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To manifest money successfully using the Law of Attraction you want to "think" a completely different way than most people tell you to think when trying to manifest money using the Law of Attraction. Just "thinking about attraction" by doing money affirmations or other abundance and prosperity ... Views: 2084
Every time a client sits across from me I can see their Inner Rock Star. Clear as a bell. I see their passion, their vigour, their purpose, and the most awesome version of who they are. Present tense.
They don't always see what I do. At first.
Why do we get stuck in self-doubt? Why does ... Views: 1713
We all learn we need to write down our goals as part of the goal setting process, but most miss a couple important elements. Goal setting is a process sort of like making cake or cookies from scratch. You miss any ingredients and you not have cake or cookies. Let’s find out about some missing ... Views: 1274
David Neagle is a multimillion dollar coach’s coach and very widely known in the coaching world for his teachings on using the Law of Attraction to create abundance and prosperity. Having taken some of his coaching classes on money and I thought I’d pass on to you some of the things I ... Views: 2037
A daily practice of “intending” can create the life, the job or the business we want. When we engage in this practice we are consciously creating our world exactly the way we wish.
Intending can be used for a variety of outcomes from throwing an audacious surprise party to helping you grow ... Views: 1274
You have dreams and aspirations, everyone does. There wouldn't be a reason to keep living without validation of ourselves, there is no such thing as acceptance of a dead-end life without hope of accomplishing anything or attaining something. Whether your dream is to write a book, raise a child, ... Views: 1844
This was a question asked by a client about how to 'make the best of a bad situation'.
Great question. The short answer is - you don't.
Dog pooh is dog pooh. You don't want it. You don't like it. And you certainly don't want to eat it.
'But hang on', I hear you say, deliberate creator's ... Views: 1586
A statistic recently came out that 63 million Americans have a Net Worth of $0. One-fifth of our population is now barely surviving. I find this to be absolutely unacceptable, being that this country also has such extraordinary wealth.
To this end I am promoting the concept of Change = ... Views: 1317
Using the Law of Attraction for money has obvious benefits, but there is one significant benefit which frequently goes UN-acknowledged. This article explains the single most important benefit to using the Law of Attraction to manifest money.
The obvious benefit, of course, is that when you ... Views: 1305
Our thoughts are truly powerful. They have their own vibrational frequency that when focused upon, grows in strength. So what gives our thoughts power? Our emotions are the fuel. When we feel good, the thoughts we think are empowering and uplifting. When we feel bad, the thoughts we think ... Views: 1476
I’m willing to bet you’ve heard the statement, “Thoughts are Things”. If you haven’t. Well…They Are. However, I’m not sure if you ever deeply thought about that short, three word truth and the profound life-changing implications it carries. The fact of the matter is that thoughts are the ... Views: 1072
The other day my husband informed me that he was going to fix our screen door. I was a little surprised because he usually doesn’t like to fix things and he is really busy these days. So I asked him if maybe we should have our regular handyman do it. And he said an emphatic no. When I asked ... Views: 1779
Do you ever feel like you are doing all the right things and yet the money you want to attract into your life just isn't coming to you?
Most folks aren't even aware that they are repelling money. HOW are they repelling money?
By harboring false beliefs and fears about money.
When I ... Views: 1433
A while back, I saw the actor and comedian Jim Carrey on the Larry King Live TV show. One of the things he said stuck with me: “I believe that everything that happens to you is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you. Everything — because that is exactly how the universe works. It gives ... Views: 1276
What is your relationship with money?
I believe that money serves no purpose other than to offer us choice and freedom. We always want more of it and we are terrified by the prospect of not having enough and the devastating prospects of bankruptcy, foreclosure and destitution. Shift your fear ... Views: 1426
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Rainer Maria Rilke
In “The Road Less Travelled”, Scott Peck says the God of our youth is a second hand one. Just like family recipes, passed down and nobody questions the validity of the ... Views: 11253
Just when you think it will never happen, your miracle comes! What a liberating thought-to love and live with expectancy. Have hope, expect a miracle.
