We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Life Balance". If you have expertise in Life Balance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Just as each person’s fingerprints are different, so are each person’s nutritional needs and solutions. You have your own unique health issues, and foods that are healing and health-building for one person can cause another person great distress, such as pain, inflammation, bloating, weight ... Views: 1188
Do you want to be a ‘better’ or the ‘best’ version? Everyone wants to be the best, of course!
You will be surprised to know, that by real fact, you are already the best. Indeed! Let me tell you how...
If asked, ‘who are you?’ you would say, “I am John. (The reader may insert his own name ... Views: 878
What do Fine art, Feng Shui and Fashion have in common, besides the letter F? They are all about energy. Artwork can provide you the kind of energy that can make you happy or sad; be uplifting or depressing. They are also categories that fall under: “one size doesn’t fit all.”
Art needs to ... Views: 1191
Meditation is something accessible to everyone. You don’t need special equipment, you don’t need special tools or accessories. Anytime, anywhere, meditation is available to you.
There are ways to get a little more from your meditation, however. Sometimes it’s something as simple as being ... Views: 1109
When you focus on the present moment, you are starting to be mindful. To cope up with your daily existence in this world and handle the rough moments of your life, practicing mindfulness can help you a lot. Through mindful practices, you can concentrate on your everyday task, keep you calm in a ... Views: 1222
New Empath Relationships
There is nothing as intense as the sexual spark of a new relationship if you are energetically and chemically attracted to your new love. It can be awkward the first few times while you get to know each other as it’s happening, but when you look back it was the best ... Views: 977
Although I’m not a vegan or 100% plant-based eater, I get a lot of fruits and vegetables in my diet. When I use the word “diet” I’m not referring to a restriction protocol. I’m simply referring to how I eat.
As a food intuitive, I do eat very healthy. I also feed my family a healthy bounty ... Views: 1045
Busy! Busy! Busy! In this super high technology world, everyone is hijacked by smartphones, laptops, and social media. What is in your mind? What do you want? Everyone has his wish and desire. Everyone is derived by his goal. Everyone is chased by another for something. Certainly, you cannot be ... Views: 1705
Exercise is a great way to get one's mind off of serious things, get the endorphins flowing and do much-needed physical activity for the maintenance of one's body. Exercise energizes the mind and body and makes people healthier. This is why it is important for employees to engage in ... Views: 903
One hot summer day I saw a very strange creature roaming around on the property. It looked somewhat like an anteater from a distance, but they don't live in this part of the world. I grabbed my binoculars to get a better look. It was a raccoon with a jar stuck on its head. I initially laughed ... Views: 1833
We all went through some good and not-so-good times. We all think, and maybe sometimes, overthink. The experiences we go through our entire life shape the way we think today. And this way is in a constant change.
Those negative experiences are the most full of emotions and thoughts ... Views: 1570
“We can be sure that the greatest hope for maintaining equilibrium in the face of any situation rests within ourselves.”- Francis J. Braceland
Life balance, work-life balance is a lesson that everyone needs to learn. Having a correct, healthy and sound body is essential for everyone’s happiness ... Views: 1602
“A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.”- William Arthur Ward
Life is a journey of learning and finding the balance of life. What I would like to share in the next paragraphs is 7 essential elements to a Balanced Life. ... Views: 1532
“Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Most of us are doing the best we can to find whatever the right balance is . . . For me, that balance is family, work, and service.” –Hillary Rodham Clinton
In this fast-paced and highly stressed world, everyone plays many different roles in his or ... Views: 1218
“Fortunate, indeed, is the man who takes exactly the right measure of himself and holds a just balance between what he can acquire and what he can use.” – Peter Latham
What is the balance of life? What does the balance of life mean to you? Is the balance of life the same to everyone? I ... Views: 1208
Take a cue from history & create the ultimate sleep retreat.
Sleep and dreams were the foundation for healing thousands of years ago. In ancient Egypt and Greece, if you were feeling out of sorts or sick, you'd head over to the nearest dream temple. These sleep sanctuaries were the ... Views: 1274
"Lotus Leaf Entertainment" is a team of professionals engaged in providing well-planned and well-managed entertainment services.
