We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Life Balance". If you have expertise in Life Balance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
When I was 16 years old, I had an experience where I felt a baby soul come around me and communicate with me. She felt joyful and fun and I just knew deep down in my heart that she would be my child one day. It was only a matter of timing. At that time of course, I was very young and had NO plan ... Views: 1187
As I reflect upon the events in my life over the past year, I discover that part of my learning in Sedona has been about taking time for me—and enjoying it. As an American, it is part of our cultural dynamic to work 40, 80 even 120 hours a week. We are not considered a success if we don’t tow ... Views: 1293
This is the story of misuse of scientific attainments the more it is becoming advanced wherein joy is less and sorrow/anguish rule the roost. This trend has just not stopped and in fact day by day it is spreading its vicious net everywhere. Till date all harm faced, all problems undergone are ... Views: 1221
All of us yearn that others behave and act in a gentlemanly, sweet and generous manner with us so that it aids our overall progress in life and that others do not act in such a way with us that obstructs our happiness and use of material comforts. But know for sure that others too expect that we ... Views: 1357
When I first saw the trailer to this film I thought it looked like the kind of film that is rarely made. Ang Lee came up as the director, and it appeared to be the ultimate adventure. After seeing the trailer I soon forgot about the film until I decided to go the cinema and it was showing. My ... Views: 4430
We are not only multidimensional rather thousand dimensional bodies. One single word, e.g. love, stands for thousand expressions for thousand occasions for one person and keeps on changing its definition from time to time. The same is true with other words too.
To continue with our multi ... Views: 1385
Research on Near Death Experiences proves that those who return from the clinically dead state are profoundly changed for the better in a number of ways. Those who listen to them with their hearts can move on to a holistic and wholesome life.
We all go through many experiences in life. The ... Views: 1833
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Starting Anew - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
New Year’s resolutions are usually about what you want to do in the coming year, but what about the reverse? What would your life look like if you stopped doing what causes you stress and failure? Instead of changing what you do, what about changing how you feel and think? It’s a lot easier ... Views: 1452
Trophies should be earned, not awarded indiscriminately!
Theoretically, in the interests of "fairness," certain "educators" decided some years ago to prevent "bruising" little egos, playing God really, and doing them a giant disservice, in that they are not being prepared for the real ... Views: 1177
I've always had a sneaking suspicion that the "Waltons" had it right, with that extended family of theirs. I mean, think about it.
They were always there for each other. They had lots of people they could talk to and confide in—every day!
They never had to travel hither and yon for ... Views: 1061
Matthew 5 is one of the hardest chapters in the Bible to live up to.
Why? Because it expands on the Ten Commandments. The Lord tells us, in His own words: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law [the old Testament], or the prophets [of the old Testament]. I am not come to destroy, but ... Views: 1255
Preface: The writer aims to be upbeat and to emphasize the positive and what's right with this ol' world, but sometimes negatives have to be recognized and identified for what they are, so that the gears can be set in motion to correct them.
Looking for a few good men . . . and a few is what ... Views: 1812
Unless you're a hermit or an ostrich, you have noticed how mean, thoughtless, and rude today's kids are. Of course, I'm speaking in generalities.
Yes, we can compare them to us "perfect" kids of yesteryear, who routinely addressed adults as "ma'am" and "sir," and who behaved in many other ... Views: 1971
Who defines you?
What do you say when asked, “what do you do?”
Do you ever feel like just a mom, just a daughter, a girlfriend, a husband? The wacky aunt, maybe?
I ask you this because we have almost reached winter. Winter is typically the time of introspection for the year, but of ... Views: 1371
By: Stan Popovich
Many celebrities have a difficult time maintaining their privacy. Here are a few suggestions on how celebrities can manage their private life and deal with the media.
1. Monitor Your Fame and Adjust Accordingly
The first step a celebrity can do is to monitor their fame. ... Views: 1422
How often we lament ‘When ___ happens my life will be better’. The blank may be a job, marriage, new baby or even divorce. What you can count on is that your life will be altered; but will it be better?
