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Is it possible to respond flexibly to changing circumstances and yet to remain authentically ourselves…or is it?
One of the situations in which balance is important is when we are in a situation where the expected behavior – the behavior that is considered the norm – is not what we are used ... Views: 2235
When something ends, no matter whether the ending is your choice or not, take the opportunity to recapitulate it before it fades from memory. There is learning to be done.
Why recapitulate?
We tend to believe that anything that is recent and vivid in our experience will stay vivid ... Views: 2427
Any serious scientist will be familiar with the assertion that stress causes immune-compromise. A recent study by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health has finally put this long-held knowledge into perspective, deciphering that those who bottle up their feelings have a cardiovascular ... Views: 1384
The days are getting shorter and the nights are becoming longer.
With the commencement of the autumn and winter time, many people notice that the lack of daylight goes for their state of mind. Statistically seen, the mood of almost every third person in Germany drops down into the cellar ... Views: 1069
“So why do things happen? How does life work?
Tell me the truth, so I will no longer hurt.”
“It’s really quite simple. One thing you must know.
Always remember: you reap what you sow.”
I had heard this before and it didn’t make sense.
If I thought about it much, it made me quite ... Views: 1139
Desires flow from deep within. They come from your True Self. The cost of ignoring them is high. The time may not be right. But you can nurture your desires. You can gradually move toward them. In doing so, you release your Inner Genius.
Pay attention to your strong emotions and ... Views: 1954
Our emotions have a powerful effect on our body, giving it all sorts of stress related illnesses.
Our mind creates our emotions. What we think is happening is the beginning of our emotional responses. Emotions begin with an event that we interpret, thus all emotions begin with the thoughts ... Views: 1487
Many people hate money because our life is controlled by it. That is valid and true, but for every negative there is a positive, and the positive side of being controlled by money is what I would like to discuss.
The most important part of achieving a happy life is eliminating all negative ... Views: 1149
Buddha is famous for the saying; “Life is suffering and desires are the cause of suffering.” I have spent my life working on eliminating desires, and of course, it is not possible for a human being to eliminate all desires. We will always have something we want, or need.
At the same time, I ... Views: 1182
The understanding of reincarnation leads to perspectives on many hidden issues of life so that our vision expands. As a result, the outlook on one’s life also expands helping us treat everyone and everything on earth with respect and dignity.
It is good to live one’s life on this earth ... Views: 1673
Self love; this is a powerful practice we explored last month. We have heard often how crucial it is to our authentic success and joy. There is one very insidious trap that sabotages self love; something many of us may be all too familiar with… Comparing…
Have you ever found that you compare ... Views: 1125
"Under all disorder there is an underlying order."
The author thinks this is an interesting quote from psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung.
It is interesting because the word "disorder" seems to imply that things are "haphazard", so to speak. What Dr. Jung seems to implying in this ... Views: 1287
Tithing for Abundance:
The word Tithing means ‘tenth’. It is used as a means of attracting and creating more prosperity and abundance, and it has been used since Biblical times to tackle, or harness the Law of Attraction. Many people believe that The Law of Attraction is a relatively new ... Views: 1641
And, the changes keep coming.
In addition to excitement, increased hope for the future and a greater sense of balance than you have had for months, are you also experiencing: anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, high blood pressure, nervousness, job concerns, relationship problems, sudden ... Views: 1040
Tuning Out the Outer Critic
In my work with hundreds of men and women who are choosing greater success in designing their future, one major challenge they often experience, is listening to, and being affected by the voice and opinions of others. Taking in the criticism of others and being ... Views: 1070
I’ve been doing some more work with emotional awareness and mindfulness. This is quickly becoming something that has a firm grasp on my interest and focus. And one of the things that I am zeroing in on is the difference between :
• Thinking about feelings
• Feeling the ... Views: 1100
Your children's education is a top priority for you. You realize that only a great education can arm them with the tools they'll inevitably need to live happily, securely, maturely, and meaningfully. You toil night and day to help them make it happen - for over half your life.
