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Lucid dreaming is the realization that someone is having a dream and can control it to a certain degree. It is not always as the dreamer wants because of psychological and other outside factors that influence the outcome. Lucid dreamers have this type of dream from practice and experience. You ... Views: 963
Do you like to people watch? Have you ever looked up and saw a bird flying through the air and wondered what the view was like from up there? If you could see what would you observe? What is it about people that you like to watch?
Every single person in this world sees the world as they ... Views: 1184
According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one in 25 individuals is a sociopath.
A sociopath is someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They’re often very charming and will look you in the eye and smile, be your friend, then later when you’re not ... Views: 3438
When my old computer died I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. I dropped it off hoping that it would be healed. Next thing I was told my files were retrievable, but the computer had had it. Then I got this computer. We are starting to bond and I am getting used to the hair trigger keys ... Views: 1048
When my old computer died I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. I dropped it off hoping that it would be healed. Next thing I was told my files were retrievable, but the computer had had it. Then I got this computer. We are starting to bond and I am getting used to the hair trigger keys ... Views: 1129
I often tell folks to connect with nature, but what does that mean and how do you make such a connection? For me, connecting with nature is a wonderful experience in Oneness, time when I can focus on being One with All That Is, and through that Oneness, feeling the energy moving around me and ... Views: 1160
No matter what you may think about psychics or the world of the paranormal or unexplainable, there are people who are so relaxing in both mind and body that they have the power to channel the unknown by communicating with the deceased or be clairvoyant enough to receive information about your ... Views: 7248
I have learned to rely on my intuition for everything in my life: relationships, the direction my career is taking and even which Chinese restaurant I should choose to order my dinner. Although some decisions I rely on my intuition for seems trivial, silly even, it’s crucial for the correct path ... Views: 2338
“What does your gut tell you?” It’s often a question we are asked when we are struggling to make a decision. If you are anything like me (or my former self anyway), decision making is not your strong suit. Even on the simplest things, where the choice seemed obvious, I just couldn’t commit to ... Views: 1346
In this series of posts titled Using Your Psychic Abilities I am sharing personal stories about the power trusting your intuition.
Using your psychic abilities - trusting your intuition is about knowing that we are all intuitive. With intention, inner silence, listening, trusting and ... Views: 1523
In my personal journey to Self Realization, I discovered the Rainbow Road to Divine Perfection. It is the energy system called the chakras. The chakras are spinning vortexes of energy located just in front of the spine from the tailbone to the top of the head. They are a map of our inner world, ... Views: 2851
I’ve been asked why I named my book beyond intellect instead of unleash the power of your intuition. That’s a fair question, so I thought I’d try to answer it.
We live in a task-oriented, skill-based society. After the question, “What is your name?” is answered; the next question is usually, ... Views: 1885
What we commonly refer to as our "sixth sense" goes by many different names: gut feeling, inner voice, instinct, intuition, subconscious. Regardless of which term you prefer to use, this sixth sense is not some magical or mystical power that only a few people are blessed enough to possess; ... Views: 1611
June 2011 is a 10/1 universal month in a universal 4 year and June is the 6th month of the year. With all these numbers in the equation, we have the opportunity to expand, manifest and begin a brand new cycle (the 10/1), to build and commit to our goals (the 4) and to experience personal growth ... Views: 1340
Imagine waking up one day and knowing the exact day your Grandfather would pass away. It raised a question for me as, within the dream, he told me that we choose a time we are to be born and a time we are to die. He further explained that he could actually change the date of his death. He was ... Views: 1305
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
Helen Keller
Tuning in to our intuition or inner wisdom helps us develop a more spiritually conscious and integrated relationship with ourselves. We all have sensitivities that ... Views: 1191
Intuitive decision making is the way of the future. Intuitive decision making is direct knowing without conscious reasoning. The mind is a wonderful tool for analyzing. Our intuition is a wonderful tool for knowing. In the natural evolution of man we move from instinct to ... Views: 1541
Through the quickening and awaken astral centre of the spine, the subtle Kundaline often call the Serpent Force rises up through the body bringing the individual to a state of conscious of Knowing. This Knowing is achieved by communication with the soul. It is by achieving and understanding the ... Views: 1407
The nature of the human being is LOVE. We spend an amazing amount of time trying to find it outside ourselves. I have most of my life been living my own personal myth. I now know this personal myth is an aspect coming and resulting from beliefs that I have accepted about me. Could personal myth ... Views: 1211
The concept of Christ consciousness is now becoming more and more into the main stream of self-development work. To try to define this concept would be foolish, but for those of you who are ready to explore, THE NEXT STEP is yours.
The loving voice of Christ consciousness awakens in us the ... Views: 1402
We are in the progress of awakening to the new reality of our true being. The light is beginning to break upon us from within where the inner teacher is announcing a new consciousness while at the same time preparing us for a paradigm shift.
Paradigms are powerful ... Views: 872
Knowledge alone is not enough to be able to create happiness. It is but the foundation to build on .The Christ life is our goal which I know will bring about blessedness for all. The Christ life is an inner maturity which is attained by absolute knowing. So as you journey on ... Views: 950
Sometimes, life smiles on you. It’s the kind of thing that nourishes hope. And then, life turns. And, well – you deal with it.
Upon my return from Germany and settling the affairs of my late father, I retained a lawyer—with more money I did not have—to fight the eviction notice I’d received ... Views: 2857
The illness or loss of a parent is one of the true tests of our dignity, our sense of self. On every European trip, my first stop was to see my father. We had always been very close. This time, we spent two days together before I left for Munich to continue with my trip before heading to Milan ... Views: 3461
I like to call the openness to non-conceptual reality ‘intuitive logic’ or ‘intuitive reason’ since the term is an oxymoron and a paradox that can explain everything or nothing depending on whether you have erected a conceptual fence to stand on.
