of pain, we find that wherever there is an injury, disease or stress on a part of the body, a ‘vibration’ starts there, in many cases what medical science would call ‘inflammation’, that triggers a nerve impulse to send the signal to the receptors in the brain, where ... Views: 40
The Mother describes two conditions for preventing illness from invading the physical being. The first condition is basically ‘not to want it’. When we reflect on this, the first reaction is that we don’t want it! This is however not the complete picture. We have to recognise that the human ... Views: 43
An individual reported an experience which, at the time, was unique to him. He was suddenly attacked by a virulent disease and collapsed on the floor. He was carried off to another room in the facility where various individuals tried to figure out what happened to him and what to do about it. ... Views: 43
At Cancer Kickers Soccer Club, connection and encouragement are at the heart of everything they do. One of the most meaningful ways they reach out to the children in our community is through the Comfort Cards program. Each week, around 20 packages of these personalized, uplifting notes are sent ... Views: 42
Many people have had the experience of a feeling that something is happening in the body, such as a feeling of a “cold coming on”. In some cases the feeling is very strong and the pressure is great. There may be some sneezing, some tickle in the throat, some coughing, some amount of congestion. ... Views: 44
An Expanding Consciousness Recognises the Inherent Oneness and Mutuality of All Existence
Posted on December 9, 2024
When we identify with the ego personality, we view the world as being separate and apart from ourselves, and we look at other beings as either competition for resources or ... Views: 39
Night of the Soul implies things have reached their lowest. And when things have reached their lowest, in all probabilities, light is waiting at the end of the dark tunnel. It’s not easy, but most of the time, this is an essential part of spiritual transformation. Because when life is ... Views: 40
The Taittiriya Upanishad speaks of the unified field of the conscious universe: “The Spirit who is here in a man and the Spirit who is there in the Sun, it is one Spirit and there is no other.” [Taittiriya Upanishad, Brahmanandavalli, Chapter 8, translated by Sri Aurobindo in The ... Views: 42
For most people, the experience of losing the sense of the ego is unplanned, fleeting and even, unappreciated as it occurs. They simply shift their identification elsewhere without recognising what exactly is taking place with respect to the seat and focus of their conscious awareness.
For the ... Views: 37
With the rise of modern technology in the field of film-making, we find an immersive experience in movie theaters engulfs the viewer deeply in the action. This includes high resolution images, 3D technology, giant wide screens, comfortable seating and surround sound. The viewer of such films is ... Views: 41
A teenager was observed as she was deeply absorbed in reading the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo. This novel spans some 1000 pages and encompasses themes of deep and abiding interest, but does so in a captivating story line. It so happened that this teenager was ... Views: 39
When we are met with ideas or understanding propounded by others that we do not agree with we tend to create a mental barrier as a defense and then develop our mental arguments to contradict or overturn the proposed ideas. There is very little, if any, true understanding that comes out of such ... Views: 44
It is a well-recognised phenomena that when an individual focuses his concentration down to a single point, and fixes it there long enough, he suddenly can shift to a new domain of consciousness, and everything becomes wide, clear and known from that new standpoint. There is a yogic practice ... Views: 49
If we observe carefully our interactions with others, we may note that when another person is describing or explaining something, our minds are eager to jump in, express a different point of view, or simply remain fixed in our own ideas and mindset; in other words, ‘hearing’ without ‘listening’. ... Views: 47
Malcolm Forbes (August 19, 1919 – February 24, 1990) was an American businessman and publisher of Forbes magazine, which was founded by his father B. C. Forbes. He promoted capitalism and free market economics and was known for an extravagant lifestyle, including spending $2.5 million on his ... Views: 44
Dr. Niruben Amin, lovingly addressed as 'Niruma', was a prominent disciple of the Gnani Purush Ambalal Patel also known as Param Pujya 'Dada Bhagwan' or 'Dadashri'. Under His guidance, she too became an accomplished spiritual master who carried on His work of introducing people to the phenomenal ... Views: 43
When we are injured or affected by a disease condition that can cause pain, we find that the nerves attached to the injured area capture a vibration and transmit it to the brain as a signal we associate with pain. This signal is intended to spur us to some form of action to relieve the causative ... Views: 47
The Bhagavad Gita has an interesting verse that provides a clue to the secret of action and inaction, between ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ power, if you will: “He who in action can see inaction and can see action still continuing in cessation from works, is the man of true reason and discernment among ... Views: 50
There are numerous types of power at work in the world and in us. Some of them can be viewed as ‘dynamic’ powers, powers with movement, action and outward facing application of force. Others can be viewed as ‘static’ powers, powers of holding, receiving and containing, powers of withstanding the ... Views: 44
The general concept of ‘immobility’ in the face of external pressures is actually not a new discovery. Stoicism encouraged people to develop ways to withstand the pressures of the external world and accept those pressures without wilting or breaking under them. For the most part, however, the ... Views: 47
An ideal way to live a human life is by ensuring it is a balanced one, both mentally and physically, by living a life that is fulfilling to us and to those around us as well, a life that has a purpose and makes a valuable difference to everyone we come across.
Here are a few suggestions on ... Views: 43
The Mother provides a practical example of the ‘power of immobility’, albeit as applied in the external world and society. There is an apocryphal story from the time of the Mahabharata. Drona, the preceptor of the sons of Dhritarashtra and the sons of Pandu, princes and future king of the ... Views: 52
The mind cannot comprehend experiences with which it has no familiarity. Sri Aurobindo describes a spiritual status that is experiential in nature. When there is such an experience, the mind tries to describe or transcribe that experience into its normal process of linear thought expressed in ... Views: 55
We operate on multiple levels at the same time. There is the external level comprised of actual physical, vital and mental actions we undertake. We speak, we express ourselves through gestures and body language. We undertake physical activities. At the same time however, there is the unspoken ... Views: 50
We try to control or dominate other people generally through various methods. It is customary in many cultures to subject children to strict discipline and education so that they do things the way the parents or educators like, or they get subjected to some kind of punishment, whether it be ... Views: 55
Every one of us is in a constant pursuit of happiness. We are drawn to the happiness that we get from food, clothes, home and other material goods, from money, fame, status, etc. and also from our friends, family, relatives and in the company of various people... However, how often may you have ... Views: 46
Everything we do represents an action of will. Even inaction winds up being a ‘willed’ action. We are provided a choice at each moment as to how to respond to circumstances, pressures, events, opportunities that lie before us. In many cases, however, we do not recognise the power of choice as we ... Views: 54