We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Psychology". If you have expertise in Positive Psychology and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The Benefits of Meditation
makes you younger
enhances performance
leads to positive personality growth
improves overall self-esteem, feelings of worthiness and self-acceptance
helps proactive health, producing the relaxation response which induces changes in metabolism, heart rate, ... Views: 696
You are what you eat. This at first sight stupid saying has it all. Many nutritionists believe that most of our physical ailments are due to our diet. So what we eat determines the way we look and how our body evolves. If one stays with this thought for a moment, it quickly becomes clear that ... Views: 547
Once you’ve set your mind on a goal and cleared away distractions, you’re ready to get started working. But first, you need to do some planning. When you plan in advance and use that plan, you’re more likely to succeed with your goals.
You can make a list of things to do to reach your goal. ... Views: 844
Perfection is something most of us struggle with even on our best days. No matter how good you are and how much you achieve, there is always that nagging voice in the back of your head that says it’s not enough. Read on to discover how to find inner grace by choosing yourself over ... Views: 551
In life, you simply can not grow alone. Sooner or later you have to need a hand or others who support you in life. But sometimes, you came across a situation when no one is there to whom you can trust or ask for help, a moment of being alone. At that time you have to spend time with yourself and ... Views: 736
Keeping your mind and body healthy should always be your imperative. Without a strong mind and vigorous body, you wouldn't be able to do your daily activities well and you'd easily lose focus. Living a hectic life filled with work tasks and other everyday life errands can easily make us lose ... Views: 678
Life in your 20s are very crucial and critical phase of life. Because life in this era is most productive and challenging enough, so you have to prepare for that, too.
The things you do in this best age of your life, define upcoming life. Career or Love life, Job or Business life in twenties ... Views: 768
“The current idea we have of a class is someone who is without character, who lacks conviction and critical sense. Goodness is unknown, but it refers to compassion, goodness, values that are less put forward in our society. A kind person is attentive to the needs of others, which is a very good ... Views: 863
Why is it we remember, replay, and make up new stories about events in our lives when we felt terrible? Ask someone to tell you about a time they got their feelings hurt and they will readily come up with an event. Ask someone when the last time they felt free, successful, happy and they ... Views: 805
Mohan Chatti is one of the best camping sites in Rishikesh. It is approx 33 km far away from the Rishikesh bus stand. The scene present over here is very pleasant and peace bearing in terms of the views and locations. In Mohan Chatti Rishikesh you can enjoy the river site camping, jungle ... Views: 786
In today’s competitive world fitness plays a very vital role. Physical fitness is visible. On the contrary mental fitness is invisible. There are a bunch of people who thinks and prioritize physical fitness ignoring mental fitness. What happens to these people when they face failure? When they ... Views: 1325
In life things happen to us continuously and adapting to all of them properly is not always easy. That is why it is important that you consider how to improve mental health so that you have the necessary tools to get ahead.
The World Health Organization defines mental well-being as a ... Views: 491
Do you find yourself getting to bed later and later every night? Are your weekends filled with never-ending lists of chores? When your lifestyle is cramping your mood, then it may be time to get rid of the most stressful things. We talk about four things you can do to give yourself some room to ... Views: 652
My friend Michael, an expert rock climber, told me he wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday – take me up a famous rock climbing wall, Cathedral Peak, in Yosemite Valley.
“Sure!” I replied. I some rock climbing experience in college, and 4 years earlier, Michael had taken me ... Views: 831
My friend Michael, an expert rock climber, told me he wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday – take me up a famous rock climbing wall, Cathedral Peak, in Yosemite Valley.
“Sure!” I replied. I some rock climbing experience in college, and 4 years earlier, Michael had taken me ... Views: 801
This is the #1 thing you must do to stick up for yourself.
Here’s the uncomfortable truth, friends.
In your journey to get confident and feel better about yourself, you cannot be afraid to step on toes. In other words...
Don’t be afraid to piss people off.
