We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Fear". If you have expertise in Overcoming Fear and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
This titled message is not just for those of us going through PTSD.
It is time to recognize the signs Creator has given to you, and me.
Scripture coincides these signs called, “Trumpets” in the book of Revelation.
The book of Daniel eerily gives the same reference coordination.
How ... Views: 1448
Life can change in a heartbeat. A few weeks ago, a family was stopped at a red light and rear-ended by a drunk driver. Their 10-year old son, Matthew, suffered a severe head trauma and is in a medically induced coma. The prognosis is not good and the family struggles to make sense of what was an ... Views: 1756
We have been bombarded with stories since the day we were born. Some stories make sense and are relevant to our lives. Some are so old and out of date and make no sense in today’s world.
Some stories are beliefs that people who had influences in our lives believed. Some can propel us ... Views: 1612
The angry eyes and the balled up fists of the boys surrounding me was confusing to me. As far as I knew, I hadn’t challenged them to a fight or insulted their parents. So, why all the hostility?
It was 1955. I was 12 years old, skinny with incredibly big feet and Black. They were white, maybe a ... Views: 1196
It seems that the quote of the day for this year has been, “Just get over it”, followed up closely with the looming question of, “Why can’t you just let it go?” As the entire world has watched marches, protests and general disruption in the psyche of American society, I think more people than ... Views: 1423
Most people blame their bodies for unwanted physical conditions, especially during or after emotionally challenging times.
What if, contrary to popular beliefs, your ailment was warning you about a stress-caused imbalance in the afflicted area? What if each condition was your body’s way of ... Views: 1417
Strength comes in many forms. It can come by having pure physical strength. A 180 pound man, lifting 225 pounds above his head would be considered strong. A different type of strength would be a person with stamina. Another 180 pound man, can lift five pounds over his head, yet he can run a ... Views: 1330
If you are looking for a talking therapy to reduce your anxiety it can be confusing because there are so many different types of them. Below are some of the most common ones so that you can choose which one seems most relevant to you. All of them help you to think about your anxiety in a ... Views: 1198
Fear has many uses. It can be used as a warning to keep you from entering into a situation that might hurt you. It can be used to motivate you away from something, such as a harmful relationship or a dangerous situation.
It can also be used by others to control you.
How do people use fear ... Views: 1369
Never making the decision you know you need to make has been called ‘analysis paralysis’; ‘sitting on the fence’; ‘considering your options’; ‘waiting for the right time’ (when there is no right time); ‘not wanting to rush into anything’; and, in new age lingo ‘being kind to myself by NOT making ... Views: 1873
No animal two cultures are the same, even if they have similar qualities these characteristics manifest in different ways. I have encountered collaborative work environments where persons can be ready and willing to work together, I have also come across innovative teams that are focused on ... Views: 976
Fear is such an inhibiting feeling.
Fear has the power to prevent us from going out and doing what we want in life due to the fear that a potentially negative event may occur from it.
In our primitive days, fear was key to help us survive as a race by giving us the flight-or-fight ... Views: 1096
My mom was a single mother. I don’t necessarily think this was a bad thing. I was born in the 60’s, and while it appeared my mom was pretty self-sufficient, where I lived in the working-class neighborhood of Brooklyn it was considered a faux pas to give birth to a child out of wedlock. My mom ... Views: 1477
There are several very efficient and innovative methods for successful dealing with fears, i.e. reintegrating them back into our personality. But first, let me elaborate a little bit on the nature of fears.
What are fears?
Fears, together with desires, are some of the basic life dynamisms ... Views: 1382
Have you ever felt like someone is playing tug-of-war with you, except you are the rope? Being pulled in too many directions can be exhausting, and if it happens over an extended length of time, it can lead to extreme anxiety or burnout.
If you are experiencing a bit of life’s tug-of-war, ... Views: 1426
Unless you are face-to-face with a bear or another physical danger, nothing feels more terrifying than a panic attack. Many have gone to the Emergency Room fearing heart attacks, strokes, and death. With symptoms including chest tightening, throat constricting, and faintness, it’s no wonder many ... Views: 1301
I recently created a meme saying, “Allow People to Align With Your Truth,” and thought I’d explain what I mean by this. It all starts with aligning to yourself first, meaning acknowledging what you want and need to be happy and fulfilled. Knowing your truth will help you communicate it to those ... Views: 4919
Have you ever wondered what would happen if war was declared and no one showed up?
