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Ethics can define who you are. Before falling asleep, you will have to find a way to tell yourself that you are a good person. But there are some moral failures that are so harmful that it becomes very difficult to maintain your self-esteem.
Betraying Someone You Love
“Love” is defined by ... Views: 2025
You are a creator. You are here on Earth to create a joyful life experience. Desires arise in you every day. Do you honor them? Or do you find ways to repress them? When you follow your desires, you feel passion. You feel energized. You feel joyful. You choose ways to create a happier ... Views: 1416
A problem is only a problem if you let it. The more you let problems arise, the more they begin to interfere with your happiness. Therefore there is an old saying; the more problems you have, harder it is to be happy. Problems make your life difficult, difficult and tedious.
If you do not ... Views: 1001
While working on my own self-improvement, I’ve found that it’s been quite useful to experiment.
I’ve learned ways to grow that balance out whatever’s happening in my life!
One starting exercise is to brainstorm talents, skills, abilities and how each is useful.
For a starting point, ... Views: 1325
Busy Bee! Is what matters getting run over by other stuff? On the run. So many choices! Can you even tell anymore what’s more important? Even when you’ve got time, you’ve got demands on that time, right?
What can you do to make today a bit easier?
That’s right. Simply ... Views: 1164
Do you want to bring more of what matters to you into your life? There is a tool to help you. What is the tool that will make a difference for you? Your own personal goals.
Setting goals helps you organize your life to accomplish what matters to you in your life. Once you have set goals, your ... Views: 1247
Feeling in balance and relaxed in the high-stress, fast-paced life of our contemporary western world, may be a challenge for some, and have others simply thinking there is no time for themselves.
One of the best things you can do is to cultivate the art of letting go and learning to give ... Views: 1763
I thought my world had ended back in January.
I had this job and career that made me comfortable and paid well. It was not necessarily a job that I loved, but it made me feel secure and gave me the validation that I thought I needed.
Until I was laid off.
I started to panic, because ... Views: 1543
I thought my world had ended back in January.
I had this job and career that made me comfortable and paid well. It was not necessarily a job that I loved, but it made me feel secure and gave me the validation that I thought I needed.
Until I was laid off.
I started to panic, because ... Views: 1537
According to legend Lao-tzu wrote the “Tao Te Ching,” an ancient Chinese classic on the nature of existence. This book of wisdom has been translated more than any volume, except the Bible. “Tao” is generally interpreted as “the Way.” Lao-Tzu taught that the Tao and water are synonymous. He ... Views: 1631
We live a more enjoyable life when we live and share with others within a community of support, encouragement and friendship. We can be happy by our selves but our greatness comes when we work together and share experiences with others. We become stronger when we are supported and encouraged ... Views: 1218
We've all encountered two-faced people at one time or another -- those individuals who smile in your face and act like your best friend, while they've got a knife poise at your back. They pretend to be your best buddy, only to try to use you, or to spread lies and gossip about you behind your ... Views: 10837
Bill Cottringer
“Conflicts give rise to villains, heroes, victims and bystanders. Which are you willing to be, in doing or dying for? ~The Author.
We are all chasing after things we think we want because of how they make us feel—happiness, success, peace of mind, ... Views: 1502
It's only a two-letter word. It's small and simple. Tiny, even. Microscopic. Yet it's sometimes one of the hardest words to say in the English language. It's the word "no." But there are times when saying "yes" to the word "no" can be profoundly liberating, and can assist you in staying true to ... Views: 1461
Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do when they come for you? For some women, the answer is, "Hurl myself into his tattooed arms." These women are captivated by his untamed wildness, fearlessness, nonconformity, rebelliousness, boldness, charm, charisma and independence. With testosterone ... Views: 1748
I don't know my next-door neighbors. I don't ever see them. I don't ever get the opportunity to talk to them. I never visit with them. I don't even know their names. There's been such a revolving door of new next-door neighbors in my apartment building that, to be honest, I no longer attempt to ... Views: 1666
As I sit in the airport on a flight delay, after bemoaning the fact that I need to sit around for what seems one million hours, I think back...
