We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Human Development". If you have expertise in Human Development and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
It's a well established fact that getting and staying fit is best for you. While we live in this body we may as well live in it feeling good and looking good. Not many people will argue with that. There is, however, one problem. Getting fit is not the most exciting thing in the world and so it ... Views: 6592
One blissful, unforgettable moment- the birth of a baby! We imagine all mothers praying for a healthy, normal, physically perfect baby. Most of us cannot imagine any mother not doing everything possible to ensure her baby is as healthy as possible.
This is a real world where problems and ... Views: 1519
Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop her own individuality – especially while you struggle to keep your own.
The Mother’s Almanac (1975)
Mothering Matters
It is a marvel how new mothers ... Views: 1672
“Just Do It”?
An old friend and her husband have a six year old son who was diagnosed with “moderate to severe” ADHD. Recently I was sharing with them my experience with my own children’s development. We commiserated over the notion that as far as attention spans are concerned, they can ... Views: 2327
Have you any idea if the dental practitioner can be giving you good quality proper care? Are you uncertain regarding who's most qualified to look after the teeth? These are typically essential issues which everybody has to look at when searching for a new Houston dentist. The knowledge your ... Views: 1402
Americans hear tragic stories every day involving guns! However, we must discuss community change if we are going to stop violent behavior! Government, police, schools and nonprofit groups work to reduce violence with educational programs on child abuse, bullying, drug abuse, domestic violence ... Views: 1883
The urge to travel is an intrinsic part of being a human. As a species, we have always endeavored to explore new horizons and discover what is beyond our reach to understand the unknown and to comprehend the seemingly unperceivable. We have walked across deserts, climbed mountains, and sent ... Views: 1821
Children do not come into this world able to care of themselves. In the beginning they are dependent upon their parents for everything, but gradually they learn to wash, dress and feed themselves. Typically, a child will master daily self-care skills with relative ease. Many are self-motivated ... Views: 2464
Are there Urban Myths That Block M-o-n-e-y From Your Life?
• 1 “Aw quit it, I know you believe it, and mean well, but what I say out loud or hear in my head are “white-noise”, just meaningless chatter. My words are powerless, and so am I.”
• 2. When I said that to my mother, I was convinced ... Views: 1488
Have you ever noticed a child on a playground fall down and skin their knee? Often times they will look up stunned, searching the scene for their parent or caretaker and only when their parent is within sight does the child begins to cry. A good parent will scoop up the child in their arms, ... Views: 2676
Be Authentic, Be Inspirational! That is quite a challenge, and two completely different attributes that in their own right are worthy of attainment. Tara Wilken would like to suggest that both attributes are conjoined twins. History has maybe suggested that she is right and that we have been ... Views: 1628
Do you wish to gain height faster, by not having to eat growth pills that aren't so much helpful? Certainly, that's not difficult, though you are required to apply extra time for this way, but still you will positively have the achievements that you wish. Here you'll get some tips to grow taller ... Views: 4035
CREDIT SUDHAAR celebrates Credit Health Week; First credit card charge was made on February 8, 1950
Introduces Free CREDIT HEALTH Score Estimator; Announces one free counseling session
• CREDIT SUDHAAR enables users to reach a close estimate of their Credit Score free of cost
• One free ... Views: 1400
If you've ever thought to yourself "is this hypnosis product a good product?" you're not alone. I've asked myself this question many times.
When someone decides to learn Hypnosis they usually jump on google and quickly become overwhelmed with all of the information out there. What should be ... Views: 2480
According to the Old Mutual Actuaries and Consultants 2010 Healthcare Survey employer respondents gave the importance of controlling healthcare costs an 88% rating. This is understandable given the risk of bankruptcy from healthcare costs, a reality borne out in an article by Target News ... Views: 1466
Do you have a child that is asthmatic or that suffers from eczema? Might be what you are feeding him or her! According to Yahoo! Shine, in an article posted on 1-14-13, the results of a recent study has confirmed that the more your kids are fed fast food the more they are susceptible too dealing ... Views: 1694
The key to achieving success in life is to have a goal setting template that you stick to methodically. It sounds easy to stick to right? Well, what’s easy to do is sometimes easy not to do. It’s only early days in 2013 and a new year is ahead of us all. It’s a time where a lot of people begin ... Views: 1679
Social anxiety is a form of anxiety that may leave someone inept to socialize within the public. This may occur for a variety of reasons, but understanding what it is and how it effects you, will in-time give you the ability to overcome it. This article explains what social anxiety is, how it ... Views: 1830
What’s wrong with New Year’s resolutions? Is it because the word “resolution” has become associated with superficial, lofty goals that fade almost as quickly as our hangover from the New Year’s Eve celebration? Or could it be that there is simply no time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s to do ... Views: 1550
Managing a company is a very daunting task. It involves management at different levels where the varied departments have to be managed , where each department has to be worked upon with the same interest and view always. Right from the administration which involves keeping the company top notch ... Views: 2282
In general, many workers are under a lot of stress. They often need to meet deadlines, multitask, and work with others who are not very cooperative. These pressures may lead to chronic stress. As a result of chronic stress; people are more susceptible to developing diseases, miss work, and ... Views: 2042
One of our residents came to me a couple of years ago on behalf of her nineteen-year-old son, who had shown up the night before quite unexpectedly.
