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In the previous article, I talked about the Unconscious Limiting Belief that Money Creates Happiness. Now let’s look at the flip side.
The belief that money makes you unhappy is just as common as the belief that it makes you happy. I’m sure you can think of numerous examples of people who ... Views: 1196
I’ve helped hundreds of people uncover unconscious limiting beliefs (ULBs) act as obstacles to success in life. Over the next several months in Business As Unusual I’ll explore the nine most common ULBs. The first one is: Money creates happiness.
I’m not bashing money. I love to play with ... Views: 1391
As I write this article we have just passed the Summer Solstice: the earth’s longest day; zenith of the sun’s strength. In this season of light and heat I always experience increased energy and an enhanced sense that anything is possible.
Of late I have felt increasingly hopeful about human ... Views: 1118
Women have used their creativity as alchemy of manifestation for centuries. This article shows you how to awaken this ancient female art to quicken the Law of Attraction.
You have received the beautiful seed of your dream into your womb and your heart. There it lies, pulsating, like a baby, ... Views: 2036
Today’s economic and credit crunch has driven some individuals to the brink of bankruptcy and sadly, even suicide. However, if some of these individuals had only taken the time to listen to their intuition and had strategically planned their outcomes, they may not have ended up in the situations ... Views: 959
Everywhere I go I'm getting people asking me, "How do I hold the right state of mind to manifest, to create, to demonstrate the results that I want?" And bravo! I couldn't put the question better. That's how you want to ask it.
Here's where the challenge comes in. A lot of times—we all ... Views: 949
The basics of Law of Attraction and manifestation are simple... But, still, it ALWAYS needs practice (especially in frustrating situations), and, it's actually even MORE important to use it for the little things in life!
...While we may seek to consciously use Law of Attraction and ... Views: 4035
Women have an extraordinary power to summon the Law of Attraction. But you can't use it if you don't know what it is. In fact, you have many Female Advantages that allow you to quicken and activate the Law of Attraction in your life. Here's the first Female Secret (and Advantage) that you need ... Views: 5356
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill, author of many books about the mind and success, wrote the quote many years ago after interviewing W. Clement Stone. It still holds true today. The mind is an incredible tool that has untapped and misused power. ... Views: 1088
I’m what psychologists would classify as an introvert. I live in my head talking to myself, contemplating curiosities, asking questions, going over my things gone wrong trying to understand how I could have made them right, imagining better and more fulfilling possibilities for my life ... Views: 1817
Are you tired of online dating, bar hopping, blind dates from your well meaning friends and you now really want to take control of finding your soulmate. This doesn’t mean that your soulmate won’t show up in these same areas it just means that if they do show up this way, it will be on ... Views: 2605
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything their hearts desire, and other people seem to struggle through life on a day to day basis? This is because some people have unknown secret beliefs that are pre-programmed into the mind that may be sabotaging their attempts at their ... Views: 1450
There are those special few, who've chosen career paths as teachers and mentors. I have a lot of good things to say about teachers because they're the ones who give us the basic life skills to survive and succeed. Unfortunately, our "life trainers" are human beings just like the rest of us, ... Views: 1053
What is it about imagination that makes the most simple of things a beautiful vision? One can only assume that some of history’s greatest artists like daVinci must've been filled with an incredible imagination to be able to conceive and complete some of the world’s finest pieces of art. The ... Views: 1473
Well-intentioned relatives and cynical peers may call you a daydreamer and ask you to wake-up. Especially if you are a woman, they believe that you need to be "practical." But practical, in their eyes, may mean that you stay in the cage of ordinary reality. This cage is barred by their own ... Views: 4196
Are you tired of online dating, bar hopping, blind dates from your well meaning friends and you now really want to take control of finding your soulmate. This doesn’t mean that your soulmate won’t show up in these same areas it just means that if they do show up this way, it will be on ... Views: 1126
Within you right now is the truth of all you are, and what you can become. But you must awaken to this knowledge before things will start to change. You must awaken the DREAM to begin.