There is much discussion around the world about creating lasting peace… and yet there is more fighting going on globally than any other time in our history. Why?
I believe that it is because of our belief ... Views: 1240
I grew up as an introvert, although I didn't know the term "introvert" until later on in life. Even then, I've thought introvert must be inferior(thanks to the extrovert glorifying trend on the internet). It was until much later that I realised the strength of an introvert.
As a child, I ... Views: 1405
How do we move forward?
Does anyone have any idea how much potential we have and why we don’t use it? Does anyone have any idea that there is no reason at all left in this world? Does anyone have any idea on how to change this and what it is that we have to change? And one final question do ... Views: 2263
I was much older when I first recognized the voice of the inner critic. I’d known it for so long that I believed it to be my own.
My later studies in psychology and working with wonderful women made me realize that we all carried this voice in our heads. Denying it or challenging it was often ... Views: 1250
The Greek word for judgment in Revelation 14 is krisis and the time of crisis coincides with the end of 6,000 years because in the 4th Commandment, God gives man six days to do his work and “1000 years are as a day,” according to 2nd Peter 3 when the end-time “day of the Lord” comes, says Dr. ... Views: 1003
Did you know there is a neurotransmitter in your body which plays a role in your bowel movements, changes in mood, creating blood clots and reducing your libido? It’s true. One specific neurotransmitter has its hand in all of these functions. And although they may not seem like they interact, ... Views: 933
Those who identify as being on a spiritual path most frequently embrace the concept that yes, everything happens for a reason. True, however what’s often left out of that paradigm is that it doesn’t mean every single occurrence holds a deep meaning. Sometimes the reason is simply that ... Views: 1505
Fears well up from many different causes. You may worry about losing your job or feel terror about delivering a presentation in front of an audience. Or you could be panicking about how you’re going to pay your bills or about challenges in your relationship or your health. Or maybe you’re in a ... Views: 6070
A classical violinist, guitarist, or pianist is not able to play their instrument perfectly when they first pick it up. It takes hard work and dedication to develop a good habit and to nurture a talent. The same thing is true of bad habits. The bad habits that people have that impede them from ... Views: 945
A third intifada is likely this spring (Zechariah 14:1,2) and a US megaquake in May ('as the days of Noah') because 'the day of the LORD' was signaled by the solar and lunar eclipse and Iran Nuke Treaty last year,”
The view is like our connecting dots for pictures we drew as kids. In this ... Views: 1083
If you've been following the presidential debates, you are well aware of the bullying behaviors of some of our candidates. Gone are the days when politicians debated national and global issues. Shockingly, but not surprisingly, the debates have mutated into verbal warfare against each opponent. ... Views: 1273
I don't know of a single entrepreneur who started their business because they said to themselves, "Oh goodie, I love marketing and can't wait to start spending time, energy, and money on marketing for my business!"
Do you?
Maybe you're one of the rare ones who relish marketing. But it's ... Views: 1252
We should beware of merchants offering their goods for free.
Examine their motives, with strings attached, for healing PTSD.
Satan, and his demons are a type of merchant with strings, too.
He may suggest taking the easy way out in suicide, which is true.
Doctors, and therapists may make ... Views: 1670
Summary: Britain debates leaving the EU; leaders try to avoid a devastating split. (LA Times, 2-3-16)
Bible imagery of a lion with eagle's wings in the 7th of Daniel supports their separation fron the EU., says Dr. Richard Ruhling, Bible prophecy author—he offers the following explanation: ... Views: 1036
Fear can be the robber of our dreams if we don't learn to recognize it and then to work toward overcoming it.
Within each and every one of us is an element of Fear. There are genuine fears that our body will warn us about, there are previous experiences that have created a fear within us as ... Views: 1366
You may have already begun taking the steps to see your New Year's resolutions come to fruition. Perhaps you finally got around to joining that gym, or maybe you were able to confront a friend about something on your mind that's difficult to talk about. Whatever new you may have initiated so far ... Views: 1406
Yep, that's right. Dive right in!
