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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Habits". If you have expertise in Habits and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Image is everything when you are a celebrity. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of commitment, dedication, and good work to build up a positive brand, but it only takes a few hours to demolish one completely, all thanks to the internet.
Looking at the likes of Taylor Swift, Christiano Ronaldo, ... Views: 759
It feels like yesterday when I held Yati in my hands for the first time with the tears of joy and happiness in my eyes. I always wanted a girl child and so my husband. It was the best day of my life and surely an unforgettable moment cherish for life. I never thought I will be known as the mom ... Views: 900
It feels like yesterday when I held Yati in my hands for the first time with the tears of joy and happiness in my eyes. I always wanted a girl child and so my husband. It was the best day of my life and surely an unforgettable moment cherish for life. I never thought I will be known as the mom ... Views: 549
It feels like yesterday when I held Yati in my hands for the first time with the tears of joy and happiness in my eyes. I always wanted a girl child and so my husband. It was the best day of my life and surely an unforgettable moment cherish for life. I never thought I will be known as the mom ... Views: 577
Love is the energy that created all material things. As you strive to feel more Love every day, it’s important to recognize how your stuff affects your energy.
While you’re in your human form, your spiritual self is connected to your physical self. That’s why taking care of your stuff is one ... Views: 610
First and foremost, don't be afraid to make mistakes. In fact, make sure that you do make mistakes. Confused yet? Let me explain.
There's no guarantee that you'll always excel at every single thing you do from the first time you try. If anything, chances are you'll fail a few times and ... Views: 619
Being an office employee often comes with a price. Leading a sedentary lifestyle, following the dresscode, or having to deal with workplace toxicity – lots of attributes of an office job are so far from being perfect. But for many employees, daily commuting is one of their most tedious ... Views: 946
At some point, we’ve all had to miss work for one reason or another. And while it’s less of an issue if your job permits a certain degree of flexibility, things get a lot more complicated when you work full time with a strictly defined schedule. Your manager will want to know the reason why you ... Views: 722
The Pomodoro technique has proven to be an efficient way to stay organized and productive. It is based on natural body cycles and helps build the work processes harmonically into your daily routine. In short, the technique prescribes to divide the work process into 25-minute work sprints ... Views: 1095
A lot of people have a habit of drinking alcohol on every small occasion; some of them celebrate this happiness daily and become an alcohol addict. With time it becomes difficult to get rid of alcohol as the brain tends to send signals for more alcohol, which are the early signs of ... Views: 691
No matter what people believe you are you can exceed their expectations and emerge a winner. Always be positive and look at the glass half full and then success will become your second nature.
These are some ways in which you can become the best person even if others do not believe in you: ... Views: 657
Getting out of bed in the morning means starting your day off right. Waking up early allows you to take on your tasks head-on. Unless you're stuck to your bed.
Spending one-third of your day sleeping is enough. Don’t get stuck in bed any longer.
Many people find that ... Views: 1554
If you've spent any time looking into getting better habits to live a better more successful life, chances are you have come across morning habits. The idea behind morning habits is that your morning can dictate the rest of your day, so make sure you start it right. There is a ton of advice ... Views: 622
I have a confession to make. Not many people know this about me, but I am a data geek. There, I’ve said it. I’m a data geek.
Ahhhh, that felt good to get that out.
My primary focus with gathering and analyzing data has to do with food, health and nutrition and energy. Recently, I read ... Views: 722
Have you ever watched the commercial where there’s a group of good-looking friends out for dinner and the really good-looking guy has an upset stomach from what he ate? Rather than addressing the cause, the guy talks about how he popped a little pill and the problem is gone.
He smiles, ... Views: 728
At the point when the administration finishes its survey of the betting part in the coming weeks, a clampdown on fixed chances wagering terminals (FOBTs) appears to be on the cards. Named the "rocks of betting" for enabling punters to wager stakes of up to £100 in amusements like roulette and ... Views: 750
Change won’t happen without change. Simple truth, but one many people lose sight of.
