We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Integrity". If you have expertise in Integrity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
At age 14 I was a willowy little thing with long blonde hair and braces. Not yet old enough to drive, I was grown-up enough to ride the bus from our town of Gresham, Oregon to downtown Portland for my orthodontist appointments. I liked going to Portland - it made me feel worldly and mature. On ... Views: 2236
What drives you to succeed as a creative person? Is it the dream of fame, wealth and recognition? Is the thought of seeing your name up in lights what propels you out of bed in the morning? Having such a strong and clear goal is a definite motivator and, if you work hard and pay your dues, you ... Views: 4019
This posting, written by my colleague and collaborator Julie van Amerongen, celebrates Authenticity as a core principle of Working for Good.
Authenticity is certainly worth cultivating. Like happiness, profits, and other such things, it tends to be the result of focusing on other things, rather ... Views: 1164
Determining what should be your business practices and how you set policies is something that we need be very careful of. We should approach our research and advice we follow with a little extra caution and with an objective eye.
As we look at what is happening in the global economy, we can ... Views: 1459
You know why I can’t afford to steal? Because whatever I think I might be getting away with, it will come back on me ten times, and not in a positive way. Karmic payback is one tough woman and I don’t want to mess with her. No matter how trivial something maybe the consequences of stealing be ... Views: 1617
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, integrity means to have a “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.” My Oxford American Dictionary defines it as “honesty, incorruptibility.” From these two simple definitions, it is obvious that one of the highest ... Views: 2242
There is a tremendous focus on HIV/AIDS these days, yet there is a different strain that is causing much more chaos, affects many more people and is a disease of even greater irresponsibility.
It is Acquired Integrity Deficiency Syndrome.
You get this when you see what you can get away with, ... Views: 1821
"This above all; to thine own self be true." - William Shakespeare
What is integrity?
What does it mean to be in integrity?
If you look up the word "integrity" in the dictionary you will learn that it comes from the Latin word, "integer" which means "whole". Integrity is an unreduced or ... Views: 1532
There are several possible triggers of stress in the office, but the most common are ethical issues inherent with workplace stress. Stress has been one of the basic part of life, wherein people are constantly subjected to pressure of meeting demands.
Researchers have recognized and identified ... Views: 4284
Integrity starts from within. If we are to have integrity in every day life, we must first master it within our minds. Each and every day, we wake up and begin the day long process of running thoughts, conversations and questions in our minds. In total, it’s been estimated that we have 65,000 ... Views: 3880
Integrity is a value, like persistence, courage, and industriousness. Even more than that, it is the value that guarantees all the other values. You are a good person to the degree to which you live your life consistently with the highest values that you espouse. Integrity is the quality that ... Views: 7886
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it hundreds of times “Leadership is not any one method taught by an instructor. Leadership is developed from within with the support and guidance of an expert.” As a Leadership Coach I challenge people already in leadership roles, to reflect on integrity. That’s ... Views: 2882
The word integrity cropped up in at least a half a dozen angel readings this week. Anytime I hear a message repeated multiple times, I pay strict attention for I know this is a hallmark of angelic communication. According to Webster's Dictionary, integrity means:
1. The state or quality of ... Views: 3266
“The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.” -Proverbs 12:22, New International Version
In the past several years, we have seen the devastating effects of dishonest business leaders at Enron, WorldCom, Xerox, Qwest, Tyco, ImClone, Anderson, and others. They ... Views: 1564
Just when the low-rent McCain-Palin tactics against Obama have disgusted me to the point of helping decide my vote, Obama's supporters are hammering McCain over an absolutely harmless comment he made during last night's debate.
In discussing an energy bill backed by Bush-Cheney which McCain ... Views: 1016
Discern between accepting and settling. Accept what you cannot change, but never settle for anything below your standards.
When you settle for less than your standards, you allow yourself to lose integrity and you lose a piece of yourself every time. Simple math tells you that the more you’re ... Views: 2203
1. Base your business in the Magic Triangle. Honesty, integrity, and quality are the three sides of the Magic Triangle of business success. Create the kind of company that stands for something more than the bottom line, and your bottom line will increase.
