Robert Simic is The Official Guide to "Life Coach and Life Coaching". You can find complete information on Robert Simic and his products by visiting Robert Simic Coaching Institute.
This was the definition of filler and didn't carry out anything. The only great component about this was that it ended immediately.
While international locations internationally remain under rigorous lockdowns amid the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, New Zealand residents had the chance to ... Views: 887
One of the best ways to get through a crisis, (whether it is a personal, professional or even global crisis) is through journaling your thoughts in writing. It helps bring up emotions for clearing. It surfaces creative solutions to the situation you are dealing with. And it serves as a record of ... Views: 885
Coaching is the art of guiding individuals to identifying, crystallizing and then achieving goals and dreams. The Coach helps the individual make positive changes in order to improve their life or to accomplish desired outcomes easier and faster than might otherwise be possible on their own. The ... Views: 891
The human mind is an incredible thing. It is what keeps us conscious, thinking and learning, however for some people it is also the cause of anxiety and worry. Overthinking, worrying and constantly imagining the worst case scenario is a real infliction for people around the world and it is ... Views: 919
Changing the Way You Think About Uncertainty
The Key to Mastering Uncertainty
“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~ John Allen Paulos
It’s 4 a.m. and you’re wide awake, thinking about all the bad things that ... Views: 889
I’ve read many versions of the fable about an eagle who thought he was a chicken and have been unable to find the original source. Dr. Eldon Taylor, author of “Choices and Illusions,” Has an inspiring U-Tube video about the fable that can serve as a “pick-me-up” if you’re having a day when you ... Views: 858
Do you feel overwhelmed by all the negative information currently circulating? Are you living in fear of what will happen next? Would you like to take better control of your own situation and just don’t know how?
We are clearly living in uncertain times right now. The Chinese symbol for ... Views: 773
STRESS KILLS. JOY Heals. Reducing stress is one thing we all strive for, but what really is JOY?
According to, Joy is the emotion of pleasure and happiness. Joy can also be the very thing that delights you. It’s that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and ... Views: 2182
I just had an interesting reframe around goal achievement. Although, I pride myself in being a great goal setter and a really good goal getter too, there is more to goal achievement than the “outcome-based” approach most of us are accustomed to.
Let me explain. I just read an interesting ... Views: 868
A few years ago, I read “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman and shared it with everyone that would listen to me. It was a terrific book about communication in relationships. So, I was thrilled when Gary Chapman and Paul White came out with their book “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the ... Views: 839
I hear people around me often saying things like: "I don't have enough time. Time is an issue for me. My only problem is time… There's just not enough time in my day…" and things like that.
And I'd like to point out what should be obvious and yet, while we all get it on the conscious level, ... Views: 2108
Today, I am bringing you some words of wisdom about true happiness. How do you feel about that title: "Desperate search for something that I know ultimately won't fulfill me"?
Let's play a little game, you and I, shall we? Tell me, What did you want ten years ago?
There's a good chance ... Views: 2124
Are you someone who faces a problem in saying no? Or you think that people do not listen when you speak? If yes, then there is a lack of confidence.
If you are here, you are surely trying to change this scenario. Putting a point and standing up for what you believe in is right, of course. But ... Views: 668
There’s no denying it; we all have anxieties and fears that keep us from being calm within ourselves and therefore affect the way we treat others. This is perfectly normal, what’s important is knowing what to do about it.
The current global situation with coronavirus is a source of anxiety ... Views: 736
Debates over comprehensive tax reform have accelerated as the government faces one of the largest fiscal deficits ever seen in United States history. The bipartisan team established by the president seeking to obtain a comprehensive solution to this deficit is difficult to obtain answers as the ... Views: 544
I find myself saying over and over how we’re in such unprecedented times. In my lifetime, I’ve never dealt with food shortages (except the elusive can of cranberry sauce right before Thanksgiving!). I’ve never dealt with this fear and uncertainty, we’re fearful of the health of our families and ... Views: 612
Technology has made everything easier and way better today. And in as much as there are people who advocate that technology has made things worse, the truth of the matter is that when used well, it is one of the best inventions. Every single day, everyone aims to better themselves; to be a ... Views: 1206
Earn £60 per hour - Part Time Online Work by Beth Shepherd online psychic reader and adviser.
