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Thoughts are vibration.
The vibration of thoughts creates allowing or resistance to what you have asked the Universe for. Once you ask for what you want, the Universe delivers a vibration that matches yours. But, the way that you tune your thoughts affects your ability to allow your good ... Views: 990
For over thirty years Neuro Linguistic Programming, also called NLP, has developed many processes and techniques to help people achieve excellence. All of our patterns and habits are anchored in our neurology and our language patterns reflect what is going on in our brain. For example a person ... Views: 1537
If I told you that you could find your purpose in life and make money by following that purpose, would you believe me? Before you answer, I want to make sure you are honest about what you say.
Most people want to believe that it is possible to ‘Do what you love and have the money follow’ so ... Views: 2407
Do you spend day after day at a job you hate? When you wake up in the morning do you have a feeling of dread in your stomach and wonder how your life turned out this way? Do you think ‘there must be something better than this’ but have no idea how to even begin changing your life?
Accepting ... Views: 1875
Have you ever heard the statement, ‘Give and you shall receive’? Of course you have. But is it true? I’m here to tell you that the ‘Give and you shall receive’ concept is the hidden Law of Attraction that is guaranteed to attract money and success fast.
If you’re like a lot of people you ... Views: 2337
Why do you want to attract money fast? Why do you need to attract money now?
I guarantee you there is a specific answer pushing at your mind. You know why you want to attract money fast, but do you know exactly what you want?
When I ask most people what they want when it comes to money, ... Views: 4649
Look around you what do you see? How are you feeling? Are you leading the life that you desire, or does everything seem to be a struggle?
It is a very hard concept to accept I know, but at some level you have asked for, or attracted, everything that you are currently experiencing. You are ... Views: 1525
In understanding the Law of Attraction and the power that it holds,
The more that you think about something and the more that you focus on that thing whether you want it or not your will attract it into your life.
And the more you think about it the more you attract it.
So why not focus ... Views: 1418
Do you feel stressed about by making attempts to living The Secret day in and day out? Does it frustrate you? I have some incredible news for you. Living The Secret is easy, fun and joyful. You need to change your mindset a little bit (don’t worry, I know that sounds scary), and you will ... Views: 1071
Most likely, you know exactly what the law of attraction is. You’re very well aware that your dominant thoughts become reality, and that the way you feel is the best indicator of what is coming next. However, you are still wondering how to use the law of attraction. In other words, how do you ... Views: 1179
Are you fed up with failure? Perhaps you are doing O.K. for yourself, but want more. So much more. You know you are capable of so much more. After watching “The Secret”, are you stuck in the hamster-wheel, trying to unlock the formula to use your mind to achieve your dreams? Well you’re in luck, ... Views: 1070
Henry David Thoreau said, "If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours" and I have found this to be true. There is power in action. Not undirected action or staying ... Views: 863
If you’re wondering how to use the secret, you have come to the right place. You probably don’t affect your reality in a consistent way with your consciousness, because you don’t believe you can. If we use our minds at a very casual level of general thought, we will have very limited power as ... Views: 5309
Do you have a desire or a big “want” in your life that is taking a long time to manifest?
If you are a student of the Law of Attraction, and you are keeping your vibrations up, staying in tune to your guidance, getting intuitive “hits” and watching as events are lining up, but are still ... Views: 1126
For this article, the angels asked me to write about the power of intention, or rather focused intention, to be precise. Intention counts for more than 90% of your success. The remaining 10% is the work it takes to bring your intended result into reality, and by ‘reality’, I mean the world of ... Views: 2885
Are you one of the many people who still doubt that the Law of Attraction really works? Have you perhaps tried working with the principles but didn’t see many results? It’s possible that you are using the Law of Attraction in negative ways without knowing it. Below are some common ways you ... Views: 1347
My personal development course that I am currently empowering my life with, has journalling as its central focus. I have always kept a journal, I mean who wouldn't having travelled as much as I have. It is such a treat to look back at the many wonderful journeys I've had across the world and to ... Views: 1307
You tell your children not to give in to peer pressure. But do YOU recognize the level of adult peer pressure you carry on your Psychic Shoulders? Is it taking a toll in your manifestation process? Find out!
