Robert Simic is The Official Guide to "Life Coach and Life Coaching". You can find complete information on Robert Simic and his products by visiting Robert Simic Coaching Institute.
Here I am going to share with you something that isn't all that new but very relevant when it comes to building a Happy, Successful and Healthy Life
It is not about the "Quantity of Friends" that you are going to have in your life. But the "Quality" by this I don't mean Financial, Professional ... Views: 1600
Executive Coaching
The benefits of having an executive coach help your staff can reflect positively not just in your financial results, but also through your company’s brand and reputation. These leaders provide your company a growth outlook that will benefit everyone. An executive coach can ... Views: 969
As parents, we do everything we can to ensure our kids have a great life and the best future possible. However, today’s rapidly changing world isn’t the same one we grew up in.
Teens nowadays have vast opportunities that didn’t exist when I was growing up. Technology alone has opened up ... Views: 1588
Have you ever just wanted someone really rooting for you to succeed? A star athlete is guided and cheered by his or her coach to greater victory in every competition. When the competition is life itself, however, few of us have someone at our side.
Getting that gold medal for your own life ... Views: 1147
When I started reading business books, one of the genre I picked up was biographies/life stories/success stories of successful people. Gates! Jobs! Buffet! But not all of us can be those people; nor will our circumstances be the same as theirs when they were able to achieve phenomenal ... Views: 1436
I have to say that, in the past, the above sentences were not even up for discussion.
Everybody (or almost everybody) were more then willing to “spread their wings, in a manner of speaking; and thus, unleash their voices and their spirits. Of course, to unleash the voice/spirit is easier said ... Views: 1251
As a wellness coach to CEOs, entrepreneurs and companies around the country I know I can only be effective if I walk my talk. Seriously would you ever hire, trust, or follow the guidance of a wellness coach that shows up smelling like French fries, has bags under their eyes and sporting a ... Views: 1504
Life Coaching in Service of Wellness
By Coaches 4 Success, Inc
Wellness is the foundation for living optimally. Without wellness, it is difficult to enjoy a good quality of life or to pursue one’s life passion. Life coaching with an emphasis on healthy living can assist clients to ... Views: 1446
Goal Oriented Life Coaching Practice
Coaches 4 Success, Inc
At Coaches 4 Success, (Coaches4Success.Com), we are dedicated to offer our clients life coaching services that can improve the quality of their lives. One way is through goal setting. This collaborative process not only helps ... Views: 1557
The world seems more tense for many of us. With all of the new changes politically, people are voicing their opinions more openly concerning their beliefs. Friends are unfollowing and unfriending others on social media. Folks are worried about their future. It may feel overwhelming at ... Views: 1672
Most of us are seeking for the purpose in life.
We all have bought into this idea that we all should have some purpose in life so that we can attach some meaning to it.
But in the first place, have u given some thought over it that why have we bought into this idea?
Do we really need a ... Views: 1409
Making a lot of money as a certified life coach is possible if you just put your mind to it. The trouble is, most people seem to think that becoming a coach is easy and takes little or no effort. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, a career as a life coach can take a huge amount ... Views: 1845
How often have we found that life hasn't been fair to us? We find it extremely stressful interacting and transacting with people around us. The situations and circumstances that we are left to deal with are the most difficult ones. We feel trapped in this never ending cycle of agony, and don't ... Views: 1058
Proficient preparing at the work environment is unequivocally contextualized and depends on applying hypothetical information in complex working circumstances met at work,, on the prompt exhibit of applying the limit in solid working circumstances of some acquired acquisitions, on framing the ... Views: 1069
You desire to be a business or life coach? You desire to discover out what sort of things make other coaches struggle-- mistakes that they have already experienced and fallen short simply because of-- due to the fact that you can find out how to prevent those same difficulties that way.
