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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". If you have expertise in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
How I Met the Wizard of Oz!
Before I joined the Empower Network, I had lost all confidence in myself. The reason why? Life had rained down on me extremely hard and in the process, like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, my brain became rusty and simply stopped working!
I stopped being able ... Views: 1412
Stress is a feeling of imbalance due to events that have a negative effect on a person. It is however, a normal way that the body responds to such events. This happens because the body prepares its defense system to counter the feared danger; this is a process to ensure mental, physical and ... Views: 1049
Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness or general unease about an imminent event or a situation that has an uncertain outcome. While anxiety is a normal emotion that most people experience, there are some instances when anxiety and anxious feelings can become overwhelming. If your ... Views: 1950
Rapid Eye Oscillation Technique (REOT) is a technique that can be used for reducing excessive ruminations and worry, to calm a racing mind, and for general relaxation. It can also help eliminate meditation "monkey mind" -- the problem with unwanted thoughts entering your consciousness during ... Views: 1708
To Prevent Suicide: Heal Post Traumatic Soul Disorder
Jane A. Simington, PhD.
Taking Flight International Corporation
September 9-15, 2012 is designated as suicide prevention week. Many are asking how we can prevent the horrific statistics, such as those recently reported about the ... Views: 2445
Does it sounds familiar?!
"All of a sudden, I felt a tremendous wave of fear for no reason at all. My heart was pounding, my chest hurt, and it was getting harder to breathe. I thought I was going to die."
"I'm so afraid. Every time I start to go out, I get that awful feeling in the pit of ... Views: 1704
Recently, I had a minor but difficult surgical procedure to lance an abscess on my leg. It was very painful, and while I recovered physically pretty quickly, I had some Post -traumatic stress reactions—bad dreams, flashbacks, and upset—after my recovery. I had to acknowledge my upset and ... Views: 2225
Far more and much more people today at the moment are spending on their fitness center memberships as they turn out to be additional mindful from the relevance and added benefits of acquiring healthier, more powerful our bodies. Due to this desire, the amount of gyms within the nation is ... Views: 1172
In case you're among all those people who own personal a café and if you want to promote it using post marketing and advertising, the information under is undoubtedly to suit your needs:
1. Exploration your audience. Who are the individuals who're most likely to go to your café? What's their ... Views: 1459
So, you had been instructed and also you're convinced that taking your roofing business from the on the internet arena is the perfect approach to increase the quantity of one's new clients. Following developing your website, the next stage to carry is to generate as many interested folks as ... Views: 1019
Posting promoting is an awesome item promotional instrument particularly if you're selling details based products like teaching systems, seminars, and coaching sessions. This will allow you to in several different ways. Composing and distributing content will enable you to connect with extra ... Views: 1447
Many of our American soldiers are now returning from Iraq, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. As treatment, the Department of Defense/Department of Veterans Affairs Practice Guidelines have placed Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in the highest category, ... Views: 1433
"Bully" is an important documentary that everyone should see. In this documentary, a couple of children and their families are followed as they share the pain that is caused from bullying.
Bullying is widespread and underreported. Statistics from 2008-2009 School Crime Supplement ... Views: 1632
Why is stress so personally unique?
Why do one person's buttons get pushed when others' aren't? There are no direct connections between the external stressors in day-to-day stressful situations - the boss that upsets you, or the traffic, or the loud noise - and the physiological mechanisms in ... Views: 2581
The Mystery of Emotion
Emotion has always been something of a mystery. We have been taught to view emotion as a result of thought, but when we examine it carefully, we begin to suspect that this is not always true, that emotion is not under control of the brain but stands by itself, a factor ... Views: 2465
Do you suffer from:
• Unexplained Panic Attacks or Anxiety Attacks?
• Recurrent Terrifying Nightmares?
• Outbursts of Rage or Grief that you cannot explain?
• Flashes of memory of childhood emotional, physical, or sexual abuse?
