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Our attention is so conditioned to look at all the negativity, aggression, pain and hurt in the world through the streaming of media on our TVs, tablets, smart phones and various social media tools to rivet our attention on the negative events. When our attention focuses on the “doom and gloom” ... Views: 1033
Like it or not, they are real and they want to kill you.
They make the evening news from being more and more gruesome and appalling than the week before.
Some say they must do this to get attention, even if it goes against what they believe in.
They are, of course, the Islamic State. ... Views: 1358
To Coexist Harmoniously, All We Need Is Tolerance
As a writer and educator, one of my routine daily tasks is scanning through my favorite newspapers to be familiar with current affairs.
Lately, most of them have been cluttered with items that focused on the tension between Muslims and ... Views: 1744
The 7 chakra centers are spiritual energy centers that are associated with areas of the physical body.
In Sanskrit, the word chakra means "wheel." You can think of chakras as wheels of energy. They are constantly moving in a circular motion.
Keeping your chakras balanced and open is the ... Views: 1282
If you desire life balance between your inner Self and the outer world, you must practice self-discipline. True power also comes from discipline. It requires that you control your mind and emotions. It requires that you find ways to honor the inner You. As you practice self-discipline, you ... Views: 1414
One day you wake up and think “is this it? Scanning my self generating to-do list, juggling required tasks that scream urgent, doing everything for others- family, job, community – where is this headed? Help! My life is out of control! Where are all the things in life that created excitement, ... Views: 940
Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has prescribed certain duties of the husband towards their wives. The Holy Qur’an says: “The women have enjoy rights over men as men have certain rights over the women in kindness.”
Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said: “The best among you are ... Views: 1089
The water that is stored in the cloud in the form of vapor in the sky manifests itself in the very shower of rains. The juice that is secretly accumulated in a tree is expressed in mingled forms through leaves and flowers. In case of music also, there are manifestation of these forms. One is the ... Views: 1240
Today I want to share with you a conversation I had with a friend over the weekend…
My friend wanted my advice in regards to some new trendy diets that came up this year, and she was curious to know my opinion about them. Several years ago, I would definitely have had the same questions, as I ... Views: 1132
We all want to matter.
We spend our lives seeking individuals whom make our insides dance. And we hope to make others dance as well – and together, we dream that we will be rewarded with the opportunity to choreograph a symphony of the senses – ecstasy included.
I believe I’ve been the ... Views: 1264
We long so much for that love which will completely embrace us and enable us to live “happily ever after” that throughout the course of history we have identified true love with that crazy and blind romantic love we see in so many films and read about in so many books only to discover that that ... Views: 1044
Honor and respect are two important things that you learn in life; they both go hand-in-hand. You learn from others by their words and actions. This teaches you; who is going to keep their word and who just tells you things that you may want to hear. It will define who is going to show up ... Views: 1088
You have the freedom and power to create with your heart-based feelings and thoughts. New scientific discoveries reveal what timeless wisdom has told us. You are the architect of your own reality. You play a powerful role in the universe. The key to creating your dreams into reality is ... Views: 1403
Nature isn’t just important, it is imminent.
Notice how you feel. How do you feel after a few hours on the computer, spending the majority of the day indoors, after a long drive in traffic, after a trip to the city, after a 20 minute or longer phone conversation. How do you feel when you have ... Views: 1302
Before I go on about it, here is the definition of each so you understand it a little better. Yin: the passive female principle of the universe characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold. Yang: the active male principle of the universe characterized as ... Views: 1010
Ten Life Changes You Can’t Avoid on the Path of Awakening
1 ) Healing Your Relationship with your Parents & Family
It’s vital we revisit our youth and childhood, to do deep healing and clearing work. Many of us have experienced great traumas in our youth, and these traumas need our loving ... Views: 1140
What if there was a solution to stress so simple that it involved nothing more than feeling thankful for the good things in your life? In fact, there is. That solution is called gratitude.
Studies have shown that people who regularly practice feeling thankful have a leg up when it comes to ... Views: 1017
The person who walks into a psychiatrist’s office looking for help is not necessarily the patient.