Here ... Views: 1795
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve been having a lovely holiday season. This is the time of year when we reflect upon the past and look forward to the future - 2017. Some of us even create New Year’s resolutions based on how well the last year went. What were the highs and the lows? What did I learn ... Views: 1722
Everyone can say they’re right. Everyone can believe that they’re in the right . . . to defend their beliefs, their land, their way of life.
Yet this thinking doesn’t get us far in terms of the goals of peace and joy and a more Loving world.
So I want to draw attention to the fact that we ... Views: 1443
As you may know, I am big believer in The Love Diet.
This means that I do my very best to consume positive, Loving food and media. I focus on having joyful and peaceful experiences with kind and Loving people. And I stay aware of what I’m thinking, saying and doing in order to strive for my ... Views: 1277
Some people will tell you there’s no such thing . . .
No secret sauce even exists.
And you might’ve heard that “Success leaves clues”. So, in theory, you could follow these clues to victory without much trouble . . .
But if success were easy, everyone would be enjoying their ideal ... Views: 1289
Friendships have an enormous affect on your health and level of success. The people whom you spend your most time, energy and focus on will have a strong influence on not only how you see yourself and also how you see the world. They also influence your self-esteem, attitudes and what level of ... Views: 1482
I’m very happy to announce that my first book in my Stress Management series is finally revised and re-published. It’s a great resource filled with quick tips on how to de-stress and de-clutter your mind.
Mental and emotional clutter can be detrimental to living a happy, productive life. The ... Views: 1668
Stress Management Blueprint 2.0: Design Your Stress Relief Plan is the third book in the Stress Management 2.0 series. It includes detailed stress information and a blueprint to making a supercharged Stress Relief Plan that is personalized by the individual and simple. It’s a great resource ... Views: 1600
Emotional Stress Management 2.0: 40 Tips For Taming Your Turbulent Emotions is the second book in the Stress Management 2.0 series. It includes powerful and effective emotional stress relief strategies that target intense, negative emotions. These techniques are great for coping with and ... Views: 1586
In my last two posts I discussed what does a life coach do and the benefits of coaching. The third typical question I get as a Life Coach is “What happens in a Life Coaching Session?” Each Life Coach has a different process and methodology. I choose to describe a personal coaching session by ... Views: 1377
In my last post I shared What does a Life Coach do? The next question that I get is who benefits from coaching or what are the benefits of coaching?
"Coaching benefits all those who see a gap between where they are and where they want to be and most importantly want to bridge that gap!" ... Views: 1259
There is some degree of confusion today as to what a life coach does. This month I will be sharing with you what a life coach actually does and how everyone can benefit from hiring a life coach. I thought the best way to go about it would be to tackle the 5 most common reactions that we life ... Views: 1239
Most consumers wonder why their FICO credit scores are so different. If you apply for a car loan, your scores will be different than if you are applying for a mortgage. Many people wonder why these scores are so different.
There are many different scoring models available through ... Views: 1359
Personal information
Identifying information is just the basics, such as name, address and social security number.
Look over this information to ensure it’s accurate because it is not unusual for there to be multiple spellings of your name or more than one Social Security Number. Your ... Views: 1557
Dear friend, I believe that life is always giving us turning points big and small—opportunities to change how we see things, change how we go about reaching our goals—especially when the way we’ve been going about it isn’t getting us any closer to the objective.
It can be something as simple ... Views: 1645
It’s all about Cash Flow!.....Most Small Business Owners do not realize that there is a massive amount of financing options currently available for small businesses to help them enhance their cash flow. Business credit is one financing type that works perfect for many businesses.
Here are ... Views: 1438
In the hustle and bustle of life and all that this entails, the act of radical self-care can easily be set aside. Have you ever said 'I haven't got time to meditate', 'I never have a moment to myself', or 'I have so much to do, I'll do it later'?
