We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Men's Psychology". If you have expertise in Men's Psychology and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
When two people come together with the intention of having a relationship or just the desire to spend time together, it is generally going to lead to them having sex. And this could be something that both of them equally want to experience or something that one of them is more attached to than ... Views: 11862
For many years, men have been seen as being one way and women as being another way. And part of this related to men being the ones who were independent and the women as being dependent. So a man would be an example of the masculine on the outside and on the inside and a women’s outer femininity ... Views: 4613
It doesn’t matter whether one is a man or woman, as they can both be walked over by the same or the opposite sex. And while this could relate to someone being physically walked over, in the majority of cases, it is not that extreme.
But that is not to say that the damage is therefore less ... Views: 7310
Don’t let successful mom biz ladies fool you. Often at first, their enterprises did not thrill their hubbies.
Entrepreneurship can be a steep road. It’s treacherous with an undercurrent of spousal resistance.
What does a Catholic mompreneur, who strongly feels the Holy Spirit’s ... Views: 1425
We begin forming relationships from the moment we’re born, yet by the time we’re adults, it’s easy to feel completely inexperienced. Whether we’re raised in loving, nurturing homes or in a less open environment, relationships often leave us feeling vulnerable, uncertain and insecure.
A key ... Views: 1711
On a physical level, men and women are clearly very different; with men having features that relate to the masculine and women having features that relate to the feminine. And while this much is obvious and easily recognisable, what they are like within is not as easy to describe.
But as a ... Views: 5926
Dear Dr. Romance
I came across your name and contact details on a web it whilst trying to find info' to help my relationship. I wonder if you might be able to offer me any advice please ?
My girlfriend always wants to take control and the way she speaks to me at times is though ... Views: 1632
“Are You ‘Normal’ and Hate Learning?”
• 1. Me: “Normal is the opposite of Abnormal, right? Dictionary.com defines ‘normal’ as Average-Ordinary-Common. Add: mediocre & second-rate.
• Normal makes you Defensive toward Change, Improvement, and expanding your Comfort-Zone.
Are Bill Gates, ... Views: 1716
“Are You ‘Normal’ and Hate Learning?”
• 1. Me: “Normal is the opposite of Abnormal, right? Dictionary.com defines ‘normal’ as Average-Ordinary-Common. Add: mediocre & second-rate.
• Normal makes you Defensive toward Change, Improvement, and expanding your Comfort-Zone.
Are Bill Gates, ... Views: 1735
Social media, such as Tumblr.com, have become the playground of narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists who post extreme and, at times, illegal porn and revel in the reactions to it, thus garnering vicarious narcissistic supply. Via such postings, they express their rabid misogyny by objectifying ... Views: 3783
When it comes to what a woman is going to be like, a man will have a set of expectations. And sometimes these can be consciously known and at other times, they can be completely unconscious.
However, no matter whether these are conscious or unconscious, they will still have a massive impact ... Views: 2206
“You know what Air-Guitar is, What is Air-Palm?
• 1. “Did you know that Guitar companies internationally hold contests for big prizes for the best Air-Guitar pretenders?”
• 2. “No, why, they are just like Elvis imitators or Mimes.”
• 3. “Well, these contests attract thousands, and they ... Views: 1749
When the idea of worshipping a woman is mentioned it can trigger all kinds of meanings in one’s mind. And what these meanings are can depend on is where one was brought up. To worship the feminine, which is what women physically represent, can be seen as sacred. The earth itself is often ... Views: 5394
It's unfortunate what girlfriends are drawn through if their partner is caught cheating. After the shock, confusion, and frustration, it leaves them wondering why men cheat. Whatever the reply is, it doesn't make it right. Nonetheless, occasionally from time to time a truthful response will help ... Views: 1981
Right before getting hitched, all men will have to deal with their worries. They can differ from each guy, and it doesn't help that men don't open up and talk about their fears. They are often what are preventing him from proposing, or even getting married. If you could understand them and help ... Views: 1777
By Annabelle Drumm
Over the last few of weeks I've been hitting the online dating websites. Rather than being highly discerning I thought I would run it more like an Open Audition and I've discovered something really interesting.