Often, they are simply the family of the patient.
Sometimes, they themselves have something – possibly a disorder, but maybe just an emotional or attitude problem — that would seem somehow ... Views: 1414
I was in the 9th grade at 13 when I was looking at the ceremony for my Bas Mitzvah, literally “Daughter of the Covenant,” when I would chant the portion of scriptural commentary to the five books of Moses consistent with my birthday, and speak all the Rabbi would let me, and collect some ... Views: 1300
It is almost a cliché to talk about being in transition, particularly when one is a coach. Coaching people "in transition" is something that almost every new coach will mention as a prospective niche, and quite rightly, since transition is a time when it is particularly important to have an ... Views: 2192
This week has helped me realise how important it is to be aware of our thought patterns that is going on inside of ourselves.
Why do we humans use what is going on in or world to be the reason for how we feel? Why is feeling good often measured from the outside in and not the other way ... Views: 1061
Your life is a spiritual journey to know your true Self. To live fully, you must discover who-you-really-are. You must get back in touch with your inner power. First, ask yourself these two questions. How strong is your desire? How willing are you to take action? You have enormous power for ... Views: 3342
Steve, a CEO client, recently relayed a story that captures an important idea for leaders; the need to let go of certain beliefs, habits and approaches in order to create something different. He told me he and his wife were recently cleaning out their basement storage room. There were piles ... Views: 1068
Marijuana is now legal in several states in the USA and other states may follow suit.
Many of the news stories about the American weed revolution compare pot to alcohol.
The pro-pot people say it’s less harmful than alcohol.
On the surface, pot does seem to help one relax and be more ... Views: 1020
The idea of having a unique life purpose is something that has fascinated me since I was a teenager. In my younger years I followed the obvious path in front of me, but slowly but surely I learned to look within and find my own passions in purpose instead of doing what everyone else expected of ... Views: 1033
If we think of being alone as being lonely, then fear of loneliness can drive us into the company of people who will not contribute at all to the quality of our lives. It is possible to turn loneliness into comfortable aloneness, so that when we socialize it is by choice, not because we are ... Views: 2266
Many readers may be fans of Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret," whether in book or in movie form. However, I have been reading howls of indignation from various columnists who, occasionally over-simplifying, feel that there are dangers and false promises contained in the concept of the ... Views: 2364
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Craving Stillness - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
I am a person who requires quiet time and solitude to re-energize. I do this in meditation, I do this at silent retreats and I do this by taking time to read or just be quiet at home.
I didn’t learn this about myself until my mid-40’s. Before then I couldn’t understand why I seemed so ... Views: 1368
In a session I had with my counselor Eleanor last week she said to me, "Testing is not trusting." I realized in talking to her that much of what I've been calling "trust" is actually me simply "testing" new attitudes, techniques, and approaches... hoping they will work out, but fearing that they ... Views: 1333
You live in a fast-paced, noisy and high-tech world. This modern way of life has caused disastrous results for Planet Earth. It alienates you from your Divine Source and from the natural world. By reconnecting with Earth and your true Self, you can create a new way of being. You renew your ... Views: 1581
When I was younger, I had a vision for my life. I was going to be successful... that was always a priority of mine. To be successful. I always connected success with a career, never with a family. Yes, I would get married and have kids, but a successful career was of the utmost importance to ... Views: 1129
Tonight is my first night out with a mom's group. As a single mom, I haven't done much since having my baby. I don't really know what to expect. I know I shouldn't have any expectations, but it's hard not to when you are going into an unfamiliar situation. I don't know any of the ladies that ... Views: 1503
B and I go on our second play group to a music sensory, and I'm not sure how it's going to go. The first play group with other moms and kids we went on two weeks ago could have gone better. There were about 25 moms everywhere and even more kids. I was overwhelmed, and he was ... Views: 1225
My friend Gabrielle Bernstein's new book, Miracles Now, has had me stop and think more deeply about my own relationship to "miracles" and also how to create more of them in my life on a daily basis. As Albert Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is ... Views: 1554
YOUTUBE Click Link to Watch Video! For those of you who love YouTube Videos please check out my show HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4796r3snJGgI hope you enjoy the show; if so, please share, like and subscribe!
