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Robert Simic is The Official Guide to "Life Coach and Life Coaching". You can find complete information on Robert Simic and his products by visiting Robert Simic Coaching Institute.
Reinforce Your Self-Worth and Esteem Every Time You Use a Password !
What do you type over and over on a daily basis if you use your computer to access email or the web? What allows you access to protected websites, to shop online and to gain entry into your company email from a distance? How ... Views: 1136
You know what you should do, but there is something else that holds you back.
You “should” eat better, you “should” lose weight, you “should” exercise, you “should” start a budget and make more money, and...and...and...think about all the things that run through your head on a daily basis, ... Views: 598
You have probably heard over and over that you need to set goals, I talk about it, and so does everyone else in the coaching and wellness bubble. We also talk about mindset, and some may even tell you to rely on willpower.
Proper goal setting is only one part of achieving your health goals. ... Views: 611
And then I heard it. Far away… a rumble that was getting louder, and louder…
You’ll hear it too if you listen closely enough. It’s a deep inner knowing, it’s a sensation of peace and quiet determination. Nothing can stop it. When you hear it, you know that something has to change but you ... Views: 689
Medical workers, in particular nurses often work in a high-stress environment. There is usually someone’s life at risk, and therefore, they do not care about workplace health and safety. In times of emergency, most of the nurses do not even give workplace health and safety a thought. You ... Views: 1135
ACHNET is an online platform where coaches get students and professionals who are looking for experts to help them make informed decisions to be successful. We are passionate about making an impact and helping people reach their full potential. That’s how we bridge the gap between coaches to ... Views: 619
Have you ever gone through following phases in your life?
When things did not go the way you’d like them to …..
When you felt that it was difficult time of life…..
When you found situations tough to deal with….
When negativity clouded the positive vibes………
I know a lot of people reading ... Views: 635
Individual money is regularly a "numbers amusement." An individual can take a seat with a mini-computer and a bit of paper or with a spreadsheet and experience endless models and thoughts regarding their monetary future and, for by far most of those thoughts, concoct some sensible ends.
For ... Views: 963
In today’s cut-throat competitive world most of the people are suffering from a number of medical and mental issues. The constant pressure to succeed, beat the competitors, rank on top, earn more or to efficiently manage the luxurious and expensive lifestyle along with some personal matters ... Views: 605
Training sets out the establishment of things to come in each understudy's life. With time, the methodology towards the approach and usage identified with the instruction framework has changed to make it increasingly versatile for the understudies. The additional items to the surge of learning ... Views: 618
People-pleasers are at risk in the domains of finance, love, sex, family, and friendship.
How is it that we can manage a successful business but still have a failed personal life? Extending a hand to others after taking care of yourself is how we make the world a better place for our ... Views: 989
Do you think that telling people what to do is faster than offering “in the moment” coaching?
Our numbers say otherwise. Here’s why that miscalculation is likely costing you—and everyone involved—a lot of time.
When you tell people what to do, you train people to use your brain instead of ... Views: 763
Taking Control of Your Own Life: Making the Transition from Punching Bag to Fighter
A fighter who quits can never win. A fighter who stays in the ring may win and will learn from the experience. Wm. Hovey Smith, Author of Create Your Own Job Security.
If you ever played high school ... Views: 853
The standard of living has experienced some drastic changes over the period of time and the introduction of technology have had made work easier but people still get stuck in decision making. They are confused with the voice inside their head and can’t decide what is right or what they must do. ... Views: 638
As a gift for the holidays and for the New Year, I want to give you something I consider far more important than achieving resolutions. When you master successful communication, you have the principal tool for building exceptional relationships.
