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After being a victim of terror you will unavoidably acquire psychological traumas. If you had terrible experiences, or you saw horrible scenes and you felt completely lost, you cannot forget the horror that marked your life.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a normal reaction when it ... Views: 1184
A frequently asked question I hear is "What is the difference between neurofeedback and biofeedback?" The term biofeedback is a general term used to describe feedback training for the body. However, most people refer to peripheral biofeedback or EMG biofeedback as simply biofeedback. EMG ... Views: 6786
If you are a victim of terror you will find support in a source that you never thought that could be so powerful. Your own dreams will save your life, the same way they have saved the lives of many people ready to commit suicide. These people were victims of violence.
The scientific method ... Views: 1188
I have been asked by a few people of late as to my motivation for writing this book.
The answer is twofold. I had to find a way to deal with my demons, which even after all these years, seemed so reluctant to leave. Secondly and I believe just as important, was to reach out to others. It’s ... Views: 1179
Breathing may be one of our most important guides readily accessible and available to us every moment of our life. Tarthang Tulku Rimpoche, author, teacher and Founder of the Nyingma Institute, describes breathing as our most effective means for healing, interacting and supporting our whole ... Views: 1725
How Homeopathy Can Change Your Mental Outlook
When I had just finished homeopathy school, I took a case of a young boy that was having trouble in school. He told me his teacher was mean, he didn’t like her. Of course, there were other problems: bedwetting, ADHD, diet requirements no mother ... Views: 1672
Most people today understand that our childhood shapes how we see, experience and respond to the world around us. So much so, it’s easy to assume someone who’s subjected to a challenging upbringing is at risk for carrying unwanted protective “baggage” into adulthood. And yet, we now know that a ... Views: 1229
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, is just one of the various kinds of anxiety disorders affecting thousands of individuals around the world. Persons with OCD always find that they do certain rituals and these obsessions can make it very strenuous to cooperate with persons in ... Views: 967
Individuals who live on or around major fault lines are wise to keep in mind the possibility of an earthquake, and take appropriate precautions. But if the fear of a potential quake that is designed to serve as a warning becomes an obsessive phobia, an individual should seek help from a ... Views: 9152
Dear Dr. Romance:
I saw your article "Surviving Loss and Thriving Again" while searching for answers to my own issues. The 'loved one' I lost was myself. I loved life, loved adventure, travel, people, photography, mostly adventure! In 2 seconds my life was 'taken' away pretty much. This ... Views: 1964
It always puzzles me when someone says that it is absurd to believe that something that we are thinking or feeling can affect our bodies! Are these people robots or just in a state of total denial? Have they never had 'butterflies in their stomach' due to being nervous about something, or a ... Views: 1959
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered a type of anxiety disorder triggered by a traumatic event. PTSD occurs when the body/mind has not yet recognized that a traumatic event is over. As a result, the body's sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight) is activated and the body ... Views: 4736
People who are hurt, specifically in an emotional or psychological sense, tend to hurt other people. Hurt people can hurt people with harsh words, biting comments, derogatory statements, ridicule, condescension, sarcasm, yelling and screaming, cussing and innuendo about family members or ... Views: 4082
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is often associated with war veterans, but as a Seattle car accident lawyer, I have seen how this terrible psychological trauma can affect victims of auto accidents. Suffering from PTSD can have wide-ranging effects that can destroy relationships, job ... Views: 1514
Emotional abuse results in damage to the hippocampus, a brain area involved in learning and memory ability. This damage results in associated memory deficits, according to studies from Yale University School of Medicine, Yale Psychiatric Institute and the Department of Biological Sciences at ... Views: 17046
Jessica, age 11, was brought to therapy by both her parents. Jessica was very sporadic. She had questions about all of the games and toys in the therapy room. She jumped from one corner of the room to the other in order to see each toy up close. Jessica’s parents informed me that Jessica’s older ... Views: 1078
To understand stress, we need to look at the events that occur, our thoughts about them, and the way we respond.