Hello and thank you for deciding to read this, I hope you find it rewarding. For many years I have been helping people with relationship and marriage problems, those who need insight into how to ... Views: 907
Earn £60 an hour helping others from home.
Are you the sort of person that people love to tell their problems to? Are you the sort of person who can see the whole picture and understand why there is a problem and what should be done about it? A good listener? A person who is patient and very ... Views: 829
By the 2020 census, 1.8 million people from Israel are below the poverty line. Hence, one in three families and one in five individuals are intrigues with financial hardships.
It is noteworthy that the numbers of poor are fewer as compared to what they used to be during 2010-13, as per the ... Views: 1087
For somebody with a betting compulsion, the sentiment of betting is proportionate to taking a medication or having a beverage.
Betting conduct adjusts the individual's mind-set and perspective.
As the individual gets used to this inclination, they continue rehashing the conduct, ... Views: 1569
Study, learn, but guard the original naivete´. It has to be within
you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within
the lover.
—HENRI MATISSE, French painter
I have always thought that my formal education was a bust. I disliked most of my classes, not because of the ... Views: 954
Last week we started talking about being more present as it allows you to experience life in a more meaningful and more joyful way. Right now, we are living with an all-time high level of distractions, which is sending people’s stress levels through the roof; and stress robs us of our joy. ... Views: 924
You are a Business owner, Driver, Factory Worker or doing anything anywhere, The only thing you have to take care is safety. And for staying safe and secure you have to get the proper safety education. The best way is to search online articles and blog about safety information or you can get a ... Views: 678
Life made simple to understand.
Real talk on what’s real.
A mindset shift can make the difference that changes your world. You can make the difference that changes the world. We are all searching for our tribe, our family, people who we can love. But before we can find that, we need to find ... Views: 635
For anyone who wants to create more opportunities for themselves as well as a better life, you might want to give life coaching a go. A life coach is there to help clients explore where they are at now, and what their goals are for the future and then how to make changes so that you can get ... Views: 619
Most of the jobs that are in the workforce require that employees have good to excellent communication skills. This allows employees the chance to express themselves in a manner that is clear and positive in written and oral communications.
Communication is considered to be one of the main ... Views: 860
In my last post, I talked about the value of letting go of what no longer serves you. Forgiveness is a biggie in that department.
Are you holding onto past hurts in a way that costs you way too much… energy, joy, freedom? Shorting yourself of the peace and lightness that we’re ALL allowed to ... Views: 994
A life coach is someone who is professionally trained to help others realize their lives’ potentials and achieve their goals. If you’re toying with the idea of treading this noble career path, your intention is definitely in the right place. Not only can it be a lucrative niche, but it’s also a ... Views: 1134
Personal growth can help you achieve many things. Not only can it get you further in your career and endeavors but it can also help get you further with your relationships. Personal growth and development is very important. Below are five simple ideas to help have more personal ... Views: 1611
Does stress get the best of you even though you live in Toronto, one of the best cities to live in the world?
It’s clean and has a lot of beautiful parks where you can enjoy mind-calming walks.
It has a great public transit system and lots of bike roads so that you don’t need to worry ... Views: 809
Online coaching has proven incredibly effective with bringing amazing life change for those seeking it. While online coaching at first had challenges around people's perceptions of whether better results required them to be in the same room, having face-to-face coaching. Many online coaching ... Views: 1178
Just finished an amazing 5 Day Facebook Retreat for Mindful Moms! I loved it so much that I’m going to keep the group going!
If you’re a Mindful Mom, you can send my team a message asking to join at
The framework for the week was P.E.A.C.E. because I ... Views: 1045
Sacred drops falling from the heavens
Renewing earth, cleansing souls...
