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It never ceases to amaze me how much control over one’s health most people GIVE up. In reality, you have more control over your health than you may realize.
In a recent conversation with a nutritionist, the discussion of overweight and obesity issues in the adult population turned into a ... Views: 872
Recently, I hosted a 21 Day Plant Based Eating Challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to eat 100% whole food, plant-based as much as possible over the next 21 days. When you commit to this 100%, you will be amazed at the results.
For those new to eating plant based, this is a great way ... Views: 1074
It’s amazing how quickly people give up on their vision for a healthier lifestyle. Avoid this happening to you by committing 100% to the 21 Day Challenge.
This is where it all begins. Day One. And this is where a lot of people think about starting fresh with a challenge like this, but by noon ... Views: 949
One of the greatest benefits of transitioning from the SAD – Standard American Diet to a intentional plant-based eating protocol is the consciousness that comes with making this type of change.
Keep in mind, this is NOT about being on a diet. Plant based eating is about a way of life that ... Views: 607
Unless one is 100% committed, it doesn’t take much to derail from a plant-based eating protocol based on what they perceive as judgment from others. Until you are well-established in this way of eating and living, be aware of what is likely to happen.
For example, when someone new to this ... Views: 691
It’s one thing to eat plant-based and another to have lots of variety in the flavors of the foods you enjoy. It may seem like there’s not a lot of variety in the flavor of your meals, yet, with the right ingredients you can really spice things up.
Here are just a few choices to spice things ... Views: 604
Today we are going to talk about something most people dare not discuss; POOP!
Yep! I said it. Poop.
Although something we all do, we either joke about it or don’t discuss it at all. Bad pops are no laughing matter. Actually, they can be a sign of very bad health.
Regular bowel ... Views: 905
Have you ever watched a puppy play? Their energy is nonstop. Or, what about a child out on the playground. They go and go and go.
One of the greatest benefits for those who go from the SAD – Standard American Diet – to a 100% WFPB – whole food, plant based – diet is ENERGY. Boundless ... Views: 606
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) about 75 million American adults (29%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 American adults.
And according to many experts, the numbers are on the rise.
Virtually anyone, including children, can develop high blood pressure. ... Views: 550
Food cravings are one of the main reasons people find it hard to start, and stick with, a plant-based eating protocol.
Yet, if you can make it through the first few days, most people find the unhealthy cravings disappear to be replaced by healthy cravings.
As one member of the Plant Based ... Views: 830
In the time I’ve been a WFPB (whole food plant based) eater I’ve heard a cross-section of people give various definitions of what this is. Everything from absolutely no animal or dairy products to a little in moderation to eat as much as you want of animal products as long as you have plants in ... Views: 554
The greatest challenge for many people on a plant-based diet is evaluating all the misinformation about things that are NOT healthy; like oil. Yet, despite the evidence, many people continue to pour what they assume to be healthy oils on the salads, beans, potatoes and other healthy foods thus ... Views: 559
“You’re eating too many carbs. You need more protein. You won’t be able to sustain yourself,” come the warnings from the uninformed.
Often the warnings come from friends and family who are overweight, unhealthy, dealing with various all-too-common diseases. Those who consume foods that are ... Views: 636
For anyone who is overweight and possibly obese… you didn’t get fat and unhealthy in a week so what makes you expect to lose all your excess weight and feel great in a week?
This thought came to me as I was watching one of my favorite plant-based leaders, Dr. Michael Greger, talking about his ... Views: 812
“I’m diabetic,” my friend informed me after his doctor visit.
“What type? 1 or 2?” I inquired.
“Type 2. My doctor told me to lose weight and change my diet, but I’m not sure I can do that,” my friend said matter-of-factually. “I feel like I’m drowning in this.
“Why?” I wondered aloud. ... Views: 690
Can food cause strokes? According to many leading authorities the answer is a resounding YES! Are all strokes caused by what we eat? Absolutely not!
However, the more you adhere to a plant-based diet, the more you minimize your risk of food induced strokes.
According to Parkwood Heights ... Views: 667
In the time I’ve been working with clients on intuitive eating, I’ve heard just about every buzzword there is for the latest and greatest diet. The problem is this; diets usually don’t work.