She had not seen him in months. He had hiked for about ten miles and had waited for hours for her to return from work. He was unemployed, had ... Views: 1424
MahaManan: The excellent –incomparable system of
essential education for true & universal
Human Development
Welcome to our ‘MahaManan Kendra’ ( MahaManan education center). We think, customary (formal) academic (school – college etc.) education is not sufficient for true development of ... Views: 1768
By Tom Hinton
In 2007, I made a major transition. I stopped going to work. While I still had a job, employees to supervise and a business to manage, I made the strategic decision that I was going to regain control of my life and make time for the things I enjoy! To do this, I started working ... Views: 1633
You’re going for a workout—this means you’re going to sweat, it’s going to be tough, and you’re going to get sore. But that’s why it’s called a workout. Your dedication to your workout routine says a lot about yourself. It shows how well you stick to your goals. This doesn’t mean that you have ... Views: 1166
How Could this Change the World for ALL of Us?
A few years ago I caught part of a major network news program on genius children and their's and their parent's experiences with public schools pressuring them to place these children on Ritalin. Some of the parents being interviewed had found ... Views: 2379
“Remind yourself that loving words and loving thoughts seem to be supercharged with power to produce good.”
---Catherine Ponder
How would you like to have words that turn your subconscious mind on like a light switch to create more of what you want? This ... Views: 10806
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes the loss of protein and mineral content including calcium, magnesium and phosphorus from the bones. The loss of bone density results in weak and brittle bones which can fracture when exposed to trauma. The definition of osteoporosis literally means ... Views: 1362
I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest
burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am
completely at your command. Half the things you do you might just as
well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly, correctly.
I ... Views: 1634
I have discovered that my true passion is to help people feel comfortable in their own skin. Over the years I have been coaching, and more than a decade of my own personal growth, I keep on coming back to self-acceptance. Within the journey, throughout the process, over the peaks and along the ... Views: 1778
Personal development is always considered to be a broad topic and it can encompass anything that will help you to get transformed as a complete person. It means to live up to your expectations and be the best in whatever you do. It requires the right kind of attitude and passion to become ... Views: 3961
For any organization, it is important to ensure that the welfare of employees is given importance. However, HR is not a revenue generating department, due to which many businesses do not give it value. Many companies tend to think that HR is an unnecessary burden.
Human Resources California ... Views: 1439
I have always enjoyed therapy with couples. It is stimulating, interactive work and can create dramatic change quickly. By strengthening a couples' communication pattern, you not only help them to improve their relationship, but help them to learn more about themselves and what drives their ... Views: 2080
I stood in amazement as I watched the 33-year old Nigerian athlete, Yakubu Adesokan, break the world record in the ongoing 2012 London Paralympics in the 48 category by lifting 178kg, which is over three times his body weight. What astonished me most was that he achieved what his able-bodied ... Views: 1843
he birth of the idea for Dare to Grow Up was germi- nated by a conclusion I came to after thirty years of private practice as a psychological healer: nearly all of my clients are significantly confused about living with effective boundar- ies. This boundary disorientation transcends ... Views: 1759
A qwirky study out of the Netherlands indicates that the posture of a person can change the way they make decisions. In researching studies on the brain I came across this research and it definitely seemed strange, and interesting.
Researchers at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam have found ... Views: 2012
Getting Intelligent
Sexual intelligence gives people a glimpse through the doorway to their own power. When people come to our TantraNova workshops they arrive with clear intentions of things they want to work on, of what they want to change or improve on or expand into. With the work we do, ... Views: 2304
A friend of mine is the mother of four, grandmother of three, and jokingly told me that if she had one wish it was to put children entering puberty into a machine, in suspended animation, until they were mature - all the while feeding them a nutritious diet, giving them therapeutic exercise so ... Views: 2268
As our young children expand up to become teens, they undergo a change that manifests itself both physically as well as emotionally. These teenagers start to develop their personal qualities and also begin to establish the kind of person they are visiting be when they attain the adult years. But ... Views: 1810
I was in my late 30’s, at the height of my performing career, but my body felt like I was ready for the junk heap. My back hurt almost all the time. I was going to the chiropractor, massage therapist and acupuncturist just to be able to keep getting on the stage. I was convinced that I had ... Views: 1719
I think that effective communication is among the most important skill needed for relationships to function well. Learning effective communication skills helps couples to learn to talk politely, to better understand each other, to care for one another, to help each ... Views: 1464
Breastfeeding is highly recommended by doctors to mother’s who has a kid because of the many benefits that breastfeeding offers. You have probably heard that it is even recommended to breastfeed until your kids reach the age of two. This is why if you have problems giving your babies breastmilk, ... Views: 2036
When women buy Levonelle online, they are provided with all the relevant information they need about taking it by the UK registered doctors who issue online pharmacy prescriptions. However, female patients are additionally offered further advice and instructions that extend beyond the actual ... Views: 2598
Fat burners are the diet pills for those who have little or no time for doing physical activity. It is a simple fact that diet and exercise controls weight but where is the time to exercise. Dieting is not a problem because it is associated with eating habits but exercise requires devotion. If ... Views: 1228
Last article, we talked about the key things that set the stage for excellent time management. The amount of time we have is a constant in our lives and will never change. Our energy level is the other key factor that determines how well we will respond to the demands of each day. Are you often ... Views: 1885
So, what is this Linear Periodization I speak of? Well this, is your best friend when it comes to gain unbelievable strength! The basic idea of Linear Periodization is that you will lift extra weight each week and you will lower the amount of repititions you must do every 2 weeks. But this ... Views: 2171
Using the proper form is a very important factor of muscle growth and strength gain. However, probably 70-80% of the people training in the gym don't always use proper form! I cannot stress enough how important using proper form is for each and every one of your exercises. Yes, it is a pain ... Views: 1876
You may have been searching vigorously for a workout program to change your whole body and fast. Thanks to this article you have found the best program to masses build muscle and quick. What is this system called? This system is called German Volume Training!
All types of weight lifters have ... Views: 1630