I've been planning this trip for months now. I'm studying with a lovely British Medium, Mavis Pittilla, who is an older woman teaching out of the ... Views: 1368
Whether we are raising children, working in a job, running a business, or retired, we cannot escape the fast pace, stress induced life that surrounds us. Life has lost its simplicity: I need three to five gadgets to work my TV; it takes six steps to download an ebook from the library; and I ... Views: 1157
The law of attraction is the belief that you ATTRACT what you put out into the universe. This means that if a person is emitting positive vibes they will draw good things to them and if they are emitting negative vibes they will draw not so good things to them.
"You are a living magnet, ... Views: 1284
This is a movie about Benjamin Barker, who, being conquered by his angry mind, became a murderer and finally was murdered himself.
Unjustly convicted and imprisoned, Benjamin Barker returned to his native city. Led by his irritated mind, he programmed himself for revenge and changed his name ... Views: 1582
Life is an interesting thing. You never know what is waiting for you around the corner. It may be something new, exciting, and bring a lot of opportunities. But once in a while our path turns into a rocky road with some hurdles to overcome.
It takes time to find your place, figure out what ... Views: 886
Through self-knowledge, you recognize your divine nature and the deeper purpose to life. You create a larger context in which to view your existence. You learn how to interpret and organize your experiences. You develop an inner connection with all creation. Self-knowledge helps you blend ... Views: 1554
Five ways to be ahead of time.
One of the greatest assets in life is time, one of the greatest delusions in life is still time and one one of the greatest illusions in life is time.
The world is regulated by time, as far as life on earth is concerned, it is timed, and every aspect of ... Views: 1636
The yogic concept of Saocha is about cleanliness, or purity, of both the body and the mind. This practice brings a kind of clarity and subtly of being. To practice it is to clean away all the dirt that may clutter the mind so that perception of the Infinite is possible. The mind has many layers. ... Views: 1503
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Balance is Key — in Yoga and Relationships - by Marcia Naomi Berger, LCSW, author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You've Always Wanted (New World Library), is a psychotherapist in San Rafael, California. She helps people create relationships that are fulfilling in all the important ways-emotionally and spiritually as well as physically and materially, whether they are already married or want to be. www.marriagemeetings.com
Have you tried the yoga tree pose? You stand straight, then raise one foot and place it against the calf of the leg that is taking all your weight. Staying in this pose for thirty seconds can feel like an eternity. It’s easy to lose your balance.
But as yoga instructor Beth Huizenga from ... Views: 1395
People are often fond of reading their daily or weekly horoscopes and check out information about their sun signs as well.
Sun signs do have a deep impact on our personality. Astrology may vastly be seen as a window into the unseen realms, and it really helps us learn who we are, and who ... Views: 2324
It’s quite often that I have clients who are on the verge of major life changes.Searching for Pearls with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson Maybe they’re looking for a new job, changing their marital status or just bored with life. What they all have in common is that very few of them see the ... Views: 1274
I once heard a doctor say this statement on TV as she was asking people to exercise, eat well and improve the quality of their life for the New Year: “If you don’t take care of your body…where else are you going to live?” We all need to repeat this statement over and over again so that it will ... Views: 1142
Crying over what happened yesterday doesn’t produce freedom and it doesn’t get you moving forward. Nothing that has happened in the past surprises your Creator! He knows everything! Maybe it is time to release your regrets, your bitterness and choose to live in the present moment of now where ... Views: 1548
Don’t let a major life setback drag you down.
Life isn’t always a bed roses. Sometimes things happen that we totally didn’t see coming and couldn’t have prevented. Maybe it’s the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, being rejected by your dream school, or the sting of a business failure. ... Views: 1756
I am sharing my story, about how I discovered my own meaning and began to unfold my life purpose. I give an overview of how this began to unfold in my life, which has brought me to the possibility of fulfilling my meaning, through reaching out to others. I have come to this late in life, after ... Views: 1274
Communication involves inner and outer worlds through both speaking and listening. With self-expression you share what’s inside you. With good listening you learn what’s inside others. Creativity flows from within. You assimilate ideas from the world and give back something unique to you. ... Views: 1312
Living a balanced life. To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Living a balanced life is essential for personal effectiveness, peace of mind and living well.
We have to realize that we can’t have everything and do everything at the same ... Views: 1220
How can we help others? When we are asked for help – should we give them some money, food, or should we try to teach them to earn for themselves?
