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Many men have gone through breakups and then successfully gotten their girlfriends back. A breakup is a common occurrence because sometimes we may not necessarily know our partners. And we do get to know them over time after which we may feel that they may not be the best life partners for us or ... Views: 389
There are two primary manifestations of Divine Love experienced and reported by seekers and devotees around the world, irrespective of particular religious or philosophical backgrounds. The first is a focus on the personal manifestation of the Divine, which brings the seeker to an extremely ... Views: 426
New technology has drastically changed the way we date and find love. You want to make your intentions known, but you need to do so in a way that doesn't come off too strong or make her feel uncomfortable. You'll need to exchange a few messages to see if you two are feeling each other, but you ... Views: 441
There has been a strong impulse among many spiritual or religious traditions to reject all manifestations of human love as flawed and imperfect expressions of what love is intended to be in the Divine viewpoint. It is of course evident that most of what passes for love in the world has its ... Views: 420
How do we understand the term ‘love’ in the context of spiritual sadhana? We bring to the term a large number of impressions, ideas, and conceptions based on our cultural background, educational upbringing and socialization in our society. We have no direct experience, for the most part, of ... Views: 414
Dr. Romance writes:
Many of my clients want to know: What is a safe surrender to love? They have been in love before, and have gotten hurt. While we all are aware of the joy and beauty of love, and the profound pleasure of being in love, most of us are also afraid of mistakes, of making a wrong ... Views: 407
It is not easy to live a successful and meaningful life. It takes intentionality, focus and dedication to stay the course. Our life Journey has ups and downs, and at times it can feel like an obstacle course. With the many demands of today’s modern life and specially recently as we’ve weathered ... Views: 427
Rejection hurts, doesn’t it? When you love someone and want to spend all your moments, day and night with them, and yet they reject you and don’t choose you, it hurts a lot. After all, in your mind, you both are perfect, the dream couple who are idolized for being amazing with each other, a ... Views: 354
Nobody likes to feel disconnected from their partner. Partners might like to have time to themselves and do their own thing. But they like to have that while still feeling connected. Feeling disconnected, not in a good place, not on the same page, not in alignment, not together or not close, ... Views: 432
It feels terrible when we have the same arguments over the same disagreements, over and over again… Doesn’t it? It’s so frustrating to feel like we are living in the twilight zone, or that we are having a Groundhog Day experience… It’s tough to know that we’ll have the same conversation without ... Views: 452
Hey, we can all relate to being annoyed by our partner at one point or another. But sometimes this goes beyond our idiosyncrasies, quirks or habits. Sometimes we just pick, pick, pick and go around and around. We argue to make our point and prove ourselves right. We get into fights about how we ... Views: 421
Yearning for someone to come and fill your life with joy and love? What if I told you that loving yourself is the beginning of discovering your right partner?
Self-care messages are so rampant across the internet that even personal branding coaches use this as a major strategy to make their ... Views: 465
Finding a compatible romantic partner is a goal for many of us. Yet, sometimes falling in love is the easy part — it’s staying in love that takes work.
At the beginning of a relationship, it can be easier to prioritize your partner, and the two of you likely spend a lot of time together. ... Views: 519
Finding a compatible romantic partner is a goal for many of us. Yet, sometimes falling in love is the easy part — it’s staying in love that takes work.
At the beginning of a relationship, it can be easier to prioritize your partner, and the two of you likely spend a lot of time together. ... Views: 479
Finding a compatible romantic partner is a goal for many of us. Yet, sometimes falling in love is the easy part — it’s staying in love that takes work.