So far I've talked to men from all walks of life... plus a few ... Views: 1371
Secrets are very common in relationships, and when people hear or find out that their partner is keeping something from them they automatically assume the worst. However, just because you might find out that your man is keeping something from you; this doesn't always mean it is a bad thing. ... Views: 1587
When abuse is mentioned it is often a man that comes to mind and this is due to number of reasons. Firstly, a man is generally seen as being stronger than a woman and so this can sound right.
And if one were to look back on history, there are numerous examples of men who have abused their ... Views: 6344
For some men out there women are seen as people who need to be saved or rescued from what is taking place in their lives. And so it doesn’t matter how big or small these women’s challenges are, as this type of man is only too happy to get involved.
So this also means that unless a woman has ... Views: 6345
Do you know that prevention is better than cure? In fact, if you prevent insomnia from happening on you, you can lead a better life! Today in this article, I will provide you some tips and tricks that can help you sleep in no time! (I used these methods to help me sleep before, so have no ... Views: 1688
When it comes to the modern day descriptions of men, there are two that are often mentioned. One is the bad boy and the other is the nice guy. And while on paper and in person these men can come across as being radically different, in many ways, they are simply two sides of the same coin.
... Views: 1894
As men are often physically stronger than women, it often makes it hard to comprehend that they could be fearful of women. This is something that can sound illogical and abnormal. When some people hear this, it can sound like some kind of joke.
But while this may sound illogical and even ... Views: 1866
When it comes to what women are like, there are numerous ideas that men can have. And while the world is made up of all types of women, there are certain ideas that a man will have formed. These are not just going to be disconnected descriptions, but descriptions that carry emotional ... Views: 1894
One of the hardest tasks stay at home parents have is to be the disciplinarian to their children. This is because children usually see the stay home parent as the nurturer, while the parent who works outside of the home is often tasked with the role of disciplinarian. With the increase in the ... Views: 1340
In an article I wrote about the value of diaphragmatic breathing in public speaking, what I did not discuss was how this type of breathing is what you must do in order to find your ‘real’ speaking voice. And that ‘real’ voice is deeper in pitch, warmer in quality and resonant in sound.
So ... Views: 2039
It is a human need to feel a sense of power; with the most important power of all said to be based around having a sense of personal power. This is more of an inner power, where one is generally in control of themselves, as opposed to being in control of others.
And when it comes to the area ... Views: 4375
Dr. Romance video, click here for video
When your partner refuses to help solve the problem, you have no choice but to focus on your own need until you get cooperation.
As long as you offer every opportunity to cooperate and you extend an invitation to your partner to join you whenever he ... Views: 2024
American and Danish university researchers suggest men are more likely to experience mental and physical anguish when their female counterparts are the primary breadwinners.
The new study, In Sickness and in Wealth, posits the potential psychological and sexual costs of income disparity in ... Views: 1356
Sensitive men are incredibly attractive. They are path-forgers in the new paradigm of the evolved man. Strong and sensitive. Intuitive and powerful. They’re able to give and receive love without ambivalence, being “unavailable,” or commitment phobia.
In my book Emotional Freedom to help you ... Views: 1532
The title of this article may sound a bit extreme and yet when it comes to male and female interactions, there is not always peace, harmony or respect. Throughout time, women have been murdered, manipulated and abused by men.
And although the rights of women have gradually improved in certain ... Views: 2579
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was wondering if in any of your books or articles you discuss about why men in their mid 40s-50s might be attracted to 20ish girls. I kind of know the obvious reasons, but being more curious about what that might mean maturity wise etc.
Dear Reader:
From your ... Views: 3453
There is an excellent discussion going on in my private group: "For years we read from women that we should play hard to get. There are countless books written by women on this topic. What are your thoughts on why women believe we should play hard to get and men believe we should not? Do you ... Views: 23021
It's a controversial issue to be sure. There are many opinions on why men fail when it comes to meeting, attracting, and ultimately keeping exceptional women. Navigating all of this info can be a daunting task and lead you just about nowhere. Through years of study, conversation, and testing, ... Views: 2695
The social dynamics between men and women is just as complicated as the sexual dynamics between men and women. Lies are actually a common aspect of these dynamics with many reasons why this is so. Why do men lie? You'll hear women ask this a lot. The answer is not as big of a surprise as you ... Views: 2020
I recently discussed the modern preoccupation with penis size, and how exaggerated stereotypes cause millions of men to feel embarrassed, ashamed and overly anxious about their sexual performance.
