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“People of Western Europe, the hour of your liberation is approaching. All patriots, men and women, young and old, have a part to play in the achievement of final victory. This landing is but the opening phase of the campaign of Western Europe. Great battles lie ahead. I call upon all who love ... Views: 1618
Most western churches are like the fig tree that Christ cursed for its pretentious foliage when it had no fruit, Matthew 21. Most American churches have music and preaching, but may lack content as the imagery suggests re the last of 7 churches, said to be lukewarm with materialism in Revelation ... Views: 1427
We all complain about stress, but what is it really. National Geographic did a wonderful report on what stress is by not only looking at humans and our environment, but also through baboons and science. In watching specific tribes of baboons who ate the same food, lived in the same area, and ... Views: 1384
Tonight, all of a sudden, I had a migraine headache... the kind where the lights are even too bright. I was working and felt it coming on. Then within minutes, it was FULL force, like a hammer banging constantly on my forehead. I had no idea why I was getting one or when it would disappear.
I ... Views: 2761
We all need an emotional harbor; a place where we can relax our sails of tension, frustration and worry. Needs and definitions vary, and many find sufficient peace and release in the presence of family, friends or others therapeutically. This is a good way to stroke the heart, distract the mind ... Views: 1586
We are a society that is filled with attachments. We love our technology; we have to feel connected to the rest of the world at all times. When we try to evolve ourselves we learn to release. Sometimes when we release one thing, we become attached to something else. You also have to stop and ... Views: 1239
Go on Amazon. Do a search for books on happiness. You'll find over 15,000 titles. Everyone wants to be happy and some need help finding it. Some even believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. We seek people and things that will fulfill this dream. "I want to marry someone who's going to ... Views: 1296
Dr. Romance on spreading kindness
Spreading kindness is the best way I know to be happy. If you want to spread kindness around, here are some ideas:
*Kindness begins on the inside – learn to be as kind in talking to yourself as you are to others – then, keep improving. Self-talk sets the bar ... Views: 1441
Happy New Year, everyone! This is the time when a lot of energy is spent on making resolutions, most of which we don’t manage to keep. So, this year, I propose a different kind of resolution.
Will you join me in resolving to create a year of peace?
Peace begins inside yourself. When you ... Views: 1454
Deep dreamless sleep can result from a mind that is quiet during the day. It cannot come through controlling the mind but only through self-awareness in which one functions as an affectionate bystander to oneself.
Looking In
Nocturnal dreaming is a natural process that we all go through. ... Views: 2190
At some point on our lives, typically January, most of us resolve to make profound changes in our lives. We resolve to quit bad habits, acquire good habits, eat less, save more, etc. You know the drill. While these are all good things to do, unfortunately, these are the types of superficial ... Views: 1672
Australian journalist Julian Assange believes he's the subject of a witch-hunt by the USA. Assange fears that submitting to the controversial Arrest Warrant issued by the fourth and latest Swedish prosecutor will lead to him being illegally extradited to America. He has been granted asylum by ... Views: 1786
WikiLeaks, headed by Julian Assange, has released a whole bunch of American government emails showing how America deceives the world. Is he really being hunted by the American oligarchy, with the active cooperation of British and Swedish authorities? Or are the allegations of sexual assault ... Views: 2017
There is strength in our words. We can give power to those words with the thoughts we think and the actions we employ. This a serious matter. This is one of the ways we create our own peace of mind or lack thereof.
Have you ever thought about what you are thinking when you start feeling ... Views: 959
Has America declared War on Assange and WikiLeaks?
The disclosures by Australian journalist Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have clearly upset America. Yet the right to expose shameful US government secrets is protected by the First Amendment's rights to free speech and press freedom.
As ... Views: 2441
It is a gorgeous July day here in Northern Iowa and I plan to be outside working on my acreage. It does not really seem like work (Just like my Online Company) since I will be outside enjoying the summer. I have 5.5 acres to mow and tend to, but when I am finished ‘I’ think it is breathtaking ... Views: 1413
A total stranger asked me how my day was going. I was waiting for my double espresso, and I think he'd just finished paying for an iced coffee. Being a generally social person, I was immediately pleased that someone seemed to have at least a modicum of genuine interest in my welfare. This ... Views: 935
Politicians benefit by pretending life is unfair
Life is not fair! complain envious citizens when they see someone with more than they have.
