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Are you in a losing battle with time? Do you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Are you always running late or just making it under the wire without a moment to spare?
The time issue is a struggle for many. Rather than criticizing yourself or blaming your responsibilities for ... Views: 2643
Two of the issues I often hear from my clients are: what’s the process for figuring out what values I feel accurately reflect what’s most important to me, and how can I pass them along to my children in a way that will make them more powerful?
Our values define our character—the code of ... Views: 2130
Take a moment right now to think of a few foods you particularly disliked when you were younger but now enjoy as an adult. For me there was brussel sprouts, broccoli, spinach and eggplant. As a child I was required to eat these foods because they were “good for me.” I certainly would not have ... Views: 1887
I have a habit of saying “yes” to adventures. Then I have to deal with what I got myself into…
Last week I said yes to being a “journalist” at a super-exclusive conference in Los Angeles, where I was invited to interview some of the most outrageously successful innovators on the planet–people ... Views: 2144
We live in a society that has a real need for a background best check We have become extremely high-tech, and along with that technology has come the ability of anyone or any type of persons to represent themselves to others as almost anything they wish.
An example of this is the almost ... Views: 1894
“You are the noblest, the gentlest and the best man who has ever come here,” said the jailer to Socrates. The jailer had guarded Socrates for a month following his trial. A jury of 501 men found Socrates guilty of corrupting youth by teaching them to question everything and to think for ... Views: 3048
Imagine you could…
do what brings you the greatest joy,
be with the people you love,
and use your natural talents and gifts.
That’s exactly what happens when you live in accordance with your personal values!
1. When you honor your values you are honoring yourself. There is a flow, ... Views: 5269
The people who we surround ourselves with have a strong gravitational pull on our lives. We tend to act like they act and do things like they do things. I have heard several people say, over the years, that they started smoking because they were hanging out with people who smoked. I know ... Views: 1818
There is a strange phenomenon that occurs every day in the business world. In fact it’s so ‘out there,’ that I bet people don’t even realize that they are doing it. Did you ever CAREFULLY listen to people’s voicemails. How CREDIBLE are they? Do people know that they are not following through on ... Views: 2144
One of the most valuable aspects of taking on and completing the 30-day challenge is becoming aware of your tendencies- realizing where and how you tend to get stopped. Let me share with you one of mine. I tend to have an “all or nothing” mentality. If I can’t do something full on, why bother? ... Views: 2150
The "Imposter Syndrome" is when a person feels they don't deserve a title or identity because they are not the best in their field, or because they feel they lack some form of credential, whether the credential is necessary or not. They are the kind of people who say they are an artist ... Views: 2026
It’s important for Building Companies to look at the building process as a whole when assessing the environmental impact of new builds in the UK. In recent years the focus in the building and construction industry have shifted to a more environmentally sensitive approach. Often the way in which ... Views: 1952
The founders of Google have a motto, "Don't be evil." There are people who have good intentions, and want to make a lot of money. But there are also people with bad intentions that want to make a lot of money. The latter are the people being evil.
When I was in college, I ran into a high ... Views: 1916
Thank you for your interest in submitting an article to SelfGrowth.com. Our mission is to provide great content for our readers, while at the same time helping our authors gain exposure.
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Ideal articles are between 500-1,500 well-written words, are relevant to ... Views: 1651
Many people in Western countries have a very comfortable life with all the necessities that anyone can ask for, yet they are unfulfilled and dissatisfied. The normal course of action is to find a new job or relationship. It does not take long until another change is required since that is not ... Views: 1877
Don’t get me wrong, Make a Difference Day is an incredible opportunity for people to consciously do great things, but really? A DAY? How about we shoot for creating a Make a Difference LIFE? Every one of us! Imagine what we could accomplish.
