Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson is The Official Guide to "Organizing and Learning How to Organize". You can find complete information on Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson and her products by visiting Tame Your Paper Tiger in the Digital Age.
Out of clutter, fInd simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.
-Albert Einstein
Do you walk around the office and see piles of papers, empty take-out containers from late nights, and old coffee cups? ... Views: 1341
There is nothing quite like having all of your loved ones around as you celebrate a big milestone in your life. Since these special occasions do not occur very often, you need to be able to celebrate them in style. These are the five things you need to have stocked in your home to celebrate a ... Views: 1161
Once in a while, everyone has dreamt about working from home.
The thought of working without any time restrictions, wearing whatever you desire and enjoying the freedom of making money however you want, whenever you want is just something which inspires every one of us.
While you may ... Views: 1434
As I set up my own company –there is plenty to think and do every single day – how to add value to clients, how to reach the target audience, best way of marketing & networking, optimizing social media use, continuity plans, expansion plans, deadlines to ensure things get completed etc.
I am ... Views: 1291
Making the right choice is indeed aha!
The catch – one can only know if a choice is right or wrong in retrospect.
Every day we are faced with multiple choices and as society is progressing choices are increasing multi-fold. With this multi-fold increase, decision making is becoming complex ... Views: 1286
Do you love to read? Of course you do otherwise you wouldn’t be here. My love for the books has been with me from past 7 years and there also came a time when I used to finish an entire book in a day. But time flew and I got busy with my life that now I rarely get time to read and when I do, ... Views: 1132
Well, I finally did it. A few months ago I upgraded my cell phone and finally got with the times. I fought upgrading my phone due to the cost of a new phone. I waited until my contract needed renewing so I could get a discount. As we celebrate Independence Day and think about the Declaration of ... Views: 1431
"The key to getting what you want is to cause a shift in your vibrations to focus on what you do want." – Frank Mangano
The Law of Attraction is based upon a more fundamental law, the Law of Vibration. The Vibration Law says that every result, every thought, everything has a particular ... Views: 2019
There are a lot of articles and recommendations on how to attract new clients and raise sales. Most of those articles explain how to optimize your business and website and how to make your offer look more attractive and appealing. In this article I will share a few personal examples from working ... Views: 1587
Delegating tasks are one thing many business owners just don't do. Some people may say that business owners do not delegate because they are stubborn and want to do everything themselves. As a business coach, the excuses I have heard are "I don't have the money." Or "it takes longer to train ... Views: 1706
We all hit that brick wall at times where we are no longer jumping out of bed each morning excited to start our day. When you find yourself lying in bed dreading to get up and start your day you know it is time to do some self-reflection and find out what is zapping your energy.
Retreat from ... Views: 1436
Our daily lives often keep us so busy and caught up in trying to plan for the immediate day that we neglect the overall big picture.
While Spirit reminds us to slow down and be present in the moment, you might find it challenging to relax if your personal space is cluttered, paperwork is ... Views: 1594
It’s true, the entrepreneurial hustle can be all consuming. But I don't want anyone losing a valuable relationship because they’re constantly on their hustle.
So if you’re an entrepreneur, then I’m talking to you. As an entrepreneur, I understand the excruciating demands that you’re under. I ... Views: 1363
One of the greatest challenges for busy, successful and creative people juggling several projects, talents and ideas is to live a well-balanced life. If only we could do all that is on our personal and professional 'to do' lists while simultaneously attending to our health, nurturing our ... Views: 1928
Running “lean” is an important method that can maximize every resource of your business. It shortens the product development cycles and helps the business run more efficiently by continuously measuring the business progress and considering feedback. Business plans require rapid changes and ... Views: 2043
As with any remodeling or moving you are in a position to make decisions for what to keep and what to purge. I have purged A LOT and ARC and Goodwill are very happy with me.
That said, I have also saved some things. Closets were filled with prom dresses, ski jackets, other kinds of jackets ... Views: 1604
“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha
You are working on a project with a strict deadline, but you just can’t seem to focus. Maybe thoughts about your next big idea, the weekend ahead, or even longstanding ... Views: 1626
Have you ever had that experience where you just "feel" like things are cluttered all around you? Everywhere you look, you feel as if your space is closing in around you? Nowhere to breathe?
