We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peace". If you have expertise in Peace and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Life is a strange thing. We learn as we grow older but the lessons that are the hardest are those of the past. We learn what not to do only after we have done it. Sometimes the lesson will come back around and be useful but most times we can just chalk it up to a life experience. Life’s lessons ... Views: 937
Two thousand years after the birth of the Prince of Peace, we are still searching for peace. It seems that we still do not yet understand the prescription for peace. We continue to search through the logical avenues such as the League of Nations and the United Nations. But evidently the ... Views: 1174
Article Title: 'Peace Lives' WITHIN (a short extract from a new book)
Author: Craig Lock
Key words/tags/categories: books, new books, hope, inspiration, empowerment, words of inspiration and empowerment enough there now).
Web sites: www.creativekiwis.com/books.html#craig ... Views: 1392
The normal mind is hard-wired to ensure that you will never find peace of mind. Research confirms that each of us is peppered with, on average, some fifty thousand thoughts each day. Many of these whizz through our field of consciousness at such speed that we don’t notice them. Then there ... Views: 1762
All over the US and Canada there are millions of people celebrating Earth Day, and I often wonder what this day really means to people. For me Earth Day is a reminder to be kind to Mother Earth and remember that as much as we have renewable resources, it doesn’t mean we have unlimited ... Views: 1192
Article Title: Sharing Some Uplifting and Inspirational Thoughts (the Building-Blocks for a New "Work")
Author: Craig Lock
Key words/tags/categories: books, new books, hope, inspiration, empowerment, words of inspiration and empowerment enough there now).
Web sites: ... Views: 1176
I was constantly complaining something feels “off”? I found myself over spending, over eating, over everythinging just to hide from the pain of my life.. my broken out of control life.
I believe we create the “mess” that is our life by burying our heads and ignoring the warning signs that ... Views: 1298
A Time to Imagine What Might Be
From: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10720638
Since the first Christian sermon in 1814, our nation has to a large extent been shaped by this ethic.
Key words/Tags: Easter, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Hope, New Zealand ... Views: 1002
Sometimes the people we work with are not the ones we would choose to be around. We often do not click our co-workers and we find it hard to accept our place within the confines of who we must be to do so. Work alone can sometimes be stressful and hard to cope with, but adding the stress of ... Views: 675
Lockets are a part of jewellery and people now a days use it as an accessory to add to their beauty. They are made up of different materials like silver, gold, diamond, metal and steel. These lockets are the pendants that are worn on the neck in order to adorn it and make it prominent. They are ... Views: 2414
Love or Fear
Think of love and fear as day and night. Now imagine the sun representing love and the night representing fear. It's a simple analogy, and one, that if you allow yourself to be open to its deepest truth, could induce a major shift in your consciousness.
If Love is like the ... Views: 1110
Always ready for a challenge, a new dare? When things are not to your liking, you erupt like a volcano, splashing surroundings and people with lava and spurting rocks! Are you forcing by-standers to relocate rather than be splattered?
Never planning and having an unrealistic sense of what ... Views: 1685
The internet is an amazing resource of information and entertainment. It is also a forum in which people can communicate with one another from all over the world. And best of all, the internet is not exclusive. Anyone can take part in online festivities. Even children can navigate the internet ... Views: 2277
Many times we pray asking God for certain things. We may ask He give us strength to handle a situation. We may ask He help us in the area of our finances. We may ask for His guidance in what to do in a relationship. We may ask that He help us have more patience or a more caring attitude with a ... Views: 956
Article Title: Gandhi and Christ: What Did Jesus Mean to Gandhi?
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Gandhi, Jesus, Christianity, faith, peace, pursuit of peace, beliefs, spiritual, spiritual unity, religion, unity of religion/s, spiritual growth
Web Sites: ... Views: 6764
We’ve all heard just how loud snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. There are two typical results to that, the first to shrug, scratch your head and think to your self sleep apne-what? Another is to try a wee amount of panic and then, go to your doctor. Certainly, regardless of the stress, seeking ... Views: 1096
In this fast paced, high tech cyberspace world we now live in, few of us can truly comprehend simplicity or the idea of living a simple life. Granted, there are those living off the grid and growing gardens that are pursuing this goal, but most have no idea what the word “simplicity” even means. ... Views: 3757
To obtain peace one must first find the path that leads us to ourselves. By finding one’s self, one’s true self, we open ourselves up to the possibility of existing without fear, worry, struggle, or blockages in our lives. To be free of withholding ourselves and to exist with nothing in the ... Views: 752
Moving companies are the companies that help a person in shifting from one place to another. These type of companies work either in the form of a franchise or a licensed company. The large international companies give franchises to the people and then these franchise work in a way that one ... Views: 1896
April is Stress Awareness Month. Most people are already aware of stress in their lives! But did you know stress is a major cause of clutter? There is schedule clutter because we have more tasks, obligations, and activities than we have hours in the day. There is physical clutter, which ... Views: 1173
Let’s talk about listening. Truly listening. Not only to those around you but to your inner wisdom, your intuition, your higher power.
Are you listening?
I learned to listen by experience to go within and to know how to connect with and communicate with my inner being. Some say that prayer ... Views: 1287
After the death of someone we love our grief experience and overall healing has everything to do with our relationship to the deceased, the intensity and depth of the love we felt for them and our degree of faith in a hereafter. In the immediate aftermath of a person's death, it's hard to ... Views: 1772
The world is full of many contradictions.
