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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Manifestation". If you have expertise in Manifestation and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven system that will guide your dominant brainwave frequency, to the frequency required to energize your desires, providing a strong and fast formula for their manifestation.
Your desire won't manifest if it is not emotionally charged or energized ... Views: 1948
So, I’ve been going along, loving my life, loving my work. Spirit has been whispering in my ear, “Psst. Hey.” I listen, hear a little something, do a little tweaking, and continue right on with what I am doing. Some time goes by, and I get a stronger clunk on the head. Spirit says, “YO! I’m ... Views: 1262
Welcome to a New Year! Do you look ahead to this year 2013 with optimism or dread that you won’t live up to your own expectations?
No matter how many times you’ve visualized and fantasized a new you with stellar health, love, contentment and abundance, are you exactly where you want to be ... Views: 1346
It is about time your marketing and business, heck, your life even, started working out successfully and predictably, isn’t it? How are your plans working out? Your marketing plans, your business plans, your product plans, your life plans, and all other sorts of plans? Do they work out exactly ... Views: 1152
There is a certain way you can act that is powerful. Acting is that which receives. It is a tool of creation, the others being thought and words. Thought, words, and action are the tools that you use to create your world.
Thoughts create on one level, the highest vibratory level.
Words ... Views: 1204
Not so long ago, people thought the world was flat. They looked out into the horizon, and it appeared to them that the earth ended somewhere far out there, and at the end of the earth, one could possibly fall off the edge and die. Therefore, people did not dare to reach the horizon, for fear of ... Views: 1469
Today we would like to notice a very simple, universal yet hardly noticed principle of life. Noticing this will dramatically improve your life in all areas and situations – relationships, health, career, business, politics, sports – all areas of your life. Sometimes the simplest of things are ... Views: 1645
There is a simple but very powerful way in which you can allow for more successes in your life right away. It is a way in which there is nothing to do really, yet you create so many new changes and successes. The first time you try it, it will amaze you as though it were magic. How powerful it ... Views: 1506
Let’s keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?
More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not?
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel ... Views: 3149
“Why does this always keep happening to me? Why me, always?” How many times have you asked yourself this? How many people do you know of who ask themselves this same question? It is a common question, isn’t it? So, how is it that we come to be stuck in time, with history repeating itself, and ... Views: 1117
Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money? Nor luck?
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, ... Views: 1602
What is life? What is the most effective, powerful and fulfilling way to live it? How do I avoid pain and have success? These are questions just about everyone asks. Well, what is the answer then? To answer this question, here is the story about a race track, a high performance Formula One ... Views: 1130
There are some two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.
Everything in this universe runs under universal ... Views: 1344
There are some two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.
Everything in this universe runs under universal ... Views: 1346
What is capability? What can you do? What is “can”?
You say, “I wish I could do that. But I can’t.” Sometimes the thing you desire seems most evasive and elusive to you. You may seem to think that you need money or something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve your ... Views: 1204
The Creative Process
Most creative processes involve setting goals, deciding what actions need to be taken in order to succeed, and finding the motivation to do what must be done. Success requires willpower. Getting the goal, or the perks associated with the goal, is the purpose of creating ... Views: 1630
When you don't have enough money to pay the bills or to live life the way you wish, your mindset is one of lack. There's no other way around it. You are going to feel the lack. With the way the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration work, that then, will be the only thing you will attract ... Views: 1787
You must tap into your own source of well-being before you can receive abundance in your life. Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological tool that will align you with the frequency that attracts and activates the Law of Abundance, changing your life, making you a conscious receiver.
Are ... Views: 1602
Brainwave entrainment can alter your state of consciousness, raising your vibrational frequency, so you can petition the Universal Flow of Energy and receive abundance.
Here are a few tips on how to accelerate abundance.
· First you must determine what it is you feel about receiving. Are ... Views: 1922
Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven neuro-technological tool that alters your brainwaves to mimic precise frequency patterns, for a specific purpose. Entrainment can help you access the area of your mind that will magnify your abundance frequency, increasing your chances for ... Views: 2716
“Thankfulness brings you to the place where the Beloved lives.”
— Jalaluddin Rumi, Persian Sufi poet
Is gratitude the biggest key or secret to our happiness and well-being? Well that could be argued, but in reality the power of gratitude is a universal belief that is found in modern science ... Views: 1859
If you are reading this article you probably have heard about the Law of Attraction, which states that you can attract things into your life based on what you think about. When I first became aware of it, many years back, I felt intrigued, excited about the possibilities, and at the same time ... Views: 1161
A few weeks ago, while I was recording my new audio program for Nightingale-Conant (The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation), I was inspired to share five ways to shift into the abundance mindset. Here’s one of them:
Most of us are so caught up in our ... Views: 1506
"Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody"(Twain The following is an excerpt from my latest book - "Journey into a Passionate Life." There is a companion workbook for those who want the tools and guidance to delve deeper into that part of self that they try ... Views: 10172
As a child our parents, family members, teachers and the media contribute to our perception of how the world works. As a child did you hear the grown-ups around you say things such as; Money does not grow on trees, I'm not made of money, be realistic, only a few lucky people will get to be a ... Views: 1274
Idea’s from Robert Holden’s Keynote Speech & his Book “Authentic Success”
Robert Holden Author of “Authentic Success” – In this video I share Robert’s 6 keys to Success… great notes I took from the ‘I can Do It” Conference in Toronto where I saw him speak live.