It is impossible to generalize all poor people or life situations. Nor it is possible to generalize people who are asked to help them. Therefore, ... Views: 1425
From 1994 through 2013 I worked out of my home. Like many homebased business owners, I prided myself on the fact that the walk from my bedroom to my office was a very short distance.
This all changed when I moved my business out of my home to an office space a few miles from away. The greatest ... Views: 1727
Time speaks louder than words. My friend, Max, got me thinking about this the other day. He was discussing someone in his life who chooses work or going out with other friends over him.
Time is our most precious currency. It is the currency of life. So, how you spend it shows what is ... Views: 1066
The world’s sacred traditions teach that love is the way of life. You are worthy of love. You have a basic right to love and be loved. With a balanced center you can express love for yourself and others. Love is your divine nature and love is your greatest lesson to learn.
Love is ... Views: 1296
Relationships are the substance of life. They bring essence to life.
Nevertheless at times, one faces complications in his life and comes across relationship problems. At times one comes to figure out that everything in life is going just fine, but it is the interpersonal human relationships ... Views: 1274
I believe we are in a crisis in the world today and many people feel caught up in worry, fear and anxiety so they act out foolishly to numb their discomfort. There are more people drinking too much today, taking drugs and smoking pot than ever before in our history. There are a lot of mixed ... Views: 1175
Taming your tongue is a major factor in reaching your highest potential for your life. Sometimes when we are in stressful situations, we say things that we really don't mean or that we should not speak. Those are the times we often blurt out negative words without thinking first and the ... Views: 1041
The key spiritual practices in Shamanism, also known as the “4 Powers” is a balanced way to walk through this life in conscious delight. They are Singing, Dancing, Nature, and Sweet Silence.
I used to love to dance. Much of my teen and university years were spent de-stressing on the dance ... Views: 1149
Moon Centers. Let’s face it, many women have out-of-control emotions—huge emotional swings that they often blame on PMS, SMS, MPS—whatever! Some people would say it’s easier to just let the emotions rule. Wrong. As a woman, I’m sure that you’d welcome knowing that there are ways other than ... Views: 1340
Square Life
By April Lugo PhD
Chirp, chirp, chirp, you reach over and press the square button on the alarm begging for just a few more moments of rest. Your head is resting comfortably upon your square pillow as you lay resting on the square mattress covered with your square blankets. Warm ... Views: 1202
This is a question that many people ask themselves daily - Are you on a journey or a treadmill? We are all busy and overwhelmed by the high speed of progress, speed on the highways and the information age which forces us to keep up or forever be lost in the abyss. The more you are willing to ... Views: 775
I have observed that in my area, there is a lot of money in the hands of the people who flock to Florida seeking fun, greater happiness and a better way of life. In truth, don't we all seek those attributes but struggle to achieve? People can't wait to retire so they can enjoy some fun, greater ... Views: 1115
Lord Panchmukhi Hanuman, one of the heroes of the mythological epic Ramayana is indeed a greatly celebrated deity in India. He is known by 108 names, one of these is Kapeshwara which means the monkey lord.
Nevertheless, Lord Hanuman is associated with deep spiritual symbolism, which is ... Views: 4951
“No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.” ― Elbert Hubbard
I am sure 99% of the readers associate with the above line. Lucky are the 1% who actually have a relaxing vacation and get recharged. Idea of relaxation and relaxation techniques are different for everyone. ... Views: 955
Pride, a strong ego, can sometimes confine us. Too often, we get caught up in the words, "I can't do this because I may lose this or that," or "I can't move there because I will be away _________ fill in the blank." There are opportunities in life that beg you to take full advantage of, but ... Views: 1030
I believe we are in a crisis in the world today and many people feel caught up in worry, fear and anxiety so they act out foolishly to numb their discomfort. There are more people drinking too much today, taking drugs and smoking pot than ever before in our history. There are a lot of mixed ... Views: 950
Ahimsa, the principle of non-injury or non-violence. It literally means to not harm and is the first and most basic of five actions to avoid outlined in the Yama’s.
The Yama’s and the Niyama’s are considered by some to be moral or ethical codes. Though they may serve as such, in reality ... Views: 1188