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Muslims are afraid to speak against radical Islam. Maybe they are afraid of their fellow Muslims, afraid of dying, maybe afraid of Allah. A contrast with Christianity is seen.
Islam, the world's second largest religion, has concerns that are often overlooked.
1. Not just Islam, but anyone, ... Views: 1219
Summary: The Hebrew word for divine appointment has a surprise meaning. Like keeping a job, keeping our appointments can affect our destiny.
The story is told of a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market for supplies, but the servant came back trembling. He said, Master, when I was in ... Views: 1396
We all face challenges in our lifetime. Some people ignore them or only look outside for help. Others take them as an opportunity and tap inner resources to help themselves. How can a difficult challenge serve you? You need to tap new inner resources to deal with it. We too often rely on the ... Views: 1236
Summary: The book of Daniel supports Jewish Aliyah, but also offers a time-frame for it that is overlooked. This is based on the double application of Daniel, once in history and again in our time.
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading rabbi in Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, urges Jews to return to ... Views: 1237
We all make mistakes!
From the garbage man to the All-Star second baseman, it is impossible to avoid them. Unfortunately, we tend to look at these mistakes in 2 different, but equally harmful
Either we don't take responsibility or needlessly beat ourselves up over them. Both ... Views: 751
What is the imagination? It’s elusive. Mark Twain said, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” And, Albert Einstein wrote, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
The imagination is like a rambunctious, slightly crazy, ... Views: 0
What is the imagination? It’s elusive. Mark Twain said, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” And, Albert Einstein wrote, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
The imagination is like a rambunctious, slightly crazy, ... Views: 1427
What is the imagination? It’s elusive. Mark Twain said, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” And, Albert Einstein wrote, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
The imagination is like a rambunctious, slightly crazy, ... Views: 1438
I remember the first time I experienced a "vulnerability hangover."
I remember the exact date, to be exact. It was January 1, 2013.
I had been blogging for nearly 2 years, sharing our adventures in sailing and minimalism. I had quit Facebook and started corresponding with friends via ... Views: 996
I am willing to wager that you have a secret.
Your secret is a story--or many stories--that culminate in a shameful "truth" about yourself and who you think you are. You go through life hoping nobody discovers this truth. It would all fall apart if everybody figured out what you "really" ... Views: 1200
The most important decluttering we can make is to remove mental clutter. Mental clutter is anything going around in your head, that is keeping you from achieving your dreams. Having a tidy, uncluttered house is great, but achieving the goals that you set at the beginning of this course will ... Views: 1179
2 simple techniques you can do anywhere to release stress and fears fast.
When your world crashes in and you can't manage the irritations, arguments and aggravations another minute, take a break. Withdrawing from everyday annoyances for just a few minutes can dramatically reduce the feeling ... Views: 5822
Accepting your own mortality with grace and dignity can be a difficult process. Many people are left with scant little time to accept their own mortality, and you must prepare as best you can for the inevitable. This article explains four methods that allow you to find peace when you know that ... Views: 2487
Notice the vertical letter pattern to the right of the first “Preamble” stanza. It’s the rhyme scheme: A-B-CC-A-B-CCC. This is the basic scheme throughout the poem. Also, it’s one reason the poem is subtitled, “The ABCs of Designing Disorder.”
Courageous Resilience & ... Views: 1945
The only true “boss” of your reality is you.
Regardless of whether you own a business, or if you've worked at the same job for seven years - you're still the CEO of your own reality.
You can temporarily “give up control” of your choices, but you can never give up responsibility for ... Views: 967
Summary: US Christianity could be like the lukewarm church of Laodicea that had a materialistic focus. We can't bring ourselves to see impending changes that take us out of our comfort zone. We don't see end-times impending nor hear Christ's words that could ready us. We are poorly prepared in ... Views: 1088
Fears keep you in the background. In fact, it convinces you that you cannot make your dreams come true, it tells you to be quiet, and it even separates you from your loved ones. But living in fear is neither acceptable nor necessary. Facing fear is something with which every person must try to ... Views: 1201
One day you wake up and think “is this it? Scanning my self generating to-do list, juggling required tasks that scream urgent, doing everything for others- family, job, community – where is this headed? Help! My life is out of control! Where are all the things in life that created excitement, ... Views: 940
“The sun shall be darkened and the moon turned to blood before the day of the Lord,” Joel 2:31.
The Bible says we “know the times and seasons perfectly,” 1Thessalonians 5:1.
This suggests we should at least know the year for when "the day of the Lord" comes with “sudden destruction,” verse ... Views: 1130
If you've suffered from anxiety attacks in the past, you might be wondering if there's any way for you to quickly bring them to an end. Well, the answer is that there is.
There's a range of techniques that you can utilize to rapidly relieve yourself of the anxiety attack and pain that's ... Views: 1363
I don't know about you, but I hate losing things.
Losing things wouldn't be so bad if finding them wasn't such a chore.
There's always the chance you'll never find what you were looking for.
I was in this exact predicament today.
I was at a store purchasing screwdrivers. I know, ... Views: 2105
What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you all pumped up to ... Views: 1640
What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you all pumped up to ... Views: 2770
An article by Lyn Leahz on BeforeItsNews.com cites David Wilkerson’s vision that “The United States is going to experience, in the not-too-distant future, the most tragic earthquake in its history.” We believe Wilkerson was a godly man and blessed with insights, but the title of her article ... Views: 1293
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Demonizing - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
Demonizing is a coping mechanism that we employ to painlessly process our fears. It is the act of projecting onto a person, situation or environment-separation. Any time we speak negatively of another person, situation or environment, we are claiming that this seemingly separate experience is ... Views: 1666
"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move on to higher levels." ~Albert Einstein
Could this new "thinking" be coming from the heart instead of the mind?