Stressors: Stress-provoking situations are known as stressors. Between major life events (moving, school, job changes etc) and day-to-day hassles (traffic, busy family lifestyles), ... Views: 977
The recent Tsunami and earthquake in Japan left many people in a state of shock, sadness, fear, and anxiety. Many survivors are still looking for missing family members and friends. It is inevitable that many people in Japan will develop Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of this ... Views: 4615
Social phobias are the least understood of the anxiety disorders, but are also the third largest mental health problem in the world. Social phobias are a fear of interacting with others in social situations. This can encompass everything from adjustment disorder to stage fright and post ... Views: 1090
Why are there so many solutions to remedy the human condition?
Must there be unique solutions to different problems regarding health?
If we are all comprised of virtually the same DNA structure why do some people get sick while others do not?
These were a few questions I had during some ... Views: 1180
When someone we love, someone we have come to know at work, a neighbor, is diagnosed with a serious or life-altering illness, we protectively stop treating him or her as whole person.
Why do we suddenly define them through their disease and cease treating them how ... Views: 1659
The sad fact of life is that often people experience some sort of traumatic event. These events can be difficult to deal with in the short term, but in certain cases, these traumatic events have long term ramifications that can cripple a person with feelings of anger, resentment,fear, anxiety ... Views: 1526
In children it is particularly important to watch for physical as well as emotional/psychological symptoms. These symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed or overlooked. This does not mean that the presence of one or two symptoms means your child has been traumatized as the same symptoms can also ... Views: 2375
National Runaway Switchboard - (800) 621-4000. It's open 24 hours a day and the call is free.
There is NO 24-hour waiting period for reporting missing children under 18.
The first 48 hours are the most important in locating your child.
Running Away is a Serious Problem
According to ... Views: 3417
You seek a residential treatment community that will give you or someone you care about a brighter future. The task you face is very different from using the Internet to find an attorney, new bank, or electrician. It is a complex endeavor – with high emotional and financial stakes.
How do ... Views: 1379
Sleep - An Essential Component of Good Health: Sleep is absolutely essential to good physical and mental health. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep EVERY night. Sleep deprivation -- caused by insufficient sleep or poor quality of sleep -- impairs the body’s immune system, physical reflexes, ... Views: 2326
Discovered in Russia in 1940 in the Murun mountains in Yakutia, to date, this the only known location for this rare mineral. The name Chariot is derived from the Chary River which is near where it was found.
Purple, solid. Newly coming into greater use. Works with Indigo & violet Charka to ... Views: 2777
As a society, we are hooked on happiness. If you need any convincing, I encourage you to visit your favorite on-line book seller and type in the word happiness. There you will find thousands of titles that promise to share the secrets of living a more blissful and delight-filled life. And ... Views: 1569
Although December has now passed and another decade has been brought to a close, we begin to look back over the past year's celebrations. Many of us will be busy recollecting the many memories enjoyed throughout the last year, from holidays to special occasions. If you are looking for unique and ... Views: 1213
Ho’oponopono is a Huna process that brings balance or harmony to your life. It is a beautiful process of clearing and forgiving the memories and energies you hold within you to create well-being in your inner and outer worlds. Huna is a very ancient system of knowledge that dates back thousands ... Views: 3087
Have An Anxiety Disorder?
Many people have a lot more anxiety symptoms than they will admit.
Fortunately, most of the symptoms are short-lived; meaning,
they'll go away shortly, or when some situation changes.
For some, the the uncomfortable signs of anxiety linger, even after ... Views: 985
Welcome to The Munyer Method®
Neural Somatic Integration®
What Is Neural Somatic Integration?
Neural Somatic Integration: a breakthrough approach to mind-body healing that combines body-work with the latest understandings of human neurobiology.