And yet, there ... Views: 874
So, let’s talk a bit more about emotions.
It is not a huge leap from understand and accepting physical development taking time to that of our emotional development and growth needing time to develop into maturity as well.
That is why as children, we cannot cope with many events in our ... Views: 1054
There is so much more to be said for the topic of mindfulness. One image that continues to come back to me each time I start to write about it, is that of shadow boxing. When we are in a situation in which we are not able to see or understand whatever it is we have to undertake, there is no way ... Views: 1004
If we wish to learn a new habit, there is much documentation to support that we need to spend approximately a month repeating the new behavior in order to get it to become routine in any way. We learn better slowly, giving our brains time to process and absorb and finally retain important pieces ... Views: 971
Did you ever make up your mind that you were going to buy a new car? One of the most amazing things happens when that occurs. After painstaking contemplation and consideration, you finally decide on the make and model you are going to get, maybe even the color.
It is always right after this ... Views: 982
It’s the Fall, which for many of us marks the end of summer and the return (if we ever left!) to overly full lives and schedules. It was a great summer for me. I took time to enjoy my home and garden, to write, to travel with my partner and my mother, to go away on personal retreat for a week, ... Views: 742
Would you want to be LeBron James for a day?
If they were really asked this question, most people would probably answer with a resounding, YES (and for more than a day). Having whatever you want whenever you want sounds pretty good to most people. Also, having people know who you are and ... Views: 3160
Albert Schweitzer once said, 'At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us'.
Thank you to those who have been there for me in such loving ways, rekindling the ... Views: 882
Upon our journey from childhood into adulthood, something most saddening occurs. We lose our belief in dreaming. We trade our dreams for "real" life experiences. And, before we know it our life is one big negative ball. We dislike majority of our daily experiences. We manage to get by telling ... Views: 1703
Focus on Silence
[Vinod Anand]
The mind and the physical brain control the human body. The brain and mind are controlled by the desire of the soul. Just close your eyes and see what is going on inside the brain. Give it just two minutes. You will find so many thoughts running inside you ... Views: 1400
The eternal principles of God are God’s gifts to man for a peaceful and prosperous life. Theories are from the head but life is from the heart
A heart of comprehension result only in accumulation of knowledge hence Wisdom; whereas a heart of comprehension passes the accumulation stage to the ... Views: 1449
"Can you see the real me, can ya? CAN YA?" ~Roger Daltrey (The Who)
You Are Not Your Job
If you ask the typical American who they are, after their name they will likely tell you what they do for a living. This is one reason why the loss of a job is so hard on people. It's one thing to lose ... Views: 1008
Our usual way of being is to live in accordance with the rules and regulations set down by others. To play other people's games. They tell us what is right and what is wrong, and most importantly, how we should behave. This is simply conditioning by our parents, our educational system and ... Views: 1347
Responsibility is a word with many meanings. The Oxford Dictionary definition offers:
• The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone: women bear children and take responsibility for child care
• The state or fact of being accountable or to ... Views: 1091
I don’t usually speak or write about religious matters. I have learned that it is a sensitive topic for many who feel insulted or threaten so if I have to, I always state that I respect and honor all religious beliefs as well as the believers. Today, however, a memory landed in my mind and I ... Views: 1214
We find ourselves in the midst of summer with August on the horizon. In many cultures, August is the harvest—the reaping the rewards of what you planted last spring. August is also a time to pause, reflect and refresh.
This is the time to slow down a bit, take stock of where you are and ... Views: 1668
Are you a loner? Hey, I can relate. I would definitely class myself more as an introvert than an extrovert. However, your spiritual growth actually depends on sharing with people. You will get limited results from being alone.
Many people don’t realize the importance of OUTFLOW. Outflow is the ... Views: 1442
The Secret To Losing Weight and Relieving Stress.
(Take the 7-Day Balance Challenge at the end of this article)
It All Starts With You!