We are human beings and when we practice living in this world from a state of beingness rather than constant ... Views: 1070
What if you were happy all the time? I bet you started laughing at the thought! How great would you life be if you could be happy every day from this day forward? Can you picture it? I sure can! What fun I would have! May favorite pose in Yoga is the Happy Baby pose! How can you not be happy ... Views: 1320
When fear pricks the heart it flies in the face of every message about love we absorb from the culture: that love should provide a safe haven against the storms of life; that love should be easy; that love and fear are mutually exclusive, and that if fear enters the picture it means something is ... Views: 1524
Ask anyone: they'll tell you that public speaking is a person's greatest fear. Yet according to a recent article by Steve Nash flying, heights, the dark, intimacy, failure, rejection, spiders, and commitment top the list. Add to that the fear of being alone, losing a loved one (especially a ... Views: 1273
Psychological and emotional trauma is just as real and just as devastating as physical injuries, especially after something as distressing as an automobile accident. Anyone that has recently been in an accident should take a look at these tips that will help them transition back into their ... Views: 914
“Now that I am trying to change, I don’t like who I am.”
At some point, many of my clients say this or something similar. When they finally see a new way to be, but are not yet capable of acting that way, they begin to attack themselves.
judges gavel“I am a horrible person.”
“Being this ... Views: 1133
I've just returned from Florida where I attended an a-maz-ing Mindset Retreat. I met so many people who are on the path of self-discovery to create a shift in themselves and allow their best selves to come forward.
For me this journey of greater self-discovery has come with resistance ... Views: 1400
This week I wanted to post about fear and how it can greatly limit our potential but when used correctly can also be a very powerful motivator. Here’s to a week of channeling your fears!
Feeling afraid, there’s no feeling like it. It is real and powerful. It creates intense physical ... Views: 2408
In the late sixties, I married my high school sweetheart. He was a quiet person by nature so when we began having difficulties in our marriage and his response was one of silence I thought it was just his personality. Little did I realize it was a manipulative technique that would eventually ... Views: 3489
(part 2 of A Soft Place to Call Home
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky
Conscious breathing is my anchor”
Thich Nhat Hanh
In my last article, I wrote about the importance of being compassionate ... Views: 1394
Courageous Creative Empowerment
Having a sense of creative empowerment is about the power to create! It begins by centering yourself so you may achieve clarity and know that you have the courage you need to live in the now! When you have the courage to create, you never truly know what ... Views: 1141
Recently a client admitted to falling back into an old undesirable habit. Ashley had once again become a tyrant at home. She was obsessed with the cleanliness of her house. She worried about getting things done on time. She stopped interacting with her family. The only time she spoke to them was ... Views: 1333
Secure America Now sponsors an ad that recreates the “Daisy Girl.” It suggests Obama’s refusal to stand up to the Islamist Iran is risking disaster for America. Muslim jihadists in America are probable.
Described as “a nonpartisan organization dedicated to bringing critical security issues to ... Views: 1203
Another powerful concept Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor provided in her TEDx Talk is the concept that we are feeling creatures who think. We are not thinking people who feel, yet this is what our society believes and values – which is at the heart of many of our issues.
brainHere is the science and ... Views: 1445
Yep, you're not alone in North America or throughout the world if you are currently going through a condition called anxiety disorder. To put things in perspective for you 26.2% of people in America older then the age of 18 (1 in 4) are suffering from some sort of mental disorder, so ... Views: 1689
Summary: Many see trouble coming from government spending and then printing money non-stop. And the gov is preparing for the trouble by buying billions of bullets and armored vehicles. The Bible has warnings for what we see. Before Christ saves us in the sky, heeding His words could save us in ... Views: 1156
"I'm a victim of domestic violence." That's one phrase you'll never hear emanating from my mouth. Even though I spent three years engaged to marry someone who verbally and physically abused me, I never once entertained the thought of myself as a victim. Perhaps it's because I define a victim as ... Views: 1282
Why is this article in the sections of Depression & Gratitude? Because if you believe that you came from a monkey, you might be depressed. Seeing support for the biblical account that we were made in God's image (and have a higher destiny than apes) brings gratitude to the Creator. This also ... Views: 1196
If you have ever felt frozen in time and space as a result of some fear inside of you, you know precisely how uncomfortable that is, how you do not like that feeling, and how it keeps you from enjoying the life you love. I would like to talk about two forms that fear assumes and how you might ... Views: 992
12 Tips to Release Stress to Live a Happy Life
Do you want to be happier? If so, then make it a point to release stress regularly. We often have stress without even realizing it, but your body does. When you feel worried and strained your body is yelling with an ‘energy megaphone’ that you’re ... Views: 1082
We all know what a mistake is so there is no reason to offer the dictionary’s version of this reality. Mistakes offer us an opportunity to examine our thinking and discover what aspect(s) of our projects could be done differently, positively, therefore resulting in improved outcomes. Mistakes ... Views: 2082
WHAT IS Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy means to treat with aroma through inhalation and is a natural holistic healing therapy. The true practice of aromatherapy is a wedding of both science and art in the use of pure plant essential oils to enhance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ... Views: 3216
Who are we? Where do we belong? When we step into Zen meditation and practice, a brand new answer appears. Here is an excerpt from Just Grab The Dust Rag, (Confession of A Deluded Zen Student Who Never Learned A Thing).
Before long I’d become a regular in the early morning sittings at the ... Views: 4710