• Heart stopping Terror when nothing is occurring to cause ... Views: 1904
Mary’s son died in Afghanistan a few years ago. Not much later she developed a painful ovarian cyst. She did not want to have surgery. When she came into my office, she was skeptical about the possibility of her son’s death and her cyst being related.
Grief like most painful emotions is one ... Views: 2011
We have all heard by now of the rise in self harm amongst young people. For some parents this news will have come as a complete shock on hearing that one of those young people is their son or daughter.
Then starts the challenge of knowing which is the best approach to adopt in supporting your ... Views: 1771
NASW New Mexico State Conference Workshop-Serving Injured Warriors by Gerald Vest
National Injured Warrior Alliance (NIWA) - Serving Injured Warriors, Vets & Families with Integrative Health Practices.
Feb. 22, 2012, 1:30-5:00pm – “Welcome Home with Daryl Worley – our returning warriors ... Views: 2198
Sometimes in life we do some things that change the course of our life forever. At times it seems impossible for us to live with ourselves, with guilt burdening us down. But these are the times when your endurance is tested. There are two things you can do:
1. Be miserable for the rest of ... Views: 1834
When someone is forced into sex slavery, they experience emotional and physical abuse that can cause debilitating stress every single day. But even after they’re freed, there is a considerable amount of suffering – especially in terms of their mental health.
One of the most common afflictions ... Views: 1580
We have lost another hero in a very sad and enraged PTSD episode. Staff Sergeant Jason Pemberton, who was a U.S. Army sniper and served with the 82nd Airborne Division for two deployments in Iraq, killed his 25-year old wife and himself February 4th, 2012.
His wife, 25 year old Tiffany ... Views: 1706
Sometimes we experience emotional overload and find it difficult to cope. It's impossible to completely wipe your memory clean but what you can do is change your emotional reaction to your memories and circumstances.
Emotional baggage can reach a great weight or even enter the category of ... Views: 2478
The question comes up often: what is trauma? Most therapists recognize trauma from the DSM-V definition:
That a person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which the person experienced or witnessed or was confronted with an event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, ... Views: 2597
Change is an inevitable partner of life no matter whether we like it or not. As times goes on everything around us changes. Our immediate physical surroundings which might include buildings and infrastructure to which we might have strong emotional attachments make way for more modern and ... Views: 1030
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can be very difficult to manage - especially for adults with ADHD. As the name suggests, this cluster of symptoms is the result of experiencing a traumatic event. A person with PTSD may be easily triggered by a smell, sound, ... Views: 11988
Anyone who has suffered traumatic events has "stress." And, by expanding the terminology of PTSD, I think of all my EFT clients as having some form of “post-traumatic stress.” And while military personnel have received the most attention in this regard, this is not exclusively a military ... Views: 1585
When there has been abuse, sexual, physical, emotional and verbal it's tough to forgive, darn near impossible. I know because I've been in each of these situations, so I speak from my heart and soul, to yours, with love, respect and light.
The abuser went to prison for his actions. Well ... Views: 1748
This article will be important to remember as you gather this holiday season with the men you know and love. It is not a festive topic, which I would prefer, but it is a topic that has been filling my thoughts as of late. The Penn State scandal weighs heavy on my heart and my being having ... Views: 1469
Millions of adults in the United States were victims of some degree of sexual abuse when they were children. In most cases this abuse leaves its affects to a greater or lesser degree. The affect it has on people when they become adults is dependent on many factors. The first factor is the ... Views: 2997
There’s a relatively new healing technique that is growing in popularity with remarkable speed. It’s called EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. If you haven’t already heard of it, EFT is a safe and gentle form of energy medicine that is now being recommended by the American ... Views: 1750
It is natural for people to feel anxiety, sad or scared after they have undergone a traumatic or extremely stressful experience. And, naturally as well, people also recover after some time and start to live life normally again. However, for some people who experience severe trauma, the stress is ... Views: 2381
I went for a Harley ride today to clear my head and sharpen my mind.
As I rode, a quick thought passed through my consciousness. A wise rider was quoted as having said, “As a chef, I’m artistic because I create, as a motorcyclist I find the peace of mind, to create.”