There have certainly been times in my life ... Views: 1560
If you’re like many of my super intuitive clients who deliver results that are more experiential than “intellectual” (you know who you are!)…
It may be hard to put your process into words (and you probably resist writing sales copy) because “on paper” it doesn’t differ much from your ... Views: 1739
Every major retailer is offering an additional instant discount if you arewilling to apply for their branded credit card.
On the surface, it sounds like a great idea….I buy $100 worth of stuff and they give me an instant 20% off. Twenty bucks and I had to do was apply for a credit card…..This ... Views: 1463
Dear friend, one of my philosophies in life is to give myself the best opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Am I still going to die? Yes! However, it makes a lot of sense to me that while I can, I must give myself the best opportunity to optimize my health which could lead me to saving ... Views: 1966
A life coach has specific, well-defined, and limited roles for their clients. When deciding whether to hire a life coach, it is helpful to know what a life coach does and does not provide, so that you can decide whether a life coach is for you.
What is Provided by Life Coach
A life coach ... Views: 1841
Of course that’s a provocative title. After all, we live in America where we have become anesthetized into believing that we must be ever so careful to avoid holding anyone accountable, answerable or responsible. Rather we prefer to blame a lack of self-esteem, a “bad” childhood, traumatic ... Views: 1883
There are number of ways for someone to promote themselves in today’s world, and one way they can do this is through having their own blog. This will also make it easier for other people to get a deeper understanding of what they have to offer.
If someone doesn’t have their own blog, they ... Views: 2046
Life Coaching has changed my life and I know that it can do the same for others. It gets you back on track, offers you that chance in life to achieve your dreams and ambitions and give you that opportunity to set yourself ‘personal goals’ to keep you motivated and excited about the ... Views: 1950
"So what's the secret for a good marriage?" asked Ellen, 72. She's been single since her early twenties, after divorcing her physically abusive ex-husband.
"Choose wisely and learn what it takes to succeed in marriage," I said instinctively.
Never Too Late for Love
While this ... Views: 1861
One of the more challenging aspects of coaching is getting someone to believe in what I, as a coach, can see as possible for the client. People have a hard time believing how much they can accomplish. As Jim Rohn said, people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they ... Views: 4140
Dear friend, are you looking for a better life? Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting failing grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up for ourselves to ... Views: 1441
Dear friend, if you’ve placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again?
In life, you are always faced with choices. You may opt to have a pessimist’s view and live a ... Views: 1463
If a particular supplier doesn’t show up on your business credit reports, it probably means that they are not reporting your payment history. Not all suppliers and vendors report credit, and some that do, fail to do it consistently.
If you’re building business credit, every bit of positive ... Views: 1542
We were all born to live a successful life. We were all born with divine purpose. We are all born with unique talents and skills which contributes to development of this world. Some people are able to actualize their purpose and fulfill their destiny. Others are destined to recognize the ... Views: 1294
As a business owner and a leader, part of your job is to inspire your employees as well as customers so that you may accomplish your business goals. The reason is that people are likely to follow those who can motivate them to achieve their personal and career goals. Thus, for you to be an ... Views: 1742
Having to work with temperamental people is not easy at all. In fact, being around and having to deal with people who easily lose their cool can take away all the fun in your job! It can also be very intimidating to work with a person like this, and if you're not very careful, you may find ... Views: 2280
Life coaching: When “Friend” meets “Teacher”
Human life has been made ridiculously complicated, yet more exciting. We are in an age when we don’t have time to think about anyone- including ourselves. Let’s be honest. Most of us have made ambitious plans and dreamed of greater success in all ... Views: 1423
Last week, I had the great honor to talk on the tele-seminar “Abundance Reigns” where my topic was about our hungers and desires and how they relate to creating a more fulfilling life. This was a very fun talk and very interesting to prepare because the more I prepared the presentation, the more ... Views: 1634
Have you been jamming content into your program just because you’re afraid that just you being YOU is not “good enough”?
Have you been structuring your delivery format even though it doesn’t put you in the flow, just because others are doing it that way?
Have you been talking about your ... Views: 1335