Well, in the short term they might, but long-term, most diets are not sustainable. And many are ... Views: 628
People gain an average of five to seven pounds over the winter months, a fact blamed on everything from holiday sweets, drinks, and comfort foods to cold weather and Seasonal Affective Disorder. But if we start healthy daily practices now we can feel better and weather the winter months ... Views: 1038
Ask any Thai food lover and they would agree that fried rice made in the Thai style is one of the best dishes anyone can eat. You can add any curries of your choice and can watch it give you that perfect meal each time.
While different people have a different outlook towards cooking fried ... Views: 385
Many gum diseases can be caused by bad oral hygiene. The services provided by Hyde Park Dental will restore the health of your gums by diagnosing and treating numerous dental health problems.
Everybody should know that the health of their gums is as important as their teeth health. Usually, gum ... Views: 423
During road trips, many people prefer to buy food and snacks from gas stations. This way you don’t have to worry about what meal you should pack and where you would put it in the vehicle. You can always search the Best Takeaway Pizza Near Me to feed your belly. But this idea is not as good ... Views: 553
Sambar, kuzambu and kootu are the famous dishes in south Indian cuisine. Many of us have a misconception in our minds that there is no difference between these recipes. But after reading this post you will clearly differentiate each other.
Indian dishes are ancient one comes with great flavor ... Views: 870
The Holiday Season is one in which we all indulge ourselves in over-abundance. Especially, when it comes to food. Food has become a central part of our get togethers and parties around the holidays, so it is important that we remember to ... Views: 645
9 Quick and Healthy College Breakfast Ideas
Start your morning off right! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Students need the energy to help them throughout their studies for the rest of the day. Enjoying a healthy breakfast in the morning will also keep your blood sugar levels ... Views: 611
An increasing number of people use hemp oil to address some health problems or support general wellbeing, but despite its ever-growing popularity, there is a lot to learn about this oil. What is hemp oil and what benefits one can expect? You’ll find out below.
What is hemp oil?
Hemp oil is ... Views: 608
I’m delighted to share this guest post by Dianne Rishikof, a registered dietician and licensed nutritionist, where she shares her extensive knowledge on the connection between anxiety and gut health. I first read Dianne’s incredible book, “Health Takes Guts: Your Comprehensive Guide to ... Views: 807
Diarrhoea is a condition, which is characterized by abnormally loose or watery stools. If a person passes 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than it is said to be abnormal and we can say, the individual is suffering from Diarrhoea. Nowadays, it is one of the most common ... Views: 780
Your intentions might be noble, but there are certain ‘bad habits’ which keep us from accomplishing our fitness goals. Although these habits may not look as menacing as some of the other practices, they are certainly sneaky and take you down in the most unexpected way. No amount of success with ... Views: 725
Do you know that sobriety is trending right now? If you haven’t noticed anything like that, then next time when you go to the bar, make sure to heed that people are sipping more on water and mocktails than alcohol, which is becoming more usual than ever. It is because they have finally come to ... Views: 828
Do you know how we feel about our teeth can affect our self-confidence? In fact, new studies show that more than a third of adults are unhappy about the way their teeth look and this has affected their mental well-being.
Having bad teeth can cause someone meeting you for the first time to ... Views: 533
"Who has time to cook? I'll just hit the drive-thru." If you’re like most of us, the day-to-day business of life can have you slipping into this mindset — but if you eat out more than once per week, you spend too much on food. And worse, you do your health a disservice.
Meal planning doesn't ... Views: 608
Most allergy testing for asthma focuses on inhaled allergens like pollen, mold, pet dander and dust, but he notes an overlap with foods that can cause attacks. Common food allergens can trigger an attack include animal products--especially dairy and eggs that can stimulate mucus production and ... Views: 905
Many people want to improve their eating habits and overall lifestyle. This could include exercising more or improving eating habits, usually to lose weight or to build up muscles. People also see benefits from taking supplements, or starting a keto lifestyle, to have extra energy during the ... Views: 634
Chocolate can be consumed without fear for the line, provided you follow a few rules.