Something good is going to happen to you, especially for you, TODAY! Keep this declaration in your subconscious mind throughout the day each ... Views: 2628
Did you know that our thoughts, words, and actions create our reality? Amazing concept, isn't it? We create what we think about. We create what we talk about. We create what we act out. We can create the life we truly want by changing our thoughts, words, and actions. It sounds simple, ... Views: 1412
I pulled the card "Turning In" from my Zen Osho tarot card pack today. It means that when you stop desiring, when you stop thinking and simply observe the mind, then you achieve a certain type of freedom.
But how do you blend the compulsive, lush, richness of the desires of a glorious ... Views: 1378
A new car was way down on my list of desires because I was happy with what I had. When I bought my Toyota Tercel 15 years ago, it was one of the most economic cars on the road. It was inexpensive, got great mileage, and never gave me any problems. Being thrifty and “Green” at heart, I decided ... Views: 2962
Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. - Einstein
This is one of my favorite quotes because it's so true.
We all have active imaginations, and we are all thinking a million thoughts each day - many of which we aren't even aware of. Have you ever had someone ask you ... Views: 1419
I first learned about saying affirmations many years ago after reading Louise Hay's books. She is an expert on them, and they were a huge part of her recovery from cancer.
They can be both powerful and life changing.
If you haven't said affirmations before, it might feel a bit strange at ... Views: 1669
Do you have a vision board?
A place where you put up pictures and words that best represent your dreams and goals that you would like to attract into your life?
The idea behind the vision board is to get you THERE. To put yourself into your ideal life and actually FEEL what it's like to be ... Views: 3173
Have you ever truly wondered how amazing the human brain is?
At first, you’d think of it as just another organ of the body, a mass of looped tissues that resides in your skull.
But elementary science teaches us how important an organ it is and how without it we cannot live.
Apart ... Views: 1338
Want to know how to manifest your dreams? Then read this article closely. What I'm about to share with you may produce varying results. In the end, it all depends on how much you really want something to happen. This is the most vital factor to making them come true.
Find out how to manifest ... Views: 3811
In this series of posts about Divine Creating I will share stories that demonstrate how the Universe creates through us. We are always creating through our thoughts, so let’s remember to manifest more consciously with intention.
In Divine creating we focus our thoughts and intention on ... Views: 1248
What is prosperity for you? A key element in the Positive Choices strategy is the addition of positive choices to your life that reflect your prosperity goals. Prosperity for most people is not simply money in the bank. Your health, peace of mind, and well-being all count. Think about ... Views: 5201
You can create a wealthy money mindset even during a recession. It involves two simple things, attention and imagination. By using attention and imagination you can change your brain patterns to reflect that of a wealthy person.
Here are 5 ways you can create a wealthy money mindset:
1) ... Views: 2505
One of the biggest blocks to happiness and to clear inner guidance is guilt, which is a kissing cousin of shame. I'm not talking about the naturally occurring sense of being out of alignment with Life which is a wonderful mechanism that when noticed and heeded brings us back on track and is soon ... Views: 1287
Years ago, when I began my practice, I found myself in a challenging situation. I needed more clients. Yes, people were trickling in, but I didn't have the level of clientelle I wanted, or in fact needed. So I began to do the usual marketing things: I gave talks, handed out flyers, ... Views: 1454
Our thoughts create. When we believe something to be true, we send a strong energetic “signal” out into the universe, which attracts more of that vibration, bringing it back to us. Every thought we think is based on our predominant beliefs, conscious or unconscious. Becoming aware in the ... Views: 1413
Beliefs are one of THE most important and most misunderstood. aspects of your Internal Map of Reality. You probably think you already know what you believe. There are beliefs hidden in the subconscious part of your "critical mind" that can wreak havoc in your life if they go unchecked.
We ... Views: 1165
When I say the word “salesperson” what thoughts immediately rush into your mind?
Take a moment to write them down.