Let's start your exploration with a beautiful parable I use in the Toxic ... Views: 5632
Using the Law of Attraction to create a better life seems like it should be simple; get clear about what you want, visualize it and focus on it frequently, take inspired action, and “poof!” – wish granted.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that smoothly for everyone. In fact, a good ... Views: 991
Are you doing everything you can to make the Law of Attraction work for you? Have you gone through the steps of the Law of Attraction but you still aren’t attracting the money, success, relationships, happiness and everything else you desire?
You aren’t alone! I’ve said it a million times ... Views: 1975
Do you want to use The Secret of Deliberate Creation to attract and create the life you desire but constantly find yourself falling short?
The Secret of Deliberate Creation is to know how to tap into your intuition. Every single one of us has an inner guidance system, but most of us area so ... Views: 3408
Knowing how to use the Law of Attraction can change your life. It takes a certain mindset to work with Law of Attraction practice. It’s simple but it isn’t easy and if you commit to practice, the Law of Attraction isn’t hard to master.
The following, Law of Attraction Practice Step, will ... Views: 2216
In my previous blogs we discussed the concepts of "frequency" and "intent". "Frequency" is the rate at which an object vibrated and is also a way of measuring sound. "Intent" is the energy behind any created sound. Together, these two elements create how a sound may be used--it's effect for ... Views: 1046
It will happen when you envision and make a mold of what you want. When you can see it, feel it, and know that it can happen, expect it to come to you and trust how the Universe brings it to you. Then it will happen.
It will happen when you stay strong and trust that what you desire is really ... Views: 1277
How many of you are unattached, single or just plain feeling you are in a loveless relationship? Do you feel your life is empty? Are you seeking love?
Authors, poets, songwriters, and the like from every age, have written more about love than any other emotion. Why do you suppose? Could it be ... Views: 2718
The law of attraction remains a mystery to many people, in spite of the recent wave of movies and books that claim to be about this ancient principle. This mystery surrounding the law of attraction is what makes boatloads of money for the so-called ‘gurus’... and it can also keep you from ... Views: 4162
I’ve given you the first 6 Hidden Laws of Attraction and The Secrets of Deliberate Creation. Remember, the Laws of Attraction are always at work and the Law of Attraction Key is to use the laws so that they work for you.
You’ve started using Laws 1-6 to tap into the power of deliberate ... Views: 1913
How many times have you heard about the Hidden Laws of Attraction and The Secrets of Deliberate Creation, but still never found out what they are? The truth of the matter is that the Laws of Attraction are always at work, but no one ever really breaks the laws down so that they make ... Views: 5070
Does the Law of Attraction really work? Can you really make your life into anything that you want it to be just by thinking about it happening? Is it true that you can influence your destiny through the power of the Law of Attraction? What is the Law of Attraction Key?
Ever since ‘The Secret’ ... Views: 3153
I had the privilege of having dinner with Tim Kirk, owner of Clonakilla wines.
For those who have tasted it, you know that there is something incredibly magic about his wine. My first sip was like drinking silk. It's no wonder that his wines are such a massive success. Who would believe it - ... Views: 1310
The following post is reprinted from the Sounds True Founder's Blog, an insider's look into the world of Sounds True and its visionary teachers and authors, through the eyes of its publisher and founder, Tami Simon.
Over the past few years, I have heard more and more people talk about ... Views: 1061
Learning to create your day can have a profound impact on the ease at which you manifest your goals and dreams. You can improve the very quality of your day, simply by deciding to. This may surprise you but you are the one who is really in control of how you perceive your day. So, are you having ... Views: 1509
Despite the movie “The Secret”, and several other resources, the majority of the world still pose the exact same question: “How do I make the Law of Attraction work?”
