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If you want to become a millionaire, this article has one word for you: visualization. That’s right, as simple as it may sound, that’s all there is to it. If you keep visualizing yourself as a millionaire, you’ll eventually become millionaire. But of course, it’s not as easy as that.
There’s ... Views: 7161
As parents, we provide the greatest inspiration and positive influence to our children when we act from our place of power. What is our place of power exactly? Our place of power is found in our own alignment -- that place where we feel happy, calm and joyous. It is that place where our ... Views: 1489
Affirmations are positive
statements that describe a
desired situation. When they
are repeated many times,
they help to impress a positive
energy on the subconscious
mind and trigger it into taking
positive actions.
It is important to know that words hold powerful vibrations. ... Views: 1552
You did not except this. You are not happy about it. In fact, you are feeling pretty low about how things are happening. It may feel like you have no control. You may feel like you want to do something but you just don’t know what to do. The hopelessness can be overwhelming and make you feel ... Views: 1784
The Seventh Step Prayer
My Creator, I am now willing
That you should have all of me,
Good and bad.
I pray that you now remove from me
Every single defect of character
Which stands in the way of
my usefulness to you and my fellows.
Grant me strength,
As I go out from here,
To do your ... Views: 1354
I love Lucy
I've always liked snakes.
I recall one day long ago when I was in primary school we had a show and tell day. The school allowed us to bring our pets to school and share an interesting story about them. I brought my pet Black Indigo Snake. The kids in my class loved it. The ... Views: 1785
The true meaning of "It’s always Darkest before the Dawn"
This famous quote is truly rooted in energy healing. (Quantum physics)
It is a Universal concept of cleansing of the "Self" and ascending to a higher level of consciousness.
In his lecture on Nichiren Daishonin's teaching
(*A ... Views: 9302
Subliminal audio's are usually recordings which contain audible music with hidden suggestions interwoven within them. The idea is that the conscious mind listens to the music, whilst the hidden suggestions are absorbed by the subconscious mind. How does this work?
How subliminal mp3s are ... Views: 2563
My father’s side of the family, the Kittos have a long history of worrying! In the bible there is a quote: “The sins of the fathers are passed on to the next generation”. We all pick up the habits; good and not so good; from our parents. So somewhere along the line I picked up my father’s habit ... Views: 1439
Using the Universal Law of Attraction to attract what you want in life all comes down to the same principle: you need to focus your attention on the thing you want with the strongest emotion. However, focusing and trusting your internal guidance system to do the right thing in order to manifest ... Views: 1368
The science of manifesting your vision is all about holding the vibration of your vision. Another way of saying this is that to manifest your vision, i.e.: take it from the invisible to material form; you will need to change your thinking and your energy.
Einstein said that, “Problems cannot ... Views: 1257
Things didn’t turn out how you planned them. You may be feeling shock, surprise, anger, overwhelm, confusion, fear, frustration, grief, worry, or sadness about how things went so terribly wrong. Rationally, you know that the longer you dwell on what you don’t want creates more of what you don’t ... Views: 1608
It's a well established fact that getting and staying fit is best for you. While we live in this body we may as well live in it feeling good and looking good. Not many people will argue with that. There is, however, one problem. Getting fit is not the most exciting thing in the world and so it ... Views: 6661
"Sometimes we use words carelessly and actually affirm what we don't want, rather than what we do want..." Dennison & Dennison
Through language and feeling we communicate and create our experience.
Words and phrases like have to, should, can't, must, ought to, always and never communicate ... Views: 1447
Acceptance is sometimes looked at negatively. In the past if someone told me “you should accept it” or “just accept it” I’d feel low & defeated. A negative mindset or an egoistic mind would take such a powerfully freeing word and turn it into a death sentence. Like surrender could mean- ... Views: 1415
Lead a Wise Life
(Vinod Anand)
What really matters in the end, said Gautama Buddha, is, “How well did you love; how fully did you live and how deeply did you let go?” All the three are golden rules of wise living.