Intuition and logic/reason tend to be placed ... Views: 4807
Belinda: You often distinguish between thoughts, feelings, and intuition in your classes. Let’s talk about feelings first.
I see many people using feelings as their main criteria for making major life decisions and relationship decisions. They’ll talk about their feelings as if they’re the ... Views: 1954
Some years ago I wrote a book on visualization, including practical knowledge of how to understand and harmonize with Universal Law. When the book was complete, there was a final and crucial missing element: a title. I did not have a title I was satisfied with. I had lots of ideas jotted ... Views: 2318
“I feel there are two people inside me - me and my intuition. If I go against her, she'll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.” – Kim Basinger,Actress
What if that annoying little voice inside of you was right?
What if that feeling that something was wrong ... Views: 1454
Throughout my entire life, I have experienced every doubt, every torment, every inner struggle with all the difficult decision that one has to make to enjoy the wisdom that I presently have. It was a journey of self discovery. In a way, I choose to experience in my soul all ... Views: 903
What comes to your mind when you think of “taking care of yourself?” Pause a moment and really think about it… Is it a long vacation by the beach? Endless massages? A full month at a restorative spa? Perhaps you imagine you can do that when you retire. Most of us think of taking time out of ... Views: 1531
Outsourcing Virtual assistant and Call centers continue to multiply in the many developing countries such as Philippines, China and India. This is on of the best examples of Business Process Outsourcing Providers (BPO) or recruitment companies that provides outsource recruitment services to ... Views: 1694
Products and services focused on their business operations. BPO providers more popular his customers came from their third-party operations have become with doing. Further offshore outsourcing and BPO industry are classified into local or outsourcing on edge. In this country, where the ... Views: 1103
Data processing services-
To get proper information in specific and require data format and process your data which can be understand by people.
In the most of BPO (business process outsourcing) companies, converting your data (information) into right data format which is known as data ... Views: 3419
In order to get the most out of your next (or first) psychic reading, it’s important to focus your intentions. Spending some time on these five steps will help you to have a better, more positive experience.
1. Why do you want a reading?
This may seem like a silly question, but people have ... Views: 2035
If you want to get your body in shape, you have to work out to get the desired results, right? The same goes for your intuitive “muscle”. You’ve got to practice and ‘work out’ in order to improve your intuitive skills, much like you need to practice and work out to improve the shape your ... Views: 1337
The vector images are not made up of dots as the JPEG or BMP images. This makes it easier to scale the images larger or smaller size without compromising on the quality. The edges keep smooth and clean when blown up. They can be ideal for using in logos which takes up different sizes. Vector ... Views: 933
The psychologist Carl Jung was once asked if he believed in God. He responded I don’t just believe, I know. Intuitives often feel the same way, many of you as readers don’t just believe it exists, you know it does. Intuition is just another sense like seeing, ... Views: 1219
Whether your realize it or not, you are born on this Earth with your spirit guides already selected. You chose your guides before you incarnated on this Earth, and they lovingly volunteered to become your spirit guides during your incarnation here in this lifetime.
Your Primary Spirit ... Views: 3433
As a psychiatrist, I believe that dreams provide extraordinary insights into improving your health, relationships, and career. I consult my dreams for all important decisions using a technique which I describe in “Emotional Freedom” and below. You'd be surprised at the invaluable advice that ... Views: 1989
Our world is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen that many people are addicted to the adrenaline rush of anxiety, known as “the fight or flight response” and don’t know how to diffuse it. An example of this is obsessively watching the news about natural disasters, ... Views: 2856
“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.” Richard Bach
Finding my daughter’s birth family is by far the most touching and life altering story I have yet to relay. It is nothing short of a miracle and testimony to ... Views: 3329
Intuition is the wisdom from within from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings whether we are aware of it or not. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and ... Views: 879
There is quite a significant difference linking clairvoyance and mediumship, although they both belong to the involvement of the parapsychology, they evoke diverse scope of participation or association. For clairvoyance refers to the capacity of obtaining knowledge about a thing, individual, ... Views: 1548
The Fool is the first card of the Tarot deck and probably the most controversial of all. In the Rider Waite deck (the most popular amongst beginners), The Fool depicts a traveler dressed in colorful (almost clown-like) clothes standing at the edge of the cliff with his eyes closed. He holds a ... Views: 6374
Your intuition is unlimited. God speaks to you through the inner voice or intuition. In the silence you can hear the guidance when you still the mind.
God is unlimited, therefore your intuition is unlimited. You are a child of Goddess who has access to spirit's wisdom. Your higher power ... Views: 733
I could write a book about how I managed to survive a divorce, or sharing my husband with another woman, losing my home to foreclosure, or how I was still able to smile while sleeping in my car because of homelessness. I could use the cost of ink to smear the painful experiences of yesterday all ... Views: 1787
The perceived “storm” for some might be visible outside of oneself when one reads the paper, searches the world wide web, looks at the “news” or has a conversation with family and friends.
While, some of ‘US’ might become fixated on the outer self reflection; others are looking for stable ... Views: 1344
I thank God that when I address how God has spoken to me I am not talking about something that happened just yesterday.
In fact it is something that has followed me my entire life. There is not enough room in one article to cover it and even my book “An American Prophet and His Message’ ... Views: 1060
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The Dance of the Dragonfly - by Suzanne Rose Lubkowski, Certified Intuitive Life and Wellness Coach, Empowering Serenity
The Dance of the Dragonfly
This summer has brought a new creature into my life that has brought a deeper meaning to me. That creature is the dragonfly. In the early part of the summer my kids called me out to see this amazing large dragonfly in our garden. It was so beautiful and later I ... Views: 2252