Strong women will end up ... Views: 1174
When you see a rose bud, a bloomed lotus, a drop of rain on a jasmine flower, a smiling new-born baby, a 2-week-old small puppy, a God’s picture or a cancer survivor with 100% strength, it brings an instant smile on your face and graces you with positivity, isn’t it?
One naturally gets ... Views: 476
At some point or the other in our life, we all must have experienced those times when nothing seems to be going right. No matter how huge amount of efforts we put in, no matter how good and best our intentions may be, we persistently continue to fail. Amidst such a scene, we get so angry and ... Views: 394
Many people feel melancholy from time to time with thoughts that their life lacks purpose or excitement. You may simply go through the motions each day, and you could even look back and wonder what you have done with the last few years of your life. You understandably do not want to have ... Views: 528
Spirituality is the process of distinguishing between the superficial and the essential. In our high-speed world there is only time for the superficial, (choose more current examples – the Kardashian’s, etc. the Honey Boo Boos, the Paris Hiltons, the Beavis and Buttheads. Instead of going to the ... Views: 652
Self-confidence is basically the opinion we have about ourselves. Sometimes we struggle with this, which can create problems in our lives.
People usually have doubts about themselves. Having low self-esteem can make you weak internally.
To survive in this society, you must build up your ... Views: 970
I choose the company of Gnani!!!
Believe me, this is the LIVE source of inspiration and peaceful thoughts!
Let me share with you this video at https://www.dadabhagwan.tv/Home/Video/Depression+in+Gujarati - it will help you understand what I am trying to say. Not sure if you follow this ... Views: 399
I don’t know many things in life but I know one thing for sure. There is a spark in our hearts, but there is a fear as well. Today’s world is overwhelming for all of us. We need to survive financially, emotionally, be dignified and strong. We need our daily jobs so as to pay these monsters that ... Views: 828
In a garden, various types of people keep coming and going, at random. Some visit only once, while some come back repeatedly, some stay for a long time, while some make a fleeting appearance. Some enhance the beauty of the garden and bring in joy and happiness, whereas some bring with them ... Views: 529
Building resilient organizations requires resilient leaders. Being resilient enables you to overcome setbacks, build effective teams, and stay focused on what really matters in your life and company.
Resilience is our ability to recover when we are faced with obstacles, difficulties, and ... Views: 810
Want to change how you feel right now? Ask yourself, "what can I do great today?" Think about it. What's the one great thing that you did today?
Perhaps it was some great insight that you got from meditating or a newsletter etc. Maybe you did something to help someone else. Did you contribute ... Views: 936
By Astrology Lover
12 Chinese zodiac animals
The Chinese Zodiac (Oriental Zodiac) is based on a 12-year lunar cycle, where each year is represented by a certain animal. It is believed that the sign of the zodiac animal affects the character of each person. The traditional order of zodiac ... Views: 730
If you’re looking for advice on staying healthy, you’re sure to find a lot of it. In fact, you’ll find too much: you’ll spot quick fixes, trendy cure-alls, and the latest scary news about what makes you get sick or gain weight.
The problem with all this advice isn’t that it’s inaccurate ... Views: 728
Mental health statistics in Australia are not looking very good with the ‘bad news’ facts and figures. According to a report by the Black Dog Institute in 2019, every day there are 6 deaths caused by suicide in Australia. Not only this, but there are 30 more people who attempt to commit suicide ... Views: 819
Nobody likes being left out, abandoned, different, and unwelcomed. Yet, it is a common experience when we are “in-between.” Not where we were and not where we are yet to be.
People feel in-between while they are waiting for a divorce, retiring from work, getting sicker, moving to new homes, ... Views: 992
NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, is a set of psychological techniques which helps in your Professional and Personal Development. It’s been very popular since the last 50 years and is picking up big time. Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Andre Agassi and many more ... Views: 764
Where did the idea come from that laughter is the best medicine?