Life should be fair! says the politician, and I can fix the problem. Elect me and I'll ensure the law is changed to make it fair. There are many ... Views: 1788
While it's important to understand, express, manage, diffuse, and heal your anger, imagine how
much easier it would be to prevent outside forces from irritating you from the get go? You can learn to be emotionally unaffected by the drama and chaos around you. Rest assured, I'm not suggesting ... Views: 1616
See a far more comprehensive introduction to the motivations behind this subject in part 1 and part 2 of this series.
Does President Obama really want Peace?
There are plenty of issues that President Obama could spend his time on which would improve America and give you a better quality of ... Views: 1659
President Obama's commitment to Peace
President Obama evidently wants to bomb Syria. But why? He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his commitment to world peace.
His response this week to those who believe he wants to attack Syria in order to defend his own credibility? "I didn’t ... Views: 2096
Why has President Obama Threatened War on Syria?
Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, has been murdering his own countrymen for years. A couple of years ago, some Syrians citizens objected and started the civil war in Syria. This has claimed a lot of innocent lives, yet al-Assad is clinging to ... Views: 2013
If you’ve ever struggled to attain your goals, don’t beat yourself up, don’t give up. It may just be that all you need is a change in your focus. You may just be giving in to your desire for immediate gratification. If you’re like most people today, you’ve probably let yourself fulfill this ... Views: 1433
If you’ve ever struggled to attain your goals, don’t beat yourself up, don’t give up. It may just be that all you need is a change in your focus. You may just be giving in to your desire for immediate gratification. If you’re like most people today, you’ve probably let yourself fulfill this ... Views: 1397
Since the beginning of time, wars have been fought in an effort to bring about peace. Have we accomplished that yet? Maybe violence isn't the answer.
I am a peace lover. Not only do I promote peaceful coexistence but I also live peacefully with others. I do not argue or fight; I do not ... Views: 1411
Writing your way to a mindful existence
Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the pressures of modern living? For some people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. They live life at a fast pace, constantly rushing to meet deadlines, complete tasks and fit as much as ... Views: 1381
Hello and Cead Mile Failte´,
this is gaelic and means "a hundred thousand times wellcome".
We live in a world, in which we have too much distraction from things outside of ourselves. Instead of listening to ourselves, we dive into various methods of distraction, which are available almost ... Views: 968
For small-business owners, hiring the right person can be stressful and time-consuming, particularly if you wait until you really, really need another team member’s help to maintain and grow your productivity. But finding the right person makes a world of difference to the long-term health of ... Views: 1493
Learn to Live with Nature
(Vinod Anand)
Each one of us is very special and each one of us is trying his best to survive. You might ask: ‘In what way am I special?’ Or, ‘what makes me unique’? ‘What is the best strategy I should adopt to survive?’
However, your worries about yourself and ... Views: 1277
The number one mistake most people have when discussing happiness is the belief exterior forces have more control over his/her experience than they do. More often than not, we give our power over the experience away in hopes of it being a better experience than the one we could have created if ... Views: 1771
Wow, some people just know how to push your buttons, don’t they? Wait, I KNOW he did not just cut you off in rush hour traffic and you are already late as it is?! And why is she always so mean and nasty to you? This is her job. It’s what she gets paid to do. You would think Ms. Thing could ... Views: 1820
We have all been hurt by the things others have said or done (notice I didn’t include “to me/us” at the end of that sentence).* Very often, we say or do things that are inconsiderate or hurtful to the other party. Sometimes, we commit an offense by failing to do what we need to. Whether ... Views: 1159
With quotes and positive messages dressing the walls of our homes, info-graphics filling the internet and Kindness revolutions popping up everywhere around the globe I wonder; Is it just me or has the world gone feel-good crazy!