ITUNES Click Link to listen to Podcast! ... Views: 2063
Kabbalah readings – not just for celebrities!
We have all read the media reports that highlight the everyday activities and beliefs of celebrities, including those who wear the thing red string on their wrist, part of their Kabbalah religion. But not many people truly understand this strand ... Views: 1744
This is part 5 of a 7-part series on the chakras and the glandular system. Energy flows through your physical body. Your body is constantly receiving and sending out energy waves. There are seven centers or chakras in your body to receive and send energy. As you become aware of these energy ... Views: 1223
We are rushed, we are pressured, and we don't have time for the fine detail. Instead, too often we mentally leap to the bottom line, and in that leap we often fly past a few things that could lead us to more accurate understanding.
We may read that a dietary product provides "Up ... Views: 2261
What are the things that hold you back in life? I bet you can name them immediately. Maybe it's one thing or person that is weighing your energy down, like a ball and chain locked tight around your ankle. Maybe it's your job or your boss, your relationship or your mother.
Whatever it is, ... Views: 1126
Blaise and I went to a one-year-old's birthday party this weekend. It was spectacular. With a rocket and astronaut theme, the mom is uber-talented and had thought of everything. From the handmade and hand painted solar system that hung from the ceiling to the refueling station (drinks), pop rock ... Views: 1485
Blaise "always" takes a nap at a certain time, and like clock work he wakes up at the same time. After months of this routine, nothing has changed. So why would I think today would be any different. Well, like I say, Welcome to Momhood... where even the predictable is unpredictable.
I get B's ... Views: 1215
Pets are precious parts of our family and have their own distinct personalities. This is a Memorium ro our beloved Cat Taz (who is he was and his personality. As a person would be a "Maritan personality " www.personalitypredictors.com/Martian. Intrepid, feisty and mischievous.) A Maine Coon ... Views: 1586
As we grow our wants and needs change. What suited us in our 20’s and 30’s will not suffice for us in our 50’s or 70’s. We live in an elaborate world, with some of the most beautiful places, the best restaurants, and some of the finest boutiques.
When I grew up everything had to match, my ... Views: 1447
The amount of energy flowing through your third Chakra, the NEEDS chakra, affects the health of your reproductive system.
It is the center of all creative energies that bring ideas and thoughts into material form. Energies are released here to create inventions, artistic creations, buildings ... Views: 1085
The amount of energy flowing through your third Chakra, the NEEDS chakra, affects the health of your reproductive system.
It is the center of all creative energies that bring ideas and thoughts into material form. Energies are released here to create inventions, artistic creations, buildings ... Views: 957
So many people I’ve interviewed and coached over the years seem to have the same basic issue. They achieved the education they needed, took all the necessary training, and found success in their careers as well as their personal lives. Yet something was missing. They didn’t feel like they had ... Views: 2299
"What I want most is for you not to be angry at me all the time."
Those words were spoken by the husband of a client when she asked him what he wanted most from their apparently deteriorating relationship.
For many of us, the line between anger and frustration is a fine one indeed. It is ... Views: 2044
I feel this time of year is paradoxical. It should be the quiet time of the year due to shorter daylight hours. The long evenings should give us more time to relax with family and friends, or even get more sleep. I believe November and December is the ideal time to reflect on the year that has ... Views: 1401
In this article, we will talk a bit about the Universal Law of Harmony and balance. We will see how this is important for effectively using your Internal Guidance System which we rely on to make decisions about what feels good to us. Through this method, can we learn to apply the law of ... Views: 2457
In current business literature, it is generally accepted that lack of willingness to accept change can be a handicap for people in all areas. Although change simply for the sake of change is not good, resistance to change in favor of the status quo is the reason for many individuals and ... Views: 2321