Health issues abound, getting worse by the day. Obesity is on the rise, limiting the day-to-day activities of those who are bound by unhealthy weight.
Disease is out of control with more people being ... Views: 874
“I’m going to quit eating plant based because I haven’t dropped any weight. This stuff doesn’t work,” was a comment posted on a Plant Based Eating Facebook group I’m a member of.
I cringe when I see comments like this. Why? Because the person likely went into the plant-based eating protocol ... Views: 784
Everywhere you look, there’s a new diet. “The Latest and Greatest” is often associated with the newest craze. Yet, dieting in the sense of what most people associate the word with, is not at all what it was initially intended to be.
The word diet is one of the most misused words in our ... Views: 826
Whether you have to make up a resolution or you want to make it a habit to wake up early, you will not succeed by using the traditional alarm clock.
There are many other options that you can easily follow to wake up early without losing your happy and fresh mood. So, here are the most ... Views: 6402
Discover your fantasy room plot
Rooms are a definitive break from the wild pace of every day life, a spot where you can go to unwind and energize. These style thoughts will enable you to make your optimal room conspire, regardless of whether you're searching for a peaceful haven, a comfortable ... Views: 886
Your subconscious mind, sometimes called the unconscious brain or the body-mind, holds and is continuously recording your existence. It’s in a state of “record on” day and night, recording every bit of information in your environment and every thought and emotion.
Your conscious mind can ... Views: 1077
As a sportsman, you can occasionally find yourself in times of apathy and distress. This is due to the demanding nature of sports, which can leave you feeling dejected, especially if you fail to meet your goal. Failure to meet your fan’s expectations can also make you feel like you are not ... Views: 1214
Becoming an adult means different things for everyone. Some people live with their parents while others live alone. Some have kids while others don’t. However, there are some life skills that everyone should learn and embrace—especially before they’re 30. Here are a few!
Be Happy Alone
One ... Views: 948
It’s likely you know someone has either had, or is scheduled for, a hip or knee replacement. In the past, it was the exception, rather than the rule, that we would go under the knife to replace a joint. Today, it has become an all to frequent topic of conversation at cocktail parties, networking ... Views: 829
Food. On the one hand, one of our greatest pleasures. On the other hand, one of our greatest challenges.
We love to eat, and more than that, we have to eat. Food, air, and water are primary requirements to sustain life.
Yet, it’s the kind of foods we consume that can either help us or ... Views: 1331
You may lack confidence at work for a variety of reasons. Maybe your employer’s expectations are too high, or you are in a job/department that requires skills you do not have. Perhaps you have a new boss, or you feel threatened by your colleagues; your work environment changed, or you are your ... Views: 887
As hard as we try to be more efficient and productive at work, it’s often hard to adopt better time management practices without using special tools. Here’s our selection of the best time management apps that will help you boost your concentration, spend less time on routine activities, and be ... Views: 1050
Losing at life is a well known discipline amongst people all over the world. This is where anyone is able to excel, by doing nothing and feeling sorry for themselves. Join the group, if you want to be a loser, or break out to become a winner. Sometimes you just need a gentle push in the right ... Views: 806
Admit it.
You want to learn a new skill. Maybe one that will help you raise your earnings, start a business, have more fun, or do something better.
You have been procrastinating for some time. Finally, you resolve to get started.
While you're certain you will succeed, there are mistakes ... Views: 925
On a scale of one to ten, having a good business strategy rates about a fifteen!
No matter what kind of business you have -- whether you sell products or service, as the saying goes, "if you fail to plan, then you're planning to fail."
Creating a strategy can mean the difference between ... Views: 875
We all know the importance of communication in our life. Communication is the only means through which we can convey our feelings to the other person. Although it seems quite simple, it is not. You might have seen job requirements in the newspaper or internet where it would be written "Good ... Views: 801
Most people know they need to drink more water in the summer, but amazingly, they pull back in fall and winter. This could be wreaking havoc on their health.
Regardless of the season, you need to drink a minimum amount of water to sustain good, let alone great health.