Neural Somatic Integration (NSI) goes ... Views: 2339
Grief echoes a painfully vibrating voice which can be heard from generation to generation. It tells us that there is an absence of life in a world of breath and being. It tells us, as we sink deeper into the chair of sorrow, that our lives will never be the same. The sound of emotional pain and ... Views: 4034
Trauma occurs when normal coping mechanisms are overwhelmed by helplessness and/or terror. The Fight or Flight survival response is engaged without resolution. There is an ignition of the response (chemical/neurological) (fight/flight/freeze) but when it fails to avert the danger and the body ... Views: 2319
Singapore is one of the leading Asian countries for business and commerce and has been rated as one of the best business environments in Asia Pacific. Small and big businessmen are attracted to this small country.
If you are planning on starting a business in Singapore here are some useful tips ... Views: 1728
When you hear the term PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), the image that comes to mind is a combat veteran from the military. While many of our troops coming home from foreign wars and conflicts show signs of PTSD, it's more widespread than that and can effect paople from every walk of life. ... Views: 1389
When we were born we were bright shining beacons of light and love. We came into the world wide open and trusting in everything and everyone. We had three guardian angels to watch over us and help us make sense of the world. Their names were Fear, Doubt and Judgement ( I bet you thought they ... Views: 1187
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is a severe anxiety disorder brought on by an extremely traumatic life experience. It can range from cases mild to extremely severe, between 6 and 11 percent of Afghanistan war veterans suffer from PTSD, and about 12 to 20 percent of Iraq war veterans suffer from ... Views: 3354
Trauma Counseling
Trauma is one of the most avoided, ignored, denied, misunderstood, and untreated causes of human suffering. When it comes to trauma, no two people are exactly alike. What proves harmful over the long run to one person may be exhilarating to another. There are many factors ... Views: 1414
Mission Statement:
The Fort Bliss Restoration and Restoration Resilience Center restores optimal functioning and battle-readiness to neurophysiologically, psychologically, and spiritually challenged post-deployment Soldiers and their families
using integrated state-of of-the-art treatment ... Views: 2581
If you have experienced a traumatic event or series of events that you have not really recovered from, you may be suffering from PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. You don’t feel like you did before the incident, you are easily triggered, too guarded to connect with your family, fearful, ... Views: 2378
Stress is very common in our days and more and more people are affected by stress. A definition of stress may be an emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. We have to keep stress under control because if it gets out of control, it may harm our ... Views: 2067
Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life events such as a move to another city, loss of a job, medical reasons, etc. This is a normal part of life and it happens to all of us.
Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life ... Views: 3734
I wrote this comment in response to a writer who raved against addicts for not being held to some standard of getting better, and my take on his article was he was frustrated with the addicts for relapsing in such high numbers, which is true -- and is outrageously expensive. I think there is ... Views: 1778
Do you suffer from depression and anxiety? Are you stuck in old, painful or self-destructive patterns? Do negative beliefs about yourself echo inside your head? Is trauma from the past still affecting your life? Is it hard to move on to a ... Views: 3126
Most people have trouble getting through the day without feeling some sort of financially related, work related or even relationship related stress or anxieties. In some cases these pressures can be so strong that a person can feel as if there's nothing that can be done to stop stress and ... Views: 1084
Anxiety is labeled as a heightened state of alarm, uneasiness and apprehension; normal levels of anxiety occur within everyone but it becomes an issue when the anxiety hinders your life, and is now labeled as an anxiety disorder. There are different types of anxiety disorders labeled by the ... Views: 1847
It may be of some surprise that the word 'wound' is used to represent a cut, hurt, abrasion or more serious injury AND that same word can mean tied up tightly, coiled up, or bound as in "I was all wound up with stress." We tend not to think of being wound up and stressed as an injury, or wound. ... Views: 2923
In this week's newspaper there was an article stating that mental health disorders account for 90% of the Emergency Room Visits. That number is alarming at the very least. There are many things that contribue to anxiety, and the sensations mimic several other health disorders. In this ... Views: 3302
How can I hurt myself? Let me count the ways. But first let me distinguish between hurting myself and abusing myself. Hurting myself - self-harm is a term commonly used for physically abusing oneself by cutting, self inflicting blows, pulling out hair (Trichotillomania) skin or nails, ... Views: 3190