Often clutter in our space and in our mind prevents us from working at our maximum capacity.
I've ... Views: 1439
Study abroad scholarship are of various types for which a student can apply such as student- specific, student- specific, program- specific , destination-specific and subject-specific. Some of these scholarships can prove to be very competitive while others are not quite utilized as much.Study ... Views: 1675
They’re here again! The wonderful days to gather with our friends and loved ones. The days of sharing stories over a cacophony of food items and exchanging gifts that somehow represent a physical manifestation of our love and adoration for others. While there are many reasons to feel uplifted ... Views: 2193
Have you ever put off a task that you just didn’t want to do? Procrastination can be frustrating.
If this happens just once in awhile, it’s probably not an issue. But if procrastination is a way of managing stressful situations, it’s a real problem. When you procrastinate, things pile up. You ... Views: 2016
Not long ago, a client emailed me begging for advice on time management. “I’m too easily sidetracked by all my to-do lists, non-work activities, and sunny weather,” she wrote. “Help!”
I’ve been hearing this lament a lot lately. So many things clamor for our attention, both at our jobs and in ... Views: 1787
It’s an all too familiar story: you have way too much to do and not enough time to do it.
You want (and need!) to be more productive and get more done, but clutter is everywhere and getting in your way. It may be physical clutter, mind clutter, or a horrid combination of even more than ... Views: 1886
How many times have you thought or said, “I need to be more organized?” It usually comes after a moment of frustration or stress and a desire to create a different situation than the one you are currently experiencing. So where do you start? OR do you start? There’s good news and not so ... Views: 1875
Are you over complicating things?
I was at our local Whole Foods Market® for a networking meeting. I drank a cup of tea (I’m not a coffee drinker) as a small group of us talked about our businesses and exchanged ideas.
After the meeting we said our goodbyes, I grabbed my empty cup and ... Views: 3008
Everyone, it seems, is moving. It might be a small move, relocating items from one place to another, like when buying a car or a large piece of furniture. It could be moving the contents of one room to another. It might be moving entire home or office across the city or country. Whether gaining ... Views: 1640
A hurricane or tornado is on the way, what should you grab so that you can rebuild your life if necessary? Someone dies unexpectedly, what should they have in place to make it easier for their relatives? Many believe that a natural, weather-related, or man-made disaster won’t affect them. ... Views: 1827
How can I get my children to be more organized?
What are some signs of hoarding in children?
How can I get my spouse to follow through and clean up after completing a chore?
How can I make my home office functional instead of a “clutter-catch-all?”
How can I explore my dreams and organize ... Views: 1918
Author's program note. I am about to do you the biggest favor of your life. For right here, right now I am going to introduce you to a svelte California grandmother named Linda Elze... and I can assure you it's a contact you will cherish, the way so many all over this grand world already ... Views: 1619
Do you feel like you never get to the end of your to-do list? Are there some to-do items that seem to move from list to list? Do you track things to be done on one list, multiple pieces of paper, an electronic device, or in your head? One crucial factor in getting organizing is using time ... Views: 1527
Do you find yourself struggling to be productive at work? I hope these three self improvement tips on how you can become more productive. At the end of this article, I hope you will have a better understanding of this topic, so without further ado, let me dive right in!
The first step you ... Views: 1885
It was during my third season filming Hoarders. I was asked to fly to a bustling Midwestern town to work with a woman who hoards toys (for kids who’ve long grown up), clothes (that no longer fit), and more than a dozen goats, several dogs, a bunch of chickens and roosters, a few cats, and a ... Views: 2059
Last week I was asked twice by people in totally different circumstances, how a person can begin to declutter, when they feel overwhelmed both by their “stuff” and their emotions, as well as the very thought of tackling the task.
The most challenging step when decluttering is the first – ... Views: 2244
Online self help tips – Do you feel like you have a never ending pile of work on your desk, but you just keep pushing yourself to complete the job so that you can finally enjoy some free time and “me” time?