The dictionary defines communication as “a ... Views: 1356
Informed by over two decades of being in the roles of both therapist and client, and her deep learnings in Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Aware Parenting, Rochelle is also well versed in the somatic and energetic realms through her experiences as a Qoya teacher, Arvigo Therapist and Mayan ... Views: 572
Acknowledging the rapid changes and continues growth in workplace eventually builds pressure on professionals. Dealing with such changes often get difficult at certain point and starts to impact one’s ability to enjoy what they are doing and rather start to prevent them from working ... Views: 1771
Coaching has become an ever-popular strategy to improve the bottom line whether it is for executive, corporate or career perspective. We human beings need little guidance or push at every stage of life, especially when stuck in an uncertain situation and cannot find solution we often look for ... Views: 5564
Human beings hold incomputable power within themselves, but they still require or wish for a little push in every phase of life. There arises some situation in every individual’s life when they look for guidance, support or coaching so that they can achieve the best and move forward to a bright ... Views: 3370
The purpose of this article is to dismantle persistent and popular misconceptions and purposely engineered myths about psychology, psychologists, counselors, and self-help industry current activities performed by its most loud and often well known institutions and representatives.
Since no ... Views: 985
Motivational speaker job is a professional job. Though any individual or group can inspire you but motivating large number of people at once requires a skill which good Motivational Speaker In Delhi and rest of India have. They can address a large number of people at once and deliver a strong ... Views: 580
In today’s hectic world, everyone relies on sharing of information, resulting in greater emphasis on giving good and influencing communication skills. Good verbal and written communication skills are essential for the corporative as well as personal life, as it enables one to deliver and receive ... Views: 712
A human being holds incomputable power within but in every stage of life, they require a little push. In some situation or time in life, every individual needs a little nudge, direction, support, coaching, and guidance to achieve greatest things. To perfectly mold the incomputable power into an ... Views: 742
We know executive coaching is an accepted business tool, we know that everyone from Bill Gates to Eric Schmidt extols its virtues, but is coaching a thing we can grade? What about mentoring too?
Is there a quantifiable process by which we can assess the best coach or mentor for our firm or ... Views: 1458
Let’s start by realizing life is what we make of it. We get to choose what we want as long as we are aware we have that choice. Once we are aware we will always choose what is best for us and never turn back.
Most of us however, live in a world of conditions allowing our lives to be dominated ... Views: 1066
Our brain is an amazing organ. Once believed to be static and hard wired, scientists have now proven otherwise through the study of neuroplasticity. Scientific research has established that our brain is creating new brain cells and forming new connections every day. Our brain is malleable to our ... Views: 1170
The Requirements :
There are a lot of academic organizations that share ultimate life hacks courses, trainings, and workshops to prepare individuals for life coaching. Much of these modern schools are located worldwide. Including the United States of America, the thought of ultimate life ... Views: 761
The world wide web aka the internet is providing some really breath taking platforms to users around the globe and Youtube is one such platform. It has now become the biggest video resource for people looking for advice, health remedy, music, child care, parenting, fun, news, technology, ... Views: 988
“In the beginning, it is difficult letting go.
But as you get into the swing of it,
you will feel lighter and fresher and better able to see what you really need.
That is what I imagine spring cleaning is truly about.”
FYI: (The ... Views: 1283
A No Nonsense approach to Making Decisions. A Self Help Guide to having Backbone and Integrity in all your choices, short term and long term.
Is this decision going to be good for Me? To help Me be successful? How do I make the right choices? What are the effects and the outcomes. Ask ... Views: 1876
I was recently interviewed on Facebook Live by the Rider Fitness – Riding Without Backpain community where I shared about the power of “Imagery” to decrease pain and improve performance. The concept of imagery is so mighty and it is used so successfully by high performing athletes, successful ... Views: 1632
The only constant in life is change I was told many years ago. Change in both your personal and professional life is inevitable and can be energizing or frightening.