In this article, we will look at the influence of modern media on this stereotype and how men ... Views: 2137
Do you want to find out how to make a man want you? While it doesn't involve any love potions or magic spells, it does involve some common sense, a lot of confidence, and several tricks of the trade.
Despite the fact that every man out there is unique, you need to understand that there are ... Views: 1503
Tired of dating and looking for a more committed relationship? The challenge is, how can you find a worthy fellow and keep in interested in you when every other female is on the prowl for him? You can't very well lock him up.
Start By Loving Yourself
This is a really effective method to ... Views: 1289
Is there a shortage of men in this world? Sometimes it sure seems that way. You've noticed one or two good prospects. When will they take notice of you?
How can you get him to notice you without embarrassing yourself and looking needy and desperate? Scary behavior will only send him running ... Views: 1203
A curious episode happened in the small city-state of Singapore in the fall of 1967. More than 400 panic-stricken men rushed to the hospitals there, fearing losing their penises.
According to Dr. Scott Mendelson, author of the book The Great Singapore Penis Panic:
“Each feared that if his ... Views: 2907
A fan wrote me a heartfelt email: Hi Katarina, me and my bf of almost 2 years broke up about 3 and a half months ago. It was not a bad break up, but he felt like he could not handle the pressure of a full-blown relationship. In the time that we have been apart I have learned a lot and recently ... Views: 20079
“If You Hate Popeye, Squinting & Smiling, Forgettaboutit”.
• 1. “I find your columns boring and mostly irrelevant, but you have wandered off the cliff when you drag in Exodus 3:14. What on-this-planet does the Bible have to do with your damn SpeedReading101?
• 2. Oh yeah Professor, your ... Views: 1637
What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are ... Views: 2783
The rapid mushrooming of individual 12-step programs throughout the nation and the world in the past 50 years has given millions of people suffering from addiction back their lives, their families, their self-respect and their pride.
The methods of the 12- step programs have been borrowed and ... Views: 2296
Loss of Relationships
The life of a sex addict gradually becomes very small, in terms of the number of surrounding loved ones. The freedom of self is impaired. Precious life energies are consumed. The rapacious need for a particular type of experience in the “erotic haze” (See Chapter II) ... Views: 2503
Fifteen years ago, people didn’t even know there was such a thing as sex addiction, never mind how to get help for it. With Patrick Carnes’ groundbreaking book Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sex Addiction, people who suffer from self-destructive sexual acts had hope of knowing what ailed ... Views: 2852
Mindfulness is a method of awareness and introspection which involves a conscious attempt to focus attention intensely on the present moment, noting thoughts, feelings, perception, images and sensation without judging them, participating in them or acting on them. The contents of the mind appear ... Views: 3168
The usual response to the suggestion to one of my clients that hypnotherapy might be useful in the treatment of sexual addiction is typical of the general public’s misguided understanding of hypnotherapy:
“I’m afraid of going into trance – I might lose control”; “You’ll find out things about ... Views: 3519
NLP is an approach to doing psychotherapy that was all the rage
in the 70’s and early 80’s. It is a model of the structure of your inner, subjective experience and how that experience influences behavior. It provides a framework for eliciting the way you experience reality with a focus on ... Views: 2593
In my opinion, long-term psychodynamic therapy is the most efficient way to cultivate healthy personality development. The most comprehensive treatment combines the empathy, insight and relational abilities of a psychodynamic psychotherapist with the 12-step orientation and cognitive-behavioral ... Views: 3912
Addiction to sexual behavior is a complex disorder that incorporates many aspects of your personality, bio-chemistry, socio-cultural environment, family-of-origin issues, thinking/feeling processes, self-esteem, and quality of relations with others. I see sex addiction as a prism; depending on ... Views: 2075