2. Stop worrying about market share. ... Views: 1390
Over-Managed and Under-Led
Former head of the Strategic Air Command, General Jack Chain, continually emphasized, “You lead people and manage things.” Yet how often do leaders confuse or abuse this principle, with the all-too-common result being that such leaders wind up treating ... Views: 5108
A powerful exercise is to look at what and how we blame. The faults we find in others are often indicators of what we need to look at in ourselves. If we are willing, we can use what we are upset about as a reflection to help us identify and own some aspect of ourselves that we are denying or ... Views: 1990
Some people call this place and space perfect in a non-perfectionist way. This is your perfect path!
Let's visit the barometer metaphor: A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. This pressure change helps weather forecasters to predict what weather conditions might be ... Views: 2499
Coming from a crazy family where people’s minds changed like the weather, I adopted the policy of being true to my word no matter what. Even if the time came and I didn’t feel like doing whatever I had agreed to, I kept my word and showed. I always wanted people to feel like they ... Views: 2460
Integrity is commonly associated with ethics and morality, which are “mental constructs.” As such, no one ever (from Plato to George W. Bush) has agreed upon on a common definition of “ethics”, “morality” OR “integrity”.
Politicians and ministers preach about it. If you were to press ... Views: 1611
Integrity First. It's core value #1 of the U.S. Air Force... embraced by our leadership, taught in our training programs, and a symbol of the commitment and character of the men and women serving our country.
I learned a valuable lesson about the true meaning of integrity after only serving ... Views: 1255
A while back browsing thru blogs, I bumped in to one where the blogger was questioning whether noble emotions still reside in the hearts of men. I had the answer to her question but, did not want to take the time for it. Today, I'm going to share my view on the matter, in hopes that it may serve ... Views: 1877
People ask our opinions all the time. If you are a leader or manager, you are asked and expected to give honest feedback on performance to your employees and collegues. Providing feedback can make us feel vulnerable.
There is a hidden dynamic that is usually in play. When providing ... Views: 1435
The question on the table today is.. How good is Y O U R word?
Do you follow through with what you tell people you will do?
When you say “ I’ll call you next week”, do you?
When you say “Let’s get together soon”, do you mean it or are you just saying it to be CORDIAL?
In business, when you ... Views: 2491
"By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascents to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descents below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master."
-As A Man ... Views: 3859
Written by Sandy Dumont
“Expertise is of more importance to a successful career, while ethics is of the least significance.” This was the feedback of a study group at a well-known American university. This group recently completed a nationwide survey of university graduate program directors ... Views: 1594
Before I started writing, coaching and performing my juggling gig, I ran in the home business/MLM world. It was great. Exciting. Loved it. Did pretty well too. I still get my residual check years after walking away from the business.
There were lots of dead bodies on the side of that ... Views: 1220
Any one who cares for the environment is busy changing life-long habits. Thinking twice before driving, getting a Prius or other hybrid, changing all the light bulbs, maybe rethinking their own energy use and going for solar, and buying organic. I totally applaud their commitment. The bad news ... Views: 2123
Like me many people committed to supporting the fair trade industry aren't aware of the ethical issues around cotton production. Issues such as land use, irrigation, exploitation of workers and the use of pesticides. Conventional cotton is literally destroying the environment and affecting the ... Views: 8091
You might think that it's a no-brainer why one should live an honest life. But it's apparent to me that a life of integrity is the exception rather than the rule. How many people do you know who are honest all the time?
We could make a case about the morality and the "rightness" of living ... Views: 1689
In the quest for achieving greater competitiveness and market share businesses use all sorts of strategies to win and defeat their competitors. These approaches may be classified into two categories. The first category is based on ethical practices. This include using innovation, better ... Views: 6564
I well remember as a young bank clerk sitting at my desk one morning. Around me were the sounds of hustle and bustle of a busy office – people were sipping their coffee (in those days it was instant!) opening the mail (ah, for the days before email!) and telling of the events of last ... Views: 1297
Integrity in Leadership - Wisdom
Integrity in Leadership - Wisdom
By Louis Jordan
Using quotes from famous leaders, politicians or athletes has become part and parcel of business communications.
Try getting through a sales seminar, self-help book or sales kick-off meeting without being ... Views: 1843
Do you know anybody that you feel is particularly engaging and lively? Take a moment to picture that person in your mind. What is it about that person that you find most attractive? He or she may have a charming voice and a great laugh, but it is also very likely that you find their face very ... Views: 2934