Break out the champagne! Finally, we have come to the ... Views: 1208
Beauty, harmony, joy, peace, wisdom, compassion, what makes these words stand out? They are a resonance, a frequency and a vibration that lift us up. They are qualities of love. They are what we truly yearn for in life. These words are more than the qualities they represent; they symbolize a ... Views: 1436
It’s not a good sign when the first news of the day means dealing with death. But it got me thinking about the huge impact forgiveness can have in our lives. My father’s brother passed away the other night while I was out celebrating the 4th of July with friends.
The two brothers were ... Views: 1364
Stress has always been a part of human life, be it a housewife with making a home and being a facilitator for rest of the family members or an employee working in high pressure job. A student is stressed out with so many career choices in hand and so much of expectation from others, whereas an ... Views: 838
Are you stuck; unable to move forward in any or all areas of your life? Do you feel weary; your feet heavy as if you are wearing concrete shoes? You walk 100 miles and yet you are still standing where you started. If so, it is time to get unstuck; to take control of your life and your own ... Views: 1185
By Terry Weber
Article Word Count: 1841
I'll always remember the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Even now, seventy-two years later, I am still aware of the many ways that attack forced the "sleeping giant" that was the USA; to become today's major advocate of worldwide ... Views: 1629
Have you heard the song, “Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw?
If you haven’t, click on the link and head over there after you’ve finished reading. It really makes you sit up and take notice of how you’re living your life. That’s what it did for me, anyway, when my coach at the time had me ... Views: 1258
Gratitude is in the air these days, more and more, as a spiritual practice to uplevel and uplift your life. Authors such as Deepak Chopra, Edwene Gaines, Neale Donald Walsch, Diane Harmony and many more extol the power of gratitude. After all, one cannot be depressed or angry while in a state of ... Views: 1589
After the biological evolution on our Earth, there has been a consciousness evolution. Part of this is reflected in the way human beings have been able to harness nature’s forces to their advantage. It can now go into the spiritual realm. Planetary consciousness evolution opens us to a grand ... Views: 1260
Government Failure? Or Government Oppression?
Citizens all across the world are increasingly recognizing the problem of government failure. Many governments are increasingly incompetent at that most fundamental of tasks: protecting their citizens from harm. From Tunisia in North Africa to Syria ... Views: 1736
Is President Obama Concerned for your Safety?
Is President Obama really concerned about your children's safety, or do his actions contradict his rhetoric? Is he aiming to deny you your right to defend yourself and your children?
Years ago, he did say he recognizes that "gun owners in ... Views: 1741
Functioning from the universal consciousness makes us go beyond the five senses. The messages from near death experiences help us understand such consciousness and bring about a holistic transformation in our psychology.
This article is an earnest attempt to invite people to look into the ... Views: 1452
You have a Right to Protect Yourself
Across the world, government bans on their people's right to protect themselves with firearms is increasingly widely ignored. The enormous outcry against the gun bans proposed by President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein and their Democratic allies ... Views: 1827
My heart and prays go out to all those who have suffered a lost from the resent disasters in Boston Marathon and the Texas Chemical explosion. I was watching the news about the Boston tragedy and found myself with tears in my eyes while they were talking about the innocent children that were ... Views: 1078
No matter what the issue. No matter what the circumstance, you are probably making it more than it is. Now listen to me. I know this because I do it too. The fatalistic thinking. The dramatization. The negative worry, doubt, fears and criticism. Your imagination is running wild thinking of all ... Views: 1628
Illegal Drugs Increase Violence
Illegal drugs have caused a significant increase in violence. In the years since Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala hardened their stance on illegal drugs, their violent death body counts have risen dramatically.
When you encourage illegal activity by ... Views: 1516
The USA incarcerates more people - imprisons more per head of population - than any other country in the world. So many in jail demonstrate the enormous numbers of laws which make criminals out of its citizens. These laws hamper police from carrying out their core responsibility of protecting ... Views: 1567
Is the Sandy Hook tragedy being used by the administration to implement the United Nation's Arms Trade Treaty - the global gun grab? Many other shooting sprees have resulted in equally cynical gun ban attempts across the world. Are gun laws to control guns, or to control people?
The British ... Views: 1893