The question of how ... Views: 804
Little did I realize when I made the life changing decision to go plant based, at some point I would be mocked by others.
“When do you plan to eat meat?” This question was recently posed when I ordered my meal choice at a restaurant.
While my three dinner companions ordered steak and ... Views: 725
An Older Guy Balances His Physical, Intellectual and Social Life
Writers don’t retire, they just die. I am one of that tribe. At 77 I find myself living alone in Central Georgia while facing the tasks of earning money, keeping up my house, fighting off the ills of an aging body, maintaining ... Views: 899
Though water heater manufacturers may provide specific instructions on how often a water heater should be drained, the rule of thumb is to drain your water heater on an annual basis or find a good thousand oaks plumbing company.
Generally, the purpose of draining your water heater is to ... Views: 652
As a gift for the holidays and for the New Year, I want to give you something I consider far more important than achieving resolutions. When you master successful communication, you have the principal tool for building exceptional relationships.
The dictionary defines communication as “a ... Views: 1356
For most people, playing video games is purely about entertainment. But there has been a growing number of studies that have suggested that video games could hold the key to helping individuals relax, improve sociability and even fight off some troubling afflictions.
So the next time that ... Views: 856
When progressing through life, most people focus on making financial investments that will hopefully pay off one day. Saving for retirement and growing your wealth can help you have a brighter future, but if you want to thrive during your golden years, you'll need to take a holistic approach and ... Views: 575
“Walking your talk is a great way to motivate yourself. No one likes to live a lie. Be honest with yourself, and you will find the motivation to do what you advise others to do.” - Vince Poscente
I think it is really important to walk your talk – in your business and in your personal life. I ... Views: 820
Exercise Delivery At
With regards to the successful redemption of the exercise, the guides have an incredible task to carry out in it. This is the reason depends just on the best guides that have both the involvement in internet educating and the learning of ... Views: 495
Our era has been called the Information Age, the Technology Age, and the Digital Age. But it could also easily be called The Age of Anxiety, for anxiety is rampant and can manifest in so many ways: social anxiety, test anxiety, work anxiety, relationship anxiety, sleep anxiety, fertility anxiety ... Views: 1028
Today's guide is a summary of the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey and was inspired by this post of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary.
The principle behind the book is that, in order to achieve great results both from a professional and a personal ... Views: 786
Individuals in their twenties generally develop some seriously bad habits intentionally or unintentionally and that somehow hinder the fitness progress. According to the data, the people in their 20’s have a higher ratio of developing such activities as it is considered as one of the dilemmatic ... Views: 667
“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul. “ – Mario Quintana
Looking back on my life, I can recall there were two days I was looking for every year: my birthday and March 8th. In my home country, Romania, that’s not only a Mother’s day ... Views: 1136
Most people have a variety of responsibilities that they have to take care of on a daily basis. For many people, it can seem like these tasks end up taking up a lot of time. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do that can help to reduce the amount of time that you spend on your daily ... Views: 601
As a writer of two books in the self-improvement genre, I’ve heard numerous questions from my audiences about how one can improve themselves. But no one had ever asked something so peculiar. I’ll transcribe the submitted question verbatim.
“There is so much talk about motivation everywhere. ... Views: 887
Benjamin Franklin said the certainties of life are “death and taxes.” He forgot to add “mornings” to the mix. After all, dawn’s hours creep up like, well, clockwork.
Ironically, many people brush off mornings, not realizing that they can be the most productive period of the day. When else ... Views: 2131
Everyone may sit back and have some questions as to what to do with their lives or if there is something more than they could be doing in their lives? Why have you had this feeling that you cannot explain? Ariel De Lion thinks that they(personal choice to personalize as they) have few of the ... Views: 734
We’re told that human beings were “made in the image of G-d.” What does that mean? Obviously, the Creator is omniscient, omnipotent entity without limitations of any type.
Well, it basically means that we should emulate G-d’s benign, benevolent manner. Another way to approach this concept is ... Views: 1111