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Many of us have a dream of working abroad, but in most cases, this turns into reality when they are in their 30s or 40s already. The idea of working abroad in your early 20s may not sound interesting for you now, but it should be. There are many things you can get from this experience that can ... Views: 1411
There are only a few people who have known how to use the incredible power of online networking in their search for jobs and career development; networking sites can make your work very easy. There is no a completely new way of making new contacts when in search for jobs, thanks to online ... Views: 725
A glazier is an artisan using glass as his medium. He or she selects, cuts, installs, replaces, and removes residential, commercial, and artistic glass. Glaziers also install aluminum storefront frames and entrances, glass handrails and balustrades, shower enclosures, curtain wall framing and ... Views: 1057
For a long time the best way of making new business contacts was walking with a wallet half filled with business cards that you could hand over to the next person you met; not anymore, all you need today is to master the art of business social networking. There are professional business ... Views: 788
The references that you include in your resume when applying for a job that you really want are so valuable. Putting a name of a reference who cannot be reached can definitely cost you the job you’re trying to get. As a matter of fact, most hiring managers use the provided references as a basis ... Views: 1371
There are few fields that are more rewarding than health. Healthy people usually live longer and are happier in general. Health encompasses far more than the medical field, which is a great choice for health enthusiasts, but might not be the best choice for those who prefer to do things the ... Views: 2449
For many of us today, “work” is no longer a “place”. It isn’t an office or an organization, but it is the freedom to explore our professional competence in a dynamically changing environment, where we have the liberty to choose from hundreds of projects and clients. Yes, Freelancing is the ... Views: 1142
Your network is your net worth, this is one of the most thrown around phrases when you are in college. What does this statement even mean??
Has there ever been a time when you needed a favor done for you and you knew exactly the person who could guidance and help? You told them that you ... Views: 1456
1) Spice it up (add color)
For a quick fix, start by adding some color to your résumé you will stand out, but not only that, you can also take control of where the reader is looking. Their eye will tend to follow the bold color so you can use it to highlight your strong points like relevant job ... Views: 1089
Besides using a resume that is full of grammar mistakes and typos, the easiest way to not be considered for a job is saying silly things during an interview. Sadly, no matter how important it is for a job seeker to present himself in the best possible manner during an interview, so many job ... Views: 1358
If you are searching for a job wisely, you must have done a lot of research about cover letters, resumes, job interviews, and almost everything that has to do with effective job searching. Whether you are looking for Vancouver jobs or one from your local area, you should take advantage also of ... Views: 1282
Finding the right person to create your résumé can be a tricky process. It’s important to know the facts about résumé writing before you make your decision. Below are 7 secrets for making the right hire.
1. Be willing to pay more for a better résumé.
If you call up a résumé writer and ask ... Views: 933
If they didn’t notice you before...
Here is the entire secret weapon in just one phrase: To turn your resume into a secret weapon that cracks the job search code, make it appealing – magnetically appealing.
The key is your resume has to be ... Views: 1233
What’s your New Year Resolution? Finding a new job! Then you are at right place.
