We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Fear". If you have expertise in Overcoming Fear and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I like to think I am fearless, and in many ways I am. But in some ways I am not. One of the most noticeable ways is in regards to my business. I fear not having enough income to pay my bills. I fear I will not be able to make the business what I want it to be. I fear that I made a mistake making ... Views: 1327
There is no health without emotional health. Over 90% of all illnesses are caused by mental and emotional stress. It is the number one reason for doctor visits in America today and the psychiatric drugs prescribed are second only to painkillers.
Emotional pain is an umbrella term for: fear, ... Views: 1612
Perhaps at times you have noticed your heart is racing while watching a movie or listening to a negative conversation. If this is your experience, you can be certain that you may actually be in a state of panic or fear. By regularly listening to the news or watching action-flicks may actually ... Views: 1416
Is it necessary or even desirable to totally eliminate memories in order to help eliminate stress? I don't believe it is necessary to eliminate the actual memory that is causing a negative response...but rather, one can eliminate the negative response and still maintain the memory. I have found ... Views: 1966
Is there something you are afraid of?
Is there something you are afraid to face?
Dale Spencer had to face his fears, in order to recreate his life. Dale was leading the life of an average college student when at the age of 20 an unforeseen injury changed his life forever. Left paralyzed, ... Views: 2728
What happens when you are gripped in fear and anxiety with no idea how to get out? It can be easy to feel trapped in those heavy feelings for days, weeks and for some people even decades... But it doesn't have to be this way!
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel gripped by fear ... Views: 1659
Have you spent most of your life feeling unworthy or somehow inferior? How many times have you held yourself back or prevented yourself from doing something you really wanted to do because you were convinced you weren’t “good enough?” This insidious belief is the silent saboteur that prevents us ... Views: 1482
All of us date for different reasons. Sometimes theses reasons are unknown to our conscious mind. With application of thought and reflection, we can find out what we want from our dating partner and once we know what we want we can begin breaking down the walls of shyness.
Reasons come ... Views: 1288
Making your own personal relaxation audio can be effective in helping you practice and master many of the relaxation techniques and methods you've learned so far. This particular script includes relaxed breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, imagery, and suggestion.
Preparing Your ... Views: 1511
There are three obsessive behaviors that you are likely to be engaging in that is impeding your healing process and stopping you from enjoying a stress-free life. Recognizing these barriers can be a great first step toward getting rid of the problems that go with being too stressed.
The first ... Views: 1539
At the end of your life, I want you to be able to look back and marvel at the way you handled your anxiety disorder. I don't want you to look back and think 'what if'? This path you are heading down may be unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but it is the path that you must take. Take it now, take ... Views: 1538
What a crazy year for me, I started The Anxious Athlete with the hopes of helping people through their anxiety which is now looking like an epidemic of some sorts. I still remember the day I walked out of my home after spending 31 days locked up due to my Agoraphobia, that was some day... I ... Views: 1382
It is rather simple to mistakenly take an anxiety attack for a real heart attack. In fact, most casual observers would not even know the difference between the two if they see it happening right before their eyes. The clear signs of an anxiety attack reflect the commonly known signs of a heart ... Views: 2113
Breathing properly is one of the simplest ways to drain away tension and relieve your stress. By simply changing your breathing patterns, you can rapidly induce a greater state of relaxation. If you can control the way you breath, you have a powerful tool to reduce bodily tension.