With everything that is happening in the world, it is a wonder that souls have been able to attempt to decipher their truth at all. Life is meant to be detached and confusing, otherwise the questions to life’s answers would not need answers and souls ... Views: 654
We are seeing a lot more in the media about bullies, both singly and in groups, and how they are reeking havoc on our youth and pets. I know this has been going on for lifetimes. There are also statistics showing that fledgling serial killers usually warm-up on animals, first by injury or ... Views: 1505
Greetings you Spring lovers. This poem is dedicated to all those who are hurting during this season. Specially remembering those in Japan who are faced with so much loss, and those who are fighting the world with harsh weapons. The lack of love and the abundance of hate to me is very disturbing, ... Views: 1273
‘I think, therefore I am’ exclaimed Rene Descartes the famous French Philosopher. He could very well have said ‘How I think determines how I am’. Put it another way, you are what you think. Thoughts are extremely powerful tools that can determine not only our moods but also our decisions and ... Views: 1576
What is speed volunteering?
Speed volunteering is when you do something free and it does not take much time.
Open a door for someone. Smile when you can. Ask a neighbor if he/she needs something from the grocery store.
Americans do not work together. And, we need to change. If a ... Views: 1695
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com
This week, Brenda channeled on her free, 15-minute “Creation Energies” blogtalkradio.com show, how the recent disturbing earthquakes are an indication that just as we entities are shifting, so too are ... Views: 1020
Article Title: Sharing Some Spiritual Thoughts - Uplifting and Inspirational (from My Notes in the "Little Yellow Book") - Part Three
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Inspirational Quotes, Books, new books, peace, pursuit of peace, inspiration, words of empowerment, writing, on ... Views: 1283
When it comes to stress the standard American diet (SAD) plays a major role in how well the body adapts to those stressful moments and how quickly it can recover from them. The 300 cans of soda, 50 pounds of cakes and cookies and 20 gallons of ice cream the average American consumes, greatly ... Views: 977
Article Title: A Model, A Possible Template for Peace Negotiations Around the World
Author Name: Craig Lock
Category (key words): “Inspiration”, peace, negotiation, peace negotiations, peace strategy, leadership, South Africa, inspirational writings.
Web Sites: ... Views: 1739
Article Title: “I Dream With a Passion of Turning Hatred Into Love”
Author: Sean O’Connor
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category/Key Words: Inspiration, Sean O’Connor, New Zealand Herald (College Herald), Love, Peace, Hope, Dream, Believe, Inspiration, "Words of Empowerment"
Web site: ... Views: 916
Article Title: Is it Possible to Counter and Ultimately Defeat Terrorism? Just sharing a Few Thoughts
Author: Craig Lock Key Words: Terrorism, Solutions, Peace, Possibilities for Peace, Politics, World, Middle East, Israel, "Inspiration", "Words of Empowerment"
(enough there now!)
Web ... Views: 2486
Once upon a time there was a young man who was well known and very much respected throughout his community, as he was active in civic affairs and had done many good deeds. He went to church regularly and lived a good clean life. One night, at the early age of 42, he was stricken with a fatal ... Views: 1432
Article Title: Sharing some Thoughts (and Quotations) on the Power of Love to Make a Difference (through Helping Make a Shift in Global Consciousness)
Shared by: Craig Lock
Key Words: Inspiration, Inspirational Quotes, Spirituality, Love, Empowerment
Web Sites: ... Views: 1030
In my younger days I was naive enough to think I could control change. I've learned, but not quickly enough, that no one can control or stop change. And, here is an interesting little fact: Charles Darwin believed that those who survive are the people who can adapt to ongoing change. They are ... Views: 1785
“At times, do you feel like you are about to lose your mind? Are you constantly on the go wishing for “one moment” to relax?”
Are your emotions “boiling over” because you are holding them prisoner on the inside instead of expressing how you really feel? Are you “stressed” trying to meet the ... Views: 5120
Divorce: Why It's Important Not to Alienate Children from Their Parents
by Rosemary Fansher, M.A. aka HighConflictExpert
I have been a High Conflict Expert for many years. Sometimes I feel like I have seen and heard it all! One of my jobs as a high conflict expert is being ... Views: 1981
We are creating problems in our relationships, with ourselves and with God when we choose to hide something. We are hurting relationships because we are not building trust and honesty. We are hurting ourselves because we are more than likely going to live in a world of guilt and distraction ... Views: 1215
Psychology is a science because it analyzes human behavior and the human mind. Art is free of rules and totally based on subjective conceptions. Science is based on the objective analysis of facts that belong to our reality, studies, and comparisons. Art is based on talent and intuition.
... Views: 1218
A wide range of weight loss products are available in the market. Everyday a new product is introduced in the market. Some of these products are effective while some are just meant for grabbing money. We have to choose one effective and efficient weight reduction product. Selecting an efficient ... Views: 127
Attaining true wealth and abundance is not something that you have to do externally in order to be over-flowing with money. It is what you do on the inside that dictates whether or not you will have true wealth and abundance. Most importantly, it begins with your internal approach towards ... Views: 1187
Article Title: "Sport for Peace"
Author: Craig Lock
Web sites: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/craiglock `http://www.creativekiwis.com and www.lulu.com/craiglock
Craig’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at ... Views: 1599
We all know we can’t get everything done in a day, but we can take action on some things in our lives that will help us move forward. What we decide to do and what we decide to put of one more day is an important decision. We need to be sure that whatever decision we make is not to satisfy our ... Views: 1043
Article Title: Sharing a few Thoughts (rather serious) on the Conflict in the Middle East and Israel Today
Author: Craig Lock
Key words: Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Peace, Peacemaking, Possibilities for Peace, Leadership, Inspiration, Empowerment, Upliftment
Web sites: ... Views: 755
Article Title: Sharing Some More Thoughts (Inspirational) On “The War For Peace”
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Peace, “Inspiration, Inspirational Quotes, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Barack Obama, Spiritual”, Spiritual Laws, Law of Attraction, World Peace, ... Views: 1128