It’s great if you’re in I.T field as this New Year will be more pleasant and exciting for you. Nearly 19 percent of US IT companies are planning to hire pros at the beginning of 2015 as per Technology Trend Report ... Views: 966
Home Job: Wonderful Way to Earn Money
Doing Home job guaranties fixed income over a period of time and is boon for the small time entrepreneurs. Although, the advantages are numerous, an individual should select the topic according to one’s requirements and specifications. There are many ... Views: 718
To keep up your business or site safe from any sort of burglary, damage, or vandalism, you need guards that can handle the rigors of keeping up with the fast paced Los Angeles life. At Allied Nationwide Security, you can expect have a whole host of highly trained professionals, with us you can ... Views: 1342
The idea of working abroad gets butterflies in the stomach! It is a mixed feeling of an excitement to see a new location and nervousness at the same time to work in an unfamiliar country. However, you can turn your experience of the job search and working in a foreign location into a pleasant ... Views: 1240
A typical job search has likely found you wondering why there are not more positions available. Yet, the reality is that there are many more jobs; they are just hidden. That is correct, hidden. There is a hidden job market that is just waiting for you to find, crack in, and start your dream ... Views: 1048
Job searching can be a difficult process, especially for older professionals who are over the age of 50. While employers cannot legally discriminate based on age, if you are not branding yourself appropriately for your age, it will be difficult for you to secure the job you are looking ... Views: 951
You have been busy perfecting your resume, practicing your resume skills, researching opportunities, and completing all other aspects of the job search. Yet, you cannot forget one of the most important parts of the job search, your references. Once hiring managers begin to contact your ... Views: 974
Times are changing! It is obvious all around you that the world is continually evolving, and the job market is not exempt from this evolution. Changes in the economy and the development of new technology have leaked their way into the methodologies employers use to recruit and hire new ... Views: 961
Finding jobs in the Middle Eastern countries has been an unknown arena and is picking a new pace due to the larger opportunities of jobs. Jobs in the Middle East countries are in high demand by various sectors of people. Jobs in countries like Dubai, Bahrain, Saud-Arabia, etc. are highly sought ... Views: 1189
People choose careers for various reasons, from making a lot of money to fulfilling a childhood dream. If you dream of a career that improves the lives of others, here are four great ones to consider.
Teachers have the unique ability to touch the lives of children when they are at ... Views: 2392
Happiness… this is what you want, what I want, and what everyone else wants. Interestingly, while we all want to attain happiness in our lives, so many of us are clueless as to how they could be happy in their lives. Perhaps this is because it is too easy to take for granted what we have right ... Views: 1090
Colleges and universities provide many different types of jobs. Many people look into teaching jobs at colleges and universities; however, there are many other types of jobs that can be found at schools across the country. Jobs in student development, administration, student affairs, resource ... Views: 1151
Employment rates are better this year, which means fresh graduate are expected to have better opportunities of securing a job. I wonder though, how many will take their internship seriously? How many will show up expecting three easy months of coffee-fetching and copy-making work?
A research ... Views: 6924
After years of deployment, rigid schedules and working within the military’s structure, the difference in environment and job description between civilian and military work can be overwhelming.
Despite the uncertainty it brings, many veterans look forward to working in the corporate world, ... Views: 5511
As a stay-at-home mom, updating your resume is perhaps the most overwhelming task you’ll need to do after deciding to rejoin the workforce.
I know it’s a bit overwhelming and ironic to some extent, considering you’ve done well raising your kids – updating your resume should be a piece of ... Views: 6021
Are you looking for a career that leaves you time to spend with your family? Are you the kind of person who loves learning new things? Do you hate staying in one place? Consider pursuing one of these five flexible and fulfilling career options.
1. Writing
Are you a competent writer with a ... Views: 1135
In light of the fifth anniversary of the Great Recession (and subsequent slow recovery), it’s worth taking a look at how you might avoid possible career detriment in the future. As history has taught us, the economy will continue to ebb and flow, so taking steps to solidify your ... Views: 1239
You rarely hear someone exclaim, “I found the listing on a job board, sent in my resume and got the offer!” when vying for a competitive position or prestigious internship. It’s challenging to land a sought-after internship gig. The pool of ambitious collegiate hopefuls is ... Views: 1383
A recent New York Times article states that “a growing share of recent college graduates are having to settle for jobs that do not require a college degree, and they are earning less than their peers as a result.”
Statistics show that the employment status of college graduates under age 25 is ... Views: 6599
If you are currently job-hunting, you probably want to use every possible advantage to help you land the perfect job. In addition to brushing up your resume, it can also be helpful to utilize some of the principles of feng shui. Here are a few helpful tips you can use to enhance your career and ... Views: 2765
If you’re unemployed and over 40, it can feel like a “double whammy” of trouble for you in the job search, but it doesn’t have to be a negative.
First of all, unemployment is a temporary status that you are going to change. Don’t be ashamed of that. Many people (especially right now) face ... Views: 3059
Why is it that nearly every job seeker puts ten times the energy and effort into the job search than what they get back in return? To speak in business terms (and running your job search should be treated like a business), where’s the return-on-investment (ROI)?
Hope is not enough.
You hope ... Views: 3399