Many times, change happens “to you” versus you actively seeking out the change. This can be very stressful and ... Views: 1426
If you think that finding a lawyer is as easy as ordering food from the menu, then you are getting it the wrong way. Searching for your next lawyer that can help you with your misdemeanor case will not be easy even though you have a phone book in your hand that lists the lawyers in the city. The ... Views: 1219
Are you satisfied with yourself? As the person you are right now, do you think you have reached the point where you are living your life to the fullest? Are you tapping on your highest potential right now and can see success right in front of you? If yes, then you are very lucky. If no, then you ... Views: 1513
When I was in sixth grade, I joined my school's cross country team. To this day, I have no idea why. I was short, overweight, and had the vision of a bat. My running accomplishments were less than stellar. I think my only achievement that year was having our top runner lap ... Views: 1183
From time to time people have wondered why reading is important. There seem so many other things to do with one's time. Reading is important for a variety of reasons. We will look at few of reasons in this blog, but it is important to realize that struggling with vital reading skills is not a ... Views: 1271
Three years ago, after a rewarding and successful career as a healthcare executive leading rehabilitation services and hospitals, I shifted my focus to follow my entrepreneurial spirit. Over the years, I had the opportunity to learn from the world’s best in the personal development area—mind, ... Views: 1418
Alexia asked:
“My mother and my grandmother and most of the people I learned life from, never loved themselves. I know I don't want to be like them but the reality is I am! I have changed but not as much as I want. Can you please teach me how to fix this suffering from my wounded self?”
I ... Views: 1255
Mindfulness is a powerful tool that is the perfect tonic to modern day stress and anxiety. But, it goes far beyond that and can be instrumental in helping you improve in a vast range of different ways. Read on for 10 of these many benefits to demonstrate just how transformative mindfulness ... Views: 1950
You probably often ask yourself what you could be doing to make your life more manageable and better balanced. You want to improve your skills and try new things, but you also want to have a good work-life balance and a set routine. All of this comes with practice and from effective goal-setting ... Views: 1472
What amount of time have you spent online today? Of that time, what amount of it was by means of a cell phone like a cell phone or tablet? In case you're similar to a large number of us, it's a great deal.
For what reason Do We Adore Portable To such an extent?
I claim an iPhone 5 and a ... Views: 997
“Dance with Fear. Dance with done. Dance with resistance. Dance with each other. Dance with Art.”
I love to Dance!
Even when I don’t get it “right”.
There is such freedom in dancing to your own funky beat!!
Finding the freedom around your fears can be a little more ... Views: 1437
You’ve probably seen the “corporate values” posted on the wall somewhere of the headquarters of an organization, or on their website perhaps. You might actually read them and think to yourself, those are nice.
It might even give you a bit of a warm-n-fuzzy feel about the work that company is ... Views: 1518
“When you find the thing that makes your heart sing, do more of that. We need more radiant hearts singing their songs of joy, passion and purpose.” #michelemolitor
My Wake-up Call
I woke up in a cold sweat.
And it was the third time this week.
I didn’t think I could take ... Views: 1282
As I sat in church listening to the pastor explain how meaningful names were in the Old Testament, the impact of my past hit me. The pastor used the example of Abram becoming Abraham, Father of Many Nations, yet he held that title for over 25 years before he fathered his son, Isaac.
Imagine ... Views: 1376
By watching only a few minutes of a football game, you'll see dozens of players make hard contact with their opponents as the ball flies from one end of the field to another. Each one of these impacts can create a potential concussion. In fact, concussions are common in the sport of football as ... Views: 998
If you aren’t aware about swimming, it is the high time for you to think about getting them. These lessons have the ability to deliver a variety of benefits to you in the long run. In fact, swimming lessons can even save your life at times. Here is a list of reasons that justify the importance ... Views: 1115
The choice of a career path can be confusing. This could mean having answers to some tough questions. What are you good at? Where are your interests in? What do you think could impact other people? The answers to these will help in coming to terms with what career path you will take.
People ... Views: 1774
I'm here to work with you to create a step by step plan: a dynamic, workable plan enabling you to achieve your dreams.
My guidance as your life coach will make it easier to identify obstacles and explore strategies to overcome them. Once you've identified the obstacles and developed ... Views: 1244
I recently came across this well written LinkedIn post, “Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years” that is extremely fascinating. It is actually based on a Facebook post by Udo Gollub who went April 2016 to the SingularityU Germany Summit in Berlin. Singularity ... Views: 1388