Here, ‘let go’ means renouncing with hill clarity and determination those ... Views: 1471
The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed. ~ Buddha
Have you lived long enough to truly know who you want to be? Have you fallen into the path of someone else’s concepts for who you ... Views: 1808
The concept underlying the Universal Law of Attraction is that everything in the universe is composed of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. All matter, and even our thoughts, is composed of energy.
The Universal Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. ... Views: 1967
The Only Affirmation You Will Ever Need from Rob White
*** Note: Follow the above link for an incredible multimedia experience.
Affirmations are a dime a dozen these days. In the above guide, Rob White shares the one affirmation that produced tremendous results in his own life. With ... Views: 3192
Prosperity Affirmations are positive declarations towards prosperity in any aspect. The question is whether they can work together with subliminal technology. The answer is yes, indeed they can. For example, subliminal DVDs and tapes will pass on the message of prosperity to the subconscious ... Views: 1557
Directions From Our Deep Desires
We Are All In This Life Together.
We are inter-connected in such an infinite number of ways! Sometimes this may seem somewhat subtle yet at other times it is certainly quite clear. Of course I am aware that this is nothing that you didn’t know! ... Views: 1413
No matter what the issue. No matter what the circumstance, you are probably making it more than it is. Now listen to me. I know this because I do it too. The fatalistic thinking. The dramatization. The negative worry, doubt, fears and criticism. Your imagination is running wild thinking of all ... Views: 1619
“Kindness is like a snowball that’s rolling down a hill. Each unselfish act or word is another snowflake that greets the others…creating something much larger than itself in the process.” Mac Anderson
I am creating a joyful game of giving gifts of kindness every day for 25 days. Will you join ... Views: 2211
Stress is generally perceived as a negative emotion considering the negative impact it has on a person’s mind and body. Although there is something called ‘good’ stress that is characterized by the pressure of a deadline that charges you to work harder and put in more effort, when we talk about ... Views: 2116
For years now I have been reading and hearing that whenever you choose something for you, you have to imagine or feel that it is already there, that you already have it; that seems to be the *key* to creating the reality of your dreams. I will confess right here that I’ve tried that countless ... Views: 1965
Most often when people use gratitude to attract abundance, they focus on a general feeling of gratitude – about anything – because just feeling a sense of gratitude immediately brings them into energetic alignment with increased abundance. This is a very effective way to use the essence of ... Views: 6092
You know that visualization in very important in using The Law of Attraction (LOA), provided that you always involve emotion in your visualization. LOA only respons feeling. That is why we need to visualize our life-goals that so stimulate our success feeling when we have been succeed in ... Views: 2603
The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you understand it or not; whether you know it or not; and whether you like it or not.
Until you learn to use the Law of Attraction in a deliberate way, most of the time you are not aware that you are attracting into your life more ... Views: 1735
Many people are starting to have a great deal of doubts about the Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention. People just can’t seem to attract good things into their lives no matter how hard they try. I know Bob Proctor has a whole series on what went wrong with “The Secret”. However, I ... Views: 1487
In this month of giving thanks, I am grateful for the lessons of my life. Perhaps the most important lesson I’ve learned is that a meaningful life is about growing your soul, and it happens slowly, in the process of engaging life.
My own soul was battered early, when all the closest people ... Views: 1512
When we ask ourselves, our friends, family, colleagues and so on, every individual will answer differently to what it means to be happy. Some want wealth, others want love, knowledge, health, peace, challenge and so on. Everyone will say what they think they lack the most at that moment; in ... Views: 1597
It is with great pleasure and honor that I announce the birth of my new baby "Collaboration In Spirit" Meditation CD.