Well, here is the harsh reality. In most cases, your workload will never cease and you ... Views: 1737
When people leave this world, they always leave a legacy.
The legacy might be food, clothing or shelter for those less fortunate. It might be a building used to educate others. The legacy might be children who solve major world problems. These are the bigger legacies. The more obvious ones. ... Views: 1353
While listening doesn't sound like something required to organize, it actually is an important part of reaching your organizing goals.
Listening is both an internal and external activity. We listen externally when we converse with others or tune into the radio or television. We listen ... Views: 2015
Has your life gotten out of kilter in some way? Maybe your job doesn’t excite you anymore or you don’t have a job and want one. Perhaps you want to spend more time with family or friends or doing a hobby you really enjoy. Possibly there is something that you have always wanted to do that you ... Views: 1449
Being clutter-free is more than getting rid of things you don’t need or use. It’s more than cleaning off a counter, emptying the garage or paring down your collections. Being clutter-free also means a change in life-style—for the better.
How will you benefit by getting rid of clutter? ... Views: 2176
In order to organize your life in the hectic internet environment you'll want something lightweight, effective and convenient! Now if you're an online affiliate trying to earn a buck this need becomes even a bigger concern due to the frequency of change affiliates must contend with to be ... Views: 1528
I’m a big fan of ‘to do’ lists as they are such a quick way to regain a sense of control, and a simple way to keep that way. Our brains simply don’t have enough RAM to remember all our commitments at work and home, and taking information out of our head and onto a list frees up the energy needed ... Views: 1652
Feeling overwhelmed is something that affects just about anybody but for the sake of this conversation we're focusing internet business entrepreneurs! Taking to the web in search of financial independence can be a very exhilarating sensation but it also tends to pull you out of your comfort ... Views: 1304
I've seen it happen again and again. You wake up in the morning ready to go. You've already decided, "Today's the day." It might be the day that you're going to clear off your to-do list. Maybe you'll spend the day making sales calls. Or maybe it's the day that you're finally going to ... Views: 1834
Whew! The tax deadline is behind us! Now, it's time to figure out what to do with that pile of papers covering the desk or dining room table.
Not sure where to start? There is an easy way to archive taxes to ensure that you are within IRS rules. Plus, you don't really have to think about it ... Views: 1536
It’s that time of the year again…the 90 plus days that are the bane of existence for most adults with ADHD.
Yes, I’m talking about tax season - when all of our best intentions from the year before can either feel like our saving grace or plunge us into weeks of despair. For whatever reason, ... Views: 3769
Before specialty gases are used in any manufacturing process or in a lab, a calibration gas is first used. These gaseous substances are gasses whose concentration is known. They are used as a standard of comparison in analytical instrumentation. The accuracy of the substance, the concentration, ... Views: 1274
How many of the following papers could you find in one minute?
-Birth Certificate
-Closing documents for your home or rental agreement
-All supporting documents for taxes
-Record of most recent subscription to a magazine or newspaper
-Most recent social security statement
By the way, ... Views: 1347
787 Dreamliner or Nightmare – Boeing Has A Crisis
Over the last several weeks, we have read about the problems with Boeing’s new state-of –the-art 787, which has resulted in the FAA “grounding” the entire fleet of this new airliner. The center of the storm is focused on the new lithium-ion ... Views: 1551
When I am speaking in front of a group on the topic of productivity and organization, inevitably I get this question:
“I have so many tasks I need to get done that are ALL are TOP priorities. How do I figure out what to do when everything is a #1 priority?
Good question.
I have some ... Views: 1842
Is your organization’s workforce dying down due to lack of motivation? Are you planning anything to motivate them by introducing a prolific leadership program? Here are some basic steps that you must take to understand your work force and then connect it with the right organizational leadership ... Views: 1417
“I don’t know how things got to this point. I used to be so organized.” I hear this lament all the time. People who had no trouble keeping their stuff under control in their 20s one day wake up with “junk rooms” and piles that need to be stashed before company arrives.
What happened? Do ... Views: 2132