Most ... Views: 1358
The dinner time conversation went better than I expected with Robyn. I convinced her that a temporary move to Bali Indonesia could be an adventure of a lifetime, and that the trip hopefully would help me to drastically change my fearful and negative beliefs that led to my anxiety disorder. ... Views: 1588
The Answer Was Right There
I quickly realized that who I surrounded myself with I became! My environment had a massive impact on how I thought, felt and even acted. The more I hung around and practiced with better tennis players than me, the faster I improved my own tennis game. The more ... Views: 1409
On the 6th doctor I visited to look deeper into what these agonizing symptoms I was experiencing could be, I got some interesting advice. The advice I was given was unlike what anyone had ever told me before, and in time it showed me a natural path to overcoming my generalized anxiety disorder. ... Views: 1417
We must remember that we will always come across inevitable factors that cause pressure and anxiety on us. What we do not know is that it is not really the problems that are difficult to deal with, but our attitude towards the problems. Basically, the cause of stress is your attitude toward ... Views: 1289
In today's day-to-day lifestyle, depression is a very familiar disorder. It affects every eighth man and every fourth woman (scary I know). Many of us are actually unaware of the symptoms of depression which include feelings of desperation, compulsive negative thinking, increased or decreased ... Views: 1317
I've spoken many times about the importance of all feelings, anger included. With every emotion we experience, we have the ability to learn much about ourselves. No feeling is inherently wrong. It's how we choose to express and use them that determines their value.
In The Secret Side of ... Views: 1836
When you suffer from performance anxiety, you know it by your immediate physical reactions and symptoms which include (but are not limited to) feeling sweaty and faint, fear of losing absolute control, trembling, hyperventilating, shaky voice, diarrhea, weakness in the knees, dry mouth, a desire ... Views: 3002
No Man's Land
In tennis, there is an area of the court called "no man's land," located within the two feet in front of the baseline. This is the worst place to stand if you want to be able to return the ball. However, new players don't know this and naturally tend to stand there. Instead of ... Views: 1320
Perfect Practice - How often in the sport of tennis for example do two people play against one another that have the same knowledge about their sport, have similar talent levels, and have a great team of coaches behind them, but one athlete comes out and completely takes over the match and ... Views: 1150
Can you believe this is what I was told by my therapist in just the 3rd session together? I may have just got one of the 'bad batches' of therapist during the time I was dealing with anxiety (and I truly hope so for the sake of the 6.8 million American adults), but deep down I believed that the ... Views: 1444
Many years ago, I read a book that spoke about how we need to provide ourselves with self-check ups. It was a strange idea, I thought, because I’m with myself all the time, what on earth do I need to check in about?
But I am sure that we can all relate to ‘catching’ ourselves doing certain ... Views: 1116
It was a cold night in the year 2010 at the peak of my generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks, there I was in my 'man cave' playing the victim and feeling sorry for the people that cared about me and what I was putting them through. To this day I vividly remember the way I walked up ... Views: 1292
The key ingredient that puts everything together, impatience is the result of being dissatisfied or angry about slow progress, being overwhelmed by this new direction that you are taking can make you feel like you're losing the motivation to keep on the path of change. Move forward ... Views: 1561
Accepting Setbacks
It's important to understand that each one of us overcomes anxiety disorders at their own speed. When you experience a certain setback, whether it's recurring fearful and scary thoughts, panic attacks or anything else related to anxiety, the thought process that you should ... Views: 1386
Taking Action
Remember this quote because it has turned my life around and will turn yours around as well, “knowing is not enough, we must apply, willing is not enough we must do.”
Taking action makes the result that we want which is overcoming the anxiety disorder possible, life can and ... Views: 1425
Building On The Facts,
An absolute necessary tool that has worked for many people that have gone through and overcome their own anxiety disorders is building on the facts. Building on the facts means a full understanding that a panic attack has never hurt anyone or has contributed to lesser ... Views: 1355
Becoming Knowledgeable - It's vitally important that once you have accepted that what you have is related to panic and anxiety disorder, you start educating yourself on how panic attacks happen and what generalized anxiety disorder is. Knowledge is a powerful tool that will give you a deeper ... Views: 1312
Complete Acceptance - For people that are struggling with GAD, learning to have complete acceptance of the fact that you have an anxiety disorder (and nothing more) as well as accepting the temporary discomforts that come with anxiety provoking experiences, can become highly therapeutic on its ... Views: 1281
Sharing What Worked,
I think it's important to share with you how I was able to stay on track and driven to eventually stop my generalised anxiety disorder. In the past I always heard that diet was important in dealing with gad symptoms and panic attacks and it's all in your head type of ... Views: 1571
So you want to begin turning your negative beliefs around. Here is how to begin, buy yourself a notebook that is small enough to carry around comfortably during your daily life. On the front of the book, write "A Fresh Start". This book will be your best friend and will be your go-to guide when ... Views: 1723
You are being conned!
