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After years of many past life regressions, we've learned to accept karma as a fact of life, and something that influences everyone, even if they don't believe in it.
We believe that many people don't understand the real meaning of karma, which is a reaction from an action that was most often ... Views: 1258
Karma is defined by dictionary.com as follows: "The cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation."
We agree with this definition mostly, except that we believe karma is never a ... Views: 1443
A Destiny Decision
Decisions, decisions, decisions! Life is all about them.
A destiny decision to come full stop at a drawbridge can actually save your life; however, when you think about it, all decisions are really destiny decisions in that it is truly impossible for any one thing to ... Views: 1623
We Create From An Internal Vision
Where does this internal vision really come from? Many may respond by saying that it comes from God or the Divine Source. This implies that as God chooses which gifts he endows to us, that we can allow such vision to gracefully unfold. You and I and all ... Views: 1287
Breathtaking Butterfly, Blaze Across The Sky!
When all is still and quiet and time is on our side, we may just see a butterfly appear out of thin air.
Awe inspiring, the butterfly’s impression holds traits that can humble us by its spectacular vision. It has a spirit that conveys ... Views: 1099
The Dream Domain: Where Inner Wisdom Knows No Boundaries.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that your dream world is ‘Only just a Dream’. In fact, it’s the time and space where your Inner Wisdom comes alive! It’s the perfect opportunity where we all get the chance to explore latent feelings, ... Views: 2124
For years leading up to 2012, spiritual-types who were sick of the way the world was heading could take comfort in the promise of a new era that was predicted to begin on December 21 of that year. The Mayans, known for their astronomical expertise had supposedly predicted it. In addition, St. ... Views: 1232
What Contract Have You Made With Yourself?
We all go through our lives signing many contracts of agreement; yet I wonder if you’ve considered putting your signature on the most important one of all? That is, of course the One With Yourself! This is the soul agreement that you make in order to ... Views: 1083
Practical Mysticism - what is it? Many use the word mysticism (some may even say abused) to define their practice in metaphysical and psychic work, but what is it really.
Mysticsim is discovering your ultimate self reality. Self reality is the relationship of masculine/feminine energy, the ... Views: 1799
Erich Von Daniken is a name that has been associated with everything that is controversial. His main research work has been based upon ancient religious texts and ancient aliens, the existence of ancient astronauts and the aliens traveling to Earth from some planet x, and as such many more ... Views: 743
Countless individuals have experienced the three stages of seeking true love.
First, the person seeking true love looks for it everywhere, as if it will magically appear and elevate him to a blissful state of being, and sometimes projects what they want onto people who are not compatible. ... Views: 1091
How do you get to heaven? Will you be turned away? Take this short quiz and find out.
Answer "yes" or "no" if you've ever done any of the following: cursed; eaten meat; enjoyed any of the finer things in life, such as designer clothing or expensive meals; used numerology, astrology, tarot ... Views: 1020
It seems that the truth about meditation is absolutely shrouded in mystery, based on the feedback we typically get from everyday acquaintances upon mentioning that we meditate regularly.
You would think the truth about meditation has to do with flighty cosmonauts wasting time chasing ... Views: 1114
Karma is one of the most popular spiritual topics, and for a good reason; people want to know how to improve their karma, thus make their lives better. People also want to avoid the nasty surprise of bad karma.
However, there seems to be a lot of confusion about karma, what goes around (what ... Views: 804
Praying, as it is done today, whether it is done by people of traditional faiths or those who don’t subscribe to organized religion, isn’t always enough, by itself.
It’s commonplace to essentially sit quietly and ask God (or whomever you pray to) for what you want. Granted, a lot of this ... Views: 976
It’s perfectly understandable to be mystified as to why “bad” things happen to seemingly “innocent” people. We’ve found that it’s necessary to put aside conventional thinking in order to grasp what we believe to be the truth about karma and personal fate.
To further address this issue, ... Views: 1072
Think of someone who pushes your buttons. Big time. Just the thought of this person is enough to elevate your blood pressure levels. We all have such "personalities" in our lives.
At the workplace.