Musical nights, Ghazal Shows, Comedy Events and all you wish to entertain your friends or clients with…are just a click or phone call away with Lotus ... Views: 992
For how long have you been looking to have a compilation of sadness-portraying texts and you couldn't find the right one?
We are not dealing with a very comfortable topic, but wanting to help you, we bring you the shortest, most disappointing and best sentences for sad Whatsapp ... Views: 1163
I picked up one of my favorite books last night. Not to read, but to put away. I quickly skimmed through the pages looking for a burst of inspiration as I walked to my book basket. Instead, I found exactly what I was supposed to find. An unread chapter. A chapter I evidently needed to find and ... Views: 2058
With more than 3000 kilometers of coastal line and many remote islands, Vietnam boasts a wide range of beautiful beaches that can be named on any list of best beaches in the world. No matter what kind of beach you are looking for your Vietnam private holidays, from a pristine beach, a ... Views: 1124
“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul. “ – Mario Quintana
Looking back on my life, I can recall there were two days I was looking for every year: my birthday and March 8th. In my home country, Romania, that’s not only a Mother’s day ... Views: 1143
What happens in the emergency department . . . stays in the ED? Not really. A recent study stresses that ED visits have lasting effects on elderly patients from six months to a year! What often occurs in the ED says much about a patient’s upbringing, self-growth and self-determination. How do ... Views: 986
All buyers will not include a house inspection contingency in the buy and sale agreement, which will let them to remove their buying decision should an inspection disclose any big defects. Even with this, the method can be difficult for buyers. Anyhow, it could be disagree that it's even more ... Views: 897
Baltic Amber teething necklace is one of the best natural teething remedies for babies. Wearing Baltic amber necklace close to the body parts may help to keep calm a baby without suspended to drugs. Besides, Baltic amber is the best Natural anti-inflammatory, which has foreign pain-relieving ... Views: 1080
Daily Ritual
The process of daily ritual is very important in our spiritual lives to help us focus on who we truly are and bring into this reality our true nature. Daily rituals can be as simple or as complicated as you make them, but the purpose is the same-it reinforces your intention and ... Views: 1167
A Newsletter created with the intention of providing you with thoughts on the evolving shamanic practise of bringing balance between the Earth and Spirit.
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal. Our intention is to provide you our readers, friends and connections with an ... Views: 2239
Is there one thing that is the primary cause of emotional suffering? Yes! Discover the one choice that underlies your emotional suffering.
Is it possible that there is one major cause of emotional pain and suffering?
Yes! The major cause of suffering is UNKINDNESS - to yourself and to ... Views: 1213
The question is: “Can people be fooled?” The answer is of course they can, especially when people are out of touch with reality! We, too, often only hear what we want to hear. We ignore the messages that we are not interested in and we definitely ignore the messages that might possibly offer ... Views: 1277
Furiously Frustrated
Bill Cottringer
In my previous article, “Seeds of Anger,” I think I overlooked the main problem with which we should have more empathy for ourselves and others. The real problem of our day is the frustration that leads either a quiet life of desperation or ... Views: 1267
Hummingbirds are amazing creatures of Earth. They are the smallest bird in the world, yet they possess great power and abilities. It flies and flitters and when you watch their movement you become enchanted by their agility and speed. Their long beaks or bills enable them to feed in some of ... Views: 1244
Contentment is the Key To Open Source Connection Complete! By finding a state of contentment, one finds the spiritual key that opens the door that leads to the reward that is the state of being content with ones life!
This knowledge is called forth from a convergence of all positive space ... Views: 1341
Are you one of those people who have made so many commitments that you are having a hard time keeping them? You have compromised your health and sacrificed your family life because you had a strong need to help others. You are a leader in your community, but you fail your family. So how do ... Views: 1300
Our words have the power to lift the spirits of others We don’t know what other people are going through; they may be smiling on the outside but hurting on the inside. We can bring healing to others, which in turn enables us to heal our lives at the same time.
