Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
Transforming TraumaTransforming Trauma offers holistic options for helping people recover from trauma. We work holistically, meaning that we treat the person as a whole -- both mind and body.
Emerging From BrokenEmerging from Broken delivers a powerful message of hope to those who have struggled with mental health issues such as all forms of depression, dissociated identity, physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse. We share how we went from surviving to thriving on the journey to wholeness ~ living life to the fullest. Views: 227
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Healing Traumaenergy psychology is one of the miracles of our century. Find ways to heal trauma, traumatic patterns, self destructive beliefs and learn how to stay connected to your center. Views: 224
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Healing After TraumaHealingAfterTrauma.com provides information about how traumatic events affect our well being and how counseling treatments significantly reduce the impact of trauma. A free subscription for articles on a variety of trauma topics including self care tips is available twice monthly. Views: 219
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Lakewood Trauma Relief Counseling CenterEMDR Certified with specialties in Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Couples/Marriage Counseling/Therapy. Dr. Dave works with adult individuals and couples who would like to resolve the symptoms of traumatic incidents and relationship conflicts. Views: 62
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Compassion Sensuality: One Simple Intention. A Whole New Experience"Compassion Sensuality: One Simple Intention. A Whole New Experience." An effortless, free and exactly-as-you-are form of sacred sex as a variation of the Buddhist practice of "Metta" (Loving Kindness) and also a tenderly empowering for healing from sexual trauma with or without a partner. Views: 55
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Trauma Treatment and Therapy in Fort Lauderdale FLTrauma Treatment Program specializing in the therapy for childhood abuse issues, PTSD, Dissociative Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Views: 34
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Vicarious Trauma InstituteVicarious trauma is the indirect exposure to trauma through a client's firsthand account of a traumatic event. This repeated experience can exact a huge toll on the helping professional: cognitively, emotionally, physiologically, and spiritually. An excellent resource for helpers. Views: 34
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Dr. Quintal & AssociatesDr. Quintal & Associates is a psychotherapy practice located in Sarasota/Bradenton Florida. We specialize in Rapid Resolution Therapy a painless and complete approach to trauma resolution. Views: 33
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Empowered PotentialEmpowered Potential is a business that is about “Leading through Adversity.” All of us assume a leadership role at some point in our life. Whether this is at work or home, at church or within our social gatherings... leadership and "life in general" can present us with adversity. Views: 32
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The Sophia Womens Institute, LLCEnergy Psychology and Women's Sacred Practices to guide you thru the inner healing & transformation you need to heal your life, create Soul-satisfying love & fulfill your destiny. Views: 31
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Sandy BrewerSandy Brewer is an author, speaker, therapist, coach and humanitarian. For over thirty-five years she has helped and inspired thousands of people to move beyond their own personal tragedies in order to explore and embrace the possibilities in their own lives. Book, Audio & Seminars Views: 28
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Making Hope RealMy site announces my services in successfully treating people who struggle with trauma histories or who have been wounded by spiritual/religious abuse. Views: 26
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Stop Anxiety HQ | #1 Anxiety Cure Headquarters | Cure Anxiety NowHeadquarters for the #1 Anxiety Cure - Stop Anxiety HQ - Providing access to professional techniques available on the internet to cure anxiety, cure depression, stress relief and for self-improvement. Discover how to cure anxiety, cure depression and relieve stress with professional insight. Views: 26
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SurvivorsCanThrive.comThis website is for and about sexual assault and abuse survivors who want to thrive! Do you merely want to survive, or would you like to thrive? I hope that some of the insights and tools you'll find here, under "Meditations," "What Works," and "Resources" will assist you on your journey to becoming a thriver! Views: 26
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Starla R. Sholl, LCSW, PC24 years experience providing psychotherapy, counseling and clinical hypnotherapy in Chicago. Specializing in childhood trauma, alternative families, relationship difficulties, and recurrent patterns that inhibit potential. Views: 23
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Take ChargeI change lives by helping with fears, phobias and anxiety... Views: 22
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Emergingfrombroken.com"From Surviving to Thriving on the other side of Broken" This site talks about how our belief system develops false truths which lead to all sorts of mental health issues, and how we overcame them and emerged into wholeness and freedom from depression, dissociation, and many other mental health concerns. Views: 21
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Shekinah Birthing Co. / Eileen Sullivan, EFTCert-IHOLISTIC SUPPORT FOR PREGNANT & POSTPARTUM WOMEN/FAMILIES SINCE 1987--Offering EFT sessions, workshops, teleclasses, video/audio, and a wealth of articles focusing on EFT for fertility, pregnancy, birth & beyond. Specializing in EFT for birth prep, labor pain, PTSD / traumatic birth, & VBAC. Views: 20
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Allison Massari - Redefining the Impossible™ Discover the secrets to transformation from the expert. Allison Massari burned alive in a fire, and later sustained a brain injury. Through it all she found happiness, success & a fire within. Allison Massari teaches how to navigate out of any challenge, fear or heartache to a life beyond anything you dream possible.
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