In our neighborhood.
In our family.
In our bed, even.
Yes, oftentimes our intimate ... Views: 1013
I like to think of God as pure energy because we are communicating with the energy around us every second. Einstein even showed us that matter is energy. I accept this responsibility so I have to think, “What kind of energy am I putting back?” This energy I label love so God would be pure love. ... Views: 2426
An empath is a highly sensitive person who can feel the emotional and physical states of people around them. This, of course, can be problematic for the individual while walking through crowds or being around people who are in a negative state of mind.
They also have the ability, if they set ... Views: 2474
From the earliest times, magic was developed largely by the Egyptians in relation both to the dead and the living. The belief in magic is older in Egypt than the belief in God.
Egyptian religion was grounded in a firm and active belief in the importance of magic. Ancient Egyptians believed ... Views: 4061
The Luminosity of Your “Sparkling Soul”
Perhaps you, like many, have heard the old familiar proverb that “The eyes are the window to the soul” which is really nothing new; however, I am taking it one step further to say that the heart must then be the doorway. Since we are living during ... Views: 3034
Through The Tunnel
by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.
A Personal Account of NDE by a Walk-In
I was at the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia. I had just been told that I had a "blockage" in my spinal cord, from the fourth to the seventh cervical vertebrae at the level of the neck, that had been ... Views: 1488
Many moons ago and far, far away (well not that far... it was in the Gold Coast hinterlands) I lived in a barn on a farm and looked after a motley crew of animals. There were bulls (like the well-hung Henry) and his harem of girls but my faves were the horses. There was Beau (a beautiful big ... Views: 1512
The fourth period begins with the sixteenth century when scholars in Europe investigated ancient literature and began to question the motives of the church. The church had taught that the Druids were savages until the arrival of Christianity, but the intellectuals and philosophers of this time ... Views: 1331
According to the tradition of the Golden Dawn, there were ten grades, which are associated with the Sephiroth of the Tree of life, plus the probationary degree for the Neophytes. In this tradition, it is vital for the student to first learn about the foundation of magic, not the practice, before ... Views: 1465
Magic is one of the most misunderstood, sometimes feared concepts in our history. Fear is only another word for ignorance. The first evidence of magical practice - most likely Druidry - goes back over 25,000 years, where the survivors of the Ice Age carried their traditions from Russia and ... Views: 1384
Gratitude is a powerful, even magical tool that you can use to improve your state of mind, deal with challenging situations, be more optimistic, and even transform your life.
When you accept a situation you can’t change, and even express gratitude for what it is teaching you, the situation ... Views: 956
It's that time of the year again when Witches in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate the first of the winter festivals - Samhuinn. (pronounces sow-in) In the Northern Hemisphere it is Beltaine - both of which are fire festivals.
Bonfires were lit on hilltops to celebrate the gathering of the ... Views: 1778
The Truth of Your Sparkling Soul: Sitting at the Gazebo
While sitting at the gazebo you may notice that time stands still. It is a moment that transcends the confines of time as you know it. You can lose yourself in the sunshine from its warmth as the light breeze in the air provides you with ... Views: 811
“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself ”~ Maya Angelou
When I first read Maya Angelou’s quote above, my body and soul let out a deep sigh…
I was in my ... Views: 1805
Like The Tree, Root Deeply In Yourself
To visualize a tree is an amazing image. It comes in so many distinctive forms and has a broad range of unique characteristics. The Cherry Blossoms, the Apple Blossoms and the Pine trees are all part of Mother Nature’s tapestry. You may simply see green ... Views: 1021
There are many benefits of clairvoyant readings such as guidance and understanding of deeper issues in our lives. To get the very best from any reading, you need to approach it with an open mind.
Think about how our minds work; it does not take many distractions to make our minds wonder. The ... Views: 1687
When you first get a crystal it will need cleansing because it will have picked up many energies on its way to you. There are several ways of doing this. It can be left in full sunlight for a day, also in full moonlight. Running water is good, fresh water, streams, rivers. ... Views: 5614
It is the special characteristic of Indian Spiritual Philosophy that it gives a clear understanding of both the spiritual and material methods of creation science. In the scriptures it is mentioned that once demigods asked Prajapati (creator): O divine father! You say that the worldly hardships ... Views: 1515
The Butterfly in all its glory is a symbol of transformation, hope, faith, and love. Its most important role however is the remarkable gift it gives to us, in understanding death and rebirth unveiling the process of re-incarnation.