Water brings life
Water serves growth
Washing away impurities
I bathe in the magnificence of water
The Wisdom of Water
It flows. It goes. It does not resist.
It shows us movement, free and ... Views: 1083
Fall fashion trends are popping up all over the place.
Every season calls for new, fresh looks...
There’s the temptation to get swept up in the wave of want...
That sense that you need what you don’t have...
Which is why it’s important to focus on what you do have.
(Isn’t it ... Views: 904
The traditional economic model gives the power to the market.
Supply and demand.
The producers/manufacturers supply the stuff.
Then the marketing system informs us, the consumers, in order to create demand for the products for sale.
Essentially, we are offered things we may or may ... Views: 928
I recently wrote about my vision for creating Utopia.
If we can imagine an ideal society, I believe we can also bring it into reality.
And then it struck me that the first step in this process is actually starting on a personal level.
Before we can even begin to think about solving ... Views: 1005
I think it’s fantastic that Love gives us such simple, easy-to-use tools.
Smiles, laughter, skipping and dancing...
All ways to bring Love to life!
The focus of today’s Post is another biggie in Love’s toolkit: The hug.
What a beautiful way to create a more Loving world!
What’s ... Views: 982
As Marianne Williamson says,
“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.”
And as Gabby ... Views: 1047
I heard talk today that acted as though the world was done for.
I just don’t believe it one bit.
For every dark act, there are countless acts of Love, courage, faith and friendship.
Of course, it’s the negative event that gains much attention in the mainstream media.
This focus ... Views: 1395
“What I really need is to set goals for myself“ I told my coach at the start of our call “if I knew what I was working towards, I would be able to take action”, I continued.
Within thirty minutes on this call, I was in tears, admitting both to my coach and to myself that what I really needed ... Views: 1048
From one perspective, it may feel like there are a whole lot of pieces to the happiness puzzle.
And the nitty-gritty of the human adventure can manage to get pretty heavy sometimes.
But looking at it from Love’s point of view, everything is just as it should be.
Whatever is going on, ... Views: 1008
Our troubles seem the heaviest when we feel alone.
But the truth is, we are never alone.
We’re all part of the Oneness of Creation. And whatever human suffering we may be experiencing is something that others can relate to.
That’s why it’s vitally important that we seek the support of ... Views: 864
We’re made of energy.
And energy is all around us.
Different frequencies are like different radio stations that we can tune in and listen to.
And when you find yourself receiving vibes that make you feel less than stellar, recognize that it’s time to change the channel.
The Love ... Views: 861
Love is gaining momentum!
There is so much positivity in the world. So many people want to create a future full of Love, Peace, Joy and Prosperity...
And not just for themselves.
But for those they Love and for everyone. Because there’s a growing understanding of our connectedness... ... Views: 781
You are the cause of all your effects.
The results in your life are a reflection of what is going on inside you.
So if you’d like to change things in your life, you’ll actually want to focus on your inner world. Because this is where change begins.
Ask yourself, “What’s my ‘mindscape’ ... Views: 861
This week, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Dr. Wayne Dyer’s audio program, Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong Self-Defeating Thinking Habits.
In it, Dr. Dyer walks you through a process of increasing your awareness and examining your beliefs so that you can experience the positive change ... Views: 839
I asked the family what The Love Post ought to be about tonight...
And my five year old said, “Love supports you all the time. It’s in your body.”
Wise young lady, don’t you think?
I asked how Love helps us, and she said, “Love your body. Love yourself and Love others.”
And when I ... Views: 786
Are you here with me now?
How mindful are you of each moment?
And how aware are you of the infinite possibilities that each moment offers?
I’ve been reading a book called, est: Playing the Game* The New Way (*The Game of Life) by Carl Frederick.
It’s been a ... Views: 735
So I made a mistake.
It seemed like a good idea at the time...
I decided to “Change things up” at the Love Post.
Several months ago, I thought re-focusing on creating other content would provide more value to you, my reader.
And I’m working on some exciting stuff that I’ll be sharing ... Views: 731