My experience has been that my life gets better when I work on me. If I rely upon ... Views: 1042
This time of year, many of us in the U.S. turn towards the practice of thanks giving –giving thanks. For me, this comes down to a very simple yet fruitful practice, mindfulness. Being mindfully thankful for the simplest gifts of life coupled with sense awareness not only gifts me with the ... Views: 1495
Each of us has an image of who we are, and that image will be the greatest determining factor in our success or failure in every area of our lives.
Unfortunately, that image is primarily built by our failures, weaknesses, and disappointments. Why? Because your brain actually gives higher ... Views: 1084
The holidays are supposed to be a happy time of the year. We have time off, we get to see our families, our kids are excited about this magical time of the year, etc. But for many people the holidays only mean stress, anxiety, and grief. If you have lost a loved one, you may be experiencing this ... Views: 1657
There is a continuous flow in all of life. Whether it is the earth beneath your feet, or the solar system above your head. Life is circulating at all times. The reason why I mention this "circulation of life", is because when this circulation becomes blocked, or has a kink somewhere, that is ... Views: 1650
Of all the advantages of becoming a minimalist two of the most beneficial ones include not being weighed down by possessions and the freedom to explore other living options at an easier pace. Overall, minimalism can result in a more enjoyable life because our personal space in the world feels ... Views: 1692
Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.
As children bring their broken ... Views: 2845
Allowing Abundance Into Your Life
The Circulation of Life
"You are already a success, just allow it to be expressed" ~ Adam Bercier
Allowing abundance is simple, but not always easy. There is always abundance flowing to you, your are surrounded by abundance. It is only when you put ... Views: 4447
Personal hygiene and cleanliness are the factors affect the functioning of the body systems. The efficient functioning depends upon the food intake and the existing environment. There are elevated risks of food adulteration in the market which affects the digestive and respiratory systems and ... Views: 1487
It was a breezy October morning and I decided to squeeze in a bike ride before I saw my clients. There was a small window of time; before I arrived at the office I also had phone calls to return and a few tasks to complete. As is often the case, ever efficient, I decided to ride to the farm ... Views: 1296
Why Meditiate?
Keeping on with daily practises for spiritual enlighmentment, knowing what your tue purpose is, and using that deep sense of agape love to guide your daily activity.
"Better than power over all the earth, better than going to heaven, and better than dominion over the worlds ... Views: 1355
Is the present state of the world overwhelming you? Does the uncertain economic future seem frightening?
Lately, the world often seems to be falling apart in front of our eyes. Our economic situation hasn't really been dealt with. It seems that we are addressing the symptoms instead of the ... Views: 2418
I often work with clients who want better life balance – better balance between work, personal, and family priorities. Difficulty with this issue could perhaps best be titled the Syndrome of Too Many Priorities, and I try to help clients resolve the dilemma by teaching them to practice regular ... Views: 1275
Who are the „Difficult People“?
About a month ago I attended a course that I truly loved. The lecturer was an amazing speaker with a cheerful and joyful attitude and shared tons of interesting and useful tips.
To set aside the content of information that I was so happy to learn, I was even ... Views: 1234
Sexuality and Spirituality through Ages
The likes of Nikola Tesla, St. Teresa of Avila or Sri Aurobindo would tell you that they have deliberately avoided sex and relationships to preserve energy and to safeguard it for the fulfillment of their mission – their mental work or their spiritual ... Views: 1996
"Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a Sacred manner the shapes of all things in the Spirit, and the shape of ... Views: 1857
Without even realizing it, you may be guilty of sabotaging your own dreams and aspirations! This can all be due to not following the unique set of laws in feng shui on the type of art in the bedroom.
There are many layers to why bedroom art is treated differently than art in other rooms in ... Views: 5046
Take a deep breath. We offer this advice when someone is overly excited or anxious. We recognize breath as a way to calm mind and emotions. Breath is a powerful tool to promote well-being. It is literally right under our nose. Yet we don’t pay much attention to the breath.