Each morning you have the opportunity to make a ... Views: 1540
The word selfish has all kind of associations, however I’m sure one of the images that comes to mind for most of us, is of the person who only thinks about themselves and is extremely self centred. This person only seems to think about what is in it for them and how it will benefit their own ... Views: 7821
I ran into an old friend of mine, Brian, at a nearby bookstore, and we immediately went through the pleasantries of finding out what the other had been up to. Brian started telling me about how he and his wife were struggling financially, but that he was hopeful about a new business venture he ... Views: 1547
Have you been experiencing that lately that people are always late to always late for meetings? That's the law of attraction in action; somehow you haven't been true to your own values.
It's never about the other people really; it's about us being firm and clear about what we want and staying ... Views: 2884
I have an associate who introduces himself in the following manner: "I'm Jack. I'm a photographer, a massage therapist, and I'm also a programmer." His business card actually says all three titles as well. Talk about having a multiple identity crisis. Jack is hoping that the person he is ... Views: 2178
In an earlier article, we explained how web hosting reviews identify web hosting companies by the services they offer. So if a web host offers ASP technology, they say it’s an ASP hosting company. With that in mind, in this two-part series we’ve laid out many of the most common types of web ... Views: 1408
In an age when people discuss the real meaning of truth and authenticity, it is often very difficult to establish what the truth is. We live in a time when it seems that money can buy you what you want, including the ability to dupe the people you are trying to convince to use your products so ... Views: 1706
According to the framers of the Constitution one of the original intentions of ordaining that revered document was to insure domestic tranquility. The term was used in the preamble to the Constitution and has never been used to adjudicate any constitutional questions.
In this moment in time, ... Views: 1451
Any company who follows certain rules and discipline will be able to withstand the competition and obviously it can value its deliverables. Such companies receive the respect also, as they complete their task in time. If they do not follow such discipline, certainly they will start collapsing. ... Views: 1122
As America’s unemployment rate stays stuck at the 9% level, one of my highest priorities is working toward policies that get Americans back to work. This country has a long history which proves that Government stimulus programs may create jobs for the short term but that high paying jobs that ... Views: 1430
One of the ways to use subtle mind tactics and the power of the human emotive matrix is to increase your credibility and this article will tell you how you can do this within the first few moments of meeting someone. The tricks of the trade are actually being used quite subconsciously by people ... Views: 1171
Never talk to strangers—that’s our parent’s warning during our childhood days for us to avoid bad people. But when you become adult, you are left with your own view and opinion of things whether this thing, people or event is bad for you. We can never predict what future is set for us but we can ... Views: 4975
There are many cheaters in our world nowadays. They maybe enjoying the current scenario but in the end they will have their fate unfold also.
My classmate in high school is always on top of the list in the class. I admire her and look up to her because she seems to have the grasp of all the ... Views: 1812
Old beliefs, personal prejudice and dogmatic traditions can often get in the way of progress our personal lives, in business, and even in the creative arts. Since today is Hank Aaron’s birthday (February 5, 1934), it only seems appropriate to take a look at baseball history to understand the ... Views: 1492
We often remember the people who symbolize a movement, but forget all the people who came beforehand to create that movement. We remember the dates, but forget all the events that lead up to that moment to make that moment possible. These historical figures weren’t just in the right place at the ... Views: 2175
If you thinking of putting a business website online, you are surely going to need good website design services? There are many to consider it a better option to design their own website by using website templates. But, read the many benefits of hiring a professional Web Design India before you ... Views: 1158
Networking is an important element in any business or career. Networking could help you meet that person who could elevate your career to the next level. In this article I will address seven principles to successful networking. I call them the seven P’s.
1. Be Professional: (The bible ... Views: 1623
Are you ready to tap into a brand new, limitless flow of empowering opportunities that will powerfully pave the way for pure joy, incredible wealth, and phenomenal success in your life? In actuality, there is nothing outside of you ... Views: 1511
The famous Ansel Adams photograph, “Maroon Bells” (1964), is possibly one of the most replicated photographs among nature photographers. Run a Google images search on “Maroon Bells” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Walk into any art store in Colorado, and you will find at least a dozen ... Views: 1508
A few years ago, British Rail had a real fall off in business. Looking for marketing answers, they went searching for a new advertising agency – one that could deliver an Ad campaign that would bring their customers back.