For quite some time I felt strongly guided to create a meditation CD. What a huge project this would be, I thought, and where do I begin? Having no experience whatsoever with ... Views: 1995
Personal transformation is not selfish. It is not egotistical or self-centered to want to be the best person you can be. It is when people feel “less than” that they feel the need to prove their point, strike out, cause strife, hurt people. Those feelings are, obviously, evidence of the amount ... Views: 2018
What is the difference between you and Joe, a homeless man on a bench who asks for change? Are you more blessed because you are a better person? No. Just because someone lives on the streets doesn’t make him a bad person. Are you being rewarded for all of the good things you’ve done and Joe is ... Views: 2309
Denial is not just a river in Egypt
As "humorous" as that saying is, denial is no joke. Denial is the number one characteristic addicts display when confronted about their addictions. " I am not addicted, I can control it" or " I don't have a drinking problem, I just like to relax at night ... Views: 1803
Often when people think about the subconscious mind, images of a mysterious subterranean landscape shrouded in an inky, impenetrable darkness seems to pop up. In that darkness lurks all darkest secrets and desires. It also contains a great spiritual light and wisdom we are all trying to tap ... Views: 2356
A low self-esteem might push you to impress your dates and “potential others” by being “too nice”, “too accommodating”, “too easygoing” and so on, whether when you post your profile on social media or when you meet new people face-to-face. Even though you might be going on endless dates, as long ... Views: 1750
Without respect no life form could survive. The sun would not shine upon the fields,if the fields did not appreciate it. The rain would not fall upon the earth,if the earth did not welcome it. Without respect the galaxies and the entire universe would not hold together. No society could exist ... Views: 2338
Affirmations for New Year 2013 are a powerful yet simple way to begin the New Year. The past is over. We have already entered a new beginning here on the new Earth.
These affirmations for New Year 2013 will help to support the powerful changes that we are co-creating now as we enter ... Views: 2023
A good man in hard times prays to god - “god, just let me win the lottery, I have been good, I love everyone equally, I live a decent life. I just wish I had a break from all this financial turmoil, please just let me win.”
Weeks go by, the man hasn't won.
In the mean time his car breaks ... Views: 1603
You are the creator of your reality. You forge your own path in the road of destiny of the universe. Where is the source of your mind, body, and spirit's creativity and creative juices? Look to the stars. The stars are your source of inner peace and inner sanctum. When you star gaze, you are ... Views: 1644
Some years ago I discovered a small but powerful little book in a second-hand bookstore. (Don't you just love second-hand bookstores?)
The little tome first attracted me, because its cover was a soft green velvet, not the usual paper stock variety.
I know, I know, you can't tell a book ... Views: 1712
So often we are told to do this, that, and the other and we'll be happy- Anything from find the right partner, get the right job, earn more money and poof! Happy days are here! Well I'm here to tell you that we have it all wrong. It is not outer circumstances that make us happy, but rather ... Views: 2183
You probably tend to think – like most people do - that the most horrific betrayal of all is a person’s betrayal of his/her partner. After all, this is what you have been brought up to believe since childhood – from books and movies you have seen; from newspaper reports you have read; from TV ... Views: 5906
What if you could change an “annoying” habit, simply by stating one word?
Would you do it? Or would you regress to an old way of thinking (“Oh, right! Like that’s gonna work for me?!?!?)?
What if you didn’t have to actively visualize what it is that you desire?
What if… it was more ... Views: 4132
My friends and I have been discussing a common experience that we all feel better when we are helping others and we all feel drained when we are focused on what we do not have. The golden rule has been circulating for ages although it is something we do not think about on a regular basis so I ... Views: 2640
The concept of the Law of Attraction has become almost mainstream in American culture today. Instruction abounds. There's "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts, the Abraham teachings by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and, of course, the movie "The ... Views: 2612
A Course in Miracles has an entire Workbook for Students which guides us through 365 days of spiritual practice. Let's look closely at Lesson 95 which takes particular care in describing how to practice. Once we have reached this lesson, we must be almost four months into our Workbook study. We ... Views: 2210
Hello, my name is Tinksy. I’m an amazingly beautiful and joyful butterfly. I was told my wings are colourful and bright and that it’s a true joy to watch me fly gracefully from flower to flower.
However, I haven’t always been like this. Let me tell you something about my long journey...
I ... Views: 5144
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
—John F. Kennedy
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all
the others.”
Just as you are grateful you did ... Views: 2036