At the beginning of a relationship, it can be easier to prioritize your partner, and the two of you likely spend a lot of time together. ... Views: 476
If you are feeling stuck in your relationship, resentful, cranky, and easily annoyed by your partner, your relationship lens might be a bit smudged… Partners have a tendency to blame their partner for the status of the relationship and how unsatisfied and unhappy they might be… They tend to ... Views: 444
If you are feeling stuck in your relationship, resentful, cranky, and easily annoyed by your partner, your relationship lens might be a bit smudged… Partners have a tendency to blame their partner for the status of the relationship and how unsatisfied and unhappy they might be… They tend to ... Views: 448
It is uncommon to speak in terms of Mothering and Fathering in the context of our relationship… Unless of course we are talking about raising our children. But I’ve been presenting this concept as a way to continue to heal and grow ourselves. As a personal development tool, and more recently as ... Views: 461
Dear Dr. Romance
I really admire how you advise people, please help me too. I'm married and I love my husband very much, but I love somebody else so much I don't know why although people say you can't love 2 people at the same time but I do. coz I love him very much and ... Views: 408
Maybe this has happened to you...you were looking forward to Saturday night with your beloved, music on, scrumptious, savory take-out coming and fragrant candles lit. He/She starts inching towards you, closer, wanting to nuzzle up, you, on the other hand, notice that you’re starting to pull ... Views: 475
You are suffering from your love life. You can find attractive people. You can find someone who treats you well. You can find a person to whom you want to devote yourself. You cannot find them all in one package. But have you ever wondered why? After all, more than 50 million people are married. ... Views: 505
A lot of people have difficulties having trust in their relationship, and in general… Mistrust in our relationship is not just about wondering, or obsessing about, if our partner is cheating. But not trusting our partner usually has the flavor of not trusting we can count on them. That they have ... Views: 394
A lot of people have difficulties having trust in their relationship, and in general… Mistrust in our relationship is not just about wondering, or obsessing about, if our partner is cheating. But not trusting our partner usually has the flavor of not trusting we can count on them. That they have ... Views: 458
Situated in the west Coast of Mauritius, Tamarin is beautiful village surrounded by the Black River which adds beauty to the villages’ scenic views. It is famous by the name as fishermen’s village and one can go for some fishing adventure if they love to do so. The mesmerizing landscape looks ... Views: 465
So many people try spiritual ceremonies, meditation practices, crystal healings, cognitive insight, NLP, medicine ceremonies, code healing for their relationship but really have a hard time turning the emotional disconnection that made them seek those practices into soul-satisfying love.
How ... Views: 443
Dear Dr. Romance:My situation is different that some. See I have only been in 2 relationships, but they were really long term. My first I was 16 till I was 21. Second from 22 till 26 years old. Both of those relationships were an on off kind of relationship. So in between the on and off, ... Views: 405
Mothering Vs Fathering… This is not a competition! First off, wishing all the Moms a very Happy Mother’s Day. And here is an invitation for all of us to embrace more Mothering in our own lives, of ourselves and our loved us. We can all stand to be more compassionate, nurturing and loving… ... Views: 438
Empaths are more than empathetic. Like an HSP–highly sensitive person–they’re highly attuned to stimuli and other people’s emotions and energy, usually to a degree considered transpersonal or paranormal. They may be codependent and end up in abusive relationships. Let’s first consider some ... Views: 457
Lоvе іѕ rеаllу a universal feeling, оnе that mау get еvеrуоnе tоgеthеr оr ѕераrаtе them аѕіdе. Sadness is еvеrу bit unіvеrѕаl as lоvе, mаkіng іt all thаt ѕіgnіfісаntlу ѕtrоngеr. Of соurѕе, dеѕріtе thе tуре of ееrіе роwеr ѕаdnеѕѕ hаѕ аbоvе uѕ, these Sad Shayari are соnѕеԛuеntlу соmреllіng and ... Views: 272
In our еgаlіtаrіаn and democratic societies we vеrу much hope and want аll good thіngѕ tо bе аvаіlаblе tо all реорlе іf thеу have a mіnd tо hаvе them. Indееd, іn thе world оf реrѕоnаl dеvеlорmеnt уоu саn achieve whаtеvеr уоu believe (раrарhrаѕіng оnе of іtѕ lеаdіng рrорhеtѕ, Nароlеоn Hіll); аnd ... Views: 267
I have, and I tried it many times and failed and wondered why.
Look, I know in the coaching world, there’s tremendous focus on insight, the ‘codes’ and transcending away your challenges through meditation, leading with soul and other spiritual methods.
They’re not bad methods in and of ... Views: 620
May brings Mother's Day and June brings Father's Day.
You don't have to wait until birthdays and the end of the year holidays to tell people you love them and make them feel good.
You don't even need to leave your home to buy people a greeting card.
Social media provides the perfect ... Views: 423
The recipe of ‘Love’ needs trust, honesty, commitment, and understanding as the key ingredients.