Should we deprive ourselves of chocolate for fear of the line? Probably not. Two studies, one conducted in adults and the other in adolescents, are reassuring.
Chocolate and line
The first survey , ... Views: 793
Your body is what you eat! Out of various parameters responsible for your fitness, diet obviously plays a major role. It is a well-known fact that diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity can be triggered due to wrong dietary patterns along with other guiding factors. ... Views: 722
Do you know what turmeric is and why turmeric is so healthy?"? Is it just a hype or does it actually have benefits that matter? Today we will tell you why it is so healthy, how you use it and which turmeric dishes and drinks you should definitely taste!
What is turmeric?
Turmeric is a ... Views: 476
Technology, medicine, and many other sciences develop rapidly. This is how we know now what is good for our health, even besides food and lifestyle choices. One of those things you want to add to your nutrition is spirulina. And if you haven't heard about it, here is a little guide on what it ... Views: 968
Many argue that appearances do not matter, but the way we look greatly impacts our quality of life and vise versa. According to RiverMend Health, 71% of Americans surveyed reported feeling unhappy about their bodies at one point. Most of the dissatisfaction derives from social media and social ... Views: 629
What Vitamins Should You Be Taking?
What Are Vitamins
An organic molecule that is needed by organisms for a proper functioning metabolism is called a vitamin. Vitamins are ... Views: 1090
According to the WHO, to satisfy our daily need for vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to consume 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
However, it seems to become increasingly difficult to introduce these foods into meals or snacks, especially outside the home, where the food choices ... Views: 864
Having several natural benefits, Magnesium is considered to be a fundamental nutrient of the human body. From regulating the blood sugar levels to maintaining muscle function and brain activities, it helps in all critical mechanism of the body. Clearly, a little or more deficiency of the ... Views: 526
Toor dal is one of the healthiest choices for healthy food to keep your body healthy and fit.
Now, the question may be raised that how it is suitable for all age of the group. Because the nutrient level required is changed according to the specified age group.
The children, teen and ... Views: 562
Chemicals, additives and certain foods are all designed for triggering. Chemicals mediators published by the immune system are designed for making an assortment of symptoms and body reactions.
Avoiding foods that produce reactions is assume to eliminate or at least somewhat improve symptoms ... Views: 605
Jerky, one of my favorite treats and snack. It is known as Sukuti in Nepal (meaning thin and dried, and is also used as a mock to refer to thin people). We didn't have dehydrators at that time so Sukuti (dried meat) was prepared by hanging the thinly sliced meat on top of the woodfire ... Views: 645
It’s seemingly unavoidable. Sugar sneaks its manner into our device via well-known sources like chocolate chip cookies, ice cream sandwiches and sprinkled donuts. But our cravings for sweets are also fueled through much less apparent ingredients together with flavored yogurt, crackers and ... Views: 459
Okay, so you have finally decided to lose some weight. Great!
Losing weight and keeping it off over the long term is trickier. With a little research, healthy diet, workout routine, and lifestyle choices can help you reach your weight loss targets. Since there are many weight loss diet plans ... Views: 619
Americans have a lot of weird views about health, and society often teaches us that if we aren’t completely overhauling our life, then we might as well not even bother. But getting healthy is not an all-or-nothing solution. You can make changes to your life without drinking kale smoothies all ... Views: 672
How would you explain ‘’Health’’? When you hear the word ‘’Health’’ what comes in your mind? Is it a state of the whole physical, mental, and social prosperity? Do you think the absence of illness represents health? Or is it an asset for daily existence, as opposed to the goal of living?
It ... Views: 721
Cocaine is a drug, and that is what many people know about it. There is a lot more we all want to know about cocaine but do not have an idea about it. In this post, we'll answer some questions with regards to cocaine, and we hope it will solve your doubts and help you think twice before you use ... Views: 769
You like fancy cold brew coffee, but in the traditional way it takes no less than 24 hours. Cold brew is made with cold water and coffee. Due to the low temperature, it takes a very long time to release its taste to the water. The rule is: the colder the water, the longer the extraction time. ... Views: 544