We all know what to do and how to do it. Now, implementation is another thing. Question: if you knew you would win $1 million for exercising, eating ... Views: 1198
(Q1)When to let go, and when to act? it's probably a feeling place that tells the tale but I am still trying to figure out what inspired action is and when I'm acting to push against.. how does one tell when to allow and when to act?
(A)That is an excellent question. You are right that it's a ... Views: 1152
Picture for a moment that you have in your possession a resource of full and complete power. You alone could influence the heat of the sunlight, the fall of the rain, the turn of the tides and the direction of the winds. What would you be do and have with this sort of power? Would you abuse it ... Views: 1033
The concept of splitting the bill when out with your friends for a meal or coffee for example, each paying for themselves, is a terrible thing because it robs us of the joy of giving and joy of receiving. Not only the joy is lost, but there is a far more insidious problem that invades our ... Views: 1475
In today’s world, our time is finite and precious, meaning therefore, we must make use of it resourcefully.
This is how we have been able to reach the jet age, internet and digital world, where speed is of prime importance. The purpose for all this was to provide us with better quality time ... Views: 800
Chakra balancing is the perfect way to make sure your bodies energy system is running optimally! Here's a quick meditation for checking each of your Chakras!
Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. You may play meditation music if you like. Start by taking 3 large breaths. Let each ... Views: 1767
Are you feeling uncertain or doubtful? Maybe your mind races with thoughts of worry or concern about little everyday things... bills, work, taking care of your home or your relationships, on and on... Most of these thoughts and concerns are ego based. Know that there is a clear, distinct ... Views: 1462
This is the final segment in this series which has examined the issue of feeling highly sensitive to other people and their emotions, or to chaotic noisy or low energy environments that can leave you feeling zapped. I wanted to introduce you to some of the advanced technologies that I use and ... Views: 1620
A paradox is a statement or concept that is contradictory, yet true.
Hence, because it is a mystery and is derived validly from its origin, it means that at least one or even both the premises are incorrect, and must be abandoned. In this article therefore, we delve into the mysteries of ... Views: 820
Supposedly, nobody ever said life was fair. Well, I’m saying it right now. Maybe I’m a nobody so the adage still works but I’ve come to believe that life is absolutely fair. Yes, there are selfish jerks who seem to be rewarded while truly good, hardworking, selfless people seem to be punished. ... Views: 1363
"Boundaries" from Chaprter 7 of Pillars of Awesome Relationships.
“I only have to be willing to get up one more time than him,” Deena said about disciplining her son and constantly enforcing boundaries with him. Her son tested limits and pushed boundaries with her all day, every day. She ... Views: 1606
"Boundaries" from Chaprter 7 of Pillars of Awesome Relationships.
“I only have to be willing to get up one more time than him,” Deena said about disciplining her son and constantly enforcing boundaries with him. Her son tested limits and pushed boundaries with her all day, every day. She ... Views: 1646
The next two articles are the final segments in this series which has examined the issue of feeling highly sensitive to other people and their emotions, or to chaotic noisy or low energy environments that can leave you feeling zapped.
We discussed energy techniques in Part III of this series to ... Views: 1375
This week I have been in what I call the quiet observer mood; some kind of personal retreat when I just listen and try to get connected to everything around me. So I limit my time online and try not to get into the public flow of local or worldwide news. This, as I've confirmed, is an almost ... Views: 1312
In what direction should I turn?
Is it not painful to be the type of person who prefers natural healing over allopathics, and then suddenly find yourself, family member or pet in a health situation that you do not know what to do about it? Your schedule may be just too busy to research like ... Views: 1318
For years I have been studying how to achieve balance in my life, i.e. living in tune with body, mind and spirit. Study of the body has taught me that the ultimate truth is Death. We have to, in life, feed our bodies well by proper diet and supplements, exercise and positive thoughts. The ... Views: 804
Spirituality is Synthesis, it is Oneness
(Vinod Anand)
A British author has described Jesus as a Sufi. Jesus was pure; he was love personified. Love is the motif of Sufism. Perhaps that is the reason why the author is calling Jesus a Sufi. In the same why, scholar Sheikh Saleem Ahmed has ... Views: 1325