#1- Know who you are
Hold ... Views: 1472
How many of you feel that little voice inside keeps you from taking risks? Do you ever feel like it’s possible for other people but somehow, when you imagine yourself really going for it – you hit up against a tight knot in the pit of your stomach that knocks the wind right out from under you? ... Views: 1330
Manifestation - The word itself conjures up images of magic and there is a reason for this: The truth of manifestation is that it is a bit magical, as God's or Spirit’s design is miraculous.
Life is a gift and so are you.
We are all part of something much larger than ourselves and yet ... Views: 1674
One of the most powerful ways to transform your mind and body is something I learned four decades ago from the classic self-help book, The Magic of Believing, written in 1948 by Claude Bristol. It’s called The Mirror Technique.
I’ll explain the basic method to you, and then give you my ... Views: 7391
Many are looking to manifestation as a way of attracting the life they desire. Brainwave entrainment can help you in this process by bringing you to the state of mind that is most conducive for manifestation.
Brainwave entrainment basically uses sound or light to alter your brainwave ... Views: 2484
This term comes from the vocabulary of quantum physics and is described as the most powerful science ever conceived by human beings; yet as we are always evolving we might add, up until now. Tomorrow new technology will reveal more about our universe and how we fit into it. ... Views: 1579
If you are even a little familiar with the law of attraction then you know just how important gratitude is in allowing it to work for you (rather than against you). The blockbuster movie "The Secret" mentioned over and over again how gratitude is so important in regards to the law of attraction; ... Views: 4267
I was playing cards with my husband recently and it was my turn to draw a card. I needed a queen of hearts, so I decided to imagine and generate the energy of what it would feel like to draw the queen of hearts: my body softened and relaxed, my breath became smooth and easy, and a Mona Lisa ... Views: 1664
Be clear about what you don't want
Make a list of what you don't want in your life. By briefly focusing on the contradictions or challenges in your life, provides great clarity. However, spending too much time focusing on what you don't want creates more of the same. The idea is to identify ... Views: 2222
One of my most memorable moments from my childhood was Christmas! I remember getting all excited about the presents, parties, food, and family…and did I mention the presents! Every year, my parents would ask for my Christmas list. Sometimes I would be so excited, I would jump start my Christmas ... Views: 2616
Every human being, by virtue of his/her energetic make-up, is an ‘Energy Worker’.
Every human being, by virtue of his/her energetic make-up, is an ‘Energy Worker’. Though we appear solid, we are, in reality, composed of a wide range of rapidly moving molecules of energy. Some of us awaken to ... Views: 7902
Manifest in the world knowing that you are a Divine being of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our spirit through our words, actions and our work in the world - our service to humanity.
In order to manifest in the world we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the way ... Views: 2551
"Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see anything in us that we don't see in ourselves. Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself." ~ Marianne Williamson
Did you ever picture yourself as you grew into adulthood as someone who would spend their days waiting? Did you ... Views: 2102
Are you in the right "frame" of mind?
You are standing, alone, looking at yourself, naked, in a full length mirror, saying, for the hundredth time this week,
"I am at my perfect weight. I only eat foods that are healthy for my body",
and the 35 lb spare tire draped around your middle, ... Views: 2550
Many people these days are looking for ways to create & attract wealth, live a fulfilling, happy and healthy life. Financial success is not necessarily due to a person's education, IQ or background. Success & winning in life is something that can be learned & taught to an individual willing to ... Views: 2621
A primary element of the law of Attraction, and being a deliberate creator, is focus. You are always focusing on something, whether intentionally or by default. But our society has become addicted to stimulation and most people allow the distractions of the day to dictate what they think about. ... Views: 4101
Would you like to discover the secret of how to manifest what you want? Well read on and everything will be revealed.
Have you come across someone who always seems to get whatever they want? They have the perfect partner and relationship, the dream job, the luxury house, the expensive cars, ... Views: 4093
I got an email from a young man who asked, "Does the subconscious sometimes create situations to work on that I consider a little bit impossible or hard?
Today I've been reviewing things I want to accomplish and among them was to buy a new a car and I thought that I consider it a little bit ... Views: 4574
The Flow, Following Spirit, In The Votex, On The Grid, What Feels Lighter is True for You, Ask and Receive, Law of Attraction, Follow Your Spirit
A few days ago, I kept following “what feels lighter” (as taught by ) something I have always done, but explained by them ... Views: 2081
It seems like most of my life I’ve expended a great deal of energy and attention on trying to control others and everything around me.
I kept a diary growing up. One entry read, “My mom got mad at me today. I’m going to promise to be a better person so she won’t get mad at me next time. ... Views: 2832
There is no doubt that it’s easier for most people to be thankful when things are going well in their life as opposed to when they aren’t.
Yet, it’s in these difficult and trying times that appreciating what’s still good is of the utmost importance.
Sometimes we take for granted the things ... Views: 2431
What You Want From Your Man
In a relationship between man and woman, it can be expected that there will be episodes of misunderstanding and arguments between the two. This is because man and woman are two similar, yet different beings. There are certain qualities in a woman that may also be ... Views: 1672
If you’ve been involved with motivation and/or self-help for any length of time, you’ve no doubt hear of the book “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction.
Simply stated, the Law of Attraction says that whatever you expect to be or happen in life – really expect deep down – will happen. It ... Views: 2873