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Transcendental Meditation® Technique – Official WebsiteLearn about the Transcendental Meditation technique for inner peace and wellness. Evidence-based results. Serving men, women, and families at TM® centers.HeadspaceSee What a Few Minutes Can Do. Start Your Meditation Journey with Headspace Now. Learn the Basics of Meditation for Free When You Join Headspace. Sign Up Today. Calm.com | Discover Calm | The App for MeditationBegin each day with The Daily Calm, a unique 10-minute mediation every day. Try Calm for free today! Highlights: Free Trial Available, Gift Cards Available
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Yoga Teacher Training SchoolExperience our life-changing yoga retreats and 100, 200, 300 Hours Ashtanga Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India. Views: 0
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Yoga Tips For Health | Fitness | Weight LossYoga Tips For Health, This blog contains health related information. You can learn about Yoga Exercise and you can reduce your weight, back pain etc. Views: 0
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YOGA VIDYA SCHOOL, RISHIKESHWelcome to Yoga Vidya School,your ultimate destination to gain spirituality, philosophical learning, and yogic knowledge. We are advantageously located in rishikesh close to mother nature, in the foothills of himalayas and by the banks of mighty ganges, which is known for its spiritual energy. Views: 0
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YogaMea SchoolResidential 200 Hour, 300 Hour, 500 Hour, 100 Hour, and 50 Hour Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training & Yoga Retreats in Italy & India registered with Yoga Alliance (Ryt 200, 500) at YogaMea School(Rys 200, 300, 500).
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Yogateket Online Yoga Community with a focus on self-healing through yoga, meditation, and pranayama. Views: 0
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yogtreat.comExplore from the vast library of Yoga poses for every level from Beginner, Intermediate, or advanced. Also, read about Yoga as a remedy for all health problems. Views: 0
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Your Success WorksSharing ideas & inspiration for creating success & personal fulfillment Views: 0
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Youth Empowerment Club FOLK-Youth Empowerment Club, a youth initiative of International Society for Krishna Consciousness to promote a life of good health, pure love, peace of mind harmony through the sessions of YOGA FOR HAPPINESS. FOLK is a vibrant youth community of spiritually inclined minds Views: 0
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Zen AppealOnline Feng Shui Store with Feng Shui products, cures, and gifts. Including Chinese coins, Feng Shui jewelry, Figurines, Feng Shui Bells, Feng Shui Fertility, Beaded Hanging Swarovski Crystals. Feng Shui products from the Feng Shui professionals, who know what to do with all of our products and tell you how to use them. Views: 0
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ZenWhim, Inc.Presenting Meditation and Mindfulness information and products in an approachable humorous manner. Views: 0
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