Dont just dip your toe in the water and then shrink away when it feels chilly.
The way to do it is to dive right in!
And what happens once you're in?
The water's not so chilly. You're splashing around and having fun. And the next thing you ... Views: 1684
Very often people query me as to whether or not anger is a bad emotion to which I reply "No." All emotions have purpose and value. None are good or bad. They simply are. It is how we utilize them, our actions, that determines their positive or negative value. Emotions are messengers that help us ... Views: 1322
Summary: Five biblical signs, not to mention our severe weather or failing economy, are ominous for 2016. Fleeing the cities is suggested by five biblical models.
Most Bible scholars agree with a 7-year apocalyptic period, like the 7 years of famine in Joseph's time or the 7 years that King ... Views: 1235
Summary: “With 428 million Bibles sold last year, it's still the best-seller. Why not discover the reason? Only God can foretell the future, but here are four 'when-then' omens or signs for apocalyptic events this coming spring.”
1. The biblical year begins in the spring and its beginning ... Views: 1186
Consider the following scenario: you and your neighbor engage in a political discussion. After a few moments, it becomes apparent that the two of you have serious disagreements about the upcoming presidential elections. Being equally as passionate about your positions, the debate quickly becomes ... Views: 2634
We often get thrown from our centers when emotions run high. Many
psychics advise meditation. Simply
remembering that you are not alone and have spirit guiding you can be a
comfort. The day you were born you were also given an Angel. In truth, this
means you are ... Views: 1129
My oldest left for university last year. Although the mother hen in me feared that I would be nostalgic for long gone times and spend my nights shedding tears in silence, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well I actually coped.
However, as time wore on, I began to notice that beneath the ... Views: 1416
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that was somewhat confusing, uncomfortable or perhaps even dangerous? Sometimes it's hard to understand why things happen or why we must participate in particular activities. We don't often understand why certain people enter our lives or why they ... Views: 1422
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Thomas A. Edison
I’ve failed a lot at many things before in my life. I’ve failed in jobs, relationships, businesses, sports and yet only a few times have I considered myself as a failure. Not anymore. While growing up and ... Views: 1435
“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.”
-Agnes DeMille
I was listening to a New-Agey podcast the other day-- ... Views: 1736
Being an actor seems like the most fun job in the world. You ostensibly get to "play pretend" for a living. But sometimes for myself, and perhaps for you, it isn't fun. When my inner critic gets involved, it can suck all of the joy out of the process.
I spent a few years solely teaching and ... Views: 2245
On the first of every month, I create a ‘theme’ that I tap on for the entire 30 or 31 days. In the past I have tapped on Success, Focus, Money etc. It is always amazing what blocks you can clear and what opportunities present themselves when you are focused on one theme in particular.
This ... Views: 820
Now there is one word—a single word—which can blast the morality of altruism out of existence and which it cannot withstand—the word: “Why?” Why must man live for the sake of others? Why must he be a sacrificial animal? Why is that the good? There is no earthly reason for it—and, ladies and ... Views: 1292
Summary: History is His story—the story of God and His people. But life is often like the picture of a camouflaged tiger. In real life, survival may depend on recognizing the tiger in its context. The tiger's eyes don't fit the context of stripes in tall grass. Details are important. So it is ... Views: 1022
Without stating the obvious, communication is the fundamental element of any interactions between human beings. It is the backbone of a successful relationship either it is a marriage, a friendship or a partnership. No one can deny the fact that it is an essential ingredient in establishing a ... Views: 1429
Summary: The Alpha & Omega Bible Code supports the Exodus [from bondage] as the primary model for all three wedding parables. That model is not about a rapture. Killing babies is one of a dozen parallels that the US has to the greatest nation at the time of the Exodus. Martial law brings plagues ... Views: 1221
Summary: When asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24, Christ said to understand Daniel. His 8th chapter is “at the time of the end” with imagery that fits US, Iran, Russia, China, the EU and papacy.
In Daniel 8:17, Gabriel tells Daniel that the ram and goat (chazown) “vision concerns ... Views: 1253