The power is within you to ... Views: 1366
If you plan to move from home, and rent your own place, then you may have to decide if you will rent a furnished or non-furnished apartment. Your friends may know that you want to move, and they offered to help you search the right home for you, but they need to know what type of apartment they ... Views: 1517
We are influenced by successful people in life and want to be like them. The success of the people affects everyone and we want to bring it down to our life. Everyone's dream is to succeed as successful people, but this is possible only when we learn not only about them but also accept the ... Views: 1303
Several days ago we attended the Cultural Awareness Program at Mt. Madonna School where our grandson is in first grade. His grade of ten adorable students reenacted a Buddhist story from Cambodia. In this story a single mother has three grown sons. She is very concerned that her sons do not help ... Views: 1398
Someone must risk returning injury with kindness,or hostility will never turn to goodwill.
Tao Te Ching
To live without resentments, you must change the way you hold onto them. Resentments survive and thrive because you are unwilling to let them go. At the heart of the matter is your ego’s ... Views: 1451
The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese text on the nature of existence. According to legend Lao-Tzu wrote this book of wisdom. It has been translated more than any other volume, except for the Bible.
The creative Source of the universe flows around you and through you. Be flexible and open ... Views: 1353
Love can be experienced in all five elements:
We think about love
We act with love
We share the love
We manifest love
We are love
The intention of Love is set in the essence, in the Ether Element.
To set this beautiful intention in the Air Element, you will take some time ... Views: 1055
Ten Quick Tips to Survive Divorce and the Holidays
The holidays can be a rough time for those recently divorced or those facing it soon. With all the emphasis on family get togethers and social gatherings, it can feel like an agonizing and long stretch of time for many.
So, what can you ... Views: 1353
“Give without expectation and receive with reckless abandon.”
― By Colleen Mariotti, Livology: A Global Guide to a Deliberate Life
Enjoy this holiday season and be mindful of the ways in which you give and receive. The quotes abound on this subject. I like the quotes that highlight the ... Views: 1653
The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese text on the nature of existence. According to legend Lao-tzu wrote this book of wisdom. It has been translated more than any other volume, except for the Bible.
The 15th verse of the Tao counsels us: “But the muddiest water clears as it is ... Views: 1655
You might call it “architectural acupuncture.” Feng Shui, when practiced by a skilled professional, balances your surroundings and enhances energy flow. Based on age-old concepts of living in harmony with one’s environment, the goal of Feng Shui is simply to help keep you calm, healthy, and ... Views: 2729
Do you ever have those days when you wake up tired, and no matter what you do, you seem to drag all day? Or perhaps it is already afternoon, and you feel like it is too late to have another cup of coffee, but your energy is dragging. You need an energy boost, but you’re not sure how you can ... Views: 2216
Like the wind and the tides, energy is shifting and moving all of the time.
The sun rotates, planets spin, stars are being born and dying as the Universe itself hurls through space at incomprehensible speeds.
At a micro level, we’re constantly shifting and changing too. We’re generating ... Views: 1502
How many people are missing out on receiving life’s fullest because they are not making the time or at least utilizing the right energy to take advantage of all the resources at their disposal?
It is true that the Internet and Google itself has offered all of us who live today many ... Views: 1929
Are you holding back because you feel vulnerable to revealing your true self? Each one of us is dealing with something and I believe that is why we tend to hold back our honesty and instead put on a mask to hid our true identity.
I feel confident that we are all trying to bring out our ... Views: 1416
Reiki is an established scientific approach to address various ailments and deficiencies. It combines individual and cosmic energies to treat diseases and has long been hailed as an efficacious method of doing away with physical discrepancies. With the passage of time, as everything “Reiki” ... Views: 915
When talking about things one should not be addicted to, we need to weigh the effects of such things first, but before that, we need first to understand the word addiction and what it means.
Addiction itself is a condition that results from the continuous use of a substance or engagement in ... Views: 983
Sea Water Desalination has been around for centuries and started off even before the two world wars. The idea was to use seawater to produce fresh drinking water. For centuries, however, freshwater sources all around the world were being used excessively for household purposes in countries all ... Views: 1061