Like the Little Engine That Could, you must being to NOW to think you can. If you truly believe it, there ... Views: 861
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything their hearts desire, and other people seem to struggle through life on a day to day basis? This is because some people have unknown secret beliefs that are pre-programmed into the mind that may be sabotaging their attempts at their ... Views: 1307
Manifesting is the latest “Big Thing” and buzzword. People seek out seminars, workshops and gurus to help learn the secrets of manifestation so we can fulfill our heart’s desire.
My manifestation guru looks a little different than most. She has a shaggy beard, 3 inch eyelashes, four legs and ... Views: 2859
“Jesus stands before me and says, “Come,” extending his hand out to me. Standing, I take His hand and walk with Him a short distance where a merry-go-round appears before us in its colorful splendor. The carousel was adorned with beautiful crystal lights and multi-colored flags that waved in the ... Views: 1611
Since the movie "The Secret" was launched there has been much confusion around the law of attraction. You have the ability to attract anything that you want into your life but you must understand how this powerful law works. Here are a few tips to help you to start living the life you truly ... Views: 1176
Sally came to me after several cancer operations; the most recent operation was for liver cancer. Test results a few months after this operation were not encouraging. A quick geopathic stress test of her home revealed extremely high levels of geopathic stress. Further research revealed a mobile ... Views: 2908
One of the greatest challenges we have as human beings is the pre-programming that we have gone through in our past.
It is this pre-programming that creates so many blocks to allow us to fulfill dreams, wishes, and to manifest the positives that we desire.
What we need to realise is that the ... Views: 1256
So, have you manifested your dreams yet? That's ok! Everyone starts somewhere at some point. So why not get a fresh start? Today is your chance to get on track to manifesting your dreams. Here are the top 7 reasons you haven't manifested your dreams, and how you can overcome them.
1. Lack of ... Views: 1179
This was the most interesting question I received for my “How to be a Money Magnet (and Client Magnet)” teleclass.
1) If it “isn’t working,” it (the alchemy) didn’t happen.
You can follow the Financial Alchemy steps to becoming a Money Magnet--uncover ... Views: 2347
Do you recognize how potent your thoughts really are? Are you fully conscious that these thoughts, all 50,000 per day, are singularly the strongest influences on everything that materializes in your lifetime and are the reason you have attracted the people you know, the home you live in and the ... Views: 929
Well, here we are. It’s 2009, a new year, at the end of the new month and a new day. Every time I turn, I see commercials for ‘Resolutions’ from going to the gym to dieting. Have you made resolutions for this year? What are you going to ‘try’ to do for 2009? I read ... Views: 1012
The short answer to this question is everything. Let us explore how we tie the two together.
With the advent of the internet, no longer do we have an excuse to learn more and become more aware. There is very little today that is considered esoteric or unknown in mystery. Hence why education is ... Views: 1439
“I can’t find my black socks,” the husband calls out to his wife as she is getting the children ready for their family outing. A minute later, on the verge of exasperation, the wife goes to her husband. He is still searching through the top dresser drawer where she told him he ... Views: 995
"Something we were withholding made us weak, until we found it was ourselves." - Robert Frost
Becoming familiar with The Law of Attraction (LOA) is powerful in manifesting your desires for something more. Simplistically, the LOA is a synchronizing of thoughts, beliefs, feelings and ... Views: 945
Book Review—The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World
The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World is the powerful book that transformed my life. And now it’s doing the same for others…
Here’s what readers have said about this Amazon.com #1 best seller ... Views: 1404
Understandably, people everywhere are feeling that the old paradigm has let them down. They worked hard for years and years in order to create some security for their senior years and for their children and now they see it melting away. They are losing their jobs, their homes, their pensions ... Views: 1864
We want things in the outside world, yet what we think and feel about them comes from our own inside world.
What if the negative inner thoughts and feelings are actually the obstacles that prevent us getting the outside world things we want?