Another extraordinary example of the butterfly is its ability ... Views: 1679
Long gone are the days when someone could easily be committed to a mental institution, or worse, simply for speaking up about their ability to perceive auras, past lives, or the future. Thank God. More and more people are receptive to metaphysical subjects, but still, you need to watch what you ... Views: 1229
The Shaman Within
Take a deep breath in through your nose all the air you possibly can, exhale through the mouth pushing out all the air you can til there is no more in the tank.
Slow yourself down. Stop the mind chatter. Enjoy the energies around you experience unity and connectedness ... Views: 1582
I remember taking my little niece to see the Disney movie, the Princess & The Frog. The movie was eerily accurate, especially when the Shadow Man does his little song and dance about black magic spells and how he is going to appeal to his “friends on the other side.” I know that it is a ... Views: 2936
You’ve probably come across love life promotions such as, “Hey, vulnerable, uninformed, desperately lonely person, find your soul mate in 30 days or less and delude yourself that you two are even moderately compatible because anyone is better than no one. It’s such a terrible thing to be single, ... Views: 1167
Those who move in spiritual circles often talk about how we are all connected, that our thoughts create our future reality, and that the universe provides us with clues about our direction in life. Personally, I look at spiritual principles as scientific rules that we just don’t understand yet. ... Views: 1596
Valentine’s day can be a wonderful day for happy couples. But what about everyone else? We don’t mean to be a downer for those of you who are romance fans, but it can be one of the most depressing days of the year for a large percentage of the population that is single or unhappily involved. ... Views: 1211
One stream of Gayatri is called Ritambhara or Prajna. One prays to Savita deity for the “Dhee” (intellect) element. It is none other than Ritambhara Prajna. In order to understand its nature and attain it, Divine Sciences have been designed. The spiritual philosophy of Divine Sciences helps ... Views: 6069
It is the inner personality of man that shall transform positively. The viewpoint and standpoint has to be changed. Ones faith and aspiration have to be transformed and the flow ... Views: 1169
The Illuminati
The Order of the Illuminati was a secret society whose name means "Enlightened Ones". The organization was founded on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria. The founder, was a former Jesuit and Professor of Canon Law at the University of Inglolstadt, Germany named Adam Weishaupt.
... Views: 2467
Ancient astrologers very well knew that apart from throwing light on planets/stars, solar activities, their inter relationships their mutual influences, information on how the earth’s atmosphere, plants and creatures get affected, Astrology Science has one more domain viz. to make mankind aware ... Views: 1564
Great saints of high stature consciousness sometimes incarnate on earth with a special mission in mind. Whenever they appear they give self glory to innumerable people. Whoever contacts these great saints understand their multifaceted aspects. If we imbibe even a little of their teaching in our ... Views: 1125
The work arena of the Avatar existence of Almighty Lord is the subtle world. Those people imbued with divine energies gathered for a great length of time are induced to carry out tasks like era balance, managing and reforming world public and uprooting those elements that act unethically. ... Views: 1554
Whether you call it a hunch, gut instinct, intuition, sixth sense, or just knowing, everyone has at least some psychic ability, even if they don’t acknowledge it. The more psychic you are, especially if you trust your judgment, the easier it can be to prepare for and navigate through the ... Views: 1213
When fire erupts in a room it is rendered very hot. No doubt fire is limited to its fuel yet its heat and light spread far and wide. The sun despite dwelling high up in the sky sends its heat and light to earth. The thunderous sound of cloud ... Views: 4860
The imagination of Paras jewel (touchstone) is very ancient. It is believed that when Paras touches iron it gets converted to gold. No such material has yet been found. If this were not the case all the iron of the world till today would have been converted to gold. If this were to happen then ... Views: 1890