When the British Rail Executives went to the ... Views: 1013
Business Ethics: Most of us have faced a crossroad in our working career where we might be tempted to choose reward over righteousness. Perhaps we’ve let blind ambition cloud our vision and we failed to see how one little step in the wrong direction can ultimately lead to us running on the wrong ... Views: 2042
“To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness,”
Confucius, Chinese teacher, philosopher and political theorist.
According to Confucius, simply listening to an evil plan is not profitable. It could lead the listener down a wrong path. Why? Spreading rapidly is not ... Views: 1057
There is so much competition on the internet that it has become more difficult than ever to be able to attract the attention of your target audience. However, it is also important that you retain their interest in your business. Thus, it is crucial that you attract their attention in the right ... Views: 1325
Second Chances shows you how to make better first choices. It is one of those rare books that effectively bridges the gap between personal accountability and business success. Read it. Heed it. Apply its lessons.
Randy G. Pennington
Author of Results Rule! Build a Culture that Blows the ... Views: 1562
More times than not, my posts (as a business ethics speaker) relate to ethical choices or fraud prevention. But for a brief break I stumbled across something that caught my attention and raised a question that is worth asking. But, before we get to the question, let’s look at where we are ... Views: 1330
Doing presentations on business ethics and fraud prevention, every presentation I begin starts with the statement – “Every choice has a consequence!” No where is this more painfully obvious then the very public unfolding of the consequences begun many years ago by Bernie Madoff.
Two years to ... Views: 2538
I was in a convenience store near my home in Fountain Hills, Arizona. I noticed a young girl waiting patiently. She was maybe 12 years old, with dark long hair. In this girl, I saw great qualities and specifically, energy flow. I saw appreciation, respect and patience. (She was cute.) She looked ... Views: 1514
I was in a convenience store near my home in Fountain Hills, Arizona. I noticed a young girl waiting patiently. She was maybe 12 years old, with dark long hair. In this girl, I saw great qualities and specifically, energy flow. I saw appreciation, respect and patience. (She was cute.) She looked ... Views: 1514
We live in a world of judgment. When we talk about judgment it’s not just judgment of other people but also judgment of ourselves, sometimes even the harsh judgment of ourselves.
An example of this was brought home to me profoundly on a course I attended some time ago. We were asked to say a ... Views: 1457
I take an oath to you. What exactly does an oath mean? It is a solemn promise to fulfill a pledge and it usually involves invoking a witness. There all types of people in all different professions that take an oath.
Some people don’t need to take an oath. They live every single day as if the ... Views: 2015
We all know what an apology is. It is an expression of remorse and guilt because of what you said or done to someone that caused him pain, hurt his feelings, or turned him down. How many times have you said something that caused pain to someone? It happens so often that when we are angry, ... Views: 5098
Many are mourning the death of Elizabeth Edwards. I would like to share some thoughts of my own about why we are gripped by her life's story.
I believe Elizabeth Edwards embodies two archetypes: the mother and the hero. I will focus on the hero archetype believing it is the more prominent. ... Views: 2140
Small business have their own requirements and in order to satisfy those requirements you need to design websites in customized way. Here template based design will not work. In first step you should collect the needs of the business from the owner of the business. Ask questions until you ... Views: 969
Can love be real without sincerity? Most would agree that sincerity is what makes love what it is. Genuine love is true. And it is true love that we all want. We want to know we are sincerely loved for who we are. We want to know that it is with sincere motives that those who love us say and do ... Views: 5165
Authentic :
1. Of undisputed origin; genuine.
2. Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief
We hear this term so often in this world of ours as we become increasingly aware of the need to know ourselves and achieve life balance. How can you tell if some-one ... Views: 1359