Plain and simple, anxiety is the greatest con artist you will ever come across. For 6 years during my battle with panic and anxiety, I always thought that danger was lurking right behind me like a shadow, ready to take my life from me or make me lose my mind completely! ... Views: 1472
We met a few college seniors and they were headed to a house party nearby and we decided to tag along. We met many drunk party animals that night, and although we were all having a good time mingling with each other, in the back of my mind I was trying to answer a few very important questions: ... Views: 1487
I had to have another practice session that day to get over what had happened so I worked my tail off and practiced for a good two hours, but no prize money in this event meant I needed to be even more stingy with my money. My other two friends also lost in the first round, so all in all it ... Views: 1382
The dangers of negative and stressful imagery can leave you feeling awful. There is the opposite to that which comes in the form of positive imagery. As I've learned, visualization powers your ability to rediscover your inner resources and refuel your outer expressions when stress is on the ... Views: 1397
In the world of professional tennis, everyone sees the glamorous lives of the top 50 players in the world on TV and live during tournaments. But they usually never get to see the thousands of other professional level players struggling at the bottom of the table like myself fighting for each and ... Views: 1481
It’s amazing what my vitamin cabinet looked like after a while, I was a pill addict and there was no stopping me either. What had I become due to this anxiety disorder I thought to myself? How much money had I wasted on all of this stuff, as well as online miracle techniques that just just kept ... Views: 1546
During my 6 year battle with an anxiety disorder I remember taking multiple tests like a stress test, ecg, blood tests, holter monitor and more all because of one frightening and annoying symptom of anxiety... heart pounding during sleep time. These pounding heart sensations used to keep me up ... Views: 4271
Step 1, Complete Acceptance – For people that are struggling with GAD, learning to have complete acceptance of the fact that you have an anxiety disorder (and nothing more) as well as accepting the temporary discomforts that come with anxiety provoking experiences, can become highly therapeutic ... Views: 1887
The manifestation of anxiety can cause many to experience debilitating symptoms of panic attacks which can lead to an avoidance of situations, places and even people. There are two types of people though, there are people that experience a panic attack and label it as an uncomfortable and ... Views: 1145
Many people who suffer from debilitating high levels of anxiety and especially health anxiety and fears related to their heart have a very difficult time starting an exercise program, mainly because the common physical bodily sensations that exercise brings on mirrors a full blown panic attack ... Views: 2039
Now at the age of 33, I've been involved with tennis for a very long time. Through the years I realized that there are many more benefits to the tennis journey then there were downfalls. Being an athlete can truly make you a great person. In fact, some of the life lessons you learn in sports ... Views: 1295
How do you enjoy a healthy dose of fear? IE: Avoidance, irritation, sweets, crying, overeating, shopping, alcohol, isolation, exercise, or anger. What is in your Witches Brew that is your personal recipe of FEAR? Life is ever changing daily and our lives are all moving forward whether we see ... Views: 1226
During those early years of playing professional tennis, I was extremely lonely and became home-sick quickly, but there was always a voice in the back of my head that told me to keep going. I would later in life figure out that those extreme struggles, those close battles that I lost and those ... Views: 1113
Funny thing happened today, I had a flashback to the days of suffering through an anxiety disorder and I made a very important distinction between how my thought process was then, compared to how my thought process is now. Back then I allowed people to show me how to think in my day to day life, ... Views: 1091
What an unpleasant thing to live with, health anxiety. What's even more troubling is the fact that traditional treatments for health anxiety simply don't work very well. I remember going to doctor after doctor, emergency room after emergency room due to my symptoms of anxiety and the intense ... Views: 1222
What would you think if I told you that your anxiety wasn't the true problem, but the true problem you have is the way you hold onto, and battle with your social anxiety disorder. When we put great effort into trying to 'push away' our issues related to fear, that is the very moment it becomes ... Views: 946