There are three very important questions you have to ask yourself: 1. Am I aware of my current negative belief systems? 2. ... Views: 985
Many of us go through life thinking that success is for the other guy, someone else that has more talent, more intelligence and better "connections." We keep convincing ourselves that we can't do things that would be special, meaningful or profitable. We end up on the outside looking in, and ... Views: 2113
When we say these words, “ I Wish…” we believe that we are creating, but in truth these words are usually spoken with feelings of lack. What we have learned from the book “The Secret” is the fact that we should have thoughts and visualizations that can help keep our focus on what we want. ... Views: 2601
Many people have endlessly researched about positive thinking, manifesting, vibrations, and the law of attraction. Although they resonate with the concept, many of them seem to have a difficult time knowing how to raise their vibration in order to effectively work with them to manifest their ... Views: 5310
Drugs, war, domestic violence, illness, abuse, divorce, poverty, murder…the list goes on and on. What list? The list of what most people are fighting against. The list of what most people look at and shout “NO.” Well, it is time to start saying yes.
To draw attention to the world’s most ... Views: 1336
“Each night, this magnificent world so vivid in the daylight of our consciousness, is swallowed in the mouth of sleep. Yet, we have no fear of this, for, secretly we know, we are beyond.” - Mooji
Physical experience has trained you to focus on outer conditions, people, and circumstances, ... Views: 1931
The law of attraction. The greatest law in this universe (gravity is pretty good too). You can have anything you want. You can do anything you want. You can be happy all the time. Why the heck doesn’t it work for everyone? What’s the missing piece?
It all boils down to the secret. This is ... Views: 978
It’s vital to know how to manifest what you want. In an age where capitalism and commercialism thrive, it’s getting harder and harder for people to stay content for even just 15 minutes.
There’s always something new to look forward to. There’s always a larger goal, a better job, a higher ... Views: 3810
It’s vital to know how to manifest what you want. In an age where capitalism and commercialism thrive, it’s getting harder and harder for people to stay content for even just 15 minutes.
There’s always something new to look forward to. There’s always a larger goal, a better job, a higher ... Views: 3810
There is a whole set of thought vibrations available for you to choose from.
In any life area that has mixed signals going on, you will find a plethora of vibrations all mixed in together. Some vibrations say - "I have it going really good. This is working out so well!"
While others say - ... Views: 1890
The Law of Attraction is based on very sound principles of self-development and self-care. Whenever you become what you want, you also get everything that comes from the space of being that person.
The Law of Attraction is constantly responding to the degree of self-worth that you have for ... Views: 1495
I cannot repeat too often the fact that when you pray and when you visualize, you have to be specific in order to get what you want out of life. You have to be definite with the infinite!
You have to define and declare the good you want before you can get it.
By "the Infinite" we mean the ... Views: 3570
“The reality is…” Years ago, when I was first engaged in my training to be a professional life coach, I learned in a pretty dramatic way how the use of this simple and fairly pervasive statement was a sure-fire way to keep me from creating life as I actually want it. The phrase itself is ... Views: 1430
Remember when you suddenly had a great idea? Think back. What was it?
Do you remember what you did with that great idea (a 'great idea' is a goal in its infancy)? If you grabbed hold of it with both hands and feet and parlayed it into something fulfilling and wondrous, then you probably don't ... Views: 1162
For those of us that have studied and live the principles of The Secret, we understand that like attracts like. This means as you think a thought, you attract it to you. Thoughts actually become the things in your life. Our thoughts actually become things!
Bob Proctor is quoted as saying "If ... Views: 1476
Top Ten Inspirational Quotes
Have you ever received a card and felt its sentiments shake you to the core? Have the words in a book ever reached out to tug at your heartstrings?
Inspirational quotes can infuse you with the motivation to take action toward your goals and live the life you ... Views: 4830
Have you ever asked for something in your business that you really thought that you wanted?
And when you got it you wondered what in the world was I thinking? Maybe,you really wanted to have a joint venture with someone who had a large list of clients that would benefit from your services. ... Views: 1134
Many of us have limiting beliefs that impact our relationship with money. During these difficult times when we are tightening our belts, it would be helpful to rid ourselves of any negative beliefs that impact our ability to manifest money. These beliefs originate from our interactions, cultural ... Views: 4887
In the fictional movie, “Field of Dreams” a voice told Ray, “Build it and they will come.” Don’t worry, I am not talking about a ball field for disembodied players. I am speaking about your future. Whatever it is that the voice says to you. (Just listen…)
Whether it be your business idea, ... Views: 1882