What if we could change these obstacles? Might ... Views: 1075
"Something we were withholding made us weak, until we found it was ourselves." - Robert Frost
Becoming familiar with The Law of Attraction (LOA) is powerful in manifesting your desires for something more. Simplistically, the LOA is a synchronizing of thoughts, beliefs, feelings and ... Views: 836
Cosmic ordering is the process of submitting your desire to the universe for manifestation. Your desire can be anything tangible or intangible, like more money, a new vehicle, a bigger home, better health, harmonious relationship, or even something more vague like greater job ... Views: 2969
Thought power is the key to creating your reality. Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so ... Views: 2943
The angels want you to know that you are a very powerful being. Do not be afraid of your power! God has given you the amazing ability to manifest your desires. In order to turn your dreams into reality you just need to ask the angels for assistance and then listen to your intuition.
You ... Views: 3803
Have you ever been in a situation where you were unhappy with your circumstances but didn’t quite know how to go about changing them? There are times when we're dissatisfied with an aspect of our life but can't imagine it being any different. And then there are times when we are poised to move ... Views: 1254
Fall has always been my favorite time of year; with the brilliant colors of the trees, falling leaves, crisp cool air, and beautiful dappled sunlight. Even though I am no longer in school, every autumn still feels like the beginning of a new year for me. It is a time to go inward, to regain ... Views: 1297
When you are around clutter, you can just about feel it psychically. Clutter affects us in many ways. Feng Shui masters have spoken for years about the benefits of clearing clutter. An old feng shui tips speaks of never having anything under your bed, because at night it will run through your ... Views: 3546
Have you ever thought about what your desires mean to you? How do you feel about them? Are you happy and excited when new ones arrive or are you trying to block them because they make you feel miserable? Do you believe that you are entitled to have anything you want or are you trying to justify ... Views: 756
Mary threw on her running shoes, grabbed her I-pod and headed for the door. It was a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver and she wanted to make the most of it. She needed to throw off the feelings she was having about dating and finding a partner.
She went out last night to a benefit concert ... Views: 1052
Some of you will know what the Law of Attraction is and some of you may know very little if anything about it. Keep in mind that it is very simple and easy to understand and use.
Law of Attraction simply put is whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to in your life. "Now some of ... Views: 735
There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - the Universal Mind. It is all knowing, all powerful, all creative and always present. As it is present everywhere at the same time, it follows that it must also be present in you - that it is you. Your mind is part ... Views: 1761
Creative visualization is the fundamental technique underlying reality creation. It is the process of using your thought power to consciously imagine, create and attract to yourself that which you desire in your life. Mastering creative visualization grants you direct control over your thoughts ... Views: 1306
Manifesting results we want in our lives--like more wealth, better health, happier relationships, etc.--can happen in two different ways.
(1) We can simply do nothing, wait, and hope that they arrive by pure happenstance, or
(2) we can be diligent each and every day to put effort into ... Views: 1886
I've got some big dreams I'd love to see happen.
I bet you do too.
I'd love to share my thoughts with you about some basic keys to success which I've been applying to my life in order to make those dreams a reality. These days, these "secrets" are becoming less of a secret. However, how to ... Views: 1759
There are 2 ways to work with beliefs in order to improve our lives. The first of those is to work with the beliefs we already have and use them to produce results.
The concept here is to use what we already believe in order to produce changes. For instance, most of us believe that flipping ... Views: 2079
Manifesting your own reality is easy when you know how. Instead of over-complicating the process, it really does boil down to getting yourself into alignment with the things you say you’ve been wanting.
Alignment can be as easy as feeling good. Or it could mean making a gentle shift in ... Views: 1470
I was fortunate enough to have the life changing opportunity to meet Bill Phillips a few months ago at Mark Victor Hansen’s Mega Book Marketing event in Los Angeles. You may know Bill as the author of Body for Life and former owner of EAS.
At the event, Bill Phillips put a Transformation ... Views: 836