Love is the most beautiful and important human emotion. It is characterized by passion, intimacy, commitment, trust and understanding. And involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, ... Views: 311
Single moms always have the fear of experiencing the same torture and nightmares all over again in marriage. But this does not mean they do not have the right to rearrange their life. If you have been staying single for a long, then it is time to find someone who will fill your life with ... Views: 356
Angelic Diamonds team has pulled together the Ultimate Love Playlist – a run-down of the 100 most popular love songs.
You might ask what makes this playlist better than any other you can find on digital music services? It’s a good question. But here at Angelic Diamonds, we’re all about ... Views: 384
Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast in your life? Do you feel like your world got turned upside down and you don’t know what’s up or down? Do you feel exhausted and completely unmotivated? Do you feel like are banging around without purpose and alone? Do you ... Views: 409
True spiritual “power” isn’t the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems.
Rather, it is a radical new and higher form of self-understanding, one that illuminates and transcends our unconscious need to have any painful problems at all. Which would ... Views: 707
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Click Here To Enter My Tv Code www.amazon.com/mytv
Click Here To Enter My Tv Code www.amazon.com/mytv
Click Here To Enter My Tv Code www.amazon.com/mytv
Click Above To Start Activation ... Views: 963
Liver Cancer
About the Disease
As one of the types of cancer, liver cancer takes place when cells in a human body grow at a higher rate. As the name suggests, liver cancer starts from the liver and spread to the entire body.
Symptoms of Disease
Here are a couple of symptoms of liver ... Views: 549
Yes you can do this - if you have spare time and can do with more money, a lot more money coming in. The beauty of it is that you are working online from wherever suits you, so you can work from home if you prefer. This saves you travelling and travelling expenses, plus the expense of having an ... Views: 452
Sometimes things don’t seem to be working out the way we’d prefer in our life and our relationship. We don’t lose the weight. We don’t get the promotion or hit our sales target. We haven’t gotten engaged yet. We keep having the same fight. There is a reason for this. The reason is that we are ... Views: 405
When your partner refuses to help solve the problem, you have no choice but to focus on your own need until you get cooperation.
As long as you offer every opportunity to cooperate and you extend an invitation to your partner to join you whenever he or she wishes, you are free to focus your ... Views: 453
He Doesn’t REALLY Want the Perfect Woman
He Wants These 3 Things from You Instead…
How much time do you spend trying to be the kind of woman you think men want?
If you’re like most women, it’s a LOT. You spend all this time making yourself look sexy and attractive.
All this time presenting ... Views: 747
And how you can tap into his deep desire for commitment...
Maggie was confused. Rick had blown her away on their first two dates. No guy had ever worked so hard to impress her.
And impressed she was. He was attentive, respectful, gentle and engaged.
But then, just when she decided she'd ... Views: 755
In one form or another these are the questions that keep me on my toes each and every week with my clients.
Allow me to make this more simple.
1. Learn to tolerate and open to the entire range of vulnerability that comes up for you and you both in your couples journey. Get support for how ... Views: 409
It is not uncommon for us to become so tunnel vision in our experience that we miss the forest for the tree. We focus on what’s not working, how we’ve been wronged, what we don’t like, how much we have to do, and all the miseries of life. We tend to overwork, neglect ourselves and our loved ... Views: 513
Beware of narcissists trying to lure you back with hoovering. Breakups with narcissists don’t always end the relationship. Many won’t let you go, even when it’s they who left the relationship, and even when they’re with a new partner. They won’t accept “no.”
They hoover in an attempt to ... Views: 505
Often many people, in particular codependents, find it hard to receive. In fact, codependents are more comfortable giving or even self-sacrificing than receiving. Yet they wonder why they’re in relationships with “selfish” or narcissistic partners. They might fantasize receiving, but keep right ... Views: 469
It’ll be THIS Instead.
I’m fired up about mindset this week because almost every relationship client from the online world talks about it almost immediately.
They wonder why they failed to solve relationship problems with mindset, no matter how hard they tried.
I wish they didn’t beat ... Views: 433
Gone are the days of chance meet-ups when you could find the love of your life walking down the street. Today, we have more control over how we meet our life partners, thanks to the Internet age. The online dating world has grown so much that 'dating app development' has become a buzzword in the ... Views: 480