Now think of yourself in the role of salesperson for your product or service. Write down the emotions that you experience. If you are having difficulty expressing the ... Views: 2299
Catharsis is an old word. I don’t really hear anyone using it anymore. But what a great word it is! Indeed! If you REALLY want to charge up your life try this on for size… Our dictionary defines these words as follows:
Catharsis: 1. the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional ... Views: 1731
Affirmations are positive thinking statements that transform the way you perceive not only your inner reality but also the outer world.
Positive affirmations activate change process more easily and naturally and have great effects on your emotional and psychological state by modifying the way ... Views: 1688
My adventure began with a 4 day all expense paid stay at Mission Hospital in Asheville. Let me start by saying that besides the sporadic cold, headache or sore throat, I am generally a pretty healthy person. Having lived in California for almost 10 years has given me more of a holistic, or, as ... Views: 1360
Spring has finally here in Atlanta and that always means changes. Those changes have already started, we just don't see them.
They're taking place deep underground where roots are spreading, plants are drawing the nutrition they need to flower and flourish.
Whether you like it or not ... Views: 2975
Want to be notable among the rest? You have what it takes! I hope you know that and I encourage you to believe it.
We all know women that have that “thing” that we would love to have, right? Have you Been There? Well I have! And I can tell you that since I decided to give myself to the ... Views: 1321
Feeling Stuck? Feeling like the parade just might be passing you by? How much longer do you want that to be the song you are singing? Time marches on. So why not get yourself moving and start getting the life you really want?
The first secret is that getting unstuck is an inside job. What ... Views: 1004
There was a time in my life when I had no money. I was just out on my own, working in downtown Washington, DC, and living in Arlington, VA, and I didn't have bus money, so I had to walk to work. It was about 3 miles (each way).
I remember what that was like.
Then later in my life, when ... Views: 1551
Networking your way to Success
Motivational Speakers
Networking is with the right people is crucial if you want to become a super achiever. Connecting with and forming mutually beneficial relationships with the right people that will make sustainable success possible, is imperative. The ... Views: 1440
Today I’d like to share a few stories to illustrate how each and every one of us manifest with our thoughts. I would like to show you the experiences we encounter happen according to the thought and mood before it happened in the outer reality.
It was just last year, and I found myself ... Views: 4292
My friend Lydia thinks I’m weird. But...she would never go car shopping without me. Why? Because I apply Spiritual principles to whatever I do. Over the years she noticed that this always gets great results.
The first time Lydia invited me to go car shopping was back in 2003. She was willing ... Views: 3019
Sometimes we amaze ourselves by the amount of inner strength that we draw from. Our inner strength guides us with patience and understanding among other things. While we tend to downplay or simply avoid where our strength comes from, we know it’s there.
You need to start over, or better yet, ... Views: 1625
"Imagination is preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein
My time in Byron Bay cleared the decks for something new. You see, I LOVE my life - wonderful husband, great health and I'm in awesome physical shape (and getting better too!), money flows abundantly, I work with amazing ... Views: 1377
Many competent people "self-sabotage" themselves every day by overreacting emotionally and hurting their relationships — both at work and at home-- and by staying stuck in habits that hurt them, such as procrastination, overeating, disorganization, avoiding conflict ... the list goes on and ... Views: 1650
Life sometimes really, really sucks. These are the days when you think you might barely be able to make it through without floundering in tub of your own tears or strangling yourself with the force of angst. And yet by some miracle, you emerge through this chaos.This is what Martha Beck calls in ... Views: 2205
I first met Brian about a few years ago through a friend at a party. He quickly pitched to me a grand business idea that involved selling video games over mobile devices. I soon realized he kind of introduces himself everyone with a pitch rather than a simple greeting.
His video game ... Views: 1615
The law of attraction has become THE buzzword in the last several years through the books and trainings of Esther and Jerry Hicks, Mike Dooley’s work, the movie “The Secret” and others. But it has been around a very long time. Charles Haanel wrote his book “The Master Key System” in 1912, and ... Views: 1631