The principle he is ... Views: 1702
As a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and grief, the tenth anniversary of 9/11 gave me the opportunity to contemplate anew working with trauma -- including my own. I was an eyewitness in New York City to the horrors of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center that beautiful ... Views: 1586
National Integrative Health Services Alliance, With Injured Warriors, Vets, and Their Families -- A Transitional Community Health, Wellness, Aftercare & Continuing Care Services Program
Gerald Vest, ACSW/LISW/LMT
Integrative Health Coordinator/Trainer
575.524.2379 or 575.640.0193 ... Views: 1730
According to the National Institute of Anxiety and Stress, anxiety disorders affect about 40 million people a year. The numbers are staggering especially for women who suffer from anxiety and stress almost twice as much as men. More and more children and seniors are also struggling with ... Views: 1203
There’s a lot to understand about post-trauma recovery. If you’re struggling with symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you’re juggling many psychological and even physical symptoms while you learn to 1) grieve and let go of your former self, 2) function in a world that no longer ... Views: 1891
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and substance abuse is the stuff of legends. Countless movies, films, television shows and books have featured the story of traumatized men and women who turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Often these portrayals are done in an extremely negative ... Views: 1193
The use of traditional behavior modification techniques with stress disordered children needs to be done with caution and extra care. The issue of the primary source of the child’s behaviors needs to take precedence over simply “pressing on” with behavior modification techniques. The key ... Views: 2757
Sometimes, we survive an experience so horrific and beyond the boundaries of our coping skills that we get stuck in the moment of the tragedy. That’s what happened to me in 1981. I was just a thirteen year old girl taking an antibiotic for a common infection. The next thing I knew, I was ... Views: 1448
Marco* first came to therapy to help manage his anger. Marco stated that he has been angry for a long time now. He stated that he has a very bad temper, snaps at everything, and gets into physical fights at least three times a month. When asked where he learned to be angry, Marco had no problem ... Views: 1293
When I was six years old I felt very connected with God. I had a sense of peace about my world, and knew, I just knew, that one day I would become a famous writer. It was a sense of destiny that was as tangible as anything I’ve experienced since. I started my first novel at age 13, something ... Views: 1692
“A battlefield is a battlefield. I don’t care where you are fighting it. Unless you have lived through fearing for your life on a nightly basis, you cannot imagine what war is like." - Dr. Gayle J. Hall.
A victim of domestic violence fights for her life on a daily basis, just like a soldier ... Views: 1880
“The hardest part, by far, is to make the bad pictures go away. In war time, the world is one big long horror movie, image after image. If this is anything like Vietnam, I’m in for a lifetime of wee-hour creeps.” – Tim O’Brien, Vietnam Veteran.
Assimilating back into an everyday routine is ... Views: 3175
"PTSD is the fear controlling you. Exposing your fear is controlling your PTSD!" – Anthony Parsons.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, is defined as a condition in which a person experiences enduring physical or psychological symptoms after an extremely stressful event ... Views: 1701
“I am a survivor of domestic violence. Three of my closest and dearest friends never knew the hell I lived through during my battlefield. Victims are the best at hiding our secrets from the world. Our shame and blame defines us, strips our souls, and masks our identities.” – Dr. Gayle J. ... Views: 1356
To receive a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you must have experienced an event that “involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others” and must have reacted with “intense fear, helplessness, or horror”. PTSD ... Views: 1091
What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop following a traumatic event that some people saw or lived through it.
Traumatic events that can lead to PTSD include:
• War
• Natural disasters
• Car crashes
• Unexpected death of a loved ... Views: 2766
By, Martha Tassinari, Physical Therapist/Certified CranioSacral Therapist and Owner of South Shore Healing Center, Duxbury, MA
Are you a veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD and is discouraged with your present ... Views: 1943
Many people believe that our dreams are produced by our imagination. Other people believe that dreams have a certain psychological importance, but there is no way we can accurately translate the meaning of dreams.
The truth is that our dreams are produced by the wise unconscious mind that ... Views: 1674