King Solomon, considered one of the wisest men who ever lived, may be the source. He didn’t say that laughter was the “best” medicine, but he did say, “A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you ... Views: 680
If you had a time machine, what age would you travel to? I’m guessing you went back in time to when you were younger, as many of us would choose to do. The majority of people fear aging and its seemingly unavoidable effects- wrinkles, hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, back pain… and other “Oh ... Views: 857
You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass...
On television Sally hears a ... Views: 857
Posted by Stephan Toure
Full article: https://stephantoure.com/2019/06/02/5-signs-youre-suffering-from-imposter-syndrome/
Also, Check out the Stress Management Guide: https://relaxlikeaboss.com/stress-management-guide/
Are you suffering from imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is the ... Views: 1063
The dictionary defines “awareness” as “knowledge or perception of a situation or fact”.
I define “caught up” as being totally absorbed in an activity or situation without knowing you are totally absorbed ( to the exclusion of everything else going on around you or mentally inside you). ... Views: 813
I believe that we have two choices to make in life.
• You allow your thoughts to control you
• You quiet your mind, thereby removing interference which allows your brain to function effortlessly at its optimal capacity and inherent creativity.
Your thinking controls everything you ... Views: 778
Life is a series of Events.
How you experience each Event determines the quality of your life.
Your mental models (programs) determine your thinking, emotions and perceptions.
Perception determines how you experience each Event.
Your emotions and actions are determined by your ... Views: 744
When we think positively, do we not feel calm and happy? And when we think negatively about anything, do we feel the same happiness?
It is because thinking positively releases positive vibes; whereas thinking negatively releases negative vibes.
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, an enlightened ... Views: 495
The quest for happiness is the one that everyone strives for. Whilst there is an abundance of literature on how to achieve this happiness, the fundamental key lies in recognizing that to achieve happiness you should strive not to cause unhappiness to others. In short, the laws of nature are such ... Views: 416
Life is not meant to be a smooth ride, always! Each joy is followed by sorrow and each obstacle by success. How our lives actually play out to be is dependent more so on how we choose to tackle the different phases of our life; how soon we are ready to give in and accept defeat or how far we ... Views: 417
The main Mortal Kombat set a pattern in battling diversions, a pattern that nobody would set out to cross. Its first continuation, Mortal Kombat II, based upon it and made it stunningly better. The viciousness has been expanded higher than ever and the game is much darker than its forerunner. It ... Views: 432
Here’s What Lonely Wives Can Do To Thaw Out Their Husbands.
Husbands want to know why their wives are always angry with them and wives want to know why their husbands ignore them.
There's an easy answer to that. Over time marriages develop a polarization. For example, the more she nags the ... Views: 820
I don't know about you, but I have an internal critic. He's a constant complainer. Have you ever wondered why people get married? Everyone needs someone else to complain to.
Some complaining is necessary. Complaining offers you the opportunity to solve a problem. However, that doesn't work ... Views: 708
If you have the time and money, which isn't always the case, psychotherapy should generally be seen as the first best option for addressing mental health issues such as anxiousness or a depressive state. Turning to medication straight away can be a mistake.
Seeking Relief from Psychological ... Views: 1164
Two months ago Sara had gotten the idea from her 3rd grade teacher to start a flower garden. “Then you can wake up in the morning on Mother’s Day and simply make a bouquet of flowers from your own garden! Your mommies would love that!” she had said. Sara loved the idea and quickly went to ... Views: 654
Everyone has ways that the next person doesn't like. We all have an angel and devil on our shoulder at times, but we have to figure out how to ignore the devil. Sometimes we go with the devil instead of the angel because we are not in a good mood, we don't think, and vice versa. I will begin to ... Views: 1539
Are you ready to get out of credit card debt in 2019? By the time you finish reading this post, you'll know exactly how to clear your high credit card balances quickly.
Did you know that your credit card debt is more expensive today than what it was a year ago?
The Federal Reserve has ... Views: 784