Using ... Views: 1868
I have been writing about adrenal fatigue and its considerable devastating affects on health for some years now, but I continue to research the topic and am continually amazed at the findings I discover concerning this illness. It is indeed a complex issue that few medical doctors address, yet I ... Views: 2556
Hangovers can seriously impede your success, as well as the advancement of your spirituality. Drinking more than a couple too often is a lethal trap that you need to avoid at all costs if you want to reach your full potential and accomplish your earthly missions.
You’re not alone, most people ... Views: 2203
Many of us would like to have more creativity in our lives. How about you?
One of the best ways to get into a creative space is to break out of your normal daily routine. And the best way to do that is to bring more playfulness and spontaneity into your life, especially into your work ... Views: 1244
One of the most powerful ways to change your self-image is to replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones. You do this by taking time each day to visualize how you would like to be. The more you visualize your ideal self-image, the more you will actualize it in your life.
This ... Views: 1379
Have you ever observed A SPIDERS WEB before? For the past week I have been observing this Spider that has chosen to make its home right in front of my staircase. I noticed this Spider one evening when I was sitting out contemplating and I noticed how STRONG that web was with the wind blowing ... Views: 1115
Being unhealthy will not allow you to reach your full potential naturally or spiritually. Did you know that a Fitness Consultant can guide you every step of the way to a new and improved you. Not knowing what types of foods to eat or the correct exercises to do could lead you to a road of ... Views: 1272
When we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed in life, it’s easy to see ourselves as that struggling, small self. We can get stuck in this limiting view. But who you are and what you are capable of achieving is so much more than that. And it’s the challenges and struggles in life that help us ... Views: 1360
By Tom Hinton
Not far from my front door is a beautiful park where I enjoy walking in the early morning just after sunrise. Frequently, as I’ve completed my morning walk, I’ve seen an elderly woman arrive with her flower basket and pruning tools in one hand and a small three-legged stool in ... Views: 2098
No matter your industry, job, lifestyle, dream or vision, thought plays a huge part in your life.
I know, I know, I hear you ask, ‘Who THINKS about what they THINK about?’
Very few people, I guess, but that is why I am writing today to introduce you to the thoughts that
you do not THINK ... Views: 962
Soulful friends are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world.
When we have soulful friends we have a built in support system to help us along the way ... Views: 1559
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
This quote is so simple yet so powerful for it’s absolutely true: Happiness and seeing the magic in even the smallest of things is a state of ... Views: 1247
The year is half over and much has been accomplished so far.
A book is near completion, web sites revamped, big jump in sales from our previous sites, a new site, established Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary Coaching, became part of a wonderful group martial arts group in Florida, finished marathon ... Views: 1380
The world is growing and so does the very corner of it as we see. Every business is taking its part in expanding becoming one of the largest around all such situation that are happening around the world. As the business grows, so does the amount of tax charged on it increases. There are number ... Views: 1367
Regardless of any event or circumstance that appears in our lives, I believe there is a consistent present force that permeates it all. There is an underlying element that provides a directional sequence towards the balance of well-being. Everything in life holds within it a substance for ... Views: 1791
As a large part of our electricity bills is the result of lighting our homes, many homeowners are looking for ways that they can reduce these costs and bring down their bills. One of the best ways to do this (short of not using lights in your home) is to switch over to energy saving lighting. ... Views: 1254
Delays can be De-Light-Filled, Delightful
Living in an instant gratification society we often find delays frustrating. Many of us carry devices that give us instant information, instant connection to others and instant news of the day. The idea of finding delight in any sort of delay ... Views: 1129
It’s easy to get caught up in the daily humdrum of life. We all have those days where the clients are ticked off, our significant other wants more “quality time” and we have no personal time for us and the things